A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 718 Scylla vs Tiamat

Chapter 718 Scylla vs Tiamat
After the black female officer's voice fell, smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

Only Dr. Chen frowned, with a hint of worry in his expression.

After hesitating for a while, Dr. Chen said, "Foster, is it really okay for us to do this?"

The black female officer said calmly: "Don't worry, that person has already said that it is not an example, which means that he has forgiven our rash action this time, and besides... what I said is also true, isn't it?"


Dr. Chen took a deep look at the black female officer and said nothing.

Foster is right, they did only wake up Scylla, and it was Scylla's own act to go to the stone mountain to fight the titan Tiamat.

These are facts, but the truth is much more than that.

Scylla is a titan with a very bad temper.

Especially during eating, it explodes at one point.

The Emperor organization is well aware of Scylla's temper, so they took advantage of this, first transported some nuclear waste to it when it was awake, and then used the Orca device to simulate Tiamat's roar to provoke it while it was eating. .

Can this Scylla bear it?
Of course it can't bear it!

With Scylla's violent temper, even if Godzilla disturbs its eating, it will angrily fight with Godzilla, and replace it with Tiamat, which is several grades weaker than Godzilla. Not to mention.

So, the angry Scylla ate the nuclear waste three times, five times, two times, and ran all the way to Stone Mountain Park in Georgia, woke up the sleeping Tiamat, and started fighting with it.

Tiamat was also very confused, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Scylla yelling at it.

But the other party has come to hit the door, and it can't catch it without a fight.

In addition, Scylla has the title of "scavenger" among the giant titans, and has eaten the corpses of other giant titans more than once, absorbing their nutrients and radiation for his own use.

Tiamat worried that Scylla's ultimate goal was to eat him, so he fought it in a daze.

United States, Georgia, Stone Mountain Park.

Dozens of police cars blocked the road outside Shishan Park, and hundreds of police officers pulled out a cordon to drive away tourists and local residents who did not want to leave.

But even so, there are still many tourists who do not want to leave.

They took mobile phones, cameras, and video cameras, scrambling to film the battle in Shishan Park.

Some showed their press credentials to the police, while others said they were popular online video bloggers who were now planning to broadcast the battle of the titans up close at the request of fans.

But no matter whether these people's reasons are absurd or reasonable, it is impossible for the police to agree.

They have received clear instructions to evacuate all tourists within 10 minutes, even if there are some casualties as a result, they will not hesitate...

Finally, after persuasion was ineffective, an unknown policeman pulled the trigger.

Gunshots resounded over the highway, and invisible sound waves swayed along the air towards Shishan Park.

In the center of Stone Mountain Park, next to the Georgia Stone Mountain known as the "Eighth Wonder of the World", two huge titan beasts are colliding with each other brazenly.

One of them looks like a combination of a spider, a squid, and a crab. It is about [-] meters tall, with six huge and slender limbs and feet on the side of its body. It also carries a conch-like exoskeleton carapace.

This is Scylla, a titan shaped like a squid-faced spider.

Although its body is disproportionate to its six limbs, this design, similar to the horror robot in the Red Alert, allows it to quickly change direction and even move sideways during combat.

Not only that, Scylla's shell is also extremely hard, except for some weapons that focus on penetration, it is difficult for human weapons to cause any damage to it, and once the shell is damaged, Scylla will also abandon his damaged body. Shells, dug into rock walls or used in place of exoskeletons from sunken warship wrecks.

Until the new exoskeleton grows fully solidified, these substitutes will not be completely abandoned.

In addition, Scylla also has the ability to quickly secrete liquid nitrogen. If it is in the sea, it can quickly freeze the enemy and the surrounding sea water. Tentacles around the mouthparts release a high-voltage electric current to attack the opponent.

Compared with Scylla, who can be near and far, and capable of material and demons, Tiamat on the opposite side is not enough.

It is a dragon-shaped water god in Mesopotamian mythology, which symbolizes the chaos of the original creation. From the appearance point of view, it is more like a combination of crocodile and spinosaurus, and its body is covered with thick blue armor. , with a slender neck, two rows of fin-like cyan-blue protrusions growing from the cheeks to the neck, and a row of sails very similar to Spinosaurus on the back.

Filled with nerves and fat, these sails are extremely efficient at trapping heat and absorbing moisture from the air. ,

It can easily turn the water in contact with the back spine into ice, and it can also use the back spine to quickly absorb the water vapor in the air, and use the heat stored in it to heat the water vapor, turning it into boiling high-temperature water and spraying it out to attack the opponent.

This kind of ability is not bad for dealing with only huge monsters.

But in front of a titan of Scylla's level, it is really not enough to look at.

Beside the world-famous Georgia Stone Mountain, Scylla, shaped like a squid-faced spider, crushed Tiamat on the opposite side, and its six arthropod-like limbs pressed against its back and two front paws. , the tentacles around its mouthparts tightly entangled its head and neck, constantly releasing a strong high-voltage current.


Countless electric currents shuttle continuously on Tiamat's blue armor.

Tiamat let out a painful roar, and immediately shook his head vigorously. The two sharp front claws desperately broke free from the restraints of Scylla's limbs, tearing at the head and the tentacles wrapped around his neck like sawtooth.

Facing Scylla, who was good at electric discharges, Tiamat seemed helpless.

Because it can't use the high-temperature water flow it is best at to attack, it will only let the current follow the water flow and attack the softer and more fragile internal organs in his abdominal cavity.

At this moment, the sound of gunshots from the periphery of Shishan Park came.

After waking up, Scylla had a short intercourse with humans, and even had a small battle with human troops because of the behavior of breaking through the base, and one of the tentacles outside the mouth was broken because of this.

So, it's pretty clear what those gunshots mean...

In this instant, Scylla's attention was briefly attracted.

Tiamat seized this opportunity, and after a low growl, he stepped forward with four thick thighs wrapped in blue armor, and forcibly pushed Scylla's body against the Georgia stone mountain next to him.


In an instant, terrifying power exploded on Scylla's hard back shell.

This 500-meter-high, monolithic hillock composed entirely of a complete boulder cracked a gap at the position where Skoura's back hit.

The pitch-black cracks spread rapidly in both directions up and down.

In just a few seconds, the whole boulder was completely split into two halves from the middle.

The strong vibration spread from the rocky mountain to the ground below, countless dust and earth and rocks rose up, and the ground also cracked a series of cobweb-like gaps.


Scylla, who was pushed on the rocky mountain, let out a sharp neigh, and raised a sharp knife-like limb and foot, and suddenly fell towards the spiny sail on Tiamat's back.

Accompanied by the whistling sound of piercing through the air, the sharp knife-like limbs and feet pierced Tiamat's back spine.

Countless blue blood splashed out from the back spines, and then was frozen into ice crystals by the liquid nitrogen released by the limbs and feet, and turned into light blue hail rain and fell to the ground of Stone Mountain Park in Georgia.


Tiamat let out a howl of pain.

But Scylla didn't move at all, and continued to condense and release the liquid nitrogen, and the frost continued to spread along the gaps in the blue armor, freezing the place where the flesh and the armor came into contact.

Just like that, under the double blow of physics and chemistry, Tiamat's movements became more and more sluggish, and the strength of his struggle and resistance gradually became smaller.

Seeing that Scylla is about to win the battle of monsters.

Suddenly, a silver-white crack appeared in the air above the heads of the two giant beasts.

Lin Yi, who was carrying a brown leather suitcase, came out of it.

As soon as he walked out, he glanced at the two giant beasts fighting fiercely in the Stone Mountain Park, and then at the footprints and tracks left by Scylla's raid, and then nodded slightly.

At the same time, he also noticed the police and people crowding around the park.

"Let's get rid of these two giant beasts first..."

Lin Yi shook his head, and turned to look at the two giant beasts in the park: "But before that, tell me which of them is Scylla and which is Tiamat?"

(End of this chapter)

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