A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 73 The Avengers Plan

Chapter 73 The Avengers Plan

"That's right, the whole body..."

Elder Qin coughed a few words, not intending to continue on this topic.

"Your master is adjusting the breath inside right now. After he finishes adjusting the breath, you can..."

At this moment, Director Wei who ran out to answer the phone earlier ran back.

Seeing Mr. Qin who had just walked out, Wei Gan slowed down his pace immediately, handed him the phone with frowning, and said in a low voice.

"There's a big problem..."

"What's the big deal?"

Elder Qin also frowned, and answered the phone.

"What did he say his name was...Okay, I see..."

After hanging up the phone, Elder Qin sighed and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder.

"Originally, I planned to have the cheek to let you, the master and the apprentice, treat me to a meal, but now it seems that I don't have the time..."

"That's not necessarily..." Lin Yi chuckled suddenly, "The matter on the phone is settled, so you have time..."

Lin Yi knew that the Daoist sect was using Lin Shuwu to favor him, but he chose to take the soft rather than the tough, and the Daoist sect's approach suited his taste.

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Elder Qin was slightly taken aback, and then said with some relief.

"No need, you have just become a Taoist elder, and you are not familiar with many things, so let us old guys do these trivial things for you..."

"It's not trivial..."

Lin Yi smiled lightly.

"How do I listen, it seems to be a major event affecting the whole world!"

"Oh?" Elder Qin looked at him in surprise, "Did you hear that?"

Lin Yi smiled without saying a word.

Elder Qin's heart trembled a little. He just wrapped the phone with his inner breath, and precisely controlled every vibration of the air. It is absolutely impossible for any sound to leak out.

But judging from Lin Yi's meaning, it was obvious that he had heard it, which made Elder Qin's evaluation of him once again raised to a higher level.

"If I heard correctly, it seems that some uninvited guest has come to Earth?"

Lin Yi spoke lightly and increased the weight again.

Of course, Lin Yi couldn't hear it clearly, but he knew the plot after all.

With just a few vague words, Lin Yi understood that Loki had probably come to Earth...

"...That's right." Elder Qin sighed, "In that case, I won't hide it from you. Do you know about S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "I know..."

"Over the years, Wuchang and S.H.I.E.L.D. have had a high-secret cooperation project to study an advanced energy source called the Cosmic Rubik's Cube..."

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Studying the Rubik's Cube and Wuchang?

But on second thought, if the earth is going to prepare for an advanced war, how can it really rely on a few agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to develop and popularize high-end weapons far beyond the current level of technology, it depends on whether the five hooligans support it .

"Just two hours ago, the secret base for studying the Rubik's Cube collapsed and was destroyed. We urgently called S.H.I.E.L.D. and got news about the alien invasion."

"The uninvited visitor who destroyed the research base was named Loki, and he came from Asgard, but unlike the last visitor from Asgard, this one is full of malice..."

Elder Qin sighed.

"So what does this have to do with Taoism?"

Lin Yi asked suspiciously.

"Since it is a joint project between Wuchang and S.H.I.E.L.D., it is naturally impossible not to insert our own people. Therefore, in the research team of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, there are also many of our scientists and the Taoist forces that protect them. According to S.H.I.E.L.D., Loki did not know what method he used to confuse the minds of most of the base personnel before the base collapsed, including our people and Hawkeye, a well-known agent of S.H.I.E.L.D...”

"So you're going to rescue your own people from Loki?"

Lin Yi suddenly said.

"That's right..."

Elder Qin nodded, then patted Lin Yi on the shoulder with a smile.

"Let us take action on this matter, you are still young, you should focus on martial arts."

"No." Lin Yi smiled slightly, "You are the one who should take a rest. You are old, so why run around, leave this kind of hard work to us young people!"

"Elder Lin..."

"Just call me Xiaoyi."

"..." Elder Qin was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said gratifiedly, "Xiao Yi, it's good that you have this kind of heart, but..."

"Let him go..."

Lin Shuwu's voice came from behind, interrupting Elder Qin's words.

Everyone immediately turned around and looked at the young version of Lin Shuwu who came out from behind the door.

But looking at Lin Shuwu's long black hair, Lin Yi still had a strange expression on his face.

whole body……

The word flashed involuntarily in his mind.

Lin Shuwu didn't notice Lin Yi's strange expression, he looked at Qin Lao and smiled.

"Old Qin, I know this kid. When he makes a decision, even a tank company may not be able to bring him back. Even if you persuade him now, he will go privately."

"That's right, Master still understands me!"

Lin Yi said with a smile, looking proud.

Elder Qin looked at Lin Shuwu, then at Lin Yi, hesitated for a while, and finally sighed.

"Okay, that's it, I'll give orders."

"Ok, deal!"

Lin Yi twisted his neck, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Tell me, where is the guest from Asgard? It's time to let him know how to write these four words..."



In the underground secret room of the headquarters, Nick Fury was standing in the center of the secret room, watching the huge screens in front of him.

"You are playing with fire, Mr. Chief, that is not a power you can control." The man on the screen in the center said.

"It never occurred to me to control that power, Mr. Congressman."

Nick Fury said lightly.

"Nobody wants to be controlled in a fight, especially a group like this."

The member of the central screen was silent for a moment, then said.

"But the Avengers project has been terminated."

"I never said there was going to be a reboot of the Avengers, I just said, we need a contingency team..."

"We've seen that list." The congressman didn't believe his words at all, "Mr. Director, you have the most powerful secret agent organization in the world, but you plan to hand over the fate of the earth to a group of freaks?"

"Allow me to interrupt."

A faint voice came from the screen on the left.

"Your Excellency, compared to your Avengers plan, I want to know when our people will be rescued."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult, sir." Nick Fury shook his head. "We still don't know what method Loki used. One of my mentally tough agents is manipulated by him like a toy in the palm of his hand."

"Hawkeye Button, I've heard of him."

"Then you should know that he can't betray S.H.I.E.L.D. casually."

"Then I can understand that you can't understand..."

Before he finished speaking, the person on the left paused, as if he was listening to some new news.

After a while, the voice on the left came back online.

"Your Excellency, since you can't solve it now, please inform us of the information, and we will send someone to go there in person..."

"Do you rely on the power of the Taoist?"

Nick Fury frowned.

"This is our secret."

"But I need a name." Nick Fury said lightly, "In fact, I have already sent someone to track it down."

 Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets, and thank you Wutian Lingjian for your reward of 500 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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