dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 105 Everything is ready

Chapter 105 Everything is ready
Sephilia left very gracefully. Before leaving, she made an agreement with Luo Lan to climb the peak of the universe together. Luo Lan knew that it would not be so easy to realize this agreement, but he still agreed very happily.

Because for Saiyans, lofty goals can serve as a benchmark, just like Monkey King and Vegeta in the original book, constantly challenging themselves and breaking the limit, the important thing is not to achieve the goal, but in the process of achieving the goal The fun you can enjoy, move forward with weight, forge ahead, the more frustrated you become, the more courageous you become.

Imagine that when they all stand at the top in the future, they will still have someone to accompany them when they look back. Wouldn't that be wonderful!

And from a side view, this is also Sephilia's implicitly conveying to Luo Lan that she is willing to travel with him as a companion, so Luo Lan is naturally very happy.

"I feel like I'm energized now!"

Luo Lan narrowed his eyes, and his whole body was filled with excitement.Then he soared into the sky, using the strongest energy attack to vent the joy in his heart.All of a sudden, a fireball spread rapidly, like a rising sun, an orange ball of light exploded high in the sky, and the terrifying energy spread out in all directions centered on Luo Lan.

Swish swish!
The drizzle of energy poured down, and clusters of energy fireballs suddenly rose from the ground. Countless cultivators were killed by the powerful attack before they could get out of the soil.

At this moment, the atmosphere boiled up, the wind howled, the stars shone, and the entire cultivator planet was affected. All Saiyans sensed the movement caused by Luo Lan.

"This energy...is Lord Luo Lan's power."

"Looking at it from a distance, it makes people feel like they can't breathe."

"It's too powerful."

The Saiyans raised their heads one by one and looked at the land destroyed by Luo Lan's power from a distance. The unstoppable bombardment made all the Saiyans frightened. After the horror, there was a deep sense of pride. Saiyans have such a If you are led by a powerful warrior, why not become stronger!
However, being harassed by Luo Lan's power, the cultivators underground became panicked, and all of them came out of the soil.At this time, all the Saiyans were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. They waved their fists and attacked those cultivators. The fierce battle broke out again. These Saiyans roared and laughed, even though they were injured. , with a happy smile on his face.

"These Saiyans are crazy!"

Sonori floated high, secretly shocked by Luo Lan's strength, but cursed the crazy fighting behavior of the Saiyans.

The reckless onslaught of these Saiyans is actually increasing their workload.

"What the hell is that Luo Lan doing?"

"It's a terrifying strength. I heard that I'm only 10 years old this year. I don't know what height I will reach in the future."

Sonori's younger brother Thorn sighed.

"Oh, the little Saiyans over there are in danger." Puen saw a few young Saiyans being besieged by the cultivators, and he sent out a qigong wave with a "huh" to rescue those young Saiyans , shook his head and said: "These Saiyans are not strong, but their personalities are quite strong."

Sonori said annoyedly: "To put it bluntly, we are overthinking ourselves. If we hadn't protected them, the Saiyans would have suffered heavy casualties."

In such a short period of time, they performed multiple rescues.

"Sister, don't complain, be careful if you get caught, and you will be taught a lesson." Thorne glanced at his eldest sister.


Sonori frowned and snorted, and after thinking about it, she decided that the hero would not suffer the immediate loss and compromise for the time being.

The hunting activities of the Saiyans are still going on. Adult Saiyans can face the attacks of the cultivators alone, but when encountering the cultivators of a special period, they can no longer resist with their own strength alone. At this time, they are in groups of three or four The Saiyans will act together and use the skills taught to them by Hertz in coordination. Soon, the Saiyans will collect more and more cultivating seeds.

When the first hunting event ended, they had collected a total of 200 cultivator seeds, plus some that Luo Lan had obtained before, a total of more than [-] seeds.

"If it is sold at the market price of the universe, it will be about 200 Hijin." Luo Lan roughly estimated that this kind of income is much richer than the reward for performing missions during Star Vegeta's time.

"Nalis." Luo Lan called out, and a slender female Saiyan came to him.

"Lord Luo Lan!"

"Calculate the number of severely injured Saiyans, and then let them enter the treatment cabin to heal their injuries. I will go back to Planet Sharada first and let them select the second batch of personnel..."

"Of order." Naris nodded, her lithe figure floated up.

Although Luo Lan has enough celestial beans for healing, the output of celestial beans is very low, and he is usually reluctant to squander them. In addition, when he entered the cultivating planet, he brought several healing pods with him, which made him These Saiyans recovered by soaking in the healing fluid.

After the injured Saiyans entered the treatment cabin one by one, Luo Lan told Naris and the others a few more words, and then returned to Planet Sharada with the results of the hunt.

On the planet Sharada, when Hertz saw the valuable cultivator seeds brought back by Luo Lan, a smile appeared on his hard face.

"With these things, Planet Sharada can purchase more equipment to maintain the strong combat effectiveness of the Saiyan family at all times. The cooperation with the Lanna Stars can also be closer."

Luo Lan nodded, "Currently, Sai Fei's forces are still in their infancy, and there is a serious shortage of combatants and logistics personnel. The most difficult time will be overcome when the remaining troops of the Sonori Adventure Group in the Thea Galaxy are recruited. period."

"I will immediately arrange for someone to recruit them."

"Also, we should also have our own technological talents, just like the Yugals on Planet Vegeta before." Luo Lan pondered for a moment.

Hertz nodded: "Indeed, scientific and technological talents are very important, and there should be such talents in the universe auction."

"Well, let's think about this later. When the next batch of Saiyans enter the cultivation planet, let them bring their own aircraft. In the future, the two sides will rely on aircraft."

Luo Lan's teleportation is convenient, but he will not always take care of these Saiyans. Planet Sharada is not a few days away from the planet that cultivated people, and the aircraft is also very convenient.

Next, Luo Lan and Hertz arranged another trial for the Saiyans, and all the Saiyans were vying for the opportunity to fight.

Time passed day by day, and several groups of Saiyans had already traveled between the planet of cultivators and the planet of Sharada, and the activities of hunting and cultivating humans gradually stabilized.Thanks to these high-load battles, the strength of the Saiyans is constantly improving, and the cultivator seeds in Luo Lan's hands are also accumulating more and more, which is close to a thousand.

On this day, Luo Lan received a message from Ai Boya, a Lanna star. They had already purchased a planet in the universe trading field, and used their relationship to register the trading planet information at the universe business headquarters. Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Upon hearing the news, Luo Lan immediately teleported to where the Lanna star was.

(End of this chapter)

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