Chapter 716
As Lin Yi yelled loudly, a wave of sound invisible to the naked eye echoed in the valley.

In just a few seconds, there was a roar from the ground under Lin Yi's feet, and waves of earthy yellow rose up, and the soil, sand and rocks rolled away like water, revealing the hard gray shell below, which looked like a biological armor .

That's right, this horseshoe-shaped valley is actually just a slightly curved mountain peak, and what connects to the edge of the mountain peak is not another mountain peak, but the giant monster at Base 67—Methuselah.

The name Methuselah comes from the Bible and means 'the longest-lived person'.

The reason why it was given this name is because the vast majority of researchers believe that Methuselah is the oldest surviving Titan on Earth.

Methuselah has super camouflage and mimicry abilities, and can seamlessly blend into any rocky environment such as mountains or glaciers. Among some senior personnel of the Emperor Organization, it also has the nickname of 'Archie (Archie)', This is because it existed for a while as a desert island in a remote archipelago (archipelago) in Canada.

And now, Methuselah has used this ability to integrate into this arc-shaped mountain, and has been sleeping as one end of the horseshoe valley for about a hundred years. Until about three years ago, the emperor organization detected weak vital signs in the mountain with instruments. It was only then that the sleeping titan was discovered.


With the awakening of the titan Methuselah, the end of the originally silent valley slowly rose.

Numerous gravels and soil loosened and cracked, rolled down along the gaps between the granite and trees, and soon revealed the gigantic beast buried in the rocks and soil.

It has a height of nearly 150 meters and a body length of more than [-] meters. It has two big bull-like horns on its head, four thick hooves on its abdomen, huge granite on its back, and many emerald green trees rooted in granite and soil. Trees exist as mimic structures.

From a distance, it looks like a giant bull carrying mountains.


Methuselah let out a long and thick roar.

Immediately afterwards, the gigantic beast weighing [-] tons stepped forward.

"Boom! Boom! Boom—"

The fall of every footstep is accompanied by the vibration of the ground and the rise of dust.

Countless soft soil sank due to heavy footsteps, and after being lifted up again, a huge pothole was left on the ground that could be used as a swimming pool.

But before taking a few steps, Methuselah suddenly stopped, and a pair of small gray-black eyes glanced blankly through the gap between the gray armor and the granite.

Apparently, it was looking for the one who woke it from its slumber.

Or rather, the beast...

Because in its cognition, there is often only another giant titan that can wake up a giant titan.

But this time, it didn't see any giant titan, and it couldn't get any further communication or instructions from the 'titan' who woke it up.

This caused Methuselah to fall into confusion, and stayed there in a daze.

Lin Yi pulled the corner of his mouth, and jumped onto Methuselah's front nose, and looked at the pair of small gray-black eyes through the gap in the gray armor.

"Okay, don't look for it anymore, I woke you up!"

Lin Yi stepped on Methuselah's nose angrily.

Dao Dao's soft but tough strength gushes out from the soles of its feet, penetrates the hard gray-black horny shell, and directly transmits it to its nerve-covered nose.

Suddenly, a faint stabbing pain came from his nose.

Methuselah came back to his senses stimulated by the pain, quickly shook his huge head, and moved the position of the painful nose to the nearby mountain peak, and then kept rubbing and rubbing...

There was a scalp-numbing sound of rubbing stones, and countless gray stone fragments splashed down.

Lin Yi had already jumped down when Methuselah was moving. At this moment, his whole body was covered with silver light, and his forehead was covered with black lines floating next to Methuselah's head.

He only knew that this guy had poor eyesight, but he didn't expect that his brain was not very good.

It's understandable to want to rub it itchy nose, but its nose is still covered with granite armor several meters thick, so what if it wears it all day?
Is it possible to wear the granite with soft earth and rocks?

Lin Yi looked at the debris of earth and rock falling down, and felt that it would be useless to wear it through.

Because the granite armor wrapped around Methuselah's nose is obviously harder than the earth and rocks on the mountain...

Looking at Methuselah who kept dawdling on the mountain, the muscles in the corners of Lin Yi's eyes twitched uncontrollably.

Although he could directly put this silly monster into the storage space without permission, Lin Yi still couldn't help but want to do something about the oppressive feeling of being forcibly ignored.

In the next second, Lin Yi's figure slowly rose, and then he punched Methuselah's horn casually.

In an instant, a terrifying power erupted, the air was squeezed and burst, dissipating into countless airflows and splashing in all directions.

Methuselah was punched, and the big head immediately tilted to the side uncontrollably, and then returned to normal after a few shakes, a pair of small gray-black eyes showed a trace of bewilderment.

Lin Yi: "..."

Forget it, there is really nothing to care about with such a fool!
Lin Yi immediately gave up the idea of ​​teaching it a lesson, and instead floated in mid-air and opened the suitcase.

Dazzling golden light shot out instantly, shining on Methuselah's huge and solid outer armor.

At the same time, the golden light with the aura of a titan finally attracted Methuselah's attention. He quickly raised his head that was rubbing against the rock, and turned to look at Lin Yi floating in the sky.

"... Moo!"

Methuselah let out a deep growl, and stared straight at Lin Yi with a pair of small gray-black eyes.

He finally noticed the little guy floating beside him!
Facing Methuselah's gaze, Lin Yi couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

But there is no way, life is often like this.

When you desperately want to do something, it often backfires, but when you forget about that thing and plan to let nature take its course, it is often done in a daze...

Lin Yi sensed the heart of the rock monster, and only then did he realize that it was asking himself 'what do you want to do'.

"It's nothing, I just want you to sleep somewhere else."

Lin Yi replied indifferently, and at the same time, he used the power of his mind to speak this sentence to Methuselah's heart.

Methuselah was stunned for a while, and after a moment of contemplation, she gave a soft moo, and then sat obediently on the ground, staring straight at the golden suitcase with a pair of small gray-black eyes.

Does this agree?
Lin Yi was a little surprised, but it's always a good thing to be able to cooperate obediently.

Just when Lin Yi was about to put Methuselah directly into the suitcase, a faint sound of an engine suddenly came from a distant mountain road, which instantly attracted Lin Yi's attention.

Lin Yi frowned and looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a green off-road vehicle speeding along the mountain road.

There were three people in the car, among them the driver was the brown-haired man who had just evacuated from Base 67 not long ago.

"...Why did you come back again?"

Lin Yi looked surprised, and looked behind the brown-haired man.

I saw two researchers in white coats, a man and a woman, sitting there, with their hands clasped tightly, sweat oozing from their foreheads, and their emotions seemed to be in a state of tension and apprehension.

A black lightning flashed past, turning into a little black cat and landing on Lin Yi's shoulder.

"Brother, do you need me to stop these lifeless humans?"

"..." Lin Yi glanced at the quiet Methuselah behind him, thought for a while and shook his head, "No, just right, I also want to see what they want from me."


The little black cat nodded. He didn't care about the lives of those humans.

It's just because I know that Lin Yi cares, so I care a little bit.

Soon, the off-road vehicle drove to the foot of the arc-shaped mountain.

The three of them got off the off-road vehicle, raised their heads excitedly and in awe, and looked at the silver figure slowly descending in the sky like a god.

"My... my lord! Something happened to the emperor's organization!"

The brown-haired man couldn't help but speak out first, and stepped forward anxiously and apprehensively, as if he wanted to explain why he violated Lin Yi's order and brought two people back without authorization.

Lin Yi glanced at him with a slight frown, and said lightly, "What happened?"

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't seem to blame himself, the brown-haired man breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly turned his attention to the two white coats beside him, a man and a woman.

Among them, the blond-haired, blue-eyed female researcher pursed her lips, looked back at the giant beast behind Lin Yi, looked at Lin Yi in awe and said, "It's the Argo, they just sent a message, it's located in Sedona Base 55 and Base 53 in Stone Mountain were destroyed, and the titans Scylla and Tiamat were released at the same time!"


Lin Yi frowned suddenly, and couldn't help but look back at Emma's soul floating in the air.

Emma also looked confused. Seeing Lin Yi's gaze, she quickly shook her head like a rattle: "Don't look at me, Jonah and I's wake-up plan only went to Mexico. It's absolutely impossible for us to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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