Chapter 778 Attunement? !
The forging of the Soul Sword took longer than Lin Yi expected.

This is mainly because the soul sword has a special form of existence. Compared with the previous rule swords forged purely by rules and authority, it is more like the crystallization of Lin Yi's spiritual aura combined with the heart of the sword. It's not just something that can be forged with a forge of authority.

But also because of this reason, the connection between the sword of the soul and Lin Yi is closer, and there is no need to change into a regular sword feather at ordinary times, and it can be absorbed into the body anytime and anywhere for Lin Yi to use.

Holding the silver-purple long sword tightly in his hand, Lin Yi closed his eyes, carefully feeling the power contained in it.

This soul sword not only inherits all the functions of Jianxin, but also greatly strengthens it on the original basis, and can even control areas that Jianxin could not touch before.

With the sword of the soul, Lin Yi can read, manipulate, modify, protect and even create the spirit of life, and can also enter the thinking world of other people, change a person from the most fundamental level, and even dominate everything about him.

Of course, in order to do this, the other party's spirit and intelligence must be lower than Lin Yi's, but there is no absolute in the world, even if the intelligence and spirit are higher than Lin Yi's existence, as long as he can find the loopholes in his mind, he will also be able to find the loopholes in his mind. It's not that there is no possibility of dominating the other party.

In addition, Lin Yi's spiritual and intellectual attributes have also been greatly improved.

But this kind of improvement is not permanent, but more like the passive halo carried by the sword of the soul itself. As long as you hold the sword of the soul in your palm, or change into a sword feather and float behind you, you can get this kind of spiritual and intellectual improvement The aura buff.

After realizing the ability of the sword of the soul, Lin Yi came to the front yard with great interest, grabbed an ant from the ant nest under the tree, and then used the power of the soul to modify its thinking and spirit.

Reading, manipulating and modifying the mind are all the abilities that Jianxin possessed before. Lin Yi is no stranger to this, so what he is most interested in is actually the ability to create the spirit that he just acquired. This kind of creation does not come from scratch Some creations are tampered creations based on the original.

Just like the little ant in Lin Yi's hand.

As long as he thinks, this ant can change from an ignorant animal to a "human who died unexpectedly and was reborn as an ant"...

Although these memories are false, the human-level consciousness and wisdom are real.

When Lin Yi thought that he could endow animals with human-level intelligence and consciousness, Lin Yi felt strange.

"...Isn't this the legendary enlightenment?"

The interest on Lin Yi's face became more and more intense, and he held the silver-purple soul sword tightly in his right hand, and began to carry out spiritual transformation on the little ant with great interest.

Soon, Lin Yi's transformation was completely completed.

After possessing human-level intelligence, the little ant behaved very panicked at first, with the two tentacles on its forehead shaking non-stop, as if it wanted to find a suitable way to leave this rootless and sourceless empty island, but in a hurry Then, the little ant raised its head as if realizing something, and looked at Lin Yi with dull and shocked eyes.

In its eyes, Lin Yi in front of him is no different from a prehistoric giant holding the sky with one hand.

The sense of fear brought about by the colossal monster made it tremble all over with wisdom.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi showed a smile on his face. Just when he was about to speak, the head of the little ant on his palm exploded and shattered into a pool of bloody black-red liquid.

The smile on Lin Yi's face froze there.

"what happened?"

Lin Yi came back to his senses, his brows were tightly frowned, and his face was a little cloudy.

Soon, Lin Yi caught a few ants again, and started experimenting in the same way as before.

But without exception, all ants burst their heads and died after possessing human-level intelligence.

After finishing the last ant in the ant nest, Lin Yi couldn't help but have a guess in his heart.

Could it be... is it that the soul of an ant cannot bear such a high level of wisdom?

There is indeed this possibility. After all, in the judgment of the system, each person's soul actually has a quality difference. An ignorant creature like an ant should have a low-level and inferior soul.

So, what about a higher soul?
A trace of curiosity rose in Lin Yi's heart.

He casually drew out the silvery sword of space, opened a silvery white crack with a wave of his hand, and then forcibly photographed it with a dazed expression on Lang Da's face.


The wolf whimpered a few times, then squatted there obediently, flicking its fluffy black tail, looking down at Lin Yi with a pair of dark eyes, showing an obedient appearance of obeying orders.

Although it has tried its best to curl up its body, its size of more than ten meters still almost fills the entire front yard.

Lin Yi raised his hand with a smile on his face, and Wolf Da immediately lowered his head very obediently, allowing Lin Yi to put his hand on its forehead, which was bigger than the door.

In the next second, the silver-purple light kept flapping in Lin Yi's palm.

Lang Da's expression was slightly startled, and then he gradually closed his eyes as if hypnotized.

After a long time, Lin Yi finally let go of his hand, and Lang Da suddenly opened his eyes. A pair of dark wolf eyes shone with more agility than before, as if he had evolved from a dog to a border herd...

No, it should be said that they evolved from border herds to humans.


The wolf howled twice excitedly, then lowered its head tightly to the ground, letting out low growls full of gratitude and enthusiasm.

It seems to already know what kind of good fortune it just got...

"That's the reason for the quality of the soul!"

Lin Yi patted Lang Da's head thoughtfully. After Lang Da calmed down completely, he tore a silver crack and sent him back to the circular valley in the Sword Realm.

If it is really a soul problem, then there is no way...

After all, all he has is the sword of the soul, which can modify the ant's heart and spirit at most, and improve its wisdom, but it cannot improve the quality of the soul along with it.

That should be the domain that the sword of the soul can control...

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help thinking about it.

If he can upgrade the sword of the soul to the sword of the true spirit in the future, will he be able to improve the quality of the soul, and even be able to infinitely create [brilliant cosmic soul]?

At this moment, a black lightning flashed across the sky and quickly fell to the front yard where Lin Yi was.

"Brother, what's going on, I smelled a wolf's breath just now, did you call it over?"

"Yes." Lin Yi came back to his senses, threw the silver-purple Soul Sword behind him and suspended it, then looked at the little black cat and said with a smile, "Ask it to help me with an experiment, and test the power of the Soul Sword by the way." strength."

"Soul Sword?"

The little black cat was slightly taken aback, then looked at the silver-purple long sword, and said in surprise, "Brother, have you successfully forged your fourth rule sword?"

Lin Yi said with a smile on his face: "Strictly speaking, the sword of the soul should be the fifth sword of rules, but it just accidentally exceeded the progress of the fourth sword of rules, and it was forged ahead of it."

"Isn't that still the fourth handle?"

The little black cat rolled its eyes, then looked at Lin Yi expectantly and asked, "What about the last sword, brother, it has been 20 years since we returned to this world, the last sword of rules should also be forged Are you done?"


The smile on Lin Yi's face gradually faded. After a long time, he sighed faintly, and looked up at the slowly floating clouds in the sky.

Fifteen years ago, he was only one step away from forging the Sword of Time.

Fifteen years later, he is still only short of this last step. It seems that this last step has become a natural chasm, no matter how hard Lin Yi tries, he can't cross it.

But the most outrageous thing is not this, but Lin Yi's progress is always moving forward little by little.

But this kind of advancement is also decreasing layer by layer, just like the activity of attracting people to receive cash every night, every time you think that the next person will be done, he will advance one decimal point.

From 99%, to 99.9%, to 99.99%...

It seems that there is always only a slight difference.

If it wasn't for this reason, it would be impossible for Lin Yi to suddenly want to forge the sword of the soul first.

"Take your time!"

The little black cat squatted on Lin Yi's shoulder and softly comforted it. While licking its paws, it lazily said: "I've done 15 years of useless work, and it doesn't matter if it's another 15 years. Anyway, we don't lack time—oh By the way, Diana just sent an invitation letter, saying that little Donna is getting married soon, shall we go?"

"Of course I'm going!"

Lin Yi came back to his senses, looking at the slowly drifting clouds in the sky, a smile could not help showing on his face.

"Time... this is the power of time. In the blink of an eye, little Donna is getting married, and Bruce has become Batman. It is estimated that in a while, these two little guys will have their own children. .”

As he said that, Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head, and sighed in a low voice: "If I knew I would stay in this world for so long, I would ask Liya to come with me!"

"It's not too late to call now!"

The little black cat said casually, licking its paw.

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head: "It's too late now, and the power level of this world will change in a short time, and existences as powerful as Kryptonians will descend on the earth one after another. At that time, even Lucifer and I will not be able to be as leisurely and happy as we are now."


The little black cat blinked twice, and then said with great interest, "Is that the little guy we visited on Trevor Farm in Kansas ten years ago?"

"it's him."

Lin Yi nodded, and then shook his head helplessly: "How many times have I said that Steve sold his farm as early as 40 years ago, and now it is called Kent Farm!"

(End of this chapter)

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