A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 826 'Employment' Agreement

Chapter 826 'Employment' Agreement

"Tell me."

Lin Yi looked at Zod with a half-smile.

Zod's expression remained unchanged, and being able to say this meant that he was ready to be humiliated, but looking at Lin Yi's appearance, it seemed that he had no intention of humiliating him, but there was a slight smugness in his eyes and expression. Playful, it is estimated that he has a certain degree of guessing about his next request.

Zod asked calmly: "Your Excellency Lin Yi, before I make a formal request to you, I would like to know how powerful your sword-shaped artifact that can turn back time...is?"

"How powerful is it~"

Lin Yi rubbed his chin, and said with a smile: "In this world, it shouldn't be too big, but if you go back to your original world, it may be more than enough to restore a Kryptonian!"


Hearing these words, the eyes of Fiora and the others lit up, and there was an uncontrollable excitement in their hearts.

Zod secretly said in his heart that sure enough, his expression became both joyful and complicated.

He is delighted that Krypton finally has the hope of real resurrection.

What is complicated is the next fate of myself and all the Kryptonian fighters...

Zod was not surprised that Lin Yi guessed what he was thinking. After all, in this world, apart from the exploded home planet Krypton, there was nothing that could make him lower his noble head.

Thinking of this, Zod took a deep breath, and said respectfully and sincerely: "Your Excellency Lin Yi, if you can really restore Krypton, on behalf of all Krypton warriors, I would like to accept your previous employment proposal..."

"Just an offer of employment?"

"Yes, and there is a time limit, up to 100 years."

"100 years... Zod, don't you feel a little greedy?"

"I don't think so." Zod said calmly, "Because, I mean all the warriors of the entire Kryptonian civilization! Including those children who will not be born in the next 100 years..."

"Oh? Tell me about it..."

Lin Yi had a look of interest on his face.

Zod explained in a deep voice: "As you know, I hold the Central Secret Code and the Secret Chamber of Creation in my hands. As long as these two things exist together, the newborn Krypton will inevitably usher in a population explosion and high-speed development within the first 100 years." development, the entire advanced civilized society will be rapidly established within a few decades."

"At that time, your subordinates will have countless Kryptonian fighters serving you!"

"Think about it, Your Excellency Lin Yi, what do you want is a Kryptonian army that can sweep across the starry sky, or a few of us Kryptonian remnants wandering in space?"

Is it the Kryptonian army... or the wandering remnants?
This question sounds like there is no comparison!

"That's still a question, of course I choose the former!" Lin Yi said without hesitation.

"..." There was a smile on Zod's face, and he was also relieved in his heart.

But at this moment, Lin Yi suddenly changed the topic, and then asked: "By the way, I also have a question here, and I want to ask you in advance-if 100 years later, you are used to this kind of relationship between us Employment relationship, don’t want to let Krypton become independent from my asylum, so what should I do?”

how can that be!

Zod couldn't help laughing, and without thinking about it at the moment, he replied with a relaxed expression: "Your Excellency Lin Yi, you are asking the wrong person this question! If such a thing really happens in 100 years, then The civilized leader at that time will definitely make a decision for me and renew the employment agreement with you, so why should I worry!"

"That's true."

Lin Yi nodded in agreement, and then said with a chuckle: "Very well, then the contract is reached, you and your Kryptonian fighters will serve me for the next 100 years, and to show my sincerity, I can restore the Kryptonian first." Xing, I will sign an employment contract with you."


Zod was a little surprised, he didn't expect Lin Yi to be so easy to talk.

However, out of a cautious nature, Zod still thought about it carefully, and after making sure that there were no loopholes in what he just said, he finally nodded in agreement.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Zod also sighed with relief in his heart.

In his eyes, no matter what the character of the leader of civilization who will appear on stage 100 years later, as long as he is a Kryptonian who came out of the secret chamber of creation, he will definitely not make such a decision that violates the precepts of his ancestors.

It's just that he never expected that his seemingly solid and reliable decision would hand over the entire Kryptonian civilization to Lin Yi in the near future...

But those are for later.

At this moment, Zod didn't know the future fate of Krypton. After the discussion was completed, he couldn't hold back the excitement and urgency in his heart, and couldn't help but said: "Your Excellency Lin Yi, it's not too late. Let's do it now." lets go!"

"Now?" Fiora was slightly taken aback, and quickly asked, "Then what should we do here?"

"It's very simple." Zod looked at Fiora and said seriously, "I'll leave it to you, Fiora, I believe you will be able to lead them to build this new Kryptonian!"


Fiora was stunned for a moment, her eyes widened and she said, "General, do you mean that we all stay here?"

"That's right!" Zod nodded, and said seriously, "Although Krypton is important, there is only one red dwarf star that is not too hot. Even if it is really rebuilt, it can only be used as an administrative center and a rear base camp. , Therefore, if we want to bring Kryptonian civilization back to its peak, we still rely on this young yellow sun..."

Saying that, both Zod and Fiora looked up at the sky.

Sensing the powerful force constantly growing under the sunlight, Fiora's expression became solemn.

"I understand what you mean, General... However, the rebirth of Krypton is very important. I can't let you go back alone. Even if you don't bring me, at least you should bring a spaceship and a few non-commissioned officers, right? "



DC universe, the southern sky constellation, Corvus, 27 light-years away from the earth.

There used to be a brilliant civilization here, a powerful existence that colonized hundreds of thousands of planets, mastered the scientific and technological knowledge of tens of thousands of different civilizations, and radiated almost half of the Andromeda galaxy—it was at its peak at the time Kryptonian civilization.

But just like countless once brilliant civilizations that turned into dust and disappeared in the end, the Kryptonian civilization was eventually destroyed due to excessive resource exploitation and a deformed and extreme social structure.

Today, Krypton no longer exists, replaced by an asteroid belt that spreads in a ring shape. Countless meteorites, large or small, shuttle and float in this asteroid belt disorderly. The remains of similar buildings or metal instruments are obviously part of the remains of the Kryptonian civilization after its destruction.

At the edge of the asteroid belt, a black Kryptonian spacecraft seems to be slow, but in fact it shuttles quickly.

Standing in the spaceship, Zod looked at the large or small meteorites outside the spaceship through the transparent bulkhead. Every time he saw the wreckage of a building suspected to be a relic of Krypton, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

33 years ago, the aftermath of the Krypton explosion destroyed most of the star system, but it also released Zod and others from the phantom space.

In order to be able to survive and rebuild his beloved Krypton, Zod took Fiora and many Kryptonian fighters and converted the prison used to imprison them into a spaceship. Shuttle back and forth, looking for all the resources and equipment that can be used.

Finally, with the remnants of Krypton, Zod and the others managed to survive.

Now, it's their turn to do something for Krypton...

Not long after, the Kryptonian spacecraft landed on a huge meteorite.

Zod and a Kryptonian non-commissioned officer stepped out of the spaceship, crouched on the ground with complicated complexions, and stroked the remaining traces on the ground with the palms of the black gauntlets.

Here is the largest piece of debris left after the explosion of Krypton.

It was here that they found a complete phantom launcher, and then they successfully assembled the spaceship, and left here with the space jump ability of the phantom launcher.

At this moment, the trace that Zod caressed was the place where the broken spaceship hit when it landed forcefully.

"Are you sure it's this meteorite?"

Lin Yi's voice entered Zod's mind directly.

The movement of Zod's hands paused, and he stood up in silence, his eyes swept over the meteorites passing by either slowly or quickly, and he nodded emphatically after a long time.

"I'm sure."

"very good."

Lin Yi nodded slightly, and five regular sword feathers blooming with gorgeous light emerged from behind him again, and the brass-colored long sword that could reverse time and reverse the long river of time also flew into his palm.

Seeing this scene, Zod and the Kryptonian sergeant turned around without hesitation and boarded the spaceship as quickly as possible.

They have completed their tasks, and the rest will be left to Lin Yilai to handle...

However, because he missed his home planet too much, Zod stretched out his hand in a mysterious way before boarding the ship, and took a gray stone from the surface of the meteorite, wanting to keep it as a souvenir.

Although Lin Yi noticed this, he didn't care.

After all, the homeland is hard to leave, and even Chu Yunfei had to take a handful of soil with him before leaving the mainland, not to mention these Kryptonians who were engraved with the idea of ​​"defending Krypton" from the genetic level!

Soon, the Kryptonian spacecraft left the asteroid belt.

After reaching a safe distance, Zod immediately ordered the sergeant to stop, and he turned around and walked to the transparent bulkhead, preparing to watch the grand scene of Krypton's resurrection.

Because there are too many meteorites in the asteroid belt, the light of the red sun has weakened the ability of Kryptonians, causing Zod's super vision to completely fail. He can only pass through the gaps between meteorites and the gaps like ordinary people. Blooming brass-colored light observes what's going on inside as best it can.

Soon, though, they won't need to use supervision.

Because after the initial brassy light bloomed, the asteroid belt moved quickly.

Countless meteorites began to rotate in the same direction, like a python composed purely of meteorites, swimming around that brassy ray of light.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely bright light bloomed out of thin air.

All the swimming meteorites shook together, and then split into countless thinner meteorite pythons, frantically gathering towards the center like a dragon swimming in the sea, and quickly converged with that light.

In the spaceship, Zod looked blankly at the light and the meteorite in the distance.

The scene in front of him is extremely deep in his memory, because this is the scene where Krypton exploded.

That doomsday-like gorgeous red light has always lingered in Zod's mind. Even after 33 years, he still can't forget it...

But now, he can finally erase this scene from his mind.

Because the scene of the explosion of Krypton in front of me has changed from the destruction of the forward play to the recovery of the backward play.

Thinking of this, Zod's eyes lit up with a look of hope.

At the same time, the Kryptonian non-commissioned officer came to him at some point, looking at the distant Kryptonian that was constantly recovering from destruction, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

At this moment, the hull of the spaceship suddenly shook violently.

Zod and the Kryptonian sergeant quickly recovered, only to find that the spacecraft was affected by the meteorite from outside.

But how is this possible?This spaceship has a defense mechanism to avoid meteorites on its own!
Zod and the Kryptonian sergeant were puzzled, and hurried back to the main console to observe the external situation.

Then, they saw countless densely packed fine meteorites lasing from extremely far away...

Seeing this scene, the Kryptonian sergeant immediately widened his eyes, and subconsciously wanted to activate the laser interception net.

But just when he was about to press the button, Zod firmly grasped his arm, and said in a deep voice: "These meteorites are the wreckage of Krypton, don't destroy them, avoid them!"


Cold sweat broke out on the Kryptonian sergeant's forehead, and he quickly retracted his arms with lingering fear, and controlled the spaceship to avoid the impact of the dense meteorites.

With the passage of time, more and more fine meteorites are lasing from the extreme distance, like an all-round spherical shock wave from the outside to the inside, continuously converging and shrinking towards the center from the extreme distance.

Although in the eyes of Zod and the Kryptonian sergeant, these meteorites fly very fast, and almost each of them can reach the point of dozens of times the speed of sound, but the distance in space is too far away, even if it is dozens of times the speed of sound The flight speed, at least have to fly for several days.

Soon, one day passed, and Zod and the Kryptonian spacecraft finally broke through the meteorite network and came to a farther but safer distance than before.

At this time, a large number of meteorites have already gone away, leaving only a few more distant and slower meteorites passing by the spaceship scatteredly, and between the gaps in the meteorite net, the dazzling red light also Gradually converges, dims, and gradually changes from the original bright yellow and bright red dazzling bright colors to an obscure dark dark red.

After another week or so, the dark red light finally completely disappeared.

The continuous and long asteroid belt has also initially condensed into a sphere. From a distance, it looks like a fluffy dandelion mixed with dark gray and dark blue, which is rapidly converging towards the center.

(End of this chapter)

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