A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 735 Gotham Princess

Chapter 735 Gotham Princess
"Steve, you don't understand."

Diana shook her head and said: "Paradise Island is shrouded in the divine power of Zeus, no one can find its trace, except for the teacher, because he has the ability to travel through space at will, and the precise space coordinates of Paradise Island... If you find Without him, I might not be able to go back to Paradise Island in my life."


The blond man Steve fell silent, and after a long time suddenly asked in a complicated way: "Is that why you want to go back to Paradise Island?"

Diana was slightly taken aback, and then turned her head a little funny.

She heard the complicated meaning in Steve's tone, and seemed to be worried that she would not come back after returning to Paradise Island, but in her opinion, this kind of worry was completely unnecessary.

"What are you thinking? I am looking for Paradise Island only because I want to see my mother again. Do you think I will abandon my life outside, abandon you and Donna forever?"

Diana shook her head with some amusement, then put her hand on Steve's shoulder, and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Don't worry, I can't leave you anymore..."

After speaking, Diana showed a beautiful smile, opened the door and sat in the co-pilot seat.

Steve also smiled in relief, touched his nose and wanted to step into the car too.

At this moment, a conspicuous police car drove into the street and headed towards Prince Manor.

Seeing this scene, Steve frowned slightly, retracted the leg that had just stepped into the sports car, turned to look in the direction of the police car and stood still.

"What's the matter, Steve?"

Diana rolled down the car window suspiciously, following Steve's gaze at the police car.

"Police?" Diana frowned slightly, but she didn't immediately open the car door and walk out.

Soon, the police car stopped in front of Steve, and a middle-aged bearded policeman with a vicissitudes of life walked out of it, and extended his hand to Steve with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Harvey Bullock, Officer GCPD (Gotham Police Department)."

"Steve Trevor."

Steve smiled and held Harvey's hand: "Nice to meet you, Officer Bullock, is there anything I can do for you?"

"If possible, that would be the best!"

Harvey let go of his hand with a smile, and took out his police officer ID from his pocket: "To be honest, I am currently in charge of a murder case with extremely bad influence, which involves a gentleman who claims to be Prince, The Gotham Police Department couldn't confirm the identity of the gentleman, so they sent me to visit first."

"...So that's how it is."

Steve turned his head and met Diana's eyes, then nodded.

This is nothing new. Since the incident with the maid at the Prince Manor three years ago, Gotham City has often had daring people or drug addicts pretending to be members of the Prince family, thinking they could Get away with wearing Prince's tiger skin.

And their results are naturally self-evident.

Under Alanna's fierce liquidation methods, no one can escape.

Diana originally thought that no one in Gotham would dare to pretend to be a member of the Prince family, but she didn't expect that in the past few years, another guy who didn't know how to live or die appeared.

But her heart moved, thinking that maybe the teacher really returned, maybe it might be?

So, with a slight smile on Diana's face, she opened the car door and came to Harvey, looking at the smiling Gotham police officer who looked like an old fritter.

"Well, a new face... When did you take charge of Prince-related cases?"

"Well, this is the first time I've heard such words. Let me think about it, it's been about ten years!"

Harvey smiled all over his face, but his words were full of guns and sticks. He was obviously not happy with Diana's "new face". He was the oldest police officer in the Gotham Police Department, how could he tolerate a young Pretty girl thinks so little of herself, even though she might be a collateral member of the Prince family.

But what he didn't expect was that Diana showed a genuine expression when she heard this.

"Ten years, no wonder I haven't seen you!"

"..." Harvey's cheek muscles twitched slightly, and he asked with a fake smile, "Oh, by the way, I haven't asked you yet, are you two members of the Prince family, or visitors?"

"A visitor, of course."

"It turned out to be a visitor."

Harvey nodded, put the police officer's card in his arms, then turned and walked towards the gate of Prince Manor, obviously not wanting to waste time on these two people.

Steve smiled helplessly, and his voice became a thread, and he said via voice transmission: "Is it necessary?"

Diana smiled without saying a word, and also said in a concentrated voice: "Alanna said that many people in Gotham City, especially the police station, knew the 'me' in 'childhood'. This is a human design, and it cannot be collapsed. So if you want to blame, you can blame Shake, this is the character design of her performance, and I can't help it."


Steve sighed helplessly.

Diana is a demigod, immortal and youthful, so 25 years ago, Alanna re-applied her identity in the name of the Prince family.

And now, Diana is registering the original granddaughter of Lin Prince, Diana Prince who grew up in Gotham and is known as the princess of Gotham City.

Although the name has not changed, its personality and experience are quite different.

After handling this identity, Alanna wanted to complete all the blank past and experiences in this identity, so she let Shaq play the role of Diana in her teenage years. Nominally, justifiably making the 16-year-old disappear into Gotham high society.

But the plan always fails to keep up with the changes. Shaq's fascination with this kind of role-playing game exceeded their expectations, so during the time when Gotham City was active, Shaq behaved quite...with personality, so that many Gotham People in the upper class still remember her vividly, and nicknamed her "the little princess of Gotham City".

This also led to Diana having to play according to Shake's character during the initial period, and it was not until a few years later that she gradually recovered her original character.

But that's also just outside the city.

As long as she returns to Gotham, Diana will still play according to Shaq's personality.

Because in this city, no one would believe that the little princess in Gotham City would become so gentle...Of course, this is Diana's own explanation.

From Steve's point of view, she's just having fun, like Shaq.

Steve complained in his heart, and pulled Harvey back with a smile, took out an ID from his arms and said, "Officer Bullock, please allow me to introduce myself again, my name is Steve Trevor , former Air Force Major General."


Harvey didn't intend to pay attention to him at first, but when he heard this, he quickly turned his head and glanced at his military ID card, and then his expression suddenly became solemn: "Sorry, General, on behalf of the citizens of Gotham, I thank you for your service."

"It's nothing, I've already retired."

Steve smiled and put the ID in his arms, then embraced Diana beside him and said, "This is my wife, Diana Trevor. Before she married me, she had another name, Diana. Prince."


Harvey's expression changed in an instant, and he quickly looked at Diana with surprise and joy: "It turned out to be the little princess of Gotham back then! I'm so rude, Mrs. Trevor."

"..." Diana smiled and waved her hands casually, "It's okay, I don't care, but don't mention that title anymore, it's just a ridiculous thing when I was young."

"I understand, I understand."

Harvey nodded quickly, and the unhappiness in his heart disappeared instantly.

This is not because he is too snobbish, but because the image of the princess of Gotham City was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If the words just now came from someone else, Harvey would definitely not let him go, but if it was the Gotham City princess back then little princess...

To be honest, this is already very, very polite.

Even Harvey was a little flattered, saying that the little princess in Gotham City had a much better temper now. He didn't believe it before, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Just when Harvey kept muttering in his heart, Steve smiled and spoke again.

"Officer Bullock, don't look at our young age. In fact, Diana has been married to me for 20 years. During these 20 years, we have been living in Washington and rarely returned to Gotham, so Diana's words just now are not meant To humiliate you is just stating a fact, please don’t take it to heart.”

...how dare I!
Harvey was immediately flattered, and quickly smiled and said, "General Trevor, you misunderstood. I'm just too worried about this case, so I just want to solve it as soon as possible. How could I be angry with Madam?"

Diana didn't care, and asked curiously: "So what is the case?"

"This..." Harvey suddenly showed embarrassment. Logically speaking, before the case was closed, he could not disclose the case to unrelated people, but considering the influence of the Waynes and his wife, he felt that this case would cause a sensation in Gotham sooner or later. It shouldn't hurt to reveal a little bit in advance.

So Harvey glanced around, leaned closer to the two and whispered, "It's Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. Just an hour ago, they were robbed in an alley in the Burnley area." , and unfortunately... was shot dead."

"The Waynes...were shot?"

Both Steve and Diana were taken aback for a moment. They both knew the couple's name and knew that they were the favored sons of Gotham City. They were wealthy and charitable. The S family.

But it was such a well-known couple who were shot dead an hour ago.

Sure enough, Gotham is rotten to the bone...

Steve sighed inwardly, while Diana frowned, grabbed Harvey's shoulder and asked in a low voice, "Has the murderer been caught?"

 Ps: There was an accident yesterday afternoon, when I got up, I knocked down the Coke and spilled it all into my laptop. The computer was scrapped on the spot, and now it has been sent to the store for repair

(End of this chapter)

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