dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 182 Planting Immortal Beans (20 more!)

Chapter 182 Planting Immortal Beans (20 more!)
The Sub-God Realm is a light red space. Because it borders the Realm King God Realm, the level of the space is also very high, far exceeding the Realm King Space where the King King God lives. It is surrounded by golden clouds, and there are floating clouds among the clouds. A few small planets, all the scenery is very similar to the king of the world.

On a rolling grassland stretching as far as the eye can see, the sky is light red.

On a low slope, Luo Lan's figure appeared there without warning. He looked around, because the planet was relatively small, and the distant horizon clearly showed a curved shape.

"This is a place close to the Realm of the King of the Realm, so be careful not to attract the attention of the King of the Realm." After taking a breath of the vitality floating in the air, a refreshing and refreshing fragrance came out, worthy of being a god star, There is a strong vitality in the air.Luo Lan roughly estimated that the environment here was even better than the seventh floor of the God Constructing Planet he had stayed in.

When choosing the God Realm, Luo Lan did not hesitate to choose the space close to the Realm King God Realm, but gave up on destroying the God Realm.

You must know that the God of Destruction Realm is the place where Beerus, the God of Destruction, sleeps, and the energy is essentially different from that of the King of Gods.More importantly, there is also an unfathomable master there - the angel Weiss, Luo Lan really does not want to deal with Weiss and the others in advance at this time!

In comparison, the Realm of the King of the Realm is a little safer. Although the power of the King of the Realm is terrifying to him, the God of the Eastern Realm, after all, is responsible for creating the gods. Even if they are discovered, as long as they do not directly invade In the territory of the king of the realm of the gods, it is relatively easy to talk.

Luo Lan also took some risks in order to find such a piece of divine star that was close to the realm of the king of the world.

"If you can practice on this god star, the effect will definitely be outstanding. It's a pity that this place is too close to the realm of the king of the realm. If you release too much energy, you may be noticed by the king of the east realm and Jebit!"

The King of the Eastern Realm is okay, and he is easy to talk to, but Jebbit has a rather old-fashioned way of thinking and doesn’t think much of human beings. When the King of the Middle East brought Sun Gohan into the Realm of the King of Gods in the original book, Jebbit has always held objections .If he was told that there were outsiders approaching the range of the "Holy Land", he would probably attack directly.

After some thought, Luo Lan regretfully gave up the idea of ​​cultivating on this god star, and then restrained his aura to the minimum, because he was in a normal state, using the aura of the earthlings to restrain, Luo Lan's aura shrank to a very weak level.

In another dimension, he took out a hoe and planed it on the ground. Ding, as if metal collided, there was a crisp sound accompanied by the fire, and a corner of the hoe was smashed into pieces.

"The soil here is quite hard, as expected of God Star." Looking at the place where the hoe was crushed accidentally, Luo Lan smiled, and directly used Qigong waves to condense into a group of sharp rays.


The energy ray swept along the ground, and the soil of Shenxing was immediately overturned.

At this time, Luo Lan took out a few fairy beans from the different dimension and planted them, then found a water source on the god star, and took water from the lake to irrigate it.

After finishing all this, Luo Lan clapped his palms and looked at the land he had worked so hard to reclaim. Whether he can grow fairy beans or not depends on the situation later.

After a teleportation, Luo Lan directly left this sub-god world.

space island.

Seeing Luo Lan disappear and reappear suddenly, Sephilia's graceful figure floated to Luo Lan's side, "Where did you go just now?"

Luo Lan then told about the evolution of his teleportation ability and his discovery of the Subgod Realm.

After hearing this, Sephilia's beautiful eyes lit up, and she said with some regret: "The sub-god world you mentioned must be a good place to practice, but it's a pity that you can't go there to practice." Regarding what Luo Lan said about the king of the world Well, Sephilia doesn't know how powerful it is, but even Luo Lan is so afraid, it should be very powerful.

"I've already planted fairy beans in the subgod world. Whether I can harvest them depends on the environment there. As for cultivation, I can find another place in the future. There is no rush."

"You're right." Sephilia nodded her head, she hadn't even mastered the ape mimicry yet, and she really couldn't aim too high now.

After letting Sephilia continue to practice, Luo Lan began to sit down and think about his own problems. He didn't expect that the "teleportation" of the Yadrat star and the "transfer technique" of the Metamor star, and then use the vitality After being stimulated by the power of Dragon Ball, he has the ability to travel through space at will like Jebit.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense. The "teleportation" of Jabiter is actually the talent of the gods and trainee gods bestowed by the universe, and now I can use my vitality and a small amount of Dragon Ball power to obtain similar abilities. There seems to be no surprise.

Maybe in the future, I can rely on this ability to leave the seventh universe and go to other universes to practice!
Thinking of the majestic scenes of other universes, Luo Lan couldn't help showing a smile. After fantasizing for a while, he quickly put aside the reason for the evolution of teleportation and began to think about what Sephilia said just now.

Find a place suitable for practice.

Indeed, the Sub-God Realm is not suitable for practicing in the past because it is too close to the Realm of the King of the Realm, so is there any other place in the universe, preferably a place like the previous god-making planet.

So Luo Lan took this as his goal and began to use his teleportation ability to explore the state of the seventh universe.

But I don't know if it's because Luo Lan's power is still very rough, or there really isn't such a place. In the area that Luo Lan can observe, there are only a few large areas, the Realm of the King of God, the Realm of Destruction God, and their The subordinate space, below is the realm king space and the underworld and hell under their command.

No other hidden places were found.

Luo Lan stopped searching, put his fingers on his chin and thought, "Maybe my strength is not strong enough, I can only sense some large-scale spatial veins, but I can't sense the finer ones."

"Forget it, since that's the case, let's talk about it later." Luo Lan was not in a hurry, after all, even if he couldn't find such a place, it's not like he couldn't become stronger.

In the following days, Luo Lan observed the growth of the fairy beans in the sub-god realm, and at the same time practiced in the space island. What is gratifying is that the fairy beans in the god star of the sub-god realm have germinated, and the top buds of the plants It has been broken out of the ground, which shows that the environment of Shenxing is indeed suitable for the growth of fairy beans.

If there is a harvest, Luo Lan will not lack fairy beans in the future.


In the top space of the universe.

In the center of the psychedelic and hazy mysterious space, there is a rhombus-shaped star floating. On the rhombus-shaped star grows a huge and dry giant tree. The giant tree is strong and strong. There are no leaves on it.

The only thing that attracts attention is that there are several temple-like buildings built on the upper level of the trunk.

 Twenty chapters have been updated, and all the saved manuscripts have been exhausted. I hope everyone can continue to support it!Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!

  Thanks to "Nightmare Only One" for the reward of 10000 starting coins; thanks to "Destined to be ordinary" for the reward of 10000 starting coins; thanks to "book friend 130317130005305" for the reward of 2000 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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