dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 271 Arriving on the Mother Planet

Chapter 271 Arriving on the Mother Planet

The space island landed on a space port far away from the place where the Saiyans lived. The space port was huge and supported by [-] huge supports. From a distance, it looked like an upside-down bonsai. The volume is moored on it, and it is very suitable for being stable.

Around the giant spaceport, there are clusters of synapses that look like twigs, and each synapse is also a small berth for ordinary spaceships—such as Luo Lan's previous light blue disc spaceship. Docked.


After the space island stabilized, the extraordinary planetary gravity of Planet Sharada acted on his body. Except for Paragas who still felt a little uncomfortable, Luo Lan, Sephilia, Broly and others were all used to it, and didn't feel anything. .

"After you enter the Saiyan residence in a while, someone will welcome you. The Saiyan management office will arrange accommodation and servants for you. You should enjoy what you should enjoy, but you can't stop practicing." Luo Lan walked away with a smile Getting off the spaceship, there are no steps in the void, but the steps are like walking on the ground.

Planet Sharada focuses on practice, which has almost become part of the culture.

"As it should be."

Paragas nodded. As an adult Saiyan, he knew the importance of strength, and added: "I will also supervise Broly's training."

"Broly can wait for a while. What he needs now is not to increase his strength, but to tap his body's potential. He needs to control his strength from the beginning. Don't worry, Planet Sharada will take a super fighter like him seriously."

Luo Lan said seriously.

The planet Sharada needs powerful fighters, but it is not in a hurry. After having two super fighters, Luo Lan and Sephilia, there is no problem in gaining a foothold in the universe. At this time, it is necessary to be patient and polish the successor.

Broly's potential is second to none in the entire Dragon Ball world. In the original book, without careful training, he can fight against Monkey King and Vegeta. To deal with such fighters, whether it is Luo Lan or Sephilia, they are enough. patience.What Broly needs now is to carve carefully and step by step to lay a more solid foundation for the future, not to overthrow the seedlings and make breakthroughs blindly, so as to ruin the bright future that should have been.

According to Luo Lan's positioning, Broly will at least be at the level of a God of Destruction in the future.

Even the angel class can look forward to it.

However, the Angel level breakthrough is so difficult that Luo Lan himself is not sure that he can achieve it.At the level of the universe-level gods, the higher the level, the higher the requirements for understanding. Broly has this potential, so it can't be wasted.

Paragas didn't know that Luo Lan had such high expectations for Broly. Seeing that Luo Lan valued Broly so much, he was so excited that he didn't say anything.

It is the first time for Broly to enter the planet where Saiyans live. He is full of curiosity about the surrounding scenery, and his eyes can't help looking around.Compared with the barren and cruel living environment of Wampa Star, the colorful scenery of Planet Sharada is as magnificent as heaven, and he likes this place very much.

"Can we live here forever?" Broly looked at Luo Lan honestly.

"of course."

"Can I still eat and drink sweet water every day?"

"As long as you want to eat, you can eat it anytime." Luo Lan laughed.

"I like here."

Broly smiled happily.

"So you have to control the power in your body, and then use your power to protect this place." Luo Lan guided Broly to integrate him into Planet Sharada.

"I will." Broly nodded seriously.


At this moment, several figures flew over, and Hertz led the members of the personal guards to come in front of Luo Lan and the others.As soon as he landed, his eyes were attracted by Broly and Paragas, to be precise, by Broly.

On the way here, Luo Lan had already informed about Broly through the communicator. When he heard that Luo Lan brought back a Saiyan whose strength was even stronger than that of Filia, Hertz didn't believe it. Yes, because in his heart, Sefilia's strength is already against the sky, with a fighting power of several million, how can anyone be stronger than her.

But after actually seeing Broly, Hertz believed it.

The terrifying aura entangled Broly's body like a substance, and the billowing waves of air covered the sky and covered the sky, even if he didn't show his power, it was hard to resist at all.

So strong!

Hertz only felt suffocated for a while, and while he was shocked by Broly's strength, he also felt a burst of ecstasy.

In this way, besides Luo Lan and Sephilia, there was another powerful pillar on the planet Sharada.

"The two are Paragas and Broly, right?" Herz stepped forward with a smile.

"This is one of the leaders of Planet Sharada, and one of the rare super fighters on Planet Sharada—Hertz, who is responsible for managing the training of all Saiyans." Luo Lan introduced.


Paragas' face turned cold, and he stretched out his hand quickly.

A super fighter is a powerful fighter with a combat power of more than 10.

Look at the guards around Hertz, all of them are first-class masters.

"They're all Saiyans, don't be so polite."

Hertz smiled heartily, he had heard of Paragas before.

When Paragas just left Planet Vegeta, Hertz was just a boy in his early twenties, and he admired the strong Saiyans at that time. He didn't want to become Sarah after more than ten years However, the former powerhouse has suffered so much, and the corners of his eyes are full of vicissitudes of time.

"Hertz, the two of them are temporarily entrusted to you to arrange, so that they can integrate into their new life as soon as possible, and pay close attention to the practice." Sephilia's voice was calm, but her tone was unquestionable.

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements."

Hertz nodded towards Sephilia.

Sefilia hummed, glanced at Broly and the others, then teleported away with Luo Lan in full view, and returned to the villa where they lived.

Seeing Sephilia and Luo Lan disappear all of a sudden, Hertz and the others didn't feel anything, but Paragas was shocked.

"Why did Her Lady Queen disappear?" The way they disappeared just now didn't seem to be moving at high speed.

"That's the teleportation ability, a skill mastered by Luo Lan and Sephilia. No matter how far away, as long as the breath can be sensed, they can arrive instantly."

"It's amazing." Paragas was surprised when he heard Hertz's explanation.

"Haha, you will know their magic in the future, by the way, your accommodation has been arranged, please come with me."

"Please lead the way."

Paragas said politely, and then followed Hertz to the city where the Saiyans lived with Broly.

After entering the city, it was discovered that the Saiyans living on Planet Sharada were completely different from Planet Vegeta.

The place of residence on Planet Vegeta is quaint. All the buildings are like hollowed-out grottoes. The life of ordinary Saiyans is very primitive. On the planet Sharada, luxurious villas are lined up one after another. Large buildings are scattered around.

Coupled with the meticulous decoration of the Lisi and Vine tribes, the beautiful environment highlights a natural, completely devoid of barbaric atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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