A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 767 Hidden Armed Forces

Chapter 767 Hidden Armed Forces

"Young master! Let me go!"

Bessie's hasty shouts sounded from the next door.

The muscles at the corners of the little black cat's eyes twitched slightly, and it raised its eyelids to glance in the direction of the sound.

I saw Bessie rushing into the West Garden with two automatic rifles on her shoulders. After scanning around and finding no one there, she looked blankly at the little black cat on the gray-black rock.

"Young master, where are the enemies?"


The little black cat rolled its eyes, and its ice blue eyes glanced at the flowers not far away.

Bessie blinked her big eyes and followed the little black cat's line of sight, only to find some black particles similar to ashes scattered in the soil of the flowers...

It turns out that it has turned into flower fertilizer, so it's all right!
Bessie carefully accompanied her smiling face, and hurriedly left Xiyuan after apologizing.

She must stop those sharp claws as soon as possible. Now they are only sneaking into the young master's West Garden. If they are allowed to slip into the residential area further west of the manor and scare the ordinary people who work in the manor, it will be true. Heinous!
Bessie thought so in her heart.

But in fact, there was no need for the threat of sharp claws at all, just the gunshots that resounded through the night sky were enough to make these ordinary people working in the manor tremble with fear.

Although the three of Alanna told them that there would be accidents at night during the day, so it is best to wear earplugs and eye masks before going to bed, but human beings are creatures full of curiosity and rebellion. That being said, the less likely they are to do it.

Therefore, the servants living in the staff apartment on the westernmost side basically heard the gunshots coming from the front of the manor.

As a matter of course, this group of sleepless ordinary people quietly left the room and gathered together to discuss in a low voice, guessing which blind guy dared to offend the dignity of the Prince family.

Most of them are old employees who have worked in the Prince Manor for many years. They have seen the glorious past and transcendent status of the Prince Family in Gotham City, so they have long established unbreakable confidence in the Prince Family, even at this moment. The sound of the gunshots being so close only made them feel a little panicked.

After the initial panic, the elders in the group began laughing and betting how long it would take for the invaders to be defeated by the armed forces of the Prince Manor...

The young employees were a little surprised when they saw this, and quickly asked the old man why.

The old people looked at each other and smiled, and then they seemed to be calm, but in fact they proudly told them that in addition to their employees on the surface, Prince Manor also had a group of hidden employees who were not seen on weekdays.

This group of employees is the hidden armed force of Prince Manor.

They have the most advanced equipment, the most powerful firepower, the most experienced combat experience, and the most exquisite combat skills in Gotham. As long as they are there, even if they send a whole special force, they will never be able to capture Puerto Rico. Rings Manor!
The young employees were excited when they heard it, and asked them if they had seen this group of people.

The old people nodded proudly, and then began to tell the stories of the past vividly.

In the past few decades when the Prince family has stood in Gotham, there are also many armed gangs with no eyesight. They think that the Prince family is just an exaggerated famous family, so they gather people and try to capture Prince Manor. The criminal world has done something earth-shattering.

But without exception, all the intruders died in the front yard of the manor overnight.

This group of old employees didn't even see the intruder's face. They only saw a group of people dressed in black with some mysterious blue patterns painted on their skin and faces, disposing of the corpse back and forth.

In their eyes, this group of people in black and blue patterns is naturally the armed force of the manor.

After telling the story of the year, the old people said mysteriously that this hidden armed force is actually in the hands of the housekeeper Alanna...

The young employees were very excited when they heard this.

But Bruce thinks the old people are totally bullshitting.

Because as far as he knew, the real armed forces in the manor were actually only the three daughters Alanna, Shake and Bessie, and Lin Yi himself who was the final boss.

As for the mysterious employee in black with blue stripes on his face, he had never seen him before!

Thinking of this, Bruce, who was sitting on the eaves of the manor's main residence, couldn't help but shook his head, put away the sword qi gathered in his ears, stopped listening to the whispers of the servants, and moved it between his eyes, the corners of his mouth twitching staring at the comical battle scene in the front yard.

That's right, in Bruce's eyes, the battle in the front yard can only be described as funny!

It is clear that the three girls of Alanna are the one with the strongest physical fitness and strength, but they choose to make use of their weaknesses and avoid their strengths, fighting with the guns they are least familiar with.

On the contrary, the sharp claws, which were obviously weaker in physical fitness, did not carry any hot weapons, but kept using cold weapons to get close to the assassination.

This led to the frequent scenes of the black-armored woman in the front yard becoming angry from embarrassment, throwing away the gun in her hand, killing the sharp claws jumping back and forth like grasshoppers like lightning, and then picking up the gun to refill the funny scene.

Of course, such a scene is funny, but Bruce can fully understand it.

Because he knew that Alanna and the three girls did not shoot to kill them, but to disguise the wounds of the intruders as gunshot wounds. By the way, the gunshots resounded over the manor, deliberately causing the employees and servants inside the manor to And heard by the young people hidden outside the manor.

Only in this way can the Prince family display a mysterious and powerful armed force without completely surpassing the imagination of other people in Gotham City.

If Bruce was in charge, he would probably make the same decision.

Bruce thought so.

Just then, a worried voice sounded from behind Bruce.

"Bruce, do you think Mr. Prince can win?"

"Of course, I have great confidence in the teachers!"

Bruce quietly put away the sword qi in his eyes, then turned around with a smile, and looked at the beautiful girl who had just climbed onto the roof behind him.

"Selena, how do you know I'm here?"

"I didn't know you were here."

Selena shook her head, sat on the eaves next to Bruce and glanced at him and said, "Like you, I can't sleep either, so I want to find a higher place to watch the battle in the front yard."

After speaking, Selena dangled her two legs in the air, and turned her head to look in the direction of the front yard.

"Then you really chose the wrong place!"

Bruce shrugged, looked in the direction of the front yard and said with a smile.

Selena was slightly taken aback, only to realize in a daze that there were too many thick and thick trees planted in the front yard, and the situation of the battle could not be seen from here at all, only the fire of guns could be seen through the dense leaves.

At this moment, a dazzling fire appeared from among the leaves.

Bruce was slightly taken aback, his blue pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately rushed towards Selina without hesitation, throwing the startled girl back onto the roof.

"call out--"

The howling bullets came from the direction of the front yard, pierced the air and hit the chimney on the roof, then bounced off the metal shell of the chimney, and disappeared into the land in front of the house.

Seeing this scene, Bruce couldn't help panting slightly, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Selena wanted to ask Bruce loudly what nerves he had, but when she heard the sound of the bullet hitting and rebounding, she reacted with shock and stared at Bruce with her eyes wide open.

Immediately afterwards, Selena came back to her senses, quickly pushed Bruce away, and looked at his body nervously.

"Well, were you hurt?"

"..." Bruce touched his body and shook his head, "It doesn't look like it."

"That's good..." Selena breathed a sigh of relief, and after she calmed down, she suddenly realized that her back was completely wet with cold sweat, and her heart was also beating in shock.

'Blame me, blame me for forgetting how bad Aunt Bessie's marksmanship is, and dare to watch a play in this kind of place! '

Bruce looked at the bullet holes and dents on the metal shell of the chimney with lingering fear, and felt a little annoyed and blamed himself.

At this moment, Selena suddenly slapped him on the shoulder hard, and after he turned his head in confusion, he saw Selena staring at him angrily.

"Bruce, you want to be a hero again! What if you are really shot by a bullet to save me? Let me tell you, don't think that I will be grateful to you for it, I will only laugh at you, laugh at you So stupid that he would give his life for someone he just knew for a few days..."

The more Selena spoke, the more angry she became, and a nameless anger surged up in her heart.

Bruce was slightly stunned. Although he didn't know why Selena suddenly became so annoyed, he subconsciously comforted him: "Calm down, Selena, calm down, it's just a stray bullet, and it's still out of range. It really doesn’t have much power.”

"And, I'm actually wearing a body armor!"

After the voice fell, Selena was startled for a moment, then stared at Bruce with wide eyes.

Knowing what she meant, Bruce quickly unbuttoned his clothes, revealing the black close-fitting body armor, or in other words, a protective magic weapon made into a body armor.

After Lin Yi gave him this protective magic weapon, Bruce never wore it.

Because he felt that with his own strength, he didn't need this thing at all. It wasn't until Bruce met Lucifer, who was suspected of being the Satan of Hell, the night before, that he began to deeply reflect on his arrogance and arrogance, so he returned to Prince Manor and found out This protective magic weapon was worn on the body again.

Unexpectedly, before it could play its true role, it would come in handy from another angle.

Just when Bruce felt rejoiced, an unkind voice came from under the eaves.

"I'll give you ten seconds..."

Bruce and Selina were stunned, and stretched out their heads to look down. They saw Lin Yi in white standing on the lawn at the door of the house, staring at the two on the roof with an unfriendly expression.

"Get off that damn roof right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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