A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 668 Ares, God of War

Chapter 668 Ares, God of War

"……You know me?"

Lin Yi turned around in surprise.

Steve swallowed, and nodded quickly.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "That would be much easier, I was still thinking about how to make you believe me!"

"I already believe it!" Steve nodded his head, seeing that Lin Yi was still calm, and quickly said, "My lord, now is not the time to talk about these things, Diana has already gone to Ares alone, I am worried that she is not the match of Ares, so you should go and help her!"

"But don't you believe in the existence of Ares?"

"...One moment, another moment!"

Steve said anxiously.

As a spy, flexibility is Steve's greatest strength. He will never foolishly insist on a fixed point of view. Now that a god in Diana's mouth has appeared in front of him, Steve There is reason to believe that the other god she speaks of is also true.

Lin Yi glanced sideways at Steve: "Little guy, I won't ask questions about why you care about Diana so much. After all, this is what her mother should do, and I can't do it for you, but you If you want me to help Diana now, you must agree to one condition."

"Conditions?" Steve was startled when he heard that, and then looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, "But aren't you Diana's swordsmanship teacher? Diana respects you so much, how can you..."

"Don't worry, it's just a very simple condition."

"..." Steve frowned, "You said."

Lin Yi smiled slightly, and looked down at the baby in Steve's arms: "As I said just now, the reason why I appeared in front of you is just to find a reliable guardian for this child! "


Steve's head was flexible, and he guessed Lin Yi's meaning at once. When Dang even came to his senses, he shook his head frantically as if lubricating oil was on his neck, and said incoherently: "No, I'm not suitable, I am a spy, the war is not over yet, I still have a difficult task ahead of me, how can..."

Steve really wanted to reject Lin Yi, but seeing the delicate and lovely face of the baby girl in his arms, he couldn't say the words to abandon her.

"That's settled then."

Lin Yi smiled and patted Steve on the shoulder.

The next second, a bright silver light suddenly bloomed. Steve was stimulated by the strong light and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the man in white in front of him had disappeared, leaving only the heavy swaddle in his arms and the baby girl's eyes. The cute sleeping face proves that everything before is not an illusion.

Steve stood there dumbfounded.

Not long after, a sound of hoofbeats came from not far away, waking Steve up from his daze.

He quickly turned around and looked in the direction where the sound came from, only to see a familiar figure riding a black horse galloping here. It was one of the comrades he found in this surprise attack on the enemy camp, the chief.

"Great, Chief! Here I am!"

Steve waved his arms quickly.

The Indian man on the black horse was startled for a moment, the muscles in his arms suddenly tensed, he pulled up the rein and stopped the black horse precisely seven or eight meters in front of Steve, then turned over and walked towards Steve.

"What's going on Steve, what's that in your arms? Where's Diana?"

The chief's eyes widened, his mind full of questions.

But Steve didn't have the time to answer his doubts. When the chief got off his horse, he greeted him with the swaddle in his arms, and stuffed the swaddle and the baby directly into his arms while the chief was in a daze. inside.

"Chief, take care of my daughter!"

"...your daughter?"

The chief was stunned immediately, and quickly lowered his head to look at the baby in his arms.

"No, this kid has red hair and red eyes, but you have blond hair and blue eyes, how can there be any similarities! How could you be father... Hey! Steve! What are you doing?!"

The chief opened his eyes wide, staring at the figure who got on his horse while he was not paying attention.

Steve grabbed the rein, controlled the black horse to turn around, and turned his head to cast an apologetic look at the chief.

"Sorry, I still have some things to do, and I can't stay here to take care of her, so I'm asking you!"



The black steed galloped across the road and ran towards the direction Diana left in memory.

Not long after, Steve came to a German camp. There was a crowd of people coming and going. All the German soldiers were wearing gas masks, and they were busy carrying some metal bottles that looked like gas bombs. They didn’t notice it at all. On the high tower in the center of the camp, there was a beautiful figure standing there in a daze.

"It's Diana!"

In amazement, Steve lowered the binoculars from the horse's neck.

He recognized Diana's figure, and also the man in military uniform with a long sword nailed to the wall behind her, who was also the biggest supporter behind the new poison gas plan - General Ludendorff!
Diana really killed General Ludendorff!

But why is she still looking lost?
Steve sighed faintly, he knew the answer to this question, because this girl naively thought that as long as she killed Ares, the God of War, all disputes in the world would end.

But war is such a simple thing!

It has never been the fault of a certain person, and naturally it cannot end because of the death of this person.

War is a dirty game, so dirty that Steve didn't want Diana to get in touch with its essence, lest the pure and kind heart be stained by this filth.

This was Steve's most determined thought before.

But now, seeing the dazed figure on the tower, he felt that he had to do something!
So, Steve gritted his teeth, picked up the standard gas mask that had been prepared a long time ago from the side of the horse's back, then got off the horse, and walked into the German camp in the dark.

He didn't even have time to think about why Lin Yi, who was one step ahead of him, didn't have this kind of problem...

One minute later, Steve escaped the prying eyes of many sentries as if with help, touched the tallest tower in the center of the camp, and then appeared in front of the distraught Diana again.

Seeing Steve's figure, Diana's eyes lit up again.

She grabbed Steve's arm with both hands, like a drowning man grabbing the last straw.

"Steve, I killed Ares, the war should be over, but why haven't they stopped? Why are they still putting gas bombs on that plane?"

"why why……"

Diana murmured in despair.

Steve was distressed and sad, he took a deep breath, and finally said all the words he wanted to tell Diana: "Diana, have you ever thought that maybe this is their nature, maybe , human beings are not all kind, regardless of the existence of Ares, human beings will kill each other..."

"War is cruel, complicated, and dirty, but it's not simple. I also want to tell you that all of this is just the fault of a certain villain, but the reality is not like this!"

Diana stared blankly at Steve, she was just a little naive, but not stupid, after going through so much, she had faintly realized that things were not as simple as she imagined.

But until she saw it with her own eyes, she was willing to believe that the essence of human beings is good.

but now……

"She's right." Diana shook her head and took a step back, muttering, "Mother is right...the human world is not worth saving."

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it!"

Steve smiled bitterly, and just when he was about to continue explaining to Diana, he suddenly heard a male voice with a slight smile coming from the tall tower behind him.

"You're right, Diana..."

"The human world is really not worth saving!"

After the words were finished, Diana and Steve turned their heads and looked at the glass of the tower behind them. They saw a man in a gray suit standing in front of General Ludendorff's desk. He took off his hat and revealed A familiar yet unfamiliar face.

"Sir Patrick Morgan!"

Steve stared at the glass in front of him in amazement.

Sir Patrick Morgan was the only one at the top of the British Intelligence Service to discover that they were trying to destroy the poison gas program alone, and to support it.

Logically speaking, he should still be at the frontline headquarters of the Intelligence Bureau at this moment, how could he appear here...

Steve's pupils gradually shrank, and he suddenly remembered the man in white he met not long ago, and also remembered the words that the man in white refuted him when he just appeared.

Ares is real...

This is the answer given by another god.

But did Ares, the god of war, really die in Diana's hands so easily?

Steve glanced at Ludendorff, who was nailed to the wall with a long sword, and then at Sir Patrick Morgan, who was smiling half-smiling in the tower, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"Diana, I think we may have the wrong guy, Ludendorff is not Ares...he is!"


Diana's eyes gradually recovered.

Sir Patrick Morgan smiled slightly, and said calmly: "Yes, I am Ares."

(End of this chapter)

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