A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 864 Similar Geniuses

Chapter 864 Similar Geniuses

Strange looked at him in surprise and nodded.

Mo Du's face suddenly became weirder, he hesitated for a moment, and asked hesitantly: "You, you have already learned it?"

The corner of Strange's mouth twitched, his right hand stretched out, and he pointed slightly forward.

In an instant, cracks appeared in the air, and the crackling sound could not be heard, and soon a broken mirror portal appeared in front of the two of them.

But soon, the shattered mirror quickly disintegrated, and the cracks converged towards the middle at a faster speed.

Strange lowered his arms regretfully, shook his head, and said, "The dimension knowledge behind this trick is too profound. I'm just learning how to use it, and I'm not very proficient. At most, I can do this step..."

Although the guy's words were full of regret, his tone and expression seemed to reveal a hint of complacency.

But when Strange turned his head, intending to get a sense of accomplishment from showing off from his friend, he found that Master Mordo's face was a bit scary, and he didn't seem to be envious or happy about his achievements.

Strange was startled immediately, looked at Modu's face in doubt and asked, "Modu, why, is there something wrong with this move?"

Mordo woke up from the memory, looked at the bewildered and confused face on Strange's face, and sighed faintly: "It's nothing, there is nothing wrong with the move itself, it's just your talent in dimensional magic that makes me I remembered another genius mage before you..."

Strange's heart moved: "Iker Casillas?"

"That's right!" Modu glanced at him with complicated eyes, raised his head, looked at the sky and said quietly, "Back then, Casillas was like you, questioning Kama Taj's courses, questioning the knowledge taught in the courses, The supreme mage took pity on him for his high awareness, so he promised him to read the books in the library to learn magic, and taught him the magic of mirror space..."

"So when you see me today, you think of him back then?"

"..." Modu nodded with a complicated expression, then patted Strange on the shoulder, and said seriously, "Strange, I know you are extremely talented, and your understanding and comprehension of magic knowledge is far from what I can match. Yes, but I still want to warn you, you can question Karma Taj’s courses and the magic knowledge taught in the courses, but please, don’t question your master!”

Strange raised his eyebrows, and said unconvinced: "Even if she made mistakes?"

Modu suddenly laughed: "Of course it has to be counted separately. Karma Taj never shy away from academic debates, but with your current practice, if you want to question the supreme mage on the way of magic, you have to study for hundreds of years before you can do it." OK!"

Strange asked curiously, "Hundreds of years? How old is the Supreme Mage?"

Modu shook his head: "I don't know, and no one knows."

Strange said speechlessly: "Then you still follow her so firmly..."

Modu said indifferently: "I really don't know the age of the supreme mage, but I know that she is kind and just, determined, and powerful and unfathomable, but most importantly, she made me who I am today."

Strange was noncommittal: "Well, he also created Casillas."

Modu glanced at him, not angry, but said indifferently: "Do you know why punishment is always more effective than rewards? Because there is a premise for rewards, that is, the recipients need to have a conscience, so rewards are a thing. It's a risk-benefit thing, but the punishment is not, because everyone has fears..."

Strange's head was full of black lines: "Are you mocking me for having no conscience?"

Modu said angrily: "I'm talking about Iker Casillas!"

Strange's complexion improved quickly, and he said curiously: "Modu, you always compare him to me, why don't you talk to me about this guy today, I'm curious, how much did he use to learn the mirror space spell?" long time?"

Modu thought for a while and said, "Probably only ten minutes or so."

Strange was suddenly dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Modu knew what he was thinking, sighed and said: "Don't belittle yourself, your situation is different. At that time, Casillas had been in Karma Taj for ten years, and he also read all the magic books about dimension knowledge in the library. Of course, you, a two-year apprentice, can't compare to you. After all, you have only been in charge for two years, and you can achieve such an achievement. You are already much more genius than him..."

"So that's how it is..."

Strange heaved a sigh of relief, and only then did he feel more balanced.

Modu snorted coldly and said: "When I first came to Kama Taj, Casillas had nothing. He lost all his loved ones. He had nothing to love and was heartbroken. He was taken in by the supreme mage. Taught him, taught him magic, and allowed him to explore mysteries and truths in the ocean of magic, but how did he repay it?"

After finishing speaking, Modu looked at Strange again and said seriously: "Remember, trust your master, and don't go astray."

Strange nodded earnestly on his face, but he always felt disapproving in his heart.

And all these facial expressions and psychological activities were seen by Gu who was not far away, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with Strange's thinking, on the contrary, she was very pleased with his reasonable doubts.

A good mage must be like this, humble and eager to learn, eager to know, but questioning everything.

Without this desire to know the truth, how could it be possible to go to the end of the journey of magic?

Thinking of this, Gu Yi couldn't help but look at Mo Du regretfully.

Modu is also an excellent mage, but his temperament is too rigid and stubborn. It's okay to ask him to guard the temple and protect the earth, but if he wants to inherit the name of the supreme mage...

Gu Yi shook his head, and then set his sights on Strange again.

This guy is indeed worthy of being the heir to the supreme mage appointed by him. Not only is he extremely talented, far surpassing other stinky fish and rotten shrimps, but he is also kind enough in his disposition. My own moral bottom line can be said to be more suitable for the supreme mage of the next heroic age than her old antique.

"Next, we will quietly wait for the arrival of Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension..."

Gu Yi thought silently in her heart, suddenly, she raised her head suddenly, and looked at the horizon with a slight frown.

Talking and laughing side by side, and looking up at the sky, the complexions of the two people also changed. They immediately used their mana and put on a fighting stance.

In the next second, a whistling sound fell from the sky, and a black figure appeared in the center of Kama Taj's courtyard. The powerful force that exploded when it landed was about to trample out a huge pit at the foot of the landing, raising spreading smoke and dust.

"Who are you? Dare to invade Karma Taj?!"

Modu looked angrily at the black figure in the middle of the smoke, the life court scepter in his hand stretched out, and the Valtor jumping boots under his feet also lit up with yellow sparks, obviously ready for battle.

Strange frowned slightly, and suddenly saw Gu Yi's figure not far away, his heart moved immediately, and he reached out his hand to stop Modu.

"You..." Mordo turned his head and glared at Strange. Before the words brewing in his mouth could be said, he saw Strange winking at him, and then cast his gaze behind the smoke.

Mordo followed Strange's gaze, and saw the ancient one walking in front of the black figure with his brows furrowed tightly, swishing away the smoke and dust, and took the dying Daniel from his arms .

"That's... Daniel?!"

Modu exclaimed, quickly put away his mana and rushed over.

Seeing this, Strange didn't dare to neglect, and followed closely in Mordo's footsteps.

Looking at the dying Daniel covered in blood, Strange couldn't help asking, "Who did this?"

Modu snorted coldly, his eyes full of cold killing intent: "Who else? It must be Casillas and his lackeys!"

Gu Yi didn't pay attention to what the two of them said, and he breathed a sigh of relief after investigating Daniel's situation.

"Fortunately, he's still alive..."

"Still... still alive?"

Strange's expression became strange. Although he hadn't practiced medicine for many years, he still had eyesight and knowledge after all. He could tell at a glance that Daniel had lost a lot of blood, and there was a fatal scar on his chest that went straight into his heart. He had obviously burped violently. He was killed, but Master Gu Yi actually said that he was still alive. Could it be that the heart of all the masters of Kama Taj grows on the right side?

Before Strange could ask the doubts in his heart, the Ancient One waved his hand and opened a yellow spark portal.

"If I save him, the movement may be a little louder. I also ask Your Excellency the Juggernaut to lend a helping hand and save him..."

Strange and Modu turned their eyes to the yellow spark portal, and saw Lin Yi in white sitting cross-legged in front of the desk, holding an open magic book in his hand, looking at this side helplessly .

"This old favor has not yet expired, but a new favor has been added, Supreme Master, you are really not afraid that I will stick to Kama Taj and not leave!"

"That's natural." Gu Yi said with a light smile, "How could I refuse to have one more powerful person protect Kama Taj for no reason? As long as Your Excellency the Juggernaut is willing, how long can I stay in Kama Taj? It's also okay……"

"Well, it looks like you're invincible."

Lin Yi sighed, put down the book in his hand, then turned his head and said a few words to Liya, got up and walked towards the portal.

Modu quickly pulled Strange out of the way, let Lin Yi come in front of them, and put his hand on Daniel's forehead.

In the next second, a holy white light suddenly bloomed, sweeping across the entire courtyard with a sweeping momentum, dispelling all the coldness and darkness, and the warm and bright meaning spread from the bathed part to the light all the way to the whole body.

Strange couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at the holy light in Lin Yi's palm with surprise.

Soon, Lin Yi put away his right hand, and the warm and bright white light also disappeared.

Strange was reluctant to part with him, and when he was about to ask about the source of this power, he suddenly remembered that there was a dying companion in front of him, so he quickly looked over.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was really shocked when I saw it.

In such a short 1 minute, the blood on Daniel's body disappeared, and the hideous wound on his chest also healed.

how did you do that? !

Strange's heart was full of shock, and then he heard Lin Yi chuckle and say: "I have repaired his physical body. As for the fusion of body and soul, I think you are better than me, right?"


After the words fell, Strange's heart moved, he quickly closed his eyes, and used the method of leaving his body that he had just learned.

In the next second, Strange trembled all over, and his soul had left his body, floating in this warm courtyard, but only then did he realize that beside Daniel's body, there was a translucent figure standing impressively, It was Daniel who did not know when his soul left his body.

At this moment, Daniel was bowing deeply to Lin Yi, with gratitude and respect written all over his face.

Mordo's soul also came to Strange, and whispered in his ear: "Daniel is the former guardian of the New York Temple. He disappeared during the Casillas attack on the New York Temple. I thought He died, I didn't expect..."

Modu shook his head, with an uncontrollable joy and happiness revealed in his expression.

Daniel shook his head when he heard their conversation, and said with emotion: "This is all the effect of the life-linking magic weapon. Without it, my soul has already wandered away from the world. How can I stand here and listen to your chats!"

As the voice fell, Strange discovered that on the wrist of Daniel's soul body, there was a circle of tattoos emitting blue light. This tattoo cannot be seen by the naked eye with a mortal body, and can only be seen when the soul is out of the body.

It was for this reason that Casillas did not realize that Daniel was still carrying such an artifact.

Master Gu Yi smiled and nodded. After thanking Lin Yi, he turned to look at Daniel's body and pinched a few seals.

In an instant, an invisible force enveloped the courtyard, and Daniel's soul flew up involuntarily, perfectly overlapping with the body on the ground with closed eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Daniel opened his eyes, and once again solemnly thanked Lin Yi and the Kryptonian warriors.

Lin Yi waved his hand, turned his head to glance at the Kryptonian warrior who was as silent as an iron tower, and said, "Go home, you don't need to worry about Casillas and the dark believers, I will kill them myself."

"Yes, my lord."

The Kryptonian warrior saluted respectfully, his body soared into the sky without warning, broke through the sound barrier in just a few seconds, and disappeared into the sky.

Both Strange and Mordo were inexplicably astonished, while Daniel showed emotion and couldn't help recalling his own experience along the way.

Master Gu Yi sighed softly: "Although I have heard His Excellency the Juggernaut talk about the powerful fighting talent of the Kryptonians, I still couldn't help being shocked when I saw it today. Fortunately, Your Excellency the Juggernaut has convinced them in advance, otherwise the , the consequences are really unimaginable..."

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head: "It's not that exaggerated. Kryptonians are physically strong, comparable to gods, but their souls are surprisingly weak. They are a typical example of the extreme evolution of biological genes on the technological side. Magic is completely powerless."

(End of this chapter)

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