A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 694 It's hell ahead

Chapter 694 It's hell ahead

Antarctica, Imperial Base 32.

Here is a world of ice and snow, with layers of white ice and snow covering the mountain peaks. From a distance, they look like continuous undulating silver dragons. High in the sky, the interaction between the solar wind and the earth's magnetic field ionizes the thin atmosphere, blooming magnificent and beautiful scenery. And charming aurora.

Further down, a majestic base is built on icebergs, standing on the cold and hard ice shelf of Antarctica.

The entrance to the base is a huge door frame reinforced by layers of reinforced concrete. Numerous searchlights are fixed on the edge of the door frame, projecting a series of powerful beams of light, illuminating this dark place under the polar night.

On the top of the door frame, there is also a black logo that looks like a horizontal hourglass.

This black symbol is the symbol of the earth's mysterious organization, the Emperor Organization.

And this base built on the Antarctic ice shelf is the No. 32 base where the legendary No. [-] monster is sealed.

In the past, Base No. 32 was usually kept isolated from the outside world, except for the transport planes used to transport supplies to and fro on a monthly basis, it basically had no other contact with the outside world.

But today, the isolated Base 32 finally ushered in an outside visitor.

Under the command of the searchlights on the ground and the greeting staff, a V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft slowly landed on the tarmac outside the base, and the organization personnel in white thick winter clothes came out from the open cabin door, The two at the front were pushing a cart full of white boxes with the Monarch organization's black logo printed on it.

At the entrance of the gate of the base, a middle-aged man wrapped up tightly, stepped forward under the protection of a team of soldiers in winter clothes with live ammunition, and shook hands with the leader at the front.

"Do you need our help unloading?"

"no, thank you."

"Okay, remember to put them in Bay No. [-]... Huh, this damn weather is not for people, come with me, after unloading, I will take you to the base to warm up!"

The middle-aged man kept rubbing his hands, and after greeting everyone twice, he turned around and walked into the base first.

The soldiers with live ammunition around them also turned around.

But at this moment, the team leader, who was still smiling to greet him, suddenly withdrew his smile, looked at the back of the middle-aged man in front of him, and waved calmly.

In the next second, the soldiers escorting the goods off the plane raised their white-painted rifles one after another, aimed at the middle-aged man and the soldier in front, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Da da da da-"

Fierce gunshots continued to ring out, and flames competed to bloom under the slightly dim door frame.

In the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor, a blond woman sat on the cabin chair, hugged the girl with her eyes closed and her body trembling slightly, and whispered: "Don't worry, remember what I said before."


The blond girl responded softly, and opened her eyes in the dark red light.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the plane, and a man with a slightly old face walked into the plane, holding a white-painted automatic rifle in his right hand, and knocked on the bulkhead with the muzzle still emitting white smoke.

"Come on, it's time."


The blonde woman and the girl looked at each other, they stood up silently, and followed the man out of the plane.

Outside the cabin, the gates of the base were already littered with corpses, and there were guns everywhere, checking whether there were any living soldiers among the dead.

Seeing this scene, the blond woman immediately frowned, held the girl's hand tightly, and whispered: "Look straight ahead, don't turn your head."

At the same time, in the sky not far from Base 32, a piercing siren sounded on the aircraft carrier "Argo" marked with the logo of the Emperor Organization. After getting on the plane, a V-22 Osprey was docked.

This kind of helicopter with the rotor mounted on the tip of the wing has the ability of vertical take-off and landing and short take-off and landing, and is the most suitable means of transportation for taking off on the air carrier Argo.

Soon, the hatch of the sliding rail on the belly of the Argo opened, and Ospreys quickly flew out of it, flying towards the direction of base 32 marked on the radar.

"Alan Jonah, a former British Army colonel turned eco-terrorist obsessed with recreating the laws of nature, started smuggling a brand-new dangerous item on the black market -- the DNA of a titan -- in order to fund his operation."

On the Osprey helicopter, a middle-aged woman in a black trench coat held a 15-inch tablet computer and introduced the identity of the attacker to the leader of the response force.

"Not long ago, they just attacked the No. 62 base in the Yunnan area of ​​China. The titan beast code-named Mothra escaped from the base and cocooned behind a nearby waterfall. The chief paleontological research director of the organization, Emma Dr Russell and her daughter Madison were abducted."

"We speculate that Jonah wants to use the information that Dr. Emma knows to plunder the genes of the Titans. If this is Jonah's ultimate goal, then they are most likely to appear here—the biochemical laboratory !"

The woman in black pointed to the place marked 'biochemical laboratory' on the screen map.

The leader nodded and marked this place as a dangerous area, then stood up, picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly: "Okay guys, check your equipment, we will land in 2 minutes!"

Two minutes later, seven Osprey helicopters landed in the open space of Base 2.

White soldiers with live ammunition came out of the Osprey helicopter one by one, turned on the tactical flashlight on the rifle, and vigilantly groped into the fallen No. 32 base under the command of the superior.

Not long after, these reaction forces belonging to the Emperor Organization exchanged fire with the terrorists who had not left the base.

Countless fierce gunshots came from the walkie-talkie, and the commander in charge of the army responded calmly, but the middle-aged man next to him with a slightly vicissitudes of face couldn't help becoming nervous.

His name is Mark Russell, and Dr. Emma Russell, who was hijacked by eco-terrorists, is his ex-wife, and the girl is his daughter with Dr. Emma.

"Report, the E3 channel has been cleared and is heading to the biochemical laboratory."

"Be careful, the enemy may attack from any direction-oh, my God! What is that?!"

There was a burst of exclamation from the walkie-talkie, followed by a burst of intense gunfire.

Mark finally couldn't take it anymore, grabbed the intercom, pressed the intercom button and asked loudly: "What's going on? What did you see? Where are my wife and daughter—"

Before the words were finished, the commander knocked Mark down with a punch, and regained the walkie-talkie with a frown.

"Brian, can you hear me, please report the situation on the front line as soon as possible..."

Soon, the sound of gunfire on the walkie-talkie gradually faded away, and it seemed that the soldiers holding the walkie-talkie were quickly evacuating.

It didn't take long before a burst of urgent words came from the intercom again: "Report, the snipers found many drilled holes in the ice layer that sealed the No. These terrorists, they want to blow up Base 32!"

Both the commander and Dr. Mark, who just got up from the ground, were shocked.

Thinking of his wife and daughter who were still in the base, Mark gritted his teeth. While the commander was not paying attention, he pulled out the pistol pinned to his back waist, turned around and ran out of the hatch.

When the commander heard the hurried footsteps behind him, he realized that his pistol had been snatched away by Mark, and immediately yelled in shock and angrily.

"Dr. Mark! Mark...damn it! Listen, the snipers are in charge, and the others are ready to evacuate!"

As the commander issued an evacuation order, the reaction forces in the base quickly reorganized their formation and evacuated outward while covering each other.

But Dr. Mark, who jumped off the Osprey helicopter, did the opposite, bravely rushed to the base with only a small pistol.

But at this moment, a silver glow suddenly flashed in front of Mark's right.

Mark stopped subconsciously, and couldn't help but follow the silver glow in the polar night.

I saw a tall and handsome man standing in the icy and snowy land, wearing only thin white clothes, holding a brown leather suitcase, looking at the huge base in front of him inexplicably.

The wind and snow mixed with ice shards shook the corners of his clothes, but could not shake his body at all.

A strange emotion flashed in Mark's heart immediately. His instinct as a scientist made him subconsciously wonder why this person could stand still in a single suit in a blizzard?

Such doubts flashed in Mark's mind, and then, worries about his wife and daughter flooded his reason like a tide.

He didn't care whether this person was a member of the Emperor Organization or one of the eco-terrorists.

As long as he didn't stop him from going to the rescue, he wouldn't care even if it was an alien from the universe!
Mark gritted his teeth again, closed his eyes and ran towards the base again.

Just as he passed by the man in white, the man in white finally moved.

He turned his head slightly, looking at Mark's back with interest.

"Hey, buddy, it's hell ahead!"

"But there's my wife and daughter there."

Mark resolutely dropped a word, and plunged into the base without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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