A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 77 [Spiritual Scepter]

Chapter 77 [Spiritual Scepter]

On a Quinjet fighter.

"Did he say anything?"

Nick Fury's voice came from the headset.

Natasha glanced at the rearview mirror and said calmly.

"Not a single word of valid information."

"Then bring him back, and the shuttler, hurry up, our time is very tight."


In the rear cabin of the fighter plane, Loki was locked on the seat by the special electric shock handcuffs made by S.H.I.E.L.D., while Lin Yi sat opposite him, holding a sword in both hands.

"Still don't tell me?"

Lin Yi tilted his head and looked at him.

Loki slowly opened his eyes and raised his wrist.

"If you can replace this, I can consider it."


Tony Stark walked over wearing a golden-red steel armor.

"Our rockers hate stings?"

"I just hate electric shocks."

Loki said blankly.

"Really?" Tony Stark glanced at him lightly, then increased the power, "You're welcome, you deserve it."

"Mr. Stark!" Steve frowned slightly, "We still need him."

"Of course, but believe me, this little electricity has no effect on this little reindeer." Tony Stark opened his mask and sat next to Lin Yi, "Am I right, Mr. Lin?"

"That's right, this guy is not physically weaker than me."

While talking, Lin Yi took out his mobile phone with great interest.

"Compared to this, two gentlemen, are you interested in adding a contact information, I am a big fan of yours!"

"Really? That would be such an honor!"

Tony Stark took Lin Yi's mobile phone quite familiarly, and said while adding his phone number to the contacts.

"I read your profile before I came here, tsk tsk, your body breaks through the sound barrier... I'm curious, are you really a human? Or, are you really not a mutant?"

"Tony Stark!"

Steve frowned and yelled, he really couldn't understand Tony's frivolity.

"Huh? Don't worry, captain, don't worry, you will be next, and I won't take away your big fans~"

Tony smiled and returned the phone to Lin Yi.

"Forgive this old man, boy, he missed too many things in 70 years, and he hasn't fully adapted to this era."


The corner of Steve's mouth twitched slightly, but he took a look at Lin Yi's young face, and he still couldn't resist Tony in front of this kid.

Seeing this, Lin Yi was speechless for a while.

He wondered if there is no spiritual scepter here, why is the smell of gunpowder still so strong?

"Is it convenient to return to the original topic?"

Tony turned to look at Lin Yi.

"Of course, Mr. Stark..."

Lin Yi smiled, with a hint of shyness on his face.

"If genetically speaking, I am indeed human..."

"Oh?" Stark raised an eyebrow.

"But mentally and physically, I have surpassed human beings."

"...how did you do it?"

Tony Stark frowned.

"I don't know if Mr. Stark has heard of the practice method that has been passed down in Huaguo for thousands of years?"

Lin Yi smiled and talked about the Taoist understanding of the human body and the universe. .

"Sounds like magic."

Tony Stark smacked his mouth twice.

"If you're interested, I can sell you a cheap copy."

"Well, it's not like this time..."

Tony Stark pouted.

At this moment, Jarvis' voice suddenly rang in Tony's ear.

"Sir, I think you need to watch this video."

Tony Stark stood up without changing his face, and shouted as he walked.

"Agent Romanov, is there a wine cabinet on the plane?"

"Above the first seat..."

Natasha's voice came from the front.

"Hey! There really are!"

When the cabinet door was opened, a small blue 3D projection screen appeared in front of Tony Stark's right eye.

That was the video that Jarvis deciphered from the Quin-jet fighter, and it was the video of the battle just now.

Looking at the sword qi waving one after another in the video, Tony Stark couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Can you detect the energy level of that thing?"

"I can't capture that unknown energy, but I can try to restore its destructive power through the venue."

"Then try it..."

Tony Stark took out a bottle of champagne, closed the cabinet door, turned and walked back to Lin Yi.

"Want to drink?"

Tony Stark raised the champagne in his hand, then took it back.

"Oh, I forgot, you only have."

Lin Yi: "..."

Looking at Tony who was pouring champagne beside him, the corners of Lin Yi's mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

Of course he knew what Tony had just done, but he didn't mind.

More and more evidence proves that this is Marvel's movie universe, Lin Yi is willing to be more patient before he trusts himself in the face of Iron Man in the movie universe whose mortal body is comparable to a god.

In other words, this guy's initial favorability with Lin Yi is quite high.

But Steve doesn't think so, and he can't help but sigh when he sees Tony actually start drinking champagne.

"Mr. Stark..."


Thunder bursts suddenly sounded in the clouds outside, and streaks of lightning meandered forward in the clouds.

"what happened?"

The agent on the co-pilot was startled.

"There was no sign of lightning before entering the clouds."

"No surprises, Sol is coming."

Lin Yi pouted.

"...Who?" Steve asked.

"Loki's elder brother, the eldest prince of Asgard..."

Lin Yi pouted at Loki.


Loki rolled his eyes when he heard that.

"That's why I hate lightning..."


The fuselage suddenly bumped, and it seemed that something heavy fell on the top of the fighter.

Tony Stark stood up, put the golden visor on his head, and his eyes suddenly lit up with a light blue light.

Steve grabbed the shield on the side and said with a frown.

"Didn't Ke Fury say that this guy is a friendly army?"

"Have a look before you talk—Jarvis, open the hatch."

Tony Stark walked towards the back cabin while talking, and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder as he passed by.

"Okay kid, sit down, this is 3000 meters high, the ground is your stage."


The corners of Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly, he felt that [Airborne Slash] had something to say...

At this moment, a figure turned down from the top of the machine, with tall and muscular muscles propping up the thick armor, and the bright red cloak fluttered in the high-altitude gale.

"Have you bought insurance?"

Tony raised his right hand, but something moved faster than him.


There was a crisp sound of metal collisions, and the golden-red figure in front of him was instantly blown away with a blow.

Does it sound good?It sounds good!

Lin Yi reached out to catch Tony Stark, but at this time Sol had already pinched Loki's neck, and flew out of the back cabin amidst lightning and thunder.

"It's all right, Mister Stark."

Lin Yi asked with concern.


Tony Stark stood up supporting the bulkhead, and walked towards the open rear hatch, muttering in a low voice.

"Damn it, this bastard made me lose face in front of my little fans."

The corners of Lin Yi's mouth curled up slightly.

"Stark! What are you going to do?" Steve grabbed the parachute on the side with one hand and said loudly, "We need to make an attack plan first."

"I have a plan..."

Tony turned on the thrusters all over his body and jumped out of the hatch.



Looking at the tail flame that had already gone away, Steve felt a little anxious and helpless.

"Captain, do you want to follow up and have a look?"

Lin Yi asked aloud.


Steve sighed, grabbed a parachute and tossed it to him.

"Do you also think he's doing the right thing? Forgive my honesty, I know you can stop him."

"Yes, but I can't guarantee that this fighter will be intact..."

Lin Yi said helplessly.

"……you're right."

Steve was speechless.

"Captain, do you have to go? That's the god of thunder in Norse mythology!"

Natasha turned her head in front of her.

"I don't worry about them..."

Steve strapped on his parachute.

"And I don't think God is like that!"

After speaking, Steve jumped out of the rear hatch.


Looking at the two people who jumped off one after another, Lin Yi thought for a while, and decided not to join in the fun, anyway, he knew that the three brothers would definitely come back.

And this place is so high, how troublesome it is to go back and forth!
"Aren't you going?"

Natasha turned around and looked at Lin Yi in surprise.

It has to be said that this well-known female agent is very good at giving full play to her physical advantages, and she can vividly outline her bumpy figure with a single turn. It is natural and charming, without any deliberate signs.

If Lin Yi was really an ordinary boy, he would definitely be in awe when he saw this scene.


Lin Yi, who was driving Jianxin, sighed slightly, and leaned his head back on the seat.

Women are really big pigs, and the black widow is just greedy for his body. To be precise, she is a bitch...

"It's not necessary, Thor will definitely return Loki."

Lin Yi said softly.

"To be reasonable, it is enough to have the captain and them. My face is relatively tender, and I am not easy to be taken seriously in this regard..."

Best of all, I'm halfway there.

The corners of Lin Yi's mouth curled up slightly, and he opened the system's inventory.

【Spiritual Scepter (Encapsulated)】

[Quality: Golden Epic]

[Level: Top Level]

[Type: Battle Staff / Spear]

[Durability: 999+/999+]

[Occupation: unlimited]

[Attribute 1: Magic Attack +3000]

[Attribute 2: Physical Attack +1300]

[Attribute 3: True Psychic Attack +100]

[Attribute 4: Intelligence, Spirit +250]

[Attribute 5: Strength, Constitution +100]

[Attribute 6: Psychic skill increase by 500%]

[Attribute 7: When attacking, it comes with a shocking effect]

[Attribute 8: Magic power can be converted into energy beams when actively released]

[Attribute 9: Can invade and control the thinking of the contacted object when actively released]

[Attribute 10:? ? ? (sealed)]


[Attribute 15:? ? ? (sealed)]

[Equipment description: The scepter made with the soul gem as the core can exert the power of the soul gem and mobilize the energy in the gem to transform it into an energy beam. 】

【"Is this the scepter inlaid with the soul gem? The legend of the infinite gem... I almost forgot..."】

Seeing the attributes of this spiritual scepter, Lin Yi was both excited and puzzled.

Excitedly, this scepter is indeed a golden epic quality powerful equipment as he thought, and it has 15 attributes.

What is puzzling is that the six attributes of attribute 10-attribute 15 are all sealed and invisible.

As for the first nine attributes that can be seen, except for the system-specific personal attribute bonuses, the rest are the abilities that Loki has shown when using the scepter.

But the ability of the Mind Stone must be more than that, but I don't know whether the six sealed attributes are caused by Loki, or Thanos...

Probably not Loki.

Lin Yi first ruled out the son (zhu) of Asgard's second emperor (gong).

Because Loki will not and there is no need to deliberately seal the ability of the scepter, even if it is a sign of weakness, it is fine not to use it, why seal it?

And based on the attributes that Lin Yi can see at present, the [Spiritual Scepter] in its heyday is stronger than Professor X's spiritual ability, enough to make Loki not afraid of anyone on earth except the ancient one.

Therefore, rather than weakening himself, Lin Yi is more willing to believe that he can only use these abilities.

But Thanos... is not like...

Lin Yi carefully looked at the attribute panel.

Generally speaking, when the system changes the attribute panel of the equipment, it will add a sentence that the owner once said under the equipment because of its popularity.

[Spiritual Scepter] is also, but the sentence below it is not signed.

However, Lin Yi suddenly remembered that Thanos actually led the army to attack the planet at first, and then he felt that the efficiency was too slow, so he started looking for infinite gems.

The soul gem is the first gem that Thanos got.

If you think about it in this way, [-]% of this sentence may be said by Thanos.

"So, when Thanos got the Mind Stone for the first time, he was already in this scepter?"

Lin Yi thought about it thoughtfully.

If this is the case, maybe even Thanos himself didn't know that the attributes of the [Spiritual Scepter] had ever been sealed.

After all, compared to the separate Mind Gem and Vision, the performance of [Spiritual Scepter] in the movie is really poor.

After looking at the powerful attribute of [Spiritual Scepter] again, Lin Yi closed the inventory with great perseverance.

Looking at it again, he was afraid that he couldn't help unpacking the [Spiritual Scepter].

Judging from the precedent of [King Slayer], after choosing to unencapsulate, [Spirit Scepter], including the Soul Gem inside it, may be completely transformed into system equipment.

To Lin Yi, this was a waste of money.

Although the [Spiritual Scepter] is a powerful piece of equipment for Golden Epic, its weapon types are spears and battle staffs, which are not compatible with the Sword Soul profession!
And these attributes, a separate soul gem should also have.

Considering the price/performance ratio, apart from embedding it on the Infinity Gauntlet, turning it into jewelry or auxiliary equipment is Lin Yi's best choice.

"Put it in the inventory first."

Anyway, you can unpack it at will when you need it, there is no need to be so eager for quick success.

While thinking about this, Lin Yi took out his mobile phone and swiped to the column of contacts.

"Doo-hey, Mr. Stark, are you done? Come back when you're done, we still have a lot to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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