Chapter 16
The motorcycle was speeding all the way on the dry dirt road, and the billowing yellow sand formed a long snake behind the rear of the car. Because of the protection of a layer of glass cover, Luo Lan's body was not disturbed by the raised sand and dust, but it was also dust. The look of servants.

Sightseeing and traveling all the way, one day later, Luo Lan entered the vast and flat plain area.

There are few people here, and it is already a desolate place.

This kind of wasteland between cities is difficult for the police to control, so it is most likely to breed chickens and dogs. This kind of people do not have the ability to steal some passing businessmen. On the contrary, they are serious roads full of traffic. Because the caravans were well prepared in the past, there were relatively few incidents of robbery.

Luo Lan rode a motorcycle all the way here, and he really encountered several incidents of road robbery. Of course, the results are self-evident. These robbers didn't snatch things, but he robbed them in reverse.

Heh heh, ordinary people are no match for him.

It's so dangerous outside, it's thanks to the original book that Bulma wandered around outside without encountering any danger.

As we get closer to Baozi Mountain, the surrounding scenery gradually becomes full of greenery, and the continuous mountains gradually become common.

The sky is getting dark, approaching evening.

Luo Lan parked the motorcycle on the side of the road, and after getting off, it turned into a white light and entered the distant mountains, and soon came out dragging a huge beast.

Throwing out a universal capsule and taking out the kitchen utensils, Luo Lan cooked the captured beasts on the spot. Saiyans have a great appetite. As long as they are alive, remove the internal organs and harmful parts, and the rest can be eaten.

After enjoying a delicious meal, Luo Lan saw that it was getting late, so she didn't plan to continue on her way. "In a few days' journey, we will reach the boundary of Baozi Mountain. Let's rest here first."

Thinking about it, Luo Lan condensed a mass of energy waves in his hands, sweeping out a flat place on the spot.

"Papa" clapped his palms, and Luo Lan looked at the flat ground with satisfaction. During this period of time, his control over the energy wave was much more precise. He took out the two-story house and placed it on the flat ground, then turned on the electric water heater to prepare hot water.

It takes a while for the electric water heater to heat up the warm water. Taking advantage of this time, Luo Lan went outdoors to exercise his fists and feet, swung his arms vigorously, swooped and jumped, and his sweat condensed into crystal drops.

Cultivation is a matter of perseverance, and if you slacken your strength a little, you will regress. If you let the woman Sephilia know that she is lazy, she may not be angry with herself.

Speaking of Sephilia, Luo Lan thought that it had been more than nine months since he left Planet Vegeta, and he wondered how she was doing now—according to the plot, in three months, Planet Vegeta would be destroyed.

That woman is very stubborn, maybe she will obey the orders of her superiors and return to Planet Vegeta obediently.

In fact, for Luo Lan, he doesn't have much sense of belonging to Planet Vegeta and the Saiyans. Luo Lan just looks like he can feed the whole family by himself, and it's none of his business whether Planet Vegeta is destroyed or not. On the contrary, Sephilia, that indifferent woman, perhaps because of the previous months of getting along with her, felt a little bit reluctant to see her die in vain.

Forget it, let's find a way to save her life when the time comes, she is my sister after all.

"If you want to save her, you must hone your kung fu well. Don't be ridiculed by Sephilia for being overconfident." Thinking this way, Luo Lan became more attentive in practicing.

Luo Lan's current combat power is about 460 points, and it has increased a few more points in the past few days, and it is close to 470 combat power, but it is still far behind a senior fighter like Sephilia. That woman saw her for the first time There were more than 4200 combat power back then, and it must be stronger now.

Sometimes Luo Lan is really envious of Sefilia's talent.

At night, after taking a bath, Luo Lan crawled into bed to rest, while watching boring programs on TV, while eating the fruit from the refrigerator.

The TV show was really boring, and soon Luo Lan turned off the TV and prepared to go to bed.


In the dead of night, the stars are shining brightly, and the soft moonlight shines through the glass windows with delicate and translucent brilliance like veils. From time to time, there are frogs' calls and insects' buzzing, which is an idyllic night scene.

boom!Boom! !
There was a knock on the door outside the house.

Luo Lan frowned and turned over, but the knock on the door became louder and louder, making it impossible for him to fall asleep.

"Is it some kind of beast in the wilderness? Hmph, catch it for breakfast tomorrow!" Luo Lan got up with displeasure on his face, and went to open the door in his pajamas.

"What's the noise, do you want to be eaten?"

Open the door, there is no beast outside, but a beautiful girl with blond long hair, sixteen or seventeen years old, beautiful and beautiful, with a pair of crystal-like shining eyes is very moving.

"Ah, I'm sorry little brother, did I disturb you, I can't find my universal capsule, can you let me stay overnight?"


Porcelain touch, or fairy dance?

Luo Lan looked at the girl in front of him calmly, made sure that there was only one person in the other party, and then made a way for her to come in.

The blond girl hurriedly said thank you and walked in the door without thinking about whether the other party would have any malicious intentions.

"Little brother, are you the only one here? How dangerous is this? What about your family?"

The blonde girl chirped and asked after entering the room.

At this moment, Luo Lan looked at the other party. This blonde girl had beautiful waist-length hair, a large soft hat on her head, a lavender backpack on her back, and a bright red tight-fitting dress on her body. It perfectly sets off the girl's soft, slender but exquisite and graceful body.

Perhaps because of the long journey, the girl's clothes were stained with dust, making her look a little embarrassed.

Looking at the string of pearl necklaces around her neck, her status is either rich or expensive, she is really a rich lady.

"I live alone."

"You are amazing." The girl said admiringly, "By the way, do you have a bathroom here? I want to take a bath."

"..." At this moment, Luo Lan was really speechless. Could it be that the style of the Dragon Ball world is so simple, a girl dares to enter a stranger's room in the middle of the night?Still so casually ready to take a shower?

Fortunately, it was him who met him, and he pointed to the room beside the corridor expressionlessly: "There, the hot water has already been boiled."

"Hey, that's great, my sister is going to take a shower first." The girl put her backpack and hat on the table, and happily walked towards the bathroom alone, and soon the sound of dripping water came from the bathroom .

Do you really consider this place your own home?
Luo Lan can be sure that this girl is definitely not a smug, she has one nerve missing in her mind.

What's in her bag?With a little interest in his heart, Luo Lan opened the purple backpack on the table. There were not many girls' daily necessities in it. Instead, there was a pocket laptop and a few booklets full of words.

Luo Lan picked up the booklet and looked at it, and suddenly realized that he didn't know the characters on the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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