Chapter 723 The Three Giant Beasts
Sudan, in the desert around Mount Bolgor.

Lin Yi calmly read the apology statement from the Emperor Organization, and then casually threw the phone into his pocket.

He didn't actually have much hatred for the Emperor's organization, not even that much disgust, it was just because this group of people kept pestering him that it made him feel a little annoyed.

It's like having a fly dangling in front of you, although it doesn't really hurt you, you still can't help but want to wave the fly swatter and sentence it to death...

Lin Yi probably has such a mentality.

Therefore, he asked Emma, ​​who claimed to be a former employee of the Emperor's Organization, but was actually a former member of the Emperor's Organization, to reveal all the black material she knew, and then completely detonated the dissatisfaction of the whole people with the Emperor's Organization.

For this world, this is also logical and extremely natural.

As early as five years ago after the First World War in San Francisco, the people had already accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction and resentment towards the Emperor Organization and the Titan Behemoth. Godzilla among the tombstones erected after World War I in San Francisco...

What Lin Yi and Emma did only completely revealed the resentment hidden deep in everyone's heart.

In the final analysis, the emperor organization itself is too unkind. They clearly know that the giant Titan Radon is sleeping in the Mara Island volcano, but they don't tell the humans in the city at the foot of the mountain, allowing them to bear the risk of being killed by the Titan at any time. Behemoths threaten to destroy the city.

They clearly possess a lot of powerful technologies, and they have even been able to kill some sleeping titan beasts long ago, but they gave up because of the benefits brought by the titan beasts, causing them to continue to threaten the lives of nearby humans...

There are many more things like this, some of which even Emma doesn't know.

But just these things that Emma knows are enough for the emperor organization to drink a pot.

Lin Yi walked in the desert with a smile on his face. During the week when the public opinion fermented, he did not sit idle. Contain them all.

Among them, Ben Yep sleeps in Base 99 in Australia. It is a legendary creature in Australia. It has a dog-like head, slender and sharp fangs, and a duck-like beak. Dark brown, with a tail like a giant ponytail, fins on both sides of the body, and frog-like webs on the soles of the feet.

It can be seen from these physical characteristics that it is a giant amphibian.

When dealing with it, Lin Yi did not change into a giant form such as an angel or a dragon, because this guy lives in swamps and stagnant pools full of rancid smell, and there are countless rotten leaves floating on the water surface, as well as suspected Suspiciously rancid objects of animal excrement.

Such a dirty habitat, even the energy body Lin Yi didn't want to touch it at all.

So he directly used the power of space to move out the giant sleeping Titan Benyep in the swamp, and then cast a golden light at a distance of 50 meters, and put it into the suitcase before Benyip woke up. .

From this point of view, Ben Yep should be the fastest and most straightforward one in Lin Yi's containment.

After leaving Australia, Lin Yi came to Loch Ness in Scotland.

The sleeping Titan here is the legendary Loch Ness Monster, but its name is not any of the legends of the Loch Ness Monster, but the legendary sea monster Leviathan created by God.

It is a snake-shaped monster with a body length of nearly 200 meters. It has a python-like body and head. It is the prototype of water monsters all over the world in the monster movie universe, and it is also the source of many sea monster legends in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

In addition, Leviathan's temperament is also extremely tyrannical. Hundreds of years ago, he was often active on the coast of the ocean, attacking passing ships and humans. He was an evil monster that literally devoured thousands of people.

Therefore, Lin Yi naturally did not hesitate, and transformed into a golden seraph, pulled out Leviathan who had just woken up from the deepest cave at the bottom of Loch Ness, and then pressed him in the water of Loch Ness for a meal After beating up violently, Leviathan's blood stained half of Loch Ness red before letting the little black cat put it into the suitcase.

By the way, Lin Yi's violent beating of Leviathan not only turned Loch Ness upside down, but also made the human beings who died in Leviathan's mouth have some unexpected gains.

That is the deepest cave at the bottom of Loch Ness where Leviathan sleeps.

There is a huge hollow channel, connecting the dense hollow veins deep in the earth.

There is no doubt that Leviathan passed through this passage, and then appeared in the seas of all oceans around the world.

As far as Lin Yi knew, finding this passage was basically equivalent to finding the inner world.

This time, Lin Yi doesn't even need Godzilla to lead the way!

As long as he takes in all the monsters living on the surface, he can follow the hollow passage at the bottom of Loch Ness all the way to the core world of the monster movie universe...

Perhaps, this is called good people get good rewards!

Lin Yi couldn't help expressing emotion in his heart.

As for the third titan, Sekhmet...

It was a giant lioness-like beast with a head and facial features full of feline features, dense fangs and teeth as sharp as a long sword, and a barb-like whip as hard as an iron whip. Tail.

Its sharp claws can easily tear through the hardest rocks, and it can spit out yellow sand in the desert.

With such abilities, Sekhmet has naturally become an integral part of mythology, that is, the lioness god and goddess of war in ancient Egyptian mythology.

For hundreds of years, it has been sleeping in a giant pyramid in Cairo, Egypt.

It wasn't until the Emperor Organization discovered there that they quietly built it into the organization's No. 65 base without notifying the local indigenous residents and believers.

Lin Yi has always despised this kind of behavior.

So he planned to wake up Sekhmet at the beginning, and pinned the reason for Sekhmet's anger to the emperor organization, wanting to see how the emperor organization should deal with the anger of local believers.

But what he didn't expect was that the fighters in this base were also his fanatical admirers.

No way, Lin Yi had no choice but to overthrow the plan he had just designed, and took in the sleeping lion beast Sekhmet in a normal way...

In other words, it is a one-stop service of awakening + convincing + containment.

Compared with the previous plan of framing, the aftermath of normal battles was much smaller. After one battle, only a big hole appeared at the top of the pyramid.

Other than that, everything was normal, and even the members of the Emperor Organization who were sleeping in the base were not woken up.

After taking in Sekhmet, the fighters at these bases made a request, or a prayer, to Lin Yi with reverence. They wanted to ask Lin Yi to take a trip to the 75 Base No. 75, in case the information here is uploaded to the headquarters, they will be sent to the No. [-] base, which is also in the African desert, to eat sand...

Hearing this, Lin Yi suddenly realized.

No wonder these guys are so excited about their arrival...

No wonder they see themselves as a savior...

After understanding everything, Lin Yi was angry and funny.

But there's no way, I don't want to hit the smiling face, anyway, Lin Yi will go to Sudan sooner or later, it doesn't make much difference whether he goes early or late.

Therefore, Lin Yi took advantage of the situation and complied with their request——

Then stepped into the silver space crack in front of them.

This time, the emperor organization personnel at base 65 were dumbfounded.

Because all the facilities in the base have been destroyed in the battle just now.

The information cannot be sent out at all, let alone contact with the outside world.

In desperation, they could only collect all the food and fresh water that had not been destroyed by the battle, preparing to save money and wait for the arrival of the next delivery team.

At the same time, Lin Yi stepped into the desert near Bolgor Mountain without any psychological burden.

Like many places where titans like to sleep, Mount Borgor is a lonely mountain, but it is a lonely mountain in the desert, so it is naturally a veritable sacred mountain in this land. Ershan has a large number of mausoleums, temples, residential areas and palaces with or without pyramids.

Under one of the not-so-big pyramids, lies the ferocious and tyrannical titan beast—Makra.

(End of this chapter)

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