Chapter 729

Accompanied by a loud bang, the [-]-meter-high bluish-blue giant fell straight into the tropical rainforest.

He has a face extremely similar to Lin Yi's, and his whole body is wrapped in blue-blue gradient armor. There are blade-like protrusions on his arm armor and leg armor. There are extended spikes, and the head is wearing a full-coverage dragon horn helmet, only revealing a pair of silvery white eyes.

After falling to the ground, the blue giant moved its arm and five fingers wrapped in armor, then raised its head playfully, and waved provocatively at Godzilla.

Godzilla narrowed his eyes immediately, looking at the blue giant with a look of vigilance.

In the next second, it turned its head and let out a roar towards Anhu Luke who was beside him.

Anhuluke was slightly taken aback, and immediately let out a low growl of grievance, but Godzilla had clearly made up his mind, his majestic triangular eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Anhuluke who was lying on the ground.

There was no other way, Anhu Luke had no choice but to look away, staring at the blue giant in front of him and let out a roar.

The blue giant, or the corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched. As a high-level intelligent life that has already stepped into a civilized society, he doesn't have the problem of roaring and demonstrating before these giant titans start fighting, so he doesn't pay attention to Anhu Luke roar.

But Anhu Luke obviously doesn't think so.

It took Lin Yi's silence as fear of himself.

As a result, the vigilance in An Huluke's expression disappeared in an instant, and he uttered an extremely arrogant roar at Lin Yi again. After moving a few times restlessly, he rushed towards Lin Yi impatiently.

... so impulsive? !

Lin Yi frowned, and turned to look at Godzilla next to him, wanting to see if it would remind Anhuluke.

But it's a pity that Godzilla just squinted his eyes and watched coldly, without any intention of making a sound to remind him.

"Interesting, are you going to let your little brother test it first..."

Lin Yi smiled calmly, and seemed to ignore An Huluke who was flying towards him in his words.

But Anhu Luke thought that the slender and strange giant titan was frightened by himself, and immediately roared excitedly, a pair of sharp claws wrapped with blue and black roots ruthlessly grabbed at his head.


Like a sharp blade cutting through the tough leather, countless blood bloomed in midair.

The cyan-blue giant did not dodge or evade, allowing Anhu Luke to pass by him.

With a bang, Anhu Luke's huge body slammed into the ground fiercely, and then rowed forward unabated, crashing into countless rocks and trees like a bulldozer, plowing out a road tens of meters wide and hundreds of hundreds of meters long. meters of huge ravines.


A raging flame suddenly ignited from it.

Anhuluke immediately wailed in pain, rolling around on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on his body in the most primitive way.

As a result, the ground continued to tremble, more trees were knocked down, and smoke and dust were raised.

Godzilla narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Lin Yi on the opposite side more vigilantly.

Lin Yi lowered his flaming arm and palm knife, kicked aside the broken claw that was dripping with blue-black blood on the ground, and then looked at Godzilla indifferently.

"Little guy, I advise you to skip these temptations. I'm here to show you my strength, but I don't intend to engage in any kind of parity. There will be back and forth..."


Godzilla spewed out two streams of hot air from his nostrils. I don't know if he understood Lin Yi's meaning. After roaring, he rushed towards the blue giant in front of him.

This time, Godzilla may have known how powerful Lin Yi is, so he didn't let his younger brother Bechymos, whose combat power is lower than that of Anhu Luke, step forward and give it to him for nothing, but just let him move around and stare at him. Staring at Lin Yi's back, it seemed that this would bring invisible pressure to Lin Yi.

It's a pity that Lin Yi never cared about this giant beast.

In the next second, the burning flame on Lin Yi's arm was instantly extinguished, and instead a blue ice crystal blade was condensed, cutting across a trajectory with countless ice marks towards Godzilla who was striding wildly.

Additional special effects, piercing, armor piercing, ice attribute attack!
"call out--"

There was an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, and a severe chill came head-on.

Godzilla sensed the crisis in an instant, forcibly suppressed the tendency to charge forward, swung his ferocious claws roaringly, and collided with the ice-blue sword blade that was slashing suddenly in mid-air.

With a click, the turquoise ice crystal blade split into broken mirrors instantly, and then exploded into a piece of fine crystalline ice mist in the terrifying collision.

"Sure enough?"

Lin Yi raised his brows, and the ice-shattered palm knife brushed past Godzilla's sharp claws, and the other hand ignited a raging flame, passing through Godzilla's two short hands from bottom to top , hammering on its thick and hard jaw.


The terrifying power erupted in an instant, Godzilla's head was raised high uncontrollably, and his body like a mountain fell to the ground with an unwilling roar.

At the same time, Lin Yi glanced at his blue gauntlet with some cracks.

It is indeed a Godzilla who can resist nuclear bombs and withstand the impact of various light rays.

The hardness of this black scale armor is simply incredible!
Lin Yi let out a sigh of admiration and emotion in his heart, a silver light flashed on the crack in the armor on the back of his hand, and it quickly healed into an intact appearance, and the separated flames on both sides gathered together as if spiritually.


Falling to the ground, Godzilla roared angrily, and the shining blue light shone from the dorsal fin of its tail, along the ferocious dorsal fins that spread like blades all the way up, and finally in the mouth full of fangs and blood. Crazy gathering.

In the next second, blue light bloomed from Godzilla's mouth, turning into a piercing beam of light and sweeping forward.

Atom, Radiation Hotline, Breath!

Lin Yi sneered, and the infinite blue light condensed in his palm, turning into a blue light blade and instantly slashing towards the blue beam of light that came from him.

In an instant, two energy bodies with similar colors collided together.

The terrifying energy burst out with almost no pause, and the blue beam of light was split into two, as if cut by a blue light blade, turning into two smaller beams of light and sweeping towards Lin Yi's rear.

The air was compressed to the extreme by the majestic energy, creating circles of distorted ripples.

After being swept by the blue beam of light, all substances will instantly vaporize and sublimate, and then disappear without a trace.

With the continuous output of energy, Godzilla's eyes also glowed with faint blue light, and the gaps and lines of the black armor on the body surface also seemed to be tinged with blue.

Soon, Godzilla stopped outputting energy, as if his body had reached its limit, as if the barrel was overheated and must be cooled first, or it simply realized that atomic breath would not work in front of Lin Yi .

Sure enough, after the blue beam of light disappeared, the blue giant still stood intact.

The blue light in Godzilla's eyes faded away, and two streams of hot air spewed out from his nostrils. He looked carefully at the calm-looking blue-blue giant in front of him, and focused on the blue-blue light blade in his hand for a moment.

In the next second, Godzilla seemed to have confirmed his strategic plan, and after a roar, he charged towards Lin Yi again.

It's a pity that the mighty King of Monsters obviously hasn't made any strategy other than being tough and tough. Just by looking at its eyes that are always staring at the blue light blade, one can guess what this guy's goal is.

Lin Yi sighed helplessly, and the lightsaber in his hand turned into a cyan-blue streamer to wrap around his fist, and he slammed Godzilla's head hard under Godzilla's eyes that shrunk his pupils and looked bewildered.


After a loud noise, Godzilla's body like a mountain fell to the ground.

But its fighting consciousness also made it come back to its senses one second before it fell to the ground, its body turned around in mid-air, and waved its heavy and huge tail to sweep towards Lin Yi in front of him.


The giant tail like a mountain blasted the air, whistling past Lin Yi's chest with a violent momentum.

Lin Yi's expression remained unchanged, and then he turned sideways and took a step forward against the sweeping tail. His left fist ignited flames that were attached to piercing, armor-piercing, fire attribute attacks and burning abnormal states, and his right fist was attached to it. Piercing, Armor Breaking, Ice Attribute Attack and Ice Mist with Freezing Abnormal State.

Then, Lin Yi slammed his bow left and right, pressed the fallen Godzilla and beat him violently.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Deafening bangs sounded one after another, and Godzilla's thick head kept turning back and forth. Sometimes it was covered by raging flames, and penetrated into the gaps in the nostrils, ears and armor, and sometimes it was frozen by the terrifying cold air that could freeze the flames. They are all covered with cold frost.

In this way, the battle turned into Lin Yi's solo show after Godzilla was dragged into the ground and fought close to each other.

Countless fists that broke through the speed of sound fell on it like meteors, and the abnormal state of the two heavens of ice and fire continued to alternate on Godzilla, beating him to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

Seeing this scene, Anhu Luke's weak wailing disappeared instantly, and countless blue and black roots wrapped around the wound on his arm, and then he closed his eyes resolutely and began to pretend to be dead.

Same goes for Behemoth.

Looking at the violently beating Big Brother, Bechymos neither dared to step forward to help, nor did he dare to turn around and run away. He could only stand there like a seven fairies being pinned down by Sun Monkey, praying that the only target in his eyes was flat peaches and nothing else. other……

(End of this chapter)

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