A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 84 The Principle of Kenshin

Chapter 84 The Principle of Kenshin

A pier in New York Harbor.

A figure suddenly broke through the water and was thrown onto the pier with countless splashes.

Another figure jumped onto the pier immediately afterward, and it was Thor holding Thor's Hammer.

The figure thrown up by him was naturally the unlucky Loki.

Loki stood up on the ground, looking at Sol with a gloomy expression.

He finally crawled out of the weighted cage, and then he ran into his elder brother who was called Thor.

After some fighting, Loki was defeated by Thor again.

Thor pulled out the dagger pierced into his waist, and threw the sharp dagger stained with divine blood on the pier.

Looking at Loki who stood up in front of him, Thor stretched out his hand.

"Loki, come back with me!"

"Go back and accept your so-called trial?"

Loki's mouth cracked into a smile.

"That's right!"

At least this way you don't have to die...

Sol added a sentence in his heart with a complex expression.

He understood what the eyes of those Midgard people meant, and if there was a chance, these people would never let Loki go.

"Absolutely impossible!"

Loki's tone was firm and fierce.

"I am the king of Asgard, and no one in Asgard can judge me! What do you know? You are just a reckless man who can only charge! Do you think you will succeed by stopping me here? Impossible! Let me tell you, My men have already arrived in New York, and soon, the Chitauri's army will..."

Loki suddenly looked startled, turned his head to look at the sky, and frowned tightly.

"What will happen, keep talking!"

Saul looked at him calmly.

"...Damn it, you already knew that, right?"

Loki gritted his teeth and glared at Thor.

He suddenly remembered that if it really went according to the original plan, his people should have succeeded long ago.

And here is New York Harbor. If it really succeeds, how could he not see that beam of light reaching the sky, how could he not see the huge portal that can cover several blocks in New York...


correct!In his previous plan, he deliberately chose the location to activate the portal, Stark Tower!
If the plan goes well, there is no problem, but now Loki not only lost his scepter, but even himself was blocked here by Sol.

If those soul puppets are still so determined to follow the original plan, then...

"I don't know if they will succeed..." Thor shook his head, "But I know you will fail!"


Loki glared at Thor.

Why does everyone feel that they are bound to fail?

So is Lin Yi, and so is Saul!
But it doesn't matter, let them think like this, anyway, he still has a backup plan, and he still has the capital to make a comeback...

Thinking of this, Loki took a deep breath and raised his hand.

"Catch me back."

Thor gave him a deep look, then walked over and put Thor's hammer on his wrist.

A white light passed, and Thor's Hammer turned into a pair of strong handcuffs.

"Is it Lin Yi?"

Looking at the handcuffs on his wrists, Loki asked calmly.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. With him, those puppets will never succeed."

"Lin Yi?" Saul glanced at him in surprise, then shook his head, "No, Lin Yi went to London..."


Loki's eyes gradually widened, and an ominous premonition gradually surfaced in his heart.



Around the corner in an abandoned basement in London at the same time.

Lin Yi poked his head quietly, and looked at the group of researchers in white coats in the room.

Among them are a few yellow men with glasses, who should be the target of his trip.

"Be careful, this is the last iridium metal!"

"Don't worry, there is no problem with the device!"

"If we can get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube again, we can secretly open the second portal here."

The enthusiastic discussion of the researchers entered Lin Yi's ears, causing him to frown slightly.

Only researchers?

What about the defense force?
Loki couldn't really be left alone, could he?

Or, the guy hiding in the room can escape even his perception.

Lin Yi was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he walked out of the corner, and a wooden baseball bat appeared in his right hand, and walked straight to the room.


Lin Yi smiled and said hello, which immediately attracted the attention of several researchers at the door.


"It's an S-class dangerous target!"

"kill him!"

I don't know if it's their nature, or they have been completely modified by the [Spiritual Scepter].

The moment they saw Lin Yi, these people actually took out the stun guns around their waists, showing a look of fearlessness.

"You guys did it first, don't blame me when you wake up..."

Lin Yi sighed, then lifted the baseball bat in his hand, and suddenly disappeared in place.

"call out--"

The densely fired electric darts immediately flew into the air, and the eyes of several white coats holding stun guns suddenly widened.

"...Where did you go?"

A bad wind fell from the sky, Lin Yi stepped on the wall and suddenly appeared in front of him, and a bat with a thick arm hit the guy on the head.


With a muffled sound, the person in front of him rolled his eyes and passed out without even making a sound.

"On top!"

Another white coat suddenly shouted.

But it was useless, the stick in Lin Yi's hand was much faster than theirs.

"Bang bang bang-"

There were muffled sounds one after another, and Lin Yi put down all seven white coats, including the three white men, and everyone had a red mark on their foreheads.

Lin Yi has rich experience in dealing with ordinary people, so he is very measured in his actions. There will never be any danger to his life. At most, he will have a slight concussion afterwards.

After knocking down everyone, Lin Yi carried a baseball bat and walked to the machine in the middle of the room.

"...Is this the one?"

Lin Yi raised his head and muttered to himself.

At this moment, a murderous intent rose quietly from behind Lin Yi.

"call out--"

The door of the iron cabinet in the corner opened silently, and a black figure in tights jumped up lightly, holding two ten-handed short forks, and stabbed Lin Yi's back with a slight sound of breaking through the air.

"Waiting for you for a long time!"

A faint voice came from the front, and the pupils of the man in black shrank suddenly, and the alarm bells rang in his mind.

In the next second, Lin Yi, who had his back turned to him, turned around instantly, and swung the wooden bat in his hand.

"So fast!"

The man in black's scalp was numb, but the matter had come to an end, so he could only grit his teeth and continue to stab forward.


A dull sound sounded, and the ten-handed short fork in the hands of the man in black collided with the wooden baseball bat, and the entire short fork sank into it immediately, and was firmly stuck by the solid wooden bat.

"not good!"

The man in black couldn't draw the blade, so he let go quickly, but it was too late.


The man in black felt a pain in his abdomen, and he was suddenly thrown into the air, fell to the ground, and curled up.

Ten hands...

Lin Yi looked down at the two ten-handed short wooden sticks inlaid in his hand, and couldn't help but be amazed.

These days, it is rare to use this kind of weapon, but unfortunately, he used a blunt weapon this time.

After putting all the wooden stick and ten-handed fork into the inventory, Lin Yi walked over.

After Lin Yi walked in, the man in black who was curled up like a shrimp suddenly jumped up, and stabbed Lin Yi straight with a dagger in his right hand.

Lin Yi dodged sideways very calmly, then grabbed her wrist with his left hand, and slashed at her neck with his right hand like lightning.

The woman in black suddenly rolled her eyes and fell limp to the ground.

"You're lucky..."

Lin Yi curled his lips. He originally planned to let the man in black enjoy the same treatment as those researchers.

But in the end, he still chose to change his move halfway and blocked her attack.

The reason is also very simple, this woman obviously practiced some special kung fu, which is extremely focused on speed and concealment, and her internal energy is quite scattered.

For a short moment, this person had no time to use his internal energy to protect his head.

With the strength he swung just now, Lin Yi was afraid that if he hit this stick, she might die...

Pulling the collar of the woman in black and throwing it together with the white coats, Lin Yi turned around and explored other corners.

After confirming that there was no second person, Lin Yi reached out and tore a few thick cables from the machine, and tied up the woman in black and those white coats.

"The next step is to take you away..."

Lin Yi clapped his hands, then frowned, and shot like lightning, removing the two arms of the woman in black.

"...how did you wake up so quickly?"

Lin Yi squatted down, frowning slightly, ignoring her widening eyes, opened her hand, and picked up the straightened thin needle.

"Tsk tsk, why do you keep doing these strange tricks..."

After throwing away the wire, Lin Yi looked at those blue eyes seriously.

"To be honest, I'm very curious about your methods. If you didn't make a little noise, I really didn't know you were awake—tell me, how did you hide your body from my perception?"

Lin Yi was really curious about this.

Ever since he entered this room, he had been feeling a vague sense of peeping, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find the source of this feeling of peeping.

So Lin Yi had no choice but to turn around and pretend to check the device, leaving a back for the prying guy, and then lured her out.

But the woman in black looked at Lin Yi coldly without saying a word.

"never mind……"

Lin Yi chopped her on the neck casually, and the woman in black couldn't get enough blood to her brain, so she fainted suddenly.

"I think there are such things in Taoism, so why should I ask you here?"

Lin Yi stood up a little bored.

Moreover, if it weren't for the influence of the [Spiritual Scepter], he would have discovered this guy long ago.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt a little depressed.

Since coming back, his sword heart has been deflated countless times.

When he was on the aerospace aircraft carrier, Lin Yi discovered that he could not use the sword heart to sense the hearts of Loki and Thor, as if their hearts were firmly blocked by a wall.

Not only that, Lin Yi's sword heart is useless to those who are affected by the [Spiritual Scepter].

As for Gu Yi... let alone, with Gu Yi's exploration in the dimension and soul realm, Lin Yi's little trick is nothing more than a hack.

Therefore, he did not dare to open Jianxin in the London Temple.

However, combined with the previous study and exploration of Jianxin, Lin Yi has roughly understood the principle of his own Jianxin.

Unlike Professor X's ability to forcibly invade the mind, Lin Yi's sword heart is more like a passive receiver.

At the beginning, I could only accept part of the brainwaves emitted by other people, so I could only feel a blurred picture.

With the continuous improvement of Lin Yi's own intelligence and spiritual attributes, this receiver began to gradually become stronger, from the initial passive reception to active capture.

Up to now, this sword heart can even simulate the opponent's brain waves to a certain extent, and reversely affect the opponent's mind.

But in any case, the essential ability of this sword heart is the receiver, even if it is to simulate brain waves, it must be captured first.

The cases that Lin Yi encountered so far that Jianxin could not perceive were basically due to this aspect.

Therefore, in Lin Yi's guess, Loki and Sol may have their own divine powers that can isolate the inside and outside, or there are some treasures on their bodies that have similar effects.

And these guys who are affected by the [Spiritual Scepter] should have locked their thoughts in their bodies tightly by the scepter, so Lin Yi's sword heart can't perceive anything.

But it doesn't matter, Lin Yi didn't rely on Jian Xin that much in the first place, at most he was used to opening the see-through hanger, and now he was not used to it for a while after turning it off.

Looking at the group of tied people under his feet, Lin Yi had a headache.

How to get these people to the surface is really troublesome...

There is an ancient one when you come, but not necessarily when you leave.

So Lin Yi thought about it and decided to throw this question to others.

He pulled out the military satellite phone in his inventory.

Before rushing to London, he used this mobile phone to send a message to Mr. Qin, telling their people to hurry to London to meet him.

Counting the time, these people should have arrived in London secretly.

"Hello? I'm Lin Yi..."

"Well, it's ready to come down...yes, that's where this phone is..."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Sure enough, it's much easier to leave the troublesome things to others.

Lin Yi lowered his head with a smile on his face, and re-examined the cables that bound them.

After making sure everything was safe, Lin Yi got up again and looked at the device that activated the portal in front of him.

"Can I take it away?"

Lin Yi put his hand on it.

After successfully taking away the [Spiritual Scepter], Lin Yi now wants to see if he can take it away.

In the next second, the piece of metal that was in contact with Lin Yi's palm disappeared suddenly.

"...it doesn't look right."

Lin Yi withdrew his hand and shook his head in disappointment.

This device was not judged as a whole by the system, so he only received one [steel sheet] just now.

"In this case……"

Lin Yi sighed, and a Xuanzong Tang sword suddenly appeared in his right hand.

"Then we have to destroy it!"


Waves of bluish-blue sword energy broke through the air, scrambling to pounce on it, smashing the machine in front of it and Loki's ambition to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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