A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 790 1 Force Down Meeting

Chapter 790
The World Engine, the planetary terraformer of Krypton.

As the name suggests, it is to transform the environment of the entire planet until it becomes an environment that Kryptonians can adapt to, similar to the environment of Krypton before it was destroyed. In this process, the most important things are related to atmosphere, gravity, planetary mass and Modification of air composition.

In order to carry out this transformation, the world engine will release powerful energy pulses, which cycle alternately at both ends of the planet, creating a strong gravitational field to attract the matter around the planet, and through the cycle of release and contraction, gradually increase or decrease this energy. the weight of a planet until its gravity reaches an ideal value.

And the phantom launcher is the energy source that supports this transformation process.

It is the most important part of a spaceship. It needs very little energy to distort gravity and even space. The spaceship that Clark was on was equipped with a small phantom launcher. General Zod escaped from the phantom space by means of the spaceship The phantom launcher mounted on it.

In addition, the world engine will also release micro-particles into the atmosphere. Through the interaction between micro-particles and atmospheric particles, many complex chemical reactions such as lightning will be generated, and the atmosphere will be modified accordingly.

By the way, this is not the first time Lin Yi has seen similar abilities.

In the monster world, Ghidorah has a similar ability. To a certain extent, Ghidorah is a living planet reformer, possessing the powerful ability to transform the planet's atmosphere.

And it is precisely because Lin Yi has seen Ghidorah's planetary transformation ability, so when he designed the leylines circle, he considered the countermeasures of the planetary reformer in advance, and even used the ability of gravity control to create A gravitational field that can perfectly offset energy pulses has been constructed.

Therefore, when the phantom emitter emits energy pulses, the golden light shield below correspondingly emits a fluid-like silver light, completely offsetting the opponent's energy pulses with the force of gravity.

Seeing this scene, the Kryptonian sergeant in the command room was dumbfounded again.

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the distant sky.

It turned out that the air force base closest to the metropolis thought that now was a good opportunity to counterattack, so it quickly dispatched all the F-35A fighter jets in the base, intending to take advantage of the golden light energy shield to intercept the world engine, and take advantage of the golden light energy shield to intercept the world engine. The world engine is completely wrecked.

Seeing this scene, the Kryptonian sergeant immediately became angry.

I can't handle this troublesome energy shield, can't I handle you?

As a result, the phantom projector in the world engine quickly changed direction, and the cyan energy pulse formed an extremely chaotic and powerful gravitational field, which almost instantly crushed the pilot in the fighter into a pulp.

In an instant, all the F-35A fighter jets lost contact and launched a suicide attack towards the World Engine, and eventually either disappeared in the energy pulse with a diameter of tens of meters, or crashed on the golden light shield.

However, there were also a small number of pilots who locked the world engine before they died, and fired missiles at the phantom projector capable of projecting energy. It can only fly around like a sky monkey.

In the end, not only did it not harm the World Engine, but it consumed a lot of energy from the golden shield.

Looking at the red dots on the screen, the faces of all the air force officers in the base were quite ugly.

Beside them, Dr. Hamilton who hurried over was staring at the screen blankly, his wide glasses reflecting the energy pulse frequency released by the world engine.

"It looks like a gravitational weapon, it relies on the spacecraft to connect and operate, and through some unknown way to interact with the cycle, so as to increase the mass of the earth, change the gravity field of the earth, among other things, it is sending injecting particulate matter and gradually altering the atmosphere's..."

Dr. Hamilton's voice becomes smaller and smaller until it disappears.

Beside him, the general who was listening intently to his explanation could not help turning his head to look when he saw that he was no longer explaining. Only then did he see the unconcealable shock on Dr. Hamilton's face.

"God, this is actually a planetary reformer!"

"...a planetary reformer?"

The general was also taken aback, and then his expression darkened.

The name Planetary Transformer is too straightforward, and no expert explanation is needed. Normal people can understand the meaning behind it as long as they hear the name.

"What about the golden energy shield below?"

"I don't know about that..."

Dr. Hamilton shook his head, looking blankly at the golden shield on the screen.

This golden light shield seems to use a powerful energy that he is completely unknown...

"What should we do now?" The general's dignified and deep voice sounded, "Can we just sit back and watch that planetary reformer compete with the golden energy shield?"

"of course not."

An indifferent but calm voice came from behind everyone, and the guards guarding the barracks quickly drew out their guns, aiming at the three figures that suddenly appeared at the gate of the barracks behind.

Diana walked into the barracks calmly, looked straight into the general's eyes and said indifferently: "We will find a way to destroy the world engine above the metropolis. As for you, you just need to think about how to evacuate the people of the metropolis."



On the other side, Kansas, Kent Farms.

General Zod and his deputy commander, Fiora, descended rapidly in a spaceship that looked like a beetle, and soon landed in the cornfield behind the Kent farm.

Martha Kent noticed the movement outside and thought it was Clark coming back. She quickly turned on the TV to cover up the appearance of the aircraft outside, and then left the house under the pretext of collecting her clothes, leaving Lin Yi alone in the living room.

As soon as she stepped out, Martha Kent saw the black-painted Beetle spaceship in the cornfield, as well as Zod, Fiora and others walking down from the spaceship.

Martha Kent's pupils shrank suddenly, and she immediately turned around and wanted to run away.

She knew that these aliens were here to make trouble for Clark, and it was only natural that she should be involved, but she must not implicate Clark's friend in the living room.

With this in mind, Martha Kent intends to lead this group of aliens a little farther away.

But it's a pity that her speed is obviously not as good as this group of Kryptonians who are gods against humans.

Hearing Zod sneer, he turned to look at Fiora.

Fiora nodded, and immediately bent her knees and jumped, covering a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant to stop Martha in front of Martha. The gust of wind caused by her leap blew the tall old tree in front of the house to pieces. It's all over the place.

The leaves are flying all over the sky, and the soil overturns the flying dust.

Martha Kent couldn't help opening her eyes wide, staring blankly at Fiora who was so close.

"Human, tell me." Fiora asked indifferently, "Where is the spaceship that Karl-El came on?"


Martha Kent came back to her senses and watched Fiora grit her teeth.

"In hell, go find it yourself!"


Fiora tilted her head, looked past Martha Kent with regret, and exchanged a glance with Zod. After getting permission from Zod's cold gaze, Fiora suddenly stretched out her right...huh?

Fiora was slightly startled, and then looked at her right arm, only to realize that a big hand stretched out from behind at some point, binding her wrist there like iron clamps.

Looking back, under the white peaked cap, a half-smile face appeared in Fiora's eyes.

"There is a saying that a gentleman speaks but does not fight, and beats people when he disagrees with him. How can it be done?"


Fiora raised her brows, she didn't know if she didn't understand the meaning of Lin Yi's words, or if she understood but didn't care, before Lin Yi finished speaking, she bent her arms back without hesitation, and bent her elbow. The blow hit Lin Yi's chest hard.

Lin Yi rolled his eyes, and two regular sword feathers, one green and one silver, appeared behind him instantly.

The infinite power of rules staggered and covered Fiora's body, firmly imprisoning her in place.

Feeling the force of restraint all over her body, Fiora's pupils shrank, she didn't dare to hold back any more, and exploded all the power in her body with all her strength.

In an instant, the power of rules shrouded Fiora's body trembled and fluctuated.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi couldn't help showing surprise on his face. He was extremely shocked and moved by the exaggerated brute force of the Kryptonians that could almost shake the power of the rules.

Is this the legendary Yili Jiangshihui?
Lin Yi looked at Fiora in amazement, thinking that if he knew that pure power could shake the rules, it would be nice to find a way to forge a sword of power...

Similar distracting thoughts flashed in Lin Yi's mind.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi released the restraints of the power of space and the power of the sky on Fiora, and before she could react, he kicked Fiora's soft ribs hard with a roundabout kick.

In an instant, Fiora shot away like a cannonball out of the chamber, spanned a distance of tens of meters in the blink of an eye, and slammed into the farm garage not far away where trucks were stored.


There was a loud noise, and the walls of the farm warehouse instantly shattered, and countless smoke and dust spread and rose.

Seeing this scene, Martha Kent couldn't help but widen her eyes, and looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

Zod also frowned, looked at the smoke-filled farm garage, and then looked at Lin Yi coldly.

"Who are you? What is the relationship between that black-armoured woman who broke into my spaceship and you?"

(End of this chapter)

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