A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 832 Masquerade Party?

Chapter 832 Masquerade Party?

Looking at the smile on Lucifer's face, Lin Yi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

This guy has already pretended to be a lawyer to read the will for Wells, how could he not know the identities of these people in front of him!
The reason why I want to introduce him myself is nothing more than to show Chloe and Barry...

Seeing that Lucifer personally mixed drinks for himself, Lin Yi did not choose to tear down his stage, but stretched out his hand to lead everyone to introduce to Lucifer one by one: "This is the police officer Joe West, the young man next to him is the adopted son of Officer Joe, and a young detective from the Crime Scene Investigation Division."

"Well, that's Chloe's colleague at the police station!"

"Nonsense!" Chloe rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Lucifer, we've been chatting here for so long, don't you see anything?"

"Can you still blame me?" Lucifer continued to say with a slightly aggrieved tone, "Who told me that when I saw you, I couldn't let others go?"


After the words fell, Joe and Barry looked at each other, and their expressions became extremely strange.

Chloe blushed, and couldn't help throwing the cup in her hand angrily.


Selena grabbed the glass with ice cubes in it, and flicked it gently with her white and tender fingers, turning the inclined glass to the state where the mouth of the glass was facing up as if by magic, and then gently placed it on the on the bar.

The whole process is smooth and smooth, and it can be called a cure for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

For a while, Barry, Sisko and others were stunned.

Looking at Sisko and Caitlin who opened their mouths slightly and looked a little dull, Lin Yi curled his lips, turned his head to look at the complacent Lucifer and said: "As for these two stunned handsome men and beautiful women, they all It's the scientists and staff of the STAR Laboratory—I assume you've heard of the name STAR Laboratory?"

"Of course, the name of STAR Laboratory is known to everyone in Midtown, everyone knows it!"

There was a smile on Lucifer's face, the movement of mixing drinks in his hands stopped, and he stretched out his hand towards the people in front of the bar—to be precise, Caitlin beside Sisko.

"Lucifer Morningstar, as you can see, is the owner of this bar!"

For the vast majority of human women, Lucifer with the perfect angelic body is a walking human aphrodisiac.

In the face of those women whose desires are magnified by the materialistic city, Lucifer often only needs a little ambiguity in speech and behavior to make the other party feel the heartbeat of being pierced by Cupid, and thus There is a strong possessive desire for Lucifer.

This kind of charm, which is far more violent than the aphrodisiac, is not actually the charm ability controlled by Lucifer, but the passive ability naturally carried by the perfect angel body.

After all, when human beings are looking for their other half, they will subconsciously yearn for perfection.

And Lucifer is the most perfect creation of God, not one of them...

It is worth mentioning that this passive ability will only work on women Lucifer is interested in. If Lucifer loses interest in her, then this strong attraction will also be weakened, just like two pieces that are attracted to each other. The magnet, when the magnetism that is the middle link that maintains the relationship disappears, it will no longer be as close as before.

Faced with this strong desire like a magnet, only a demigod with divine power like Diana, or an existence like Chloe, who is also a creation of God, can be immune.

Unfortunately, Kaitlyn does not belong to either of the two, so she was not surprised, and was deeply attracted by the charming aura emanating from Lucifer, and then subconsciously held Lucifer's extended hand, Then he looked directly into his eyes and spoke affectionately.

"Hi, Mr. Lucifer, my name is Caitlin Snow, I have a doctorate degree above the plural level, I have published thirteen academic papers that are quite influential in the industry when I was in college, and I mainly research thermodynamic superconductors after graduation. I am working in STAR laboratory, my height is 175cm, weight 45kg, unmarried, measurements..."


Sisko couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although he didn't know what happened to Caitlin, but when he heard her self-introduction that was getting more and more outrageous, more and more like a blind date courtship, he quickly reacted and interrupted her words with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chenxing, you know, after staying in a closed environment like the laboratory for a long time, there will be some problems in this place sooner or later, Kaitlyn has not participated in this kind of social occasion for too long, and now the whole head is only There is only such a set of self-introduction rhetoric left."

Sisko pointed to his head, explained a few words with an expression of 'you understand', then lowered his voice and said jokingly: "By the way, this is the back of her back before attending the dating meeting two days ago. Come down—and, don't tell her I said it, or she'll kill me!"


Lucifer frowned, looking at Sisko with interest.

As the instigator who caused Caitlin to turn into a slut, Lucifer naturally knew what was going on, but Sisko's timely cover still aroused his interest.

"Sir, who are you?"

"Oh, I forgot to say that!"

Sisko slapped his head, quickly stretched out his hand towards Lucifer, and said with a smile: "I'm Sisko Raymond, it's a great honor to be invited to your bar for a party!"

"It's my pleasure too, Mr. Raymond."

Lucifer smiled and shook hands with Sisko.

At the same time, Chloe, who seemed a little sluggish due to her slight drunkenness, finally came to her senses.

Seeing Caitlin's appearance at this moment, she didn't know that it was Lucifer's damn charm at work, so she immediately turned her head, gave Lucifer a vicious look, and then pulled the somewhat confused Caitlin to Beside him, the influence of Lucifer was reduced by the immune halo he carried.

Similarly, Lucifer lost his previous interest.

Caitlyn is finally free from the influence of her perfect angelic body.

On the other side, Sisko was still chatting with Lucifer.

"... sir, may I ask a question?"

"of course can!"

"Your name, Lucifer Morningstar...is it a stage name?"

"No, it's real name."

Looking at the bright smile on Lucifer's face, both Sisko and Barry couldn't help their hearts jumping. After swallowing, they turned to look at Lin Yi who was waiting in front of the bar.

It's a pity that Lin Yi didn't seem to notice their eyes, but kept his eyes on the wine bottle in Lucifer's hand and the fancy technique when mixing drinks.

Soon, Lucifer prepared a cup of angel wings and pushed it in front of Lin Yi.

Immediately afterwards, Lucifer took out a box from under the bar, opened it and placed it on the bar, then looked at the unknown Barry, Sisko and others with a chuckle and said.

"Pick one, you're going to need this!"


Barry, Joe and others looked at each other.

Sisko leaned forward curiously, only to find in astonishment that the box was full of various half-face masks.

"Sir, you never told us it was a masquerade party before!"

Sisko couldn't help but spit while picking a mask from the pile of masks.

Lin Yi picked out a silver half mask casually, glanced at the smiling Lucifer behind the bar and said, "Yeah, because it's also the first time I attended a bar party organized by this guy..."

After everyone had chosen the mask they wanted, Lucifer put away all the remaining masks.

"Okay, if you have any questions, you can come to the bar to find Selena - of course, this is limited to you, after all, the friends brought by the respected Mr. Prince still have some privileges, don't they?" ?”

As he said that, Lucifer gestured towards Lin Yi, and after receiving Lin Yi's contemptuous gaze in response, Lucifer couldn't help laughing, and said with open arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen, go ahead and enjoy your party!"

Selena got the signal and immediately pressed a service bell under the bar.

Soon, a group of luxuriously dressed men and women wearing various half-face masks walked into the bar. After greeting the bar owner Lucifer behind the bar, they skillfully walked to a corner and chatted with each other with a smile.

The whole bar quickly became crowded and lively.

Barry, Sisko, and the others also left the bar, gathered around a small round table with the wine they ordered, and talked in a low voice while looking at the well-dressed strange men and women around them.

"Caitlin! What were you mad about?"

"What's crazy, am I crazy?"

"Of course, they just asked you to introduce yourself. Why did you even report your height, weight, and even measurements? Didn't you hear what the boss said just now? His relationship with Officer Deckard is quite ambiguous..."

"Of course I heard it."

"Then you still look shy, aren't you afraid of being misunderstood?"

"A shy look...is there?"

Caitlin looked at Barry and Sisko blankly.

Barry and Cisco nodded together: "Yes!"

Caitlin showed a tangled face, and couldn't help but sigh after thinking carefully, and took a sip from the wine glass in front of her.

Compared with Caitlin who was still struggling with her words and deeds just now, Officer Joe was not in such a relaxed mood.

When he used his many years of experience as a police detective and his precise face recognition ability to distinguish the face of his immediate boss among the group of talking and laughing masked men and women, Officer Qiao couldn't help but feel terrified.

Because following this logical comparison, there are still many faces that can be matched with certain characters in his memory.

For example, the lady who is drinking with his immediate boss, the chief of the Midtown Police Department, is the most promising female senator to be the next mayor of Midtown.

And on the nearby table, the middle-aged man with slightly bald hair and a golden half-face mask was the biggest sponsor of the police station that he and his partner had received. boss.

After recognizing more and more bigwigs in the political and business circles, Officer Qiao still doesn't understand what kind of crouching tiger, hidden dragon his little shrimp has swam into...

In fact, the men and women participating in this bar party at this moment, besides being bigwigs and giants in the political and business circles of Midtown, have another unknown identity——

That's the members of the Midtown chapter of the Hellfire Club!

Although Lucifer has been out of business for a long time, some club executives who know the inside story are unwilling to give up the mysterious and powerful banner of Lucifer. Even if Lucifer made it clear that he would leave permanently, they still kept Lucifer for life. The title of honorary member.

Not only that, whenever there is a major event that determines the club's future destiny, the club's top executives will come to the Light Bar in person, and while ordering a cup of hellfire, they will seek solutions from Lucifer. Wellman's behavior is the reason why the Hellfire Club has not been wiped out by Batman until now.

Not only that, they even formulated many plans such as "avoid the edge", "weak stems and strong branches", which expanded the footprint of the Hellfire Club to every corner of the country, and thoroughly implemented the basic development of "widening the road". guidelines.

After Lucifer came to Midtown, the club members at the Gotham headquarters quickly received the news, so they actively introduced the branch members in Midtown to Lucifer, and after obtaining Lucifer's consent, the The Bar is set as one of the meeting places for club members in Midtown.

For this suggestion, Lucifer readily agreed.

Although he doesn't care about secular power, getting acquainted with a rich man can also save him a little trouble. At least when he illegally broke into the murder scene with Chloe, there won't be so many blind policemen looking for him... …

In front of the bar, men and women wearing half masks kept coming.

But Lin Yi is the only one who can sit here and chat with Selena.

All the men and women who came to the bar would politely thank Selina after picking up the drinks they ordered, and then bowed respectfully to Lin Yi before turning around and walking towards their original positions.

Obviously, they all knew who this big man with the silver mask was.

"Selena, to be honest, did Lucifer tell them my identity?"

"I'm not sure about that, but it seems... yes."

"Then do I really need to wear a mask?"

Lin Yi looked at Selena speechlessly, unconsciously playing with the cup in his right hand.

The reason why he came here to attend Lucifer's party was not only that he was really bored and wanted to kill time, but also that he wanted to use the rich dark energy environment around Lucifer to speed up the little black cat's awakening.

As for why bringing Barry and his Flash team along...

Then it was just a coincidence!
In fact, Lin Yi came to Midtown following Lucifer's aura, and happened to see him incarnate as a lawyer, reading Wells' will to Barry and Sisko, so he decided to bring Barry and the others along.

Anyway, Lucifer will live in Midtown in the future, and it is not a bad thing to let Barry and the others know in advance that there is such a dangerous person in their city...

(End of this chapter)

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