A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 713 1 Sword and Storm Breath

Chapter 713
Dark clouds gathered in the sky, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and a huge silver sword with a height of [-] meters protruded from the dark clouds, aiming at Mothra's chest below.


There was a deafening thunder, and blue-purple thunders shuttled continuously among the black clouds, circling the silver giant sword looming, and the intense coercion swung unscrupulously in all directions.

Everyone who saw this scene felt that the air was heavy and frozen, and it seemed that breathing became difficult.

Dr. Ling clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest, looking nervously at the silver giant sword protruding from the dark clouds, the inexplicable worry in her heart from the sky was finally answered——

She is sure that this terrifying silver giant sword has definitely been hanging above the clouds since yesterday!
In fact, this is indeed the case. As early as when Lin Yi just arrived at the outer edge of the waterfall, he used the silver flying swords in stock to form this huge silver sword with a height of [-] meters, and hung it high in the sky, waiting for the magic Sla flew into the sky, and when he thought he could escape, he struck it in the head with the great silver sword.

Of course, Lin Yi didn't have to really slash down with his sword.

The great silver sword that hangs high in the sky is primarily a means of deterrence.

Whether it will really poke it or not depends on whether Mothra is aware of current affairs.

As for why this method must be adopted instead of the simpler Thunder and Sky Authority...

you still need to ask?They have already returned to China. If they don't play Sword Fairy, do they still play Thor or Angel?


Mothra let out a wail, and it could feel the heavy coercion from the silver giant sword, the sense of oppression as if the entire sky was pressing across, even it couldn't help trembling.

Lin Yi turned into a silver light and soared into the sky, quickly rising to the front of Mothra.

"How are you, have you made up your mind?"


Mothra looked away from the terrifying silver giant sword in front of him, and silently looked at Lin Yi floating in front of him with a pair of gem-like blue eyes.

"Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Lin Yi looked at Mothra in dissatisfaction: "It's because your spiritual language is too simple, what does it have to do with me! Do you think I am willing to spy on a big moth that is going crazy? It's all for your sake! "

"Little guy, the earth is no longer your earth. The intelligent species that dominate this planet are terrifying enemies that you have never faced before. Although they are not as powerful as you, they can use tools, the environment, and even yours. power to achieve their goals.”

"Facing these terrifying upright apes, you may be able to win for a while, but you will never win forever, so come with me, Mothra, there is no benefit for you to stay on the earth, I will find a new one for you." A new planet, a brand new home..."

Lin Yi earnestly persuaded Mothra.

If it is not necessary, he is not willing to lay down any heavy hands on Mothra. This is not because Mothra is kinder than other titan beasts, but because this guy may commit suicide through self-sacrifice at any time. Eggs left behind after death may remain in place, or may randomly appear somewhere on Earth.

Lin Yi didn't want to gamble on the chances, so he planned to persuade Mothra thoroughly from the two levels of force and reason, and let him go with him willingly.

But if it comes to this point, if Mothra is still unwilling to cooperate, Lin Yi will not mind killing it first, and then looking for its reborn egg.

It was under this kind of mentality that anything can be done, Lin Yi was quite relaxed.

And Mothra seemed to sense a hint of danger from Lin Yi's behavior, and after hesitating for a long time, he finally let out a weak low cry.


"Shouldn't have had it earlier!"

Lin Yi immediately nodded in satisfaction, then cut open a silver-white crack, and took out the brown leather suitcase beside her regardless of the astonished expression of Emma's soul on the other side of the crack.

The silver crack was closed, Lin Yi opened the brown leather suitcase in his hand, pointed the shiny golden side at Mothra in front of him, and smiled slightly.

"Welcome to your new home! Need me to introduce you to your new roommate?"

There was a smile on Lin Yi's face, and the two tentacles on Mothra's head trembled, followed by a regular humming sound from his chest, as if responding to his question.

A little translation, that is two words——

Need not!

Lin Yi nodded clearly. It's nothing surprising. Other titan beasts may be passed on to the next generation, but Mothra has always been this one. No matter how many times he dies, he will inherit the original The memory of a generation.

Therefore, it knows basically all the titans.

Including the transfer student from another planet—Ghidorah.

Therefore, after sensing the breath of Ghidorah and Raton, Mothra showed the indifference of a cold goddess.

But another aura attached to the suitcase couldn't help but make it a little bit in awe.

It was a lofty and great breath. When feeling the essence of it through the breath, Mothra seemed to be able to see a vast and boundless universe. Countless stars were scattered in this universe like gravel on the seashore. Even it The majestic and vast sun in his eyes is just a drop in the ocean in this universe.

It has never felt the vastness and greatness of the universe so carefully before.

Never before have I realized the insignificance of myself and my life...


The two tentacles on Mothra's head trembled excitedly, and that young heart was impacted by the vast universe, so it couldn't help but let out a cry of awe and excitement.

Lin Yi looked at Mothra's pure sapphire eyes, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

The breath left by God on the suitcase is not a secret, and he can also see the picture contained in it, but this picture of the vast universe is just an ordinary cosmic star map to him, and there is not even a certain picture. The shock from the cosmic documentaries shot by humans.

But for Mothra, who has never opened his eyes to see the universe, it is the most shocking picture in the world.

Especially when this picture was projected on the mind in the most trusted way, Mothra couldn't help being excited and awed, a pair of delicate tentacles kept vibrating, and kept sending similar messages to Lin Yi. signal of inquiry.

"Yes yes yes, you guessed right, I just want to send you to that world!"

"But before that, you have to stay here for a while."

"By the way, I have already divided the space of the tropical rainforest at the southernmost point for you independently. You don't have to worry about being harassed by the two tenants in front. How about it, can you come in?"


Mothra shook her tentacles, and her big, pure sapphire-like eyes reflected Lin Yi's appearance.

"Very good!" Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction, and activated the retracting function of the suitcase as he turned his thoughts, projecting a dazzling golden light to collect Mothra into it.

In an instant, the giant moth with a wingspan of more than 200 meters disappeared in the golden light.

Lin Yi then closed the suitcase, looked at the tight gap and curled his lips.

"Don't worry, when Godzilla is caught, I will reunite you two interracial lovers!"

Talking a few words to himself, Lin Yi patted the suitcase floating in front of him, then lifted it up and hung it by his side with one hand, and at the same time raised his hand towards the silver giant sword with a corner exposed in the dark clouds.


There was only a long and ethereal howl of the sword, and the silver giant sword that pierced the sky and pierced the earth slowly emerged from the dark clouds.

When the silver giant sword revealed itself from the dark clouds, Dr. Ling and the others couldn't help being deeply shocked again.

The terrifying coercion with the tip of the sword hanging low and hanging high in the sky, as if ready to strike the earth at any time, made everyone feel their hearts tremble, and they froze on the spot without daring to breathe.

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly looked at the people on the ground, and at the cloudy sky.

In the next second, under the watchful eyes of everyone on the ground, the man in white who floated in the sky like a god stretched out his hand, and the huge silver sword that pierced the sky screamed and turned upside down, slashing towards the sky surrounded by thunderbolts.

The turquoise sword energy instantly detached from the blade, turning into a beautiful and deadly arc and swinging in all directions.

Countless blue-purple thunderbolts were attached to the sword energy, and the icy wind tore through the dark clouds, sweeping away all the dark clouds with a destructive force.

In an instant, the dark clouds receded and the clouds and rain stopped.

In the sky, there is only one piece of stratus cloud that has been divided and crushed by the sword energy and has become radiant. Countless bright and beautiful colors are dotted around these streamers, just like a dream scene that only appears in a fairy tale world.

Everyone looked up at the sky in a daze, only to see a ray of warm sunlight shining through the clouds and mist to the ground, building an incomparably gorgeous rainbow bridge in such a dreamy sky.

"One sword, wind and rain..."

Dr. Sha muttered a few words in a daze, but when he came back to his senses, he found that the man in white who had just swept away the dark clouds and quelled the wind and rain had disappeared into the sky at some point.

What disappeared at the same time was the silver giant sword with a height of [-] meters!
Only then did Dr. Sha realize that something was wrong, and quickly looked at the top of the instrument beside him.

I saw that the little black cat that was standing there to protect them disappeared at some point...

Dr. Sha immediately showed disappointment. Just as he was about to reach out his hand to wake up his absent-minded companion, he suddenly found a blue book that looked like a martial arts cheat book in a film and television drama where the little black cat was standing.

what is this?
Dr. Sha was curious, and before the companions around him came to their senses, he walked quickly to the instrument, and took down the old-fashioned blue leather cheat book.

"Let me see, what is this... Fuck! Yu Jianshu?!"

Looking at the three big characters shining brightly on the blue cover, Dr. Sha couldn't help but swear in a low voice.

After regaining his senses, Dr. Sha had a strange look on his face. He glanced left and right, but found that no one had noticed his movements, so he quietly stuffed the blue book into his arms.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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