dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 144 New Levels

Chapter 144 New Levels
Ebony's journey this time also tested the power of Dr. Breaves' new invention. Once the super-energy annihilation weapon hits, all matter within a radius of tens of thousands of meters will be reduced to ashes under the power of the space weapon. An out-and-out sharp weapon to enhance the strength of forces.

"The 'Thunderbolt Star' occupied this time is a medium-sized planet. According to the proven mineral resources, the Thunderbolt steel on the planet is enough to create several large floating space islands."

After Wumu came back, he reported the situation to Luo Lan.

"That's right, let's hurry up and build the space island." Sephilia sat beside Luo Lan, her eyes were as clear as stars, and Pingting's body exuded a faint coercion.

Ebony's expression turned serious, "I obey, Your Lady Queen!"

Lady Queen's aura is full, and only Lady Luo Lan can sit beside her safely.

"Master Luo Lan, since the materials used to build the space island are replaced by thunderbolt steel, the corresponding construction difficulty will also be doubled, so if you want to build the entire island, it will take at least a month." If ordinary materials are used , with the strength of the entire Lisi clan, it can be built in two weeks, and the material is replaced with the strongest thunderbolt steel in the universe. Melting and forging alone is not an easy task.

Luo Lan nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

"You just have to hurry up."

"Yes, master, please rest assured!" Ebony replied seriously.

"By the way, when we were exploring the 'Thunderbolt' mineral deposits, we also discovered a small Xijin deposit. Although the reserves are not very large, if it is developed, it will also bring a lot of income."

"Oh." Luo Lan's eyes lit up immediately, he leaned forward, and said seriously, "If there is a rare gold mine, why didn't the aliens who occupied it discover it?"

"It should be that the level of technology is not enough. The predecessor of the forces that occupied the 'Thunderbolt Star' was only a small-scale star thief organization, and the equipment equipped was not advanced enough. In addition, after the discovery of Thunderbolt Steel, they thought that there were no other mineral deposits, so they did not seriously investigate. "

"It's possible."

Luo Lan nodded. The reason why Xijin can become the currency circulating in the universe lies in its rarity. This is a precious substance formed after the birth of the universe. The conditions for its formation are very harsh. Even with the advanced technology of the universe, It cannot be artificially synthesized.

In addition, the detection and extraction of Xijin elements are extremely difficult, so it is endowed with the prospect of becoming a currency.

Luo Lan glanced at Sephilia, and Sephilia's lips parted slightly, "The mining of the Xijin mine should be done slowly, and this must be kept a secret. Thunderbolt is far away from the headquarters. Once it attracts coveted by surrounding forces, It is difficult for the headquarters to rescue in time."

Although Thunderbolt Steel is also a resource, it is nothing compared to Xijin.The big organizations in the universe... Except for the forces specializing in smelting and selling Thunderbolt steel, the rest of the forces will basically not go to war for Thunderbolt steel mines. After all, Thunderbolt steel can be bought through trading means no matter how useful it is. The real big power is not worried about someone driving up the price, and the other party dare not!But if it was changed to Xijin Mine, it would be like a shark smelling blood, and all the forces would be collectively disturbed.

Ebony nodded: "The subordinates have already left the combat robots and super weapons on Thunderbolt. With the power of those weapons, they should be able to block some peepers."

"Step up the production of a batch of combat robots, and we must defend Thunderbolt." Sefilia said emphatically.

"My subordinate understands!"

Ebony replied solemnly, then bent towards Roland and Sephilia, and stepped back.

"I didn't expect that Thunderbolt Star's harvest is quite big, and the Xijin mine is an unexpected harvest." Luo Lan smiled lightly. Since Ivy Star is now making thousands of gold, Luo Lan's concept of money is about to become the same as that of Lanna Star people. I don't care much about it anymore, anyway, he can't spend it all.

Sefilia chuckled, "When I was on Planet Vegeta, I saved for a long time to get three Xijin, but now there are too many to spend."

Luo Lan smiled, "You are Her Lady Queen now, of course it's different."

Sephilia rolled his eyes at him, showing a faint smile.


After lunch, he and Sephilia did some consciousness training, and both of them gained a lot.Then, taking advantage of the lunch break, Sefilia and Luo Lan walked to the flat street.

After several years of development, the city construction of planet Sharada has been perfected.

Saiyans all live in villa-like huts. Each hut has been carefully planned. There is a courtyard for enjoying the shade and a practice room for practicing. The green environment is very good. Living here is like returning to the big world. Naturally.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that there are very few Saiyans on Planet Sharada.

After walking a few steps on the street, Hertz and Asita walked up to them, and beside them were four lively and lovely children, the children of Hertz and Asita.In addition to the brothers and sisters Lanster and Phils who were born in earlier years, they gave birth to two more sons in recent years.

Among the four children, Lanster and Phils are six-year-old brothers and sisters, and the other two sons are three and four years old respectively. They have just come out of the nursery cabin and will have formal exercise next.

"Luo Lan, Sephilia!" Hertz shouted angrily.

"Take the children for a walk!" Luo Lan stopped and said with a smile.

"I'm just going to find you guys!" Hertz laughed loudly.

Luo Lan asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"It's about the grading of Saiyan fighters..." Hertz smiled a little, and started talking incessantly.

Regarding the setting of the Saiyan level, Hertz considered many factors comprehensively, and finally decided to abandon the set on Planet Vegeta, because as the Saiyans moved to the planet Sharada, the strong vitality in the home planet In addition, the gap in innate quality has been shortened to very small.

Luo Lan listened quietly, and walked into a gazebo while chatting with Hertz and the others.

Sephilia naturally sat beside Luo Lan, their shoulders were very close to each other.The intimate behavior of Luo Lan and Sephilia made Hertz's wife Asita take a second look, and wondered: Are these two siblings too close?This is not like an ordinary sibling relationship.

It's just that Asita is not good at making unreasonable comments on Luo Lan and Sephilia.

Luo Lan's file was forged by Sefilia after he was reborn, so Ashita didn't know the real relationship between Luo Lan and Sefilia, and thought they were siblings, thinking that he would find time to follow up with him in the future. Sephilia reminds me.

On the other side, Luo Lan and Sefilia naturally didn't know that their intimacy caused Ashita to have other associations. At this time, they were listening to Hertz's division of Saiyan levels.

"...As innate factors have gradually lost the meaning of fair judgment on the improvement of Saiyan's strength, the division of lower-level fighters, intermediate fighters, and upper-level fighters also does not conform to the current actual situation. Then, based on the actual situation of Planet Sharada, I drafted a new level plan: From now on, all fighters with combat power below 10000 will be called "ordinary fighters", and fighters with more than 10000 combat power will be called "elite fighters"!"

"As for those with more than 10 fighting power, they are 'super fighters'! Of course, these fighting powers are divided according to normal conditions."

Luo Lan nodded. Although all the Saiyans on Planet Sharada can transform into great apes, due to their low bloodlines, once they transform into great apes, they will lose their minds. Therefore, transforming into great apes has no effect in battle.

In the foreseeable hundreds of years, these Saiyans will not be able to overcome the weakness of losing their minds.

However, according to this division, all fighters on Planet Sharada can only be considered "ordinary fighters", and "elite fighters" are only Luo Lan, Sephilia, and Hertz.Of course, the dozen or so members of the Special Forces are very hopeful to become the next batch of "elite fighters"!
 Everyone vote for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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