A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 704 God's Will

Chapter 704 God's Will

In the sky, the air carrier 'Argo'.

Everyone, including Dr. Serizawa and Dr. Chen, stared dumbfounded at the satellite monitoring screen.

In less than 10 minutes, the three hill-like behemoths disappeared one after another.

Fortunately, Godzilla still has its vital signs on the radar. It is obvious that it dived into the sea to retreat strategically, but what happened to the two remaining Titans?

... Dispersed into a black mist?Disappear in golden light?

Everyone looked at each other with complicated expressions.

The black female officer coughed twice, glanced at everyone, and said seriously: "The battle is over. Obviously, the Black Flame Demon Tiger has won the final victory..."

"Wait, Black Flame Demon Tiger?"

"That's right, the code name that Dr. Serizawa just took, is there any problem?"


The person who asked the question lowered his arms in a dazed expression.

The black female officer nodded, and continued: "Godzilla fled, and monster zero was defeated by the Black Flame Demon Tiger, and then disappeared into the golden light... This is the basic situation now, I know you all have doubts in your mind, and I also The same, but the most urgent task is not to get to the bottom of what happened just now, but whether to send someone to contact that person."

"What do you think, Dr. Graham?"

Everyone turned their attention to the woman in the black windbreaker.

The woman in the black windbreaker frowned, pondered for a while and then said: "I still prefer to contact as soon as possible... As long as we get in touch with that person, these problems that bother us will no longer be problems, but we must be cautious when contacting people." , we must let that person feel our kindness!"


Everyone nodded, agreeing with Dr. Graham's point of view.

The black female officer also nodded: "Based on your first impression of that man, who do you think is better to send?"

Dr. Graham frowned, "A negotiator?"

The black female officer shook her head: "It's too slow, we don't have so much time."

Dr. Graham nodded: "Then we can only choose between us, and, although I don't want to admit it, I did say some stupid things when I left, which may make that person feel a little bit Not pleasant, so..."

"I see, you'd better stay here honestly!"

The black female officer sighed and turned to look at the others in the control room.

At this moment, Dr. Chen's clear voice suddenly sounded.

"Let me go!"

Everyone was startled for a moment, and turned their attention to Dr. Chen.

The black female officer frowned: "Dr. Chen, are you sure?"

"Sure." Dr. Chen nodded and said with a smile, "If our guess is correct, then this person is probably a certain god in Chinese mythology... Even if it is not a god, at least he was active in the Chinese mainland However, this can be seen from his oriental appearance."

"So I think that if I get in touch with you, I may have a natural advantage over you. As for the danger, I don't think there will be any danger. After all, the person who did not hurt Dr. Mark's family, but was still in the scene just now Protected them in the fierce battle, didn't they?"


There was a hint of emotion and doubt on the face of the black female officer.

Gods... Are there really gods in this world?
Five minutes later, an Osprey helicopter emerged from the Argo.

Among them were the negotiator Dr. Chen, Dr. Serizawa who wanted to see the powerful monster that defeated Godzilla, and Mark Russell's friend. This time, Dr. Sam personally invited Mark back to the Emperor Organization.

Soon, the Osprey helicopter carrying the three doctors came to the sky above the circular ice platform.

Dr. Chen and others looked down from the open back cabin, but they didn't find Lin Yi and Mark's family of three, only a group of terrorists who had just attacked base 32 were kneeling on the ground obediently.

……How is this going?

Dr. Chen, Dr. Serizawa and others looked at each other.



10 minutes later, in the Mexican island of Mara.

An off-road vehicle drove along the suburban road all the way to the foot of the volcano.

The camera zoomed in, and I saw a handsome man in white sitting on the back seat of the off-road vehicle.

There was a brown leather suitcase on his lap, and a cute little black cat was squatting on the suitcase, and a middle-aged man with a stiff expression was sitting beside him.

As for the driver of the off-road vehicle, it was a beautiful woman with blond curly hair in workplace attire.

In the passenger seat next to her, sat a young girl with a face somewhat similar to that of a beautiful woman.

The group of four were Lin Yi and the Russell family who had just disappeared in Antarctica inexplicably.

Sitting on the passenger seat, Madison leaned his elbows on the car window and looked out the window, turning his eyes from time to time, peeking at Lin Yi's handsome face in the rear seat through the rearview mirror.

She really couldn't figure out how she and others came to Mexico from Antarctica in an instant...

In Madison's memory, she only remembered that the surroundings were spinning, and the ice and snow land originally located at the South Pole of the earth instantly switched to a noisy urban area.

Her parents, Mark and Emma, ​​stood beside her, equally dazed.

The instigator of all this, Lin Yi, was holding a stack of pesos (local currency) with the largest denomination, and speaking fluent Spanish with the owner of a second-hand car dealership.

Afterwards, under Lin Yi's command, they got into the off-road vehicle, with Dr. Emma as the driver, and drove to the No. 56 base of the Emperor Organization on Mara Island, Mexico.

Everything happened too suddenly.

Even the smart heads of Dr. Mark and Dr. Emma couldn't react for a while. They could only subconsciously obey Lin Yi's arrangement and get on the off-road vehicle heading to the volcano.

It wasn't until the off-road vehicle approached the foot of the volcano that Mark gradually recovered from the shock and confusion.

Mark sat beside Lin Yi silently and stiffly. After a long time, he finally couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Lin, how did you do it? If I wasn't sleepwalking, we were still in Antarctica just now, right?"

Lin Yi chuckled lightly: "Finally the question came out, I thought you were going to hold back all the way!"

Facing Lin Yi's half-smile look, Mark smiled sarcastically, and said curiously, "Mr. Lin, I'm really curious, is this your superpower, or some portable miniature wormhole in quantum state?"

"Mr. Lin, are you a god or an alien?"

As Mark's question was raised, Emma and Madison in front unconsciously pricked up their ears.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, looked at the volcano outside the window and said leisurely: "If you want to know how to cross space, please forgive me for not being able to answer you, but just looking at the form of expression, it should be regarded as a combination of superpowers and wormholes! "

"As for my identity...you will know sooner or later!"

Looking at Lin Yi's mysterious smile, Mark forced a smile, and started cursing in his heart.

Saying these few words is equivalent to saying nothing, and no useful information has been revealed.

Mark couldn't help but speak again: "Mr. Lin..."

"How many times have I said, just call me Lin!"

Lin Yi chuckled, turned his head to look in the rearview mirror of the car, and smiled slightly.

Madison's face turned red immediately, and he quickly looked away and sat upright.

Mark didn't notice the small movements of his daughter in the passenger seat.

Hearing Lin Yi's words, he immediately smiled.

Although he said so, how dare he really call it that!

Not to mention whether the little black cat squatting on the suitcase is willing or not, just looking at the strong demeanor of this big man who calms the sea with his gestures, he dare not be negligent in words.

Mark coughed twice, looking worriedly at the volcano not far away.

"Mr. Lin, can you tell me what your real purpose is?"

Hearing this sentence, Emma and Madison also cheered up.

Lin Yi smiled lightly: "Don't worry, this is a good thing for you."

Mark was at a loss: "It's a good thing for me? What do you mean?"

Lin Yi smiled and explained: "Didn't you always worry that these titanic beasts would threaten the human world? Now you can rest assured that after I leave, these worries will no longer exist!"

Dr. Emma was taken aback when she heard the words, and subconsciously said, "Why?"

Lin Yi looked at Dr. Emma with a half-smile: "It's very simple, I will take all these titan beasts away and send them to another planet that is more suitable for them to live in."

"Great!" "How could you do that?!"

Mark and Emma lost their voices.

The former sentence was naturally said by Mark, and the latter sentence was said by Emma.

Hearing Emma's voiceless question, Mark frowned tightly, and looked at Emma in the driver's seat with Lin Yi.

Emma froze immediately, but when she thought of the great ideal in her heart, she still bite the bullet and said: "Sir, the giant titans are the aborigines of the earth, and they are also the most precious treasures of the earth. In the future, the restoration of the earth's ecology destroyed by human beings will be indispensable. How can you let them leave their homeland before they complete their mission?"

"What are you talking about Emma, ​​the earth is not as fragile as you think!"

Mark snorted coldly, but the slight sense of betrayal still couldn't hide the joy in his heart: "Mr. Lin, you are right, the giant titans can no longer adapt to the current environment. As time goes by, these titans will definitely die at the hands of humans!"

"They have evolved powerful bodies for tens of millions of years. In the face of the gradually developed technology of human beings, they can only be regarded as difficult problems that need to be answered urgently, and human beings are best at solving difficult problems!"

Mark said with a firm expression, his words were loud and loud, and Madison was so excited when he heard it, he seemed to be able to see the future humans using super powerful technological weapons to kill the titans one by one.

"What a bunch of nonsense!"

Emma sneered, dismissing Mark’s arrogant remarks.

Just when the two were about to start a debate, Lin Yi suddenly interrupted them.

"You two, I'm sorry to interrupt your academic debate, but I want to correct one thing-I'm not asking for your opinions. Whether you want to or not, I will take these titans away."

"This is God's will, and there is nothing you can do to stop it."

 Ps: I was too naive. The ward is really not suitable for code words. I didn’t code a chapter in three hours in the afternoon, which directly broke my usual record of the most calculus...

(End of this chapter)

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