A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 81 You Know Too Much

Chapter 81 You Know Too Much


Looking at the smile on Lin Yi's face, Luo Ji's frown gradually relaxed.


Loki laughed.

"I said it a long time ago, we are the same kind of people!"

"No, I'm not like you."

Lin Yi denied it seriously, and walked to the console.

"Up to now, you still... wait, what do you want to do? Hey! We have something to discuss!"

Looking at Lin Yi's right hand extended to the console, Luo Ji's expression suddenly changed.

Lin Yi raised his head upon hearing this, and stared at Loki seriously.

"Loki, I don't want to, but you know too much..."

With that said, Lin Yi pressed the button on the console.

The strong wind whizzed past from below, and the cage originally prepared for the Hulk suddenly fell from a height of 9000 meters.

"Lin Yi!"

Loki's angry shouts faded away.

Lin Yi walked over to poke his probe, looked at the black spot that was getting smaller and smaller below, clicked his tongue, then turned around and left here with Barton.



The insane Hulk smashes around inside the Helicarrier until Thor arrives and wrestles with him.


Natasha stood up while supporting the iron pillar beside her, panting heavily.

She almost thought she was going to die just now!


Natasha was awakened by a sound at a close distance, and quickly took out the pistol on her thigh.

"it's me."

Lin Yi's figure appeared in front of Natasha, and Natasha was greatly relieved. .

"Phew—fortunately it's you..."

"Of course, you're already dead. This guy is your companion. I'll knock him out and bring him back, and I'll leave the rest to you..."


Lin Yi's words made Natasha slightly startled, and then quickly looked to the place beside her where the sound was made just now.

Sure enough, a comatose agent was thrown there by Lin Yi.


Seeing this familiar face, Natasha suddenly opened her eyes wide, and stretched out her hand to support his upper body.

"I suggest you tie him up first. I'm not sure if the method just now will help his mental state. If it doesn't work, I need you to fix it..."

Lin Yi said something lightly, then turned and walked towards the studio.

"How to fix it?"

Natasha helped Barton raise his head.

"Use your fist..."

Natasha: "..."

Looking at Lin Yi's back, Natasha sighed, stood up, and planned to find something to restrain Barton.

After throwing Barton to Natasha, Lin Yi came to the studio.


Looking at the spiritual scepter still on the table, the corner of Lin Yi's mouth curled up.

Since Banner turned into a Hulk in this room, most of the lines in the room have been destroyed, including the monitoring lines.

Standing in the room with eyes closed, Lin Yi's keen senses did not feel any peeping sensation at all.

It should be fine.

Lin Yi opened his eyes, walked over to pick up the scepter, and put it in the inventory.

Putting away the scepter, Lin Yi glanced around the room, and then placed it on the screen that Tony operated before.

Fortunately, the screen survived the disaster because it was far from Banner.

"Is this found?"

Looking at the map on the screen, Lin Yi walked over with great interest.

"Gamma rays, matching degree 99%, coordinates: 45°6612 'N 76°8732 'W , gamma rays, matching degree 95%, coordinates..."

There are two red marks and one green mark on the screen.

The matching rate of the green label is as high as 99%, and the coordinates are on the ocean, very close to New York City. It clearly refers to the aerospace aircraft carrier, representing the spiritual scepter and those people affected by the spiritual scepter.

The other 95% of the red marks are in the New York City area, which should refer to the Rubik's Cube and Dr. Eric and others. These people should now plan to open the portal in Stark Tower.

As for the third red mark with the lowest matching degree, it should be the remaining controlled persons who were not brought to New York.

"It's actually in London?"

Lin Yi frowned and looked at the screen.

"Is Loki planning to keep these scientists for nothing?"

After thinking about it, Lin Yi turned around decisively and left the room.

In any case, it must be right to bring these people back first!



Hulk let out a roar, then crushed the ground and rushed towards Thor in front of him.

"Banner! Calm down!"

While roaring, Thor generally swung the hammer in his hand, and hammered it on the head of the Hulk who rushed over.


Hulk's body was thrown into the air immediately, smashing the transport plane parked on this floor severely.

Hulk shook his head, his heart became more and more angry, he roared at Sol, and rushed up again.

This time, the hammered person became Thor.


One after another explosions sounded everywhere inside the aerospace carrier, Nick Fury said in the headset.

"Escort aircraft No. 60, go to the No. [-] parking lot, and find a way to divert Hulk's attention!"

"Roger that!"

A Kun-type fighter plane took off from the aerospace carrier and hovered slowly outside the parking area.

"Target locked."

Looking at the locked Hulk on the screen, the driver puts his finger on the fire button.


"Da da da--"

The high-speed machine gun hanging on the bottom of the machine rotated crazily, and the large-caliber bullets were enough to shatter the thick bulletproof glass, but they couldn't do any harm to Hulk.

All the bullets were bounced off by that green skin.

The bullets that kept shooting were like moths to a flame, which made Hulk very annoying.


Hulk finally got angry, he roared, he kicked three steps and two steps suddenly, and then jumped up.

"The target is crazy! The target is rushing over!"

Looking at the big green man who was rushing towards him, the driver's eyes widened.

At this moment, a foot suddenly stepped on Hulk's head.

The parabola that Hulk crossed in mid-air suddenly received a downward force, and his whole body turned sharply like a plummeting stock, narrowly missing the Quin-jet fighter.


Hulk, who failed to catch the fighter, suddenly roared, and wanted to reach out to grab the person above his head, but the owner of that foot was much faster than him, and he jumped up before Hulk reached out.

This time, Hulk fell faster.

Looking at the falling Hulk, the driver's heart was still beating.


The sound of heavy objects falling rang in the ears, which would wake up the driver immediately.

"It's all right!"

Lin Yi's face suddenly appeared outside the front windshield.

"...Thank you!"

The driver released the emergency eject button on the driver's seat.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, stood on the fuselage and knocked on the front windshield, pointed backwards, and signaled him to open the rear hatch.


The pilot was slightly taken aback when he saw this, and then opened the hatch for some unknown reason.

Lin Yi turned over and entered the Quin-style fighter, walked to the front, and sat unceremoniously in the co-pilot's seat.

"Sir, you are..."

Under the driver's confused gaze, Lin Yi stretched out his hand and scratched on the co-pilot's navigation map, then pointed somewhere.

"Take me here!"


The driver was slightly taken aback, then looked at him hesitantly.

"This... I need to ask my superiors."

"No need to ask for instructions!"

Nick Fury's voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

"Do as he says!"

(End of this chapter)

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