Chapter 176

Below, the giant ape Luo Lan stood there motionless after swallowing the red dragon ball, as if he had choked after eating the dragon ball.In fact, inside his body, an earth-shattering change is quietly happening.

After the dragon ball entered the body, the orange-red vitreous body wrapped around the red dragon ball began to melt gradually as if it encountered a strong acid solution.

After the glazed body melted, the red dragon inside suddenly came alive, and then scurried around in Luo Lan's body, but this red dragon seemed to be just an energy body without any consciousness, after wandering in Luo Lan's body for a while, , the red dragon groaned, and actually took the initiative to settle down in Luo Lan's body.

Whoosh whoosh!

After the Shenlong entered, the power of the Dragon Ball began to slowly merge with the vitality, and began to strengthen Luo Lan's body.

In the mental space, Luo Lan has regained control of his body. In fact, when he lost his mind, his consciousness could still see the outside situation clearly, so he knew why this dragon appeared in his body.I used my consciousness to touch the red dragon in my body, and found that it was just a mass of energy without consciousness.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"After the red dragon ball melted, the released dragon stayed in my body, and the power of the dragon seemed to strengthen my physique."

Of course, Luo Lan knew that such strengthening would be beneficial and not harmful to him. It should be said that the existence of Shenlong actually served as a medium for building a bridge between the form of the great ape and the form of humans.Before, simply being illuminated by the moonlight of the dragon ball gave him some certainty of integrating into the power of the giant ape, and now this certainty is even stronger.

"You can try to use the power of the red dragon to fuse the power of the great ape. This is also a blessing in disguise."

Luo Lan suddenly had an intuition that he could succeed this time.

Just do the work, and after Luo Lan regained control of his body, he sat up cross-legged, letting the afterglow of the full moon shine on his body, and began to control the energy in his body with his mind.

A dark red energy rises in every cell, which is the power of the giant ape, and then encounters pure vitality and energy with the nature of dragon balls. The three energies are intertwined, like three streams of water converging. Separated from each other, the power of the dark red giant ape was rising, and a faint golden light was faintly emitted.

At this moment, Luo Lan's body underwent an earth-shaking change. The body that had swelled to more than 50 meters shrunk again, and soon became the size of a human. His whole body was wrapped in a touch of red energy.

The old cells on the body are constantly being replaced, and new cells are constantly being generated, and then, under the baptism of the great ape's power, they become more and more vigorous.

At this point, Luo Lan's tightly locked brows gradually relaxed. He knew that he had passed the most critical step, and the next step was to stabilize his strength and let all his strength be used by him.

With the birth of that touch of red energy, a torrent of majestic aura spread out in all directions centered on him. This force is so overbearing that even Sephilia on Space Island turned pale and couldn't help but Withdrew several hundred meters.

"Luo Lan's form seems to have stabilized." Sefilia looked at it in surprise, with ripples in her eyes.


There was a faint red arrogance burning on his body, and when the arrogance dissipated, a man with a tall and straight figure, slightly taller than Philia, appeared in midair: strong and well-proportioned muscles, handsome appearance, perfect body neither fat nor thin , every muscle is strong, full of strength, and there is a layer of crystal luster floating on the surface of the skin.

What is particularly noticeable is the tail curled around the waist behind him. The fur color of the tail is not the brown of ordinary Saiyans, but a very eye-catching red.

Opening the eyes, a cold light flashed in the dark eyes, and there seemed to be a faint golden luster in them.At the same time, with Luo Lan as the center, a flawless aura spread out. The aura was extremely strong and pure. It had the overbearing power of a giant ape, but it was not as chaotic as that of a giant ape.

Sensing the aura from Luo Lan, Sephilia took a deep breath and had to use her strength to resist.At the same time, looking at the grown-up Luo Lan, a gleam of light could not help but flash in her beautiful eyes.

"Luo Lan, you... have grown up all of a sudden."

Luo Lan smiled lightly, "Not yet, this is just my transformation state, which I call 'mimetic ape transformation', when transforming, I can gain ten times the normal power, and when the transformation time is over, it will return to my original state. The original look."

"Ape mimicry, so this is the form after mastering the power of the giant ape." Sephilia murmured a few times after hearing this, and brought Lan Qi to Luo Lan's side.

"After swallowing that dragon ball, did you have any adverse reactions?" Sefilia asked.

"My condition is very good. The power of the dragon ball just strengthened my great ape power. Combined with the vitality in my body, I feel full of strength, and I don't have to worry about losing control of the energy. Look!" Luo Lan felt the state of his body. , showing a bright smile.

After finishing speaking, he brought up the strength on his body, and suddenly a majestic and mighty energy rose up, and a mass of crimson energy condensed on the fist of his right hand. If you look closely, you will find that there is a flying line from Luo Lan's arm to his right chest. The phantom of the dragon, like a tattoo.

When Luo Lan withdrew that power, the tattoo of the red dragon quickly disappeared again.

"Although I don't know the specific origin of this red dragon ball, it is beneficial and harmless to me."

"That's good." Sephilia felt relieved, carefully sized Luo Lan with her beautiful eyes, and reached out to pinch his body and tail a few times, "You are quite handsome after transformation."

"This is what I will look like when I grow up, um, this is what I will look like when I become an adult in two years." Luo Lan was very satisfied with her handsome appearance.

Looking at Lan Qi, the girl with dark blue hair was looking at herself curiously, Luo Lan said with a smile: "This time, thanks to Lan Qi, the dragon ball was delivered to my mouth by accident, otherwise I would It may continue to spiral out of control.”

"Where, I just didn't hug the dragon ball." Blue-haired Lan Qi was embarrassed by the compliment, and lowered her head a little shyly.

"Stop talking about this, I was seriously injured because of your rampage this time, you must make it up to me, and fight with me in your current form." Sefilia licked her lower lip, her eyes eager to move Looking at Luo Lan intently, if he didn't know that Sephilia loved to fight, she would have thought that Luo Lan would be swallowed alive!

"Don't blame me for being hit by me later."

"How come, after I transform, I still have more than 20 fighting strength."

"My 'mimetic ape transformation' is completely different from the previous giant ape transformation. Although both are ten times stronger, the speed and agility are incomparable to the giant ape." Luo Lan said with a light smile. .

Sephilia's eyes sparkled, "It's more interesting this way."

Seeing Sefilia's eagerness to compete with him, Luo Lan naturally wanted to satisfy her, and now that he was in an adult form, it seemed that he could do things that he couldn't do before.

Thinking of this, Luo Lan couldn't help but smile.

After instructing Lan Qi to hide in the safe area, Luo Lan walked forward without a trace of defense, but there was not a single flaw in her body.

 Chapter 14

(End of this chapter)

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