A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 811 Reverse Lightning

Chapter 811 Reverse Lightning

"You may think so."

Lin Yi walked out of the silvery-white vortex, and walked in front of Bari at a leisurely pace.

Until then, Barry, Sisko and others discovered that there was actually a small black cat the size of a palm squatting on Lin Yi's heavy and thick silver shoulder armor!

Lin Yi's figure was already strong and tall, coupled with the sacred and thick silver armor, he stood at least 1.8 to [-] meters tall on the ground, which was much taller than Barry's [-] meters. It was full of oppressive feeling, and one couldn't help feeling tense, there was no time to pay attention to other things.

After seeing the little black cat, Caitlin, who is a woman, couldn't help being attracted by it.

Barry also saw the existence of the little black cat, but he didn't care, because he knew the close relationship between the little black cat and Lin Yi, and he had seen how powerful it was.

Now that Lin Yi brought it here, he just wanted to add another layer of insurance for this operation.

For Barry, who was a little nervous, there was nothing wrong with it...

However, Wells, who has a ghost in his heart, doesn't think so.

He looked at Lin Yi and the little black cat with a frown, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous in his heart.

Just yesterday, Barry told them Lin Yi's real identity, or what Barry thought he was - the patriarch of Gotham City's top wealthy Prince family and the chairman of the global Prince consortium , and the fighting teacher of the Justice League trio Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

Especially the last identity made Sisko and Caitlin extremely amazed.

Of course, for Sisko and Caitlin, this news is just a surprise.

But for Wells, that's downright scary...

As a time traveler from the future, Wells is well aware of the identity of Wonder Woman Diana.

She is the Amazon princess from Paradise Island, the last child of Zeus, the king of gods in Greek mythology, with a nearly endless lifespan and eternal youth. Even in this age, Diana has spent at least hundreds of years. Even thousands of spring and autumn, older than most countries in the world.

And the people who can become her combat teacher should basically not be human...

Wells speculated that Lin Yi is likely to be a powerful and mysterious ancient god in Greek mythology. Even judging from the ability to manipulate time he showed yesterday, this ancient god may have obtained the super primitive Greek god. God, or some inheritance of Chronos, the god of time, so that he can live from the ancient mythological age to the present.

Just why has he never heard of the deeds of this ancient god in the future?

Just after Wells learned of Lin Yi's "true identity", such a doubt flashed in his heart.

But after seeing Barry Allen inadvertently, Wells came to his senses. He felt that Lin Yi must have wanted to acquire more knowledge about time and space, so he had a strong desire for the Speed ​​Force, and ended up venturing into the There was an accident during the speed force, and he was permanently imprisoned in the speed force space.

This caused him to never hear about Lin Yi in the future.

The more Wells thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. That's why he was so concerned about today's experiment. Since last night, he has been actively busy, just to ensure the success of today's experiment.

No one wants history to return to what he already knows more than Wells.

Because only in this way can he return to his own time in the near future.

That's right, today's Harrison Wells is actually Albert Swan from the 25th century, who is the Flash's old enemy, Professor Speed, or in other words, Reverse Flash.

In the distant 25th century, the scientist Albert Swan, as a fanatical admirer of the Flash, obtained the same ability as the Flash by simulating Barry Allen's encounter.

But during a certain time travel, Albert Swan accidentally discovered that he turned out to be the destined enemy of the idol Flash, the Reverse Lightning. Defeat and erase messages on the timeline.

After learning this fact, Albert Swan was a little unbelievable at first, but then, a strong hatred burst out from his heart.

But no one knows how powerful the Flash is. In order to ensure that he will not die at the hands of the Flash, Albert Swan chooses to travel through time to kill the childhood Barry Allen. A later point in time is the Flash defeat in 2024.

In anger, Albert Swan murdered Barry's mother, Nora Allen, and framed his father, Henry Allen, as the murderer of his wife, but he himself was left behind because of excessive consumption of the speed force. In this era.

After discovering this, Albert Swan expressed despair.

Human beings have always been like this, only know how to cherish after losing.

Before the speed force was exhausted, Albert Swan never missed his own era. He traveled through the timeline tirelessly, enjoying the superior pleasure of being a speedster and a time traveler.

But now, Albert Swan, who has completely lost the ability to travel through time, seems to be madly missing that era that belongs to him.

He must go back, and he will definitely go back!
With this belief in mind, Albert Swan began looking for a way to return to the future.

Hard work pays off, Albert Swan is a genius scientist from the future after all.

He can reverse-simulate the way Barry acquired his abilities in the era when The Flash passed away, and he can naturally think of a way to return to his own era.

He decided to replace Harrison Wells in the original history, and personally trained Barry Allen as the Flash, and when he grew enough to link the speed force space, he took the purest speed force from him, And open the time channel to go back to the era that belongs to you.

Albert Swan had a good idea, but it was not so simple to implement.

Because any seemingly small move may disrupt the original timeline and affect the future development process, therefore, Albert Swan took every step extremely cautiously.

He first caused a car accident, and used it to kill Tess Morgan, the real lover of Harrison Wells, and then used a device that could perfectly reproduce and simulate it from the genetic level. , killed Wells who was seriously injured in a car accident, and pretended to be Wells to call the police.

After that, Albert Swan, or Wells, founded the Star Laboratory, built a particle accelerator and activated it in advance, causing it to explode, which affected tens of thousands of citizens in Midtown. Barry As a result, he successfully transformed into the Flash, and continued to grow stronger with his help.

Logically speaking, after Barry became the Flash, Wells didn't have to act so cautiously, but he was a scientist after all, and the biggest characteristic of a scientist was his rigorous requirements for experimental procedures.

He does not allow any accidents in his regression experiment, because any seemingly minor accidents may be fatal to him, a future man, and even bumping into someone accidentally on the street may lead to future problems. His own self could not be born, which led to his own existence being instantly erased.

This is why Wells is so concerned about Lin Yi's affairs.

If a powerful existence like Lin Yi hadn't been imprisoned by Speed ​​Force like the 'Original History', it would most likely affect his future plans. What's more, the look in his eyes when he looked at him yesterday was not normal. It is possible that he discovered his identity as a time traveler...

"But it doesn't matter, you will completely disappear in this world soon..."

Wells sat in a wheelchair and looked at Lin Yi, sneering in his heart.

Lin Yi didn't seem to notice Wells' eyes, and looked him up and down in front of Barry.

"How is it, how is the status?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Prince!"

Barry patted his chest confidently while dancing his legs out of shadows on the high-speed treadmill.

"I ate eighteen hamburgers this morning, twenty-six drumsticks, thirteen donuts, and four full half-gallon buckets of milk—trust me, I've never been better!"

"...sounds pretty good."

Lin Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, then shook his head.

"But that's not enough."


Barry was slightly taken aback, and then saw Lin Yi stretching out a hand towards him.

In the next second, the sacred and heavy armor on Lin Yi's body suddenly lit up with holy white light, swimming along the white veins on the surface of the armor across his body, and finally gathered and bloomed in the metal palm with the white pattern of the holy cross.

Barry couldn't help opening his eyes wide. He felt a warm light shining on him, and then it turned into countless warm currents and flowed into his body, making his whole body as warm as if soaking in a hot spring.

Not only that, at the moment when the ray of light merged into Barry's body, three pairs of golden wings seemed to appear behind him——

It is the blessing from the power of the supreme angel!
Putting away the power of the supreme angel gathered in his palm, Lin Yi spoke softly.

"How do you feel now?"


Barry jumped off the treadmill unconsciously, lowered his head, stared blankly at his hands, and felt the abundant power in his body surging like the waves of the sea.

"This... is simply amazing!"

Barry muttered a few words, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

Lin Yi frowned, and turned to look at this special runway that can withstand high speed and high temperature.

I saw a red afterimage shuttle back and forth around the runway, and it carried golden lightning while running, turning the entire runway into a sea of ​​red and gold.

The air was whistling and the wind was so strong that it was difficult for even Lin Yi to catch Barry's figure.

Next to the instrument next to the runway, Sisko stared at the screen with wide-eyed eyes, and couldn't help exclaiming: "This... Barry has broken his previous record! No, he is still accelerating! My God, Pu What the hell did you feed him, Mr. Lince? Is it the speed force version of stimulants?"

"It's unbelievable..."

Caitlin couldn't help but sigh.

However, women's attention is always rather peculiar. After feeling impressed by Barry's extraordinary speed, she once again set her sights on the little black cat: "Mr. Prince, this experiment is too dangerous. It’s not suitable to bring pets with you, why don’t you let me take care of it for you!”


Lin Yi's head was full of black lines, and he turned to look at Caitlin who was speaking.

I saw her staring at the little black cat without blinking, and couldn't help swallowing a few times, her eyes seemed to be full of love.

... Whether it is dangerous or not, you are the body of my uncle!

The little black cat couldn't help but rolled its eyes, and turned its head away from the nympho Caitlin.

Lin Yi also politely rejected Caitlin's "kindness", then turned around and looked at the runway full of red afterimages and golden lightning.

In the next instant, the pitch-black eyes turned into a pair of silver-white vertical pupils.

With the support of Jian Tong and many authorities, Lin Yi finally captured Barry's complete figure while running.

His silver-white eyes seemed to be still, but they were actually turning at a high frequency, using his eyes to accurately follow and capture Barry's running body.

At the same time, Barry was running blissfully on this special high-speed runway, enjoying the ultimate pleasure of running and abundant strength, but at this moment, he inadvertently glanced to the side and found Lin Yi was staring at him intently, his eyes slowly turning with the movement of his figure.

...He can really keep up with my speed!

Barry couldn't help feeling a little shocked in his heart.

But then, Barry felt a little competitive.

He wanted to see if it was Lin Yi's fast nerve response, or his running speed!
Barry thought unwillingly, and at the same time accelerated the speed again.

"call out--"

As Barry accelerated again, Sisko's instrument could no longer capture his figure, leaving only a long chain of lightning mixed with gold and red flashing around the runway.

Barry also once again felt the feeling that he was about to break through a certain barrier and come to a new world.

Wells frowned, a faint red lightning flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help shouting: "Stop, Barry, the experiment hasn't started yet, you can't break that rule—"


Lin Yi categorically interrupted Wells' words, with silvery white light shining in his eyes, and while barely catching Barry's blurred body outline, he shouted loudly: "Now, Barry, this is the best opportunity!"


Several golden lightning bolts flashed across Barry's eyes.

Between the words of Wells and Lin Yi, he chose the latter without hesitation.

Because he himself is more inclined to this choice, instead of stopping to readjust his state, he should take this opportunity to break through the barrier called the speed of light in one go.

During Barry's faster-than-light run, everything around him began to turn backwards.

He finally surpassed time and ran backwards in the direction of the long river of time!
And in the center of the runway in front of Barry, a vortex mixed with blue and white lightning suddenly appeared there - it was the transmission channel connecting reality and the Speed ​​Force space!

(End of this chapter)

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