A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 852 Ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 852 Ginger is still old and spicy

At the same time, in the real world, Johnny and Shirey are shuttling through the ruins of the small town of San Van Gonzale. The former is full of flames. Drive forward.

Behind him, Sorey bent over the back of the black steed, his body undulating rhythmically with the gallop of the steed, obviously an extremely brilliant riding technique.

But no amount of skill can bridge the gap between technology and magic.

No matter how standard Shi Lei's movements were, no matter how hard the black horse ran, he could only be left far behind by Johnny.

From time to time, he had to bypass the flame trail on the ground, tossing and turning in a safe zone free of flames and scorched marks.

It didn't take long for Sorey to be tortured by the high temperature air brought by the flames. His whole body was already wet with sweat. run wildly.

Seeing this scene, it was impossible for Shi Lei not to feel distressed.

But if you don't resist so stubbornly, should you stop here, or waste the last chance to transform on the way?
A trace of hesitation flashed across Sorey's face.

At this moment, the motorcycle burning with the flames of hell at the end of the field of vision suddenly turned a large curve with a beautiful arc, turned around and drove towards Sorey's direction at high speed, even faintly faster than before the trend of.

Sorey was slightly taken aback, and before he could figure out what happened, he saw Johnny's transformed Ghost Rider whizzing past him, leaving behind only a sincere warning.



Sorey didn't react at first, but when he did, the danger ahead had already appeared before his eyes.

It was a dark red thin line that was constantly expanding and shuttling, as if Satan's wipers swept across the earth, turning all the ruins of the small town of San Van Gonzal into barrenness, and even the sky became as dark red as a fire, and it was different from the surrounding darkness. The night was in stark contrast.

There is no doubt that Mephisto has turned this place into hell with the evil spirit and the fragments of the hell dimension.

And it is the real hell with the attribute of 'hell'. Here, Mephisto's power will expand to the peak state second only to the dimension of hell. There are many enemies, and you will not fall behind.

Now it's really troublesome...

A trace of sadness flashed subconsciously in So Lei's heart, but immediately there was a shock.

"No, I'm going to die!"

Shi Lei's eyes widened. He who was still hesitating just now decisively started the last transformation, and demonized the old man under his crotch into a skeleton horse with a mouth and nose that breathed out flames.

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton horse changed violently in the flames, its bones deflected and displaced laterally, the horse's head changed into a horse's tail, and the horse's tail changed into a horse's head. In this way, it turned its direction 180 degrees in a magical way that is absolutely impossible for a locomotive, as if Running in the opposite direction like a seamless connection, he sprinted towards the direction Johnny left.

At this time, the difference between life vehicles and non-life vehicles is highlighted.

In the absence of idealism and external force blessing, the speed of non-life vehicles often has a limit value, even if it is stimulated by a large amount, it will not change too much, but life vehicles have no such restrictions. Under the strong stimulation of danger, they will often display a super level far beyond the previous ones.

For example, at this moment, the skeleton horse with the flames of hell in its mouth and nose spread its hooves and galloped desperately. It didn't take long for it to pass by the skeleton locomotive, and quickly distanced itself from him, gradually moving forward go……

Johnny: "???"

Seeing this scene, Johnny was stunned, and he felt that Jiang was still old and hot, and even the prejudice and contempt he had towards Shi Lei disappeared.

He is a professional motorcyclist after all, and speed is etched in his bones, even if he is running for his life at this moment, it cannot stop his desire to compete with Sorey.

After all, desperate racing is also a kind of racing!

The flames of hell in Johnny's eye sockets jumped, and the desire for victory in his heart was blazing. For a moment, he actually forgot the thin dark red line behind him, and chased after him at a faster speed in the direction of the flame horseshoe.

But the guy who followed the two didn't have such good luck.

When the dark red thin line swept across, the figure hidden in the mud froze slightly, and then disintegrated into countless energies, blending into this barren land... Poor earth demon Gracie, who has not appeared yet Killed by the master who called him, he was completely turned into nourishment for the expansion of hell.



On the other side, Lin Yi frowned, and secretly cried out for trouble.

In order to be able to draw Mephisto, he deliberately did not put the contract in the inventory, but chose to put it in his arms, so that Mephisto could always perceive the existence of the San Van Gonzal contract, but he did not expect that this old silver coin actually He also took advantage of this to beat back, and used the San Van Gonzal contract through some unknown method.

But according to the plot of the movie that Lin Yi knows, no matter who it is, they should not be able to use the contract directly before they come into contact with the entity of the San Van Gonzal contract. In exchange for the contract, Mephisto would not let Sorey off so easily...

The only explanation is that the Mephisto in this world is not the same as the one in the movie.

But even so, there will still be questions about why Sorey was able to take away the contract, and why Mephisto was able to activate the contract in the mirror space.

Gu Yi sighed, and explained softly: "The reason why hell is hell is because sinful souls will go there after death. This special attribute not only makes hell truly hell, but also makes the dimension where hell is located in a certain way. This way runs through reality, even the mirror space cannot be isolated."

That's why he can unfold the fragments of the hell dimension in the mirror space...

Lin Yi was stunned, and then immediately thought of the answer to another question.

——That's where Mephisto stood after his failed escape!
All the space distortion imaginations and all the damage caused in the mirror space will not affect the reality, and every point in the mirror space will have a precise correspondence in reality, and Mephisto arrived after escaping The place corresponds to the real entity of the San Van Gonzal contract—the town of San Van Gonzal itself.

Gu Yi's magic only folded the space, and did not modify the landing point of Mephisto's feet.

Thinking of the large number of evil spirits in the ruins of the town, Lin Yi became more and more certain that the scroll that Shi Lei took away could only be regarded as the key and part of the San Van Gonzal contract. The ruins of the upper town, as long as the two are combined, Mephisto can easily activate the power in it.

Sorey was the scroll that was delivered at the gate of San Van Gonza Town, so he was able to take away the contract in front of Mephisto. If he walked even a step into the town, Mephisto would turn him into a dimension of hell that expanded. nourishment……

Although the mirror space is powerful, it is a mirror image of the real world after all.

When the real real world turned into a dark red barren hell, the corresponding mirror space also changed accordingly.

Although Gu Yi moved the space in time and moved the space under Mephisto's feet thousands of miles away, it still failed to prevent him from establishing contact with the new dimension of hell.

Mephisto laughed and took a step forward, his body swelled against the wind again.

Infinite power came continuously from somewhere, giving him the right to squander energy unscrupulously.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yi sighed, turned his head to look at Lin Yi and said, "Mephisto is not worried, I am fully sure that I can firmly drag him to death in the mirror space, but the outside world is devouring the hell dimension of the earth. There is nothing you can do—Your Excellency the Juggernaut, since you have become the master of an unknown dimension, you should know how to deal with this situation, right?"

"...Of course." Lin Yi grinned, showing his white teeth, "And there are more than one kind!"

"That's good."

Gu Yi nodded, turned his head to look at Mephisto, whose body was soaring in front of him, and gently shook his hands to spread out two fan-shaped magic weapons: "Just go and solve the disaster that devours reality, Mephisto will be handed over to me , I assure you, it is absolutely impossible to give him the slightest chance to leave the mirror space within three years..."

"What about after three years?"

"After three years, if you still can't solve the real problem, what does it matter if I let you go or not?"

"That's true." Lin Yi smiled lightly and shook his head, "However, it will take less than three years to deal with this incomplete parasitic dimension, three and ten minutes is enough!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yi tore open a silver-white crack, and disappeared into the mirror space in a flash.

Mephisto's complexion changed, he didn't expect Lin Yi to leave so decisively, he immediately roared, and swung the cane of the crystal skull that covered the sky and slammed it at the silver-white crack that hadn't disappeared yet.

At this moment, Gu Yi suddenly appeared beside the crack.

"Sorry, this way doesn't work..."

Gu Yi looked at Mephisto with a fearless expression, and unfolded a small translucent round mirror with his hands, and then dragged out a long whip composed of yellow sparks from the void, and swung it forward.

The long whip of yellow sparks immediately sank into the translucent small round mirror in front of it.

In an instant, densely packed translucent small round mirrors emerged together, like a sky full of stars, covering Mephisto densely, and an identical yellow spark whip flew out from each of the small round mirrors, countless The long whip blasted the air, binding Mephisto's huge body and palms that covered the sky and the sun in the air!

From a distance, it looks like a giant who has been bound by a huge red spider web.

(End of this chapter)

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