A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 95 The Collision of Two Worlds

Chapter 95 The Collision of Two Worlds
Stark's beach house.

In the underground laboratory, Tony walked into the room first, followed by Lin Yi.

Looking at Lin Yi who was looking at this place in novelty, Tony's tone was full of confidence.

"This place is within a radius of ten miles. It is monitored by Jarvis 24 hours a day. Even SHIELD cannot easily get in here."


Lin Yi glanced at him upon hearing this.

"How did I hear that Natasha had been here?"


Tony paused, then turned around, looking at Lin Yi with a slightly twitching corner of his mouth.

"...Did your parents ever tell you that it's not at all attractive for children to talk like this?"

"I'm not like that in front of my parents."

Lin Yi said indifferently.

"Ah, is it? Lying children are even more annoying."

Tony touched the wall next to him casually, and the cloth covering the experimental table was pulled up immediately.

"This man's body has been secretly consigned by me on the Mark 7."

"...Mark 7 still has this function?"

Looking at the black dwarf lying on the metal platform, Lin Yi was a little surprised.

"I installed a classifiable propulsion backpack on its back, a laser guidance system, and a flexible deformation structure. After removing the clothes, it can completely become a small transport drone, which is precisely controlled by Jarvis."

Tony explained casually while turning on the manually opened machine.

After unlocking everything that needed to be manually unlocked, Tony returned to his original position.

"Okay!" Tony raised his hand and snapped his fingers, "Jarvis, start everything!"

"Wait a moment, Sir."

Following Jarvis's voice, blue light screens emerged in the air in the basement.

Is this the whole set of [-]D projection system from Tony?
Looking at the blue light screen in the sky, Lin Yi curiously stretched out his hand.

With the swipe of the fingertips, the picture on the blue light screen also slid.

There really is real-time feedback!

Lin Yi was suddenly surprised.

Not only that, Lin Yi found that in this device, whether it is clicking, returning, zooming in, or picking, it is extremely smooth, much smoother than Lin Yi's newly bought Ai Crazy.

Just when Lin Yi was enjoying himself, the blue light screen in front of him suddenly went out.

"Okay." Tony walked out towards Lin Yi, "You can play whatever you want later. Now, I want to take a look at the things you showed me on purpose."


Lin Yi blinked.

"Of course, I'm not stupid."

Tony Stark glanced at him lightly.

"The one who thinks I'm stupid is the real idiot... Besides, how can a teenager only have these things in his phone."

"...Did you eat your meal?"

Lin Yi rolled his eyes.

"And it's indeed my phone, it's just a little new..."

"Excuse me."

The corner of Tony's mouth curled up slightly, and he stretched out his hand to drag on the screen, and a light screen slid in front of Lin Yi.

"You really eat my family's food... Every orphanage in New York with a history of more than five years has my capital injection."

Lin Yi's mouth twitched as he looked at the words that Palin Orphanage had invested 50 U.S. dollars on the light screen.

"As for your phone."

Speaking of this, Tony paused, and then walked up to Lin Yi.

"It was my fault."

Tony looked at Lin Yi seriously.

"Because you were invited by Nick Fury, I am very wary of you. After all, that guy is completely capable of training a child as an agent, but... sorry, it is indeed mine to sneak into your privacy wrong."


Lin Yi was startled for a moment, and then smiled.

"It's okay, don't you already know that I did it on purpose? We're even..."

"Okay! It's best if you think so!"

Tony clapped his hands immediately, turned around and walked to another table.

"Then let's turn over this topic and get down to business!"

The corners of Lin Yi's mouth curled up slightly.

He knew that being able to apologize like just now was already the biggest concession Tony could make, and it would not be impossible to continue to push forward, but that would only embarrass both parties.

But to be honest, this already surprised him, after all, just like what Lin Yi said just now, he really didn't care.

"come on."

Next to another empty metal table, Tony looked up at Lin Yi.

"Show me those things, I know you have the ability to carry them with you."

"no problem."

Lin Yi walked over with a smile and put his right hand on it.

A huge head suddenly appeared in Lin Yi's palm, and he put it on the table. Afterwards, Lin Yi took out things one after another from the inventory.

"This is the head of a giant, this is the fur of a direwolf, this is the tooth of a mammoth..."

Tony stared blankly at Lin Yi who kept taking things out of the void, and murmured involuntarily.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I can't understand how you did it."

"It's very simple." Lin Yi explained casually while digging, "It's like picking something out of a large storage bag that only you can see, but the 'hand' you use is a bit special."

With that said, Lin Yi paused slightly, and pouted at Tony.

"Leave a way, this is a big guy."


Tony was startled, and quickly took two steps back, and then saw a felled tree suddenly appearing in Lin Yi's hand.

"what is this?"

Tony couldn't help asking.

"This is a weirwood..."

Lin Yi explained with a smile.

This is what he hacked during the time when he lost contact with the Green Prophet.

"The nobles of that world like to call them heart trees."

"...the heart tree."

Tony Stark stroked the tree belonging to another world with great interest.

"That's right, in that world, one out of every one million people will become a Green Prophet, and this person named Green Prophet has the ability to observe the outside world with the help of the Heart Tree."

Lin Yi introduced as briefly as possible.

"It's kind of interesting." The corners of Tony's mouth curled up slightly.

"Of course, there is no such thing as a green prophet in our world, but it is not without reason that I took it out."

Lin Yi smiled and patted the pale bark of the weirwood, and said lightly.

"Everybody knows that trees live incredibly long lives. An oak can live for 400 years, a redwood can live for 4000 years, but a weirwood ... can live forever without being disturbed by outside forces. go down."

"……I do not believe!"

Tony frowned suddenly, and he quickly noticed the loophole in Lin Yi's words.

"This is a false proposition."

"They all spread it like this." Lin Yi shrugged, "I don't know the specific situation."


Tony looked down at the trees lying across the table.

"Really, it doesn't matter anyway, the tree is dead."

"...but I brought back its seeds."

Tony raised his head suddenly and looked at Lin Yi who was smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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