Chapter 654 Joan of Arc
Lin Yi's voice echoed on the river, and there was no response for a long time.

The little black cat frowned, and raised a small black paw to aim at the river below, intending to teach this impolite guy a profound lesson.

"Don't worry, just wait."

Lin Yi shook his head, stopping the little black cat's frizzy movements.

The little black cat curled its lips in displeasure, but obediently put away its little paws, resumed its upright sitting posture, squatted on Lin Yi's shoulder and waited with him for the response from below.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally, when the afterglow of the setting sun was about to be swallowed by the horizon, a ray of pale golden holy light floated out from the clear river water, drifting slowly with the evening wind like a soft feather.

Lin Yi stretched out his hand and took that ray of holy light into his palm with authority.

Feeling the pure but weak power in the holy light, Lin Yi secretly said in his heart that it was true.

It's not that this person doesn't want to show up, but because his body is too weak, he can't show up. He can only slowly recover his strength over time, and barely condenses a ray of holy light to send a message to himself.

Lin Yi had guessed similarly when he felt the faint holy light on the shipwreck, so he also wanted to help after finding this person's hiding place.

It's a pity that Lin Yi really couldn't find the location of this person.

Because in his perception, this person is almost everywhere, and the aura of holy light on his body almost covers the entire middle channel of the Seine River, looking like... like the incarnation of the Seine River!
Thinking of this, Lin Yi began to gradually lean towards the guess that this person is the God of the Seine River.

But why would a naturally conceived river god use the unique holy light of heaven?

Could it be that he also converted to God like some other godliness?

Lin Yi was full of doubts, and pressed this ray of holy light between his eyebrows.

In an instant, pure holy light entered Lin Yi's forehead, and messages flooded into his mind.

The little black cat opened a pair of big ice blue eyes and looked at Lin Yi's side face without blinking, waiting for him to read the information and share the information with himself.

It didn't take long for Lin Yi to digest the message contained in the holy light, so he slowly opened his eyes, and a strange expression appeared on Jun's face.

"Brother! What's the matter? What did he tell you?"


Lin Yi shook his head, and said with a strange expression: "She just admitted the previous Seine River miracle incident, and introduced her identity to me by the way..."




The little black cat's eyes widened: "So she is really the rumored river goddess?"

Lin Yi shook his head: "No."

"Ah?" The little black cat was stunned again, and when he came back to his senses, his face was full of surprise, "That's Gabriel? But isn't Gabriel a male angel? How could he become a woman?"

"Look, this is the result of not studying well! Who told you that Gabriel must be a man? In many Christian doctrines, Gabriel's female identity has been hinted at in words. Christian scholars believe that Gabriel is the only female among the angels, so it is not surprising that Gabriel really came into the world as a woman!"

Lin Yi glared at the little black cat with hatred, and defended himself with his instinct.

Then, Lin Yi suddenly changed the topic: "However, the one in the Seine is not Gabriel."


The little black cat was still covering its ears resentfully. Hearing these words, he quickly stood up and stared at Lin Riddler Yi with wide eyes, his eyes full of doubt and curiosity.

"It's not the goddess of the river, and it's not Gabriel, so who is she?"


Lin Yi sighed, and took out a brick-thick book with his right hand. Using gravity to control the book to turn the pages quickly, he soon stopped on an old and yellowed page.

The little black cat leaned over curiously, only to see a very famous quotation written on it.

"Ask: Do you feel that you are in the grace of the Lord?"

"Answer: If I have not received the Lord's grace, I hope the Lord will give it to me; if I have received the Lord's grace, I hope the Lord will still give it to me."

This is a very insidious question, because in the church at this time, there is a dogma that 'no one can be sure that he has received the grace of God'.

If anyone answers this question in the affirmative, he proves to be a heretic who defies dogma, and if anyone answers in the negative, he admits the fact of his guilt.

Generally speaking, only a wise man with a considerable level of knowledge can make such a water-tight answer to this question.

But in fact, this sentence came not from a well-read wise man, but from a rural girl who had never received an education and could not even read a word.

This illiterate rural girl is the famous Joan of Arc in French history!
That's right, the so-called river god who rescued a whole ship at the mouth of the Seine River and who was able to manipulate the holy light to perform miracles was Joan of Arc who had died for more than 200 years!

Lin Yi looked at the river under his feet with complicated eyes, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

He is very familiar with the deeds of Joan of Arc. This rural girl who was illiterate at first claimed that she had received a "revelation from the Lord" at the age of 13, telling her to drive away the English and lead the crown prince to Reims Coronation.

Naturally, the high-level French at the time did not believe it. It was not until the several prophetic battle reports made by Joan of Arc were confirmed that they gradually paid attention to this illiterate girl from the countryside.

After several twists and turns, Joan of Arc finally gained military power in 1429, and successfully lifted the siege of Orleans in early May of the same year, and then defeated the British army many times, and crowned Prince Charles, Charles VII.

But in 1430, Joan of Arc was captured by the Duchy of Burgundy during a conflict at Compiègne, and was soon bought by the English with a lot of money. The Inquisition under the control of the English authorities tried her for heresy and witchcraft.

The classic question-and-answer quote just now was born in this unfair trial.

Under the unjust coercion of the court, Joan signed a public renunciation that she could not understand at all, admitted the 12 unfounded charges summarized by the court, and was sentenced to death on May 1431, 5. Burned at the stake, only 30 years old when he died.

After Joan of Arc was tortured and died, the English were worried that someone would collect her ashes, so they burned her scorched black bones again, and did not extinguish the flame until they were burned to ashes, and scattered all the ashes into the Seine River... …

That's right, the reason why Lin Yi felt that Joan of Arc was everywhere was not because she was the incarnation of the Seine River, but because the body in front of her was literally everywhere in the Seine River!
Lin Yi looked at the river with a complicated expression, and let go of his perception again to cover the river bed.

This time, he finally found some ash particles in the sediment tens of meters deep at the bottom of the river.

These ash particles are like the relics of Christ. After more than 200 years, they have not been melted by the river water, let alone swallowed by fish and shrimp. To the four directions, or buried in the ground by the sediment at the bottom of the river.

Lin Yi was not surprised that these ash particles violated the laws of physics.

After all, this is a world where God really exists. It is not surprising that some believers who are as devout as Joan of Arc, and who have even received divine revelation, will have some miracles in their bodies.

However, what puzzled Lin Yi was that Joan of Arc's soul seemed to stay here along with these ashes, and fell into silence as if sealed. It was not until Lin Yi took over the power of the holy light in this world that he fully woke up. Slowly recovering by absorbing the holy light and the power of faith in the churches around the Seine River.

"No, a fanatic like Joan of Arc, who has been devout throughout his life and never forgets to pray to God before his death, how could he not go to heaven after death?"

Countless question marks popped up in Lin Yi's heart. After pondering for a while, he threw out his own question, then took out a small colorless crystal block and transformed it into a faint holy light with exactly the same nature as before, and sprinkled it in the softest way. The river water seeps into the distinct ash particles at the bottom of the river bed.

In an instant, a white light flashed on the originally dull ash particles.

Countless bright and dazzling white lights lit up one after another, turning into dots of light and floating out, completely lighting up the meandering bottom of the Seine River.

In the next second, some of the dots of white light radiated out and condensed into a pale golden holy light, which flew up to the smiling Lin Yi like a pale golden ribbon.

 Adjust the schedule, the pigeons in the early morning will be the first pigeons, and the third watch will be tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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