A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 746 Strange Citrine

Chapter 746 Strange Citrine
Prince Manor, Study Room.

Lin Yi looked at the information in his hand thoughtfully: "Selena Kyle, ten years old this year, whose parents disappeared, is now a street child adopted by a juvenile protection agency, and once received relief money from the Wayne Orphan Relief Foundation— —Well, no wonder her attitude changed so much after hearing your parents' names."

Lin Yi clicked his tongue twice, then put down the information in his hand and looked at Bruce.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"..." Bruce was slightly taken aback, "How to do what?"

"You have investigated the identity of the child, then what?"

"What's next." Bruce said with a embarrassed expression, "I'm just a little curious about her identity, after all, not every ten-year-old child can—"

"You can steal your watch from under your nose, I know, you have mentioned this reason many times, so save yourself and tell me directly, are you moving out of compassion and planning to help this poor man?" The orphan of yours, or the young Mu Ai, has developed a good impression of this girl who can defeat you?"


Bruce faltered, blushing and unable to speak.

Lin Yi sighed, got up and patted Bruce on the shoulder, and said with emotion: "I was negligent, think about it carefully, you should be about this age, as an enlightened parent, I have no objection to puppy love, but ten-year-old No matter how you look at your age, it's too young, I advise you to think again, wait for two years..."

Before the words were finished, Bruce's face was flushed, and he couldn't add any more shame and anger. He immediately yelled a few words of "ahah", slapped Lin Yi's hand off and rushed out of the study.

Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, his face was full of smiles.

"Sure enough, Batman is still cute when he was a child..."

When he grows up, puts on that black uniform, and changes his voice into a low tone that no one can understand, then he will never be able to connect with the word cute.

Lin Yi sat down with a smile on his face, and picked up the newspaper on the desk again.

This is a copy of yesterday's "Gotham Daily", which published many gossip news about Gotham celebrities, as well as the press conference of the city hall's decision to restart the 'Arkham City Development Plan'.

This plan was originally designed by the Wayne couple who died four years ago, and decided to adopt a gradual development plan, but after the death of the Wayne couple, the plan was of course shelved.

It wasn't until a month ago that Falcone invested huge sums of money in Arkham City to express his respect for the Wayne couple, which brought the originally stranded "Arkham City Development Plan" back on the agenda.

In this plan, all the shantytowns in Arkham will be completely razed to the ground, and replaced by brand-new affordable housing for the poor people in the middle and lower classes of Gotham City. As for the original old Arkham The Mu Lunatic Asylum will also be completely demolished, leaving no bricks or tiles.

At the same time, in order to fill the vacancy in the madhouse, a series of the most advanced and high-end psychotherapy institutions will be established on the site of the original Arkham Asylum to treat those Gotham citizens with mental illness in the most professional way.

I have to say that this blueprint is really exciting, but Lin Yi, who knows the future, knows that the Arkham Asylum will never be demolished so easily, unless he personally takes action...

"My lord, the princess just sent a few telegrams, saying that she found something that you might be interested in, so she sent all the information she knows..."

"Oh, really? Bring it here and let me see."

Lin Yi put down the newspaper and looked at Alanna at the door of the study with interest.

Alanna turned and left the study room, walked into the study room half a minute later with a stack of telegrams that had just been printed, and neatly placed these materials on the table in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi casually flipped through the pages, his absent-minded expression suddenly froze, and immediately became dignified.

In the picture of that document, there was actually a citrine that was quite familiar to him.

Its base is inlaid with a rusty metal ring, the upper part is two prism-shaped raised citrines, the lower part is a gray-black turbid crystal, it is the wishing stone in Wonder Woman 2...

"That's right, this year happens to be 1984, so it's almost time for this plot."

Lin Yi frowned slightly as he thought about it, unconsciously kneading the paper in his right hand. After a long time, he suddenly put down the documents in his hand, looked at Alanna and said, "Get ready for the plane, I'm going to Washington tonight."

"...Airplane?" Alanna was slightly taken aback.

"That's right." Lin Yi nodded and said casually, "Traveling through space is a heavy burden for my current body. If it is not necessary, it is better to use human travel methods——Okay, that's it. , if there is no flight tomorrow, go to Wayne Manor and ask Alfred to borrow one, I believe he will definitely not refuse such a small matter."

"I understand."

Alanna nodded, turned and left the study.

She planned to go directly to Alfred to buy some planes for emergencies.



The next day, Washington Airport.

A commercial private jet with the words of Wayne Group printed on its fuselage landed smoothly.

The hatch opened, and Lin Yi, who was wearing sunglasses and white casual clothes, stepped out of it.

Diana and Steve, who were picking up the plane at the airport, immediately smiled. Before they could make a move, the blond and energetic girl next to them cheerfully greeted them.

"Grandfather! You have finally arrived!"

"It's Donna."

There was a smile on Lin Yi's face, and he let the beautiful girl who looked like Diana hold his arm, and asked with a smile: "Why, you are fine at school, and you are free to come to the airport to pick up the plane?"

"What are you talking about, I have already graduated!"

Donna pursed her lips and said with dissatisfaction.

"Ah, is that so?" Lin Yi was startled for a moment, and then said with emotion, "Time flies so fast, little Donna has graduated from college in a blink of an eye—but, you really don't plan to continue your studies Is it, at least you have to have a doctorate like your mother?"

"It's boring."

Donna shook her head: "The school is boring, and the people in the school are even more boring. If I continue to stay, I feel that my whole body is going to be rusted... Let's not talk about this, when will you take me to heaven again? Island, I miss Grandma Hippolyta and the others!"

Tang Na looked at Lin Yi expectantly.

Since Lin Yi brought Diana and his wife and the newly grown Donna back to Paradise Island three years ago, Donna, who inherited the blood of the Amazon, fell in love with it completely.

In her own words, staying on that magnificent island made her feel extremely relaxed.

Being with the straight-hearted Amazons made her blood boil.

In short, she felt that she was born to live on Paradise Island.

At this point, Steve's genes are clearly not the power of the gods, and except for Donna's dazzling blond hair and sapphire eyes, everything else seems to be gone.

In contrast to Diana, Donna not only perfectly inherited her patron saint power and Amazon blood, but also her personality and facial features were carved out of the same mold.

When Lin Yi saw her, it was as if he saw the immature little girl on Paradise Island hundreds of years ago.

'You are all born Amazon warriors...'

Lin Yi felt emotional in his heart, but said with a smile on his face, "Okay, as long as your mother agrees."

Hearing these words, Tang Na's original high spirits immediately sank, she hugged Lin Yi's arm, and complained with some dissatisfaction: "Don't, grandpa, mother will definitely use this to blackmail me."

"What are you blackmailing?"

Diana's cold voice came from behind.

Tang Na's body froze for a moment, and immediately hid behind Lin Yi like a chick who had seen an eagle.

Diana snorted coldly, looked at Lin Yi and said, "Teacher, don't pet her, this child is too lazy, and she passed the pass line in her university studies. She doesn't look like Steve and I's child at all." , Sometimes, I really don't know how her brain grows!"

"I'll grow up with you~"

Donna refuted aloud, and before Diana could react, she quickly shrank her neck and hid behind Lin Yi to avoid Diana's angry gaze.

Diana gave her a stern look.

Steve laughed heartlessly from the sidelines, but after being glared at by Diana, he also curled up his neck like a quail meeting a natural enemy, and the smile on his face became awkward and stiff.

In the end, it was Lin Yi who spoke up and helped the father and daughter, who had been stalked to death, get out of the siege.

"Okay, let's get down to business, where is the citrine you found?"

"In the museum where I work."

"Why didn't you bring it?"

"Because it is the property of the museum, I have no right to use it."

"It's okay, you can do it now." Lin Yi waved his hand casually and said, "I have already bought that museum in your name, and now, that citrine is your personal property."

"..." Diana was slightly taken aback, and then showed helplessness.

It is estimated that after this incident, she will consider changing another job again.

(End of this chapter)

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