dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 27 The Beginning of Disaster

Chapter 27 The Beginning of Disaster

Star Vegeta is a huge blue-white planet located in the northern Milky Way region. It is a rare high-level planet. Saiyans who are famous for fighting live on it. Saiyans will stay away and avoid conflicts.

However, because the Saiyans worked for Frieza to carry out the mission of selling planets, and acted domineeringly, they did not have a good reputation in the universe.

During this period of time, the space port of Star Vegeta was much busier than usual, and the aircraft returned from various planets one after another.Because of an order from Frieza a few days ago, all Saiyans returned to their home planet.

Little did they know it was the beginning of a disaster.

call out!
On a wavy sea, the fine waves beat each other, and the clear sea surface was blown by the breeze, rippling and overlapping ripples.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared above the ocean, and Luo Lan finally returned to Planet Vegeta.

From Earth to Planet Vegeta, he has gone through a total of 38 transfers. If it weren't for the support of the fairy beans, with his 520 combat power, he would never be able to come back. Even so, it took more than an hour.

Glancing at the endless vast sea, Luo Lan's figure flashed, and a white light suddenly lit up on his body, breaking the waves like lightning, and flying towards the coast.

Because it is above the ocean, the land in the distance can only be seen a little bit, but through the energy detector, it is still possible to roughly determine the location of the gathering place.

"Next, find Sefilia, and take her away from Planet Vegeta."

Thinking this way in his heart, Luo Lan quickly approached the Saiyan gathering place, the black figure flashed across the sky like a bolt of lightning, and when he approached the gathering place, he began to fly at low altitude again.

Passing by several Saiyan gathering places in a row, he found that the entire Planet Vegeta was much more lively than before.

There is a lot of traffic in the Saiyan gathering place, and the back and forth transportation vehicles pass by like a small train carrying spherical aircraft. It's rare for a subhuman to show emotion.

When I returned to Sephilia's house, I found that there was no one there, and Sephilia had not returned to Planet Vegeta.

I went to the task assignment department again, and used the identity of Sefilia's younger brother to conduct an inquiry, only to find out that Sefilia's spaceship will take another month to return to Planet Vegeta.

Luo Lan frowned when he heard the news. This was a bit different from his plan. Originally, he wanted to find Sefilia and then leave Planet Vegeta. It seems that this is impossible.

"Looking at the current situation, there are still a large number of Saiyans on their way back, so Frieza will not destroy Planet Vegeta at this time..."

Estimating the timing of Frieza's destruction of Planet Vegeta, he found that there is still some time before the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

"It's still some time before Sephilia comes back, so let's take this opportunity to exercise. It's a little bit better now." Compared with Saiyans of the same age, Luo Lan reached 520 combat power at the age of five, which is absolutely worthy. He is excellent, and his talent is about to catch up with those superior fighters.

But it depends on who you compare it with. In Planet Vegeta, where the strong are like clouds, Luo Lan can't show this level of strength.

After making up his mind to practice, Luo Lan set up a camera at Sefilia's home to record the situation, then left the gathering place, found a fractured rock formation in an empty canyon more than 1000 kilometers away, and doubled it 50 times. The spherical gravity chamber of gravity comes out of the universal capsule.

Set the gravity environment to 16 times the gravity, and adjust the air pressure and temperature of the gravity chamber at the same time, the machine makes a "humming" sound, and the internal environment changes suddenly.

Luo Lan took a deep breath and let it out slowly, with seriousness in his dark eyes, then walked resolutely into the gravity room and started the formal gravity training.

The super pressure of 16 times the earth's gravity was really on his body, Luo Lan grinned, and was basically able to bear it, and then carried out basic training according to the Saiyan training mode in his mind.The energy utilization of the cosmic beings is somewhat rough compared to that of the earth, which is caused by the environment.

Luo Lan now wants to combine the blood of the Saiyans to use gravity more effectively to exercise and improve his strength.

So in the gravity training room, Luo Lan practiced his fists and feet with sweat like rain, dived, leaped, and punched. The crystal sweat moistened the tips of his hair. As time passed, Luo Lan's strength seemed to be opened. to elevate...


The sun has risen, and the sky has turned fishy white.

As the morning sun gradually came out, the gentle sunlight penetrated the clouds, dyeing the pure white clouds with a layer of cherry red color, which seemed to be full of the brilliance of life.

At this time, a month had passed since Luo Lan entered the gravity room to practice.

In outer space, Frieza's spaceship is docked in a fixed orbit, and there are many smaller spaceships constantly cruising around, monitoring all the movements of Planet Vegeta.

"Kikono, how is the situation of the Saiyans?" With a slightly hoarse voice, Frieza sat on the small aircraft, looking out of the spaceship with a pair of indifferent eyes.

The yellow-skinned cosmic man named Kikono had his hands behind his back: "Most of the Saiyans have already returned, and some remote Saiyans will take some time."

A cruel smile formed on Frieza's mouth: "This king can't wait any longer, let the people in the legion prepare. This king will destroy Planet Vegeta in five days."

"After the Saiyans disappear, the power of Frieza's army will be greatly damaged." Kikono shook his head, but did not raise any objections. Among all the old subordinates left by King Crude, there is only one other veteran "Bei "Liblu" was able to ignore Frieza's terror, and even made Frieza listen to some words.

"Hey, it's hard to gather these Saiyans together. This is the best chance to destroy the Saiyans and this planet. These Saiyans are also a fighting nation, and now they are under pressure to surrender to me. I am absolutely dissatisfied in my heart, maybe one day I will bite back, and I must eradicate them before they finally take action."

"Mr. Shangbo, after the destruction of Planet Vegeta, please encircle and suppress those Saiyans who have not returned to Planet Vegeta according to the communication records of the Yugar Stars."

"Obey, this subordinate will never let anyone slip through the net."

The green-haired cosmic man Chambo with a handsome appearance replied respectfully, raised his head, and the bloodthirsty cruelty was hidden under the handsome appearance.

"That way I can rest assured." Frieza laughed loudly, nodded politely at Chambo, staring at Planet Vegeta in the distance with blood-red eyes.

One after another, bright stars flashed across the eyes, fleeting like meteors...

(End of this chapter)

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