Chapter 62 The Return
"Literally, I'm leaving and going back to my own continent."

Lin Yi explained, and then walked forward. The Green Prophet controlled the eagle to follow him.

"I remember what I mentioned to you once, I came because of magic, and I will go because of magic."

Lin Yi explained seriously, while bending down to rummage through the ghoul.

Well, if the latter action is removed, the credibility may be a little higher...

But the Green Prophet apparently believed it.

Because he saw with his own eyes that Lin Yi used a power he had never heard of to kill the powerful strange ghost.

He manipulated the eagle and let out a cry.

Lin Yi was still searching for the bodies of these people outside the Great Wall, but unfortunately, they didn't have anything worth taking away.

Lin Yi straightened up in disappointment, then sighed, and turned to look at the eagle.

"Don't wait for the Green Prophet, I'm not the one you want to wait for, the long night of Westeros depends on the people of Westeros to spend it by themselves..."

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly turned his head to look at the big rock beside him, and pressed the hilt of the sword at his waist with a dazzling phantom with his white left hand.

"come out!"

Lin Yi said lightly, and the sharper sword intent pointed at the stone.

"Don't! Don't kill me... I'll come out right away!"

A fat man timidly stepped out from behind the stone, his fat face was full of horror and fear.

"……It's you?"

Lin Yi immediately let go of his left hand and walked over with great interest.

Without the aim of the sword intent, Samwell immediately breathed a sigh of relief and swallowed hard.

"You are Samwell Tarly, Lord Commander Mormont mentioned you, and he said you were missing!"

Lin Yi smiled and looked at the fat little fat man in front of him.

Hearing the name of Commander Mormont, Samwell hurriedly stumbled to explain.

"The...other ghost is here, I'm too scared, so... I hid it..."

"That's really unfortunate. Commander Mormont has already left with a large army. With your physical strength, it is estimated that it will be difficult to catch up..."

Lin Yi said with a regretful face.


Sam Well suddenly looked desperate. He just came out to pick up feces as fuel, and he didn't bring any food at all. He was left alone in this white world, and he ended up with a dead end.

Lin Yi patted Samwell on the shoulder, making him shiver in fright.

"But you are very lucky." Lin Yi said in amazement, "No, it should be said that you are too lucky."

It has to be said that this man is indeed the projection of George Martin himself in the world of ice and fire. Regardless of his quality and temperament, this luck is definitely first-class.

In the original plot, the night watchmen in Beishang were all dead, wounded, and rebellious. Only this guy not only killed a strange ghost, but also got a wife.

It's the same now, the White Walker with the army of dead people failed to kill him, and the avalanche caused by Lin Yi also failed to kill him. It was obvious that Mormont had left with the army, but he still ran into the Green Prophet and himself.

This kind of desperate situation can be survived, and the luck can be called against the sky.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at the eagle controlled by the Green Prophet with a strange expression, then at Samwell in front of him, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart.

"As expected of you!"

Green Prophet: "...?"

Samwell: "...?"

"do not worry about it."

Lin Yi waved his hand, the closer the return time was, the more relaxed Lin Yi was.

He turned his head to look at the eagle, and said with a light smile.

"Green Prophet, take him back to Castle Black, believe me, he's a key figure."

The key person...he?

The Green Prophet looked suspiciously at the timid fat man in front of him.

Samwell also looked at the eagle.

what does he call it
Green Prophet?
Does the Green Prophet still exist in this world?

Looking at the nimble eagle, Samwell couldn't help but widen his eyes.

There is still a lot of time left for the two to communicate, but Lin Yi's time is running out.


Lin Yi patted Sam and said with a smile.

"I saved your life, use the dagger on your waist as a reward!"

"Ah... a dagger?"

Samwell suddenly came back to his senses, fumbled around his waist in panic, and then took out two daggers.

"I... I have two..."


Lin Yi snatched the gleaming black dagger.

There were only 30 seconds left on the system panel, and it was too late for Lin Yi to take a closer look.

He put the obsidian dagger that was supposed to kill the White Walkers into the inventory, and then looked at the Green Prophet who was still sizing up Samwell.

"Green Prophet, or... Brynden." Lin Yi looked at him with a chuckle.

After hearing this name for a long time, Xiongying's pupils shrank suddenly.

"I know you have a long lifespan. Although I am about to leave now, someday in the future..."

Lin Yi listened to the final countdown in his ear, with a smile on his handsome face.

"Maybe we'll meet again...

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yi's figure suddenly disappeared in place.


Samwell took a few steps back in horror, tripping over the ghouls on the ground.

The Green Prophet controlled the eagle to scream twice, then spread its wings and flew up, circling and searching around.

After a while, the Green Prophet had to admit that this mysterious man had really left.

He controlled the eagle to fly back to the place just now, and saw the little fat man with a face full of despair.

"Back... back, you're back!"

Seeing the familiar eagle, Samwell, who once thought he was abandoned, suddenly had hope again.

Looking at the little fat man with tears on his face, the Green Prophet in the cave couldn't help but sigh.

Will this guy be key to Westeros' fight against the Long Night?
The Green Prophet couldn't help feeling suspicious.

He even wanted to predict Samwell's future, but he only had a bit of strength left, and it was very difficult to maintain a thousand eyes, so he still had the ability to predict something.

take it away!
After all, it was Lin Yi who said it.

The Green Prophet thought so, and then flew to Samwell's forehead, and began to communicate with him by means of the Green Prophet.



In the end, Samwell returned to Castle Black, and he also brought back the reminder from the Green Prophet and the news of Lin Yi's departure.

Mormont took this very seriously, and he asked Maester Aemon to write down all the news and send it to the Seven Kingdoms and the Citadel.

For the news related to Lin Yi, Xuecheng attached great importance to it. While investigating the news of [Storm Heart], they recorded the relevant information.

At the same time, due to the large number of surviving people, the night watchmen have not lost their morale, the rebellion has not happened, and the night watchman has enough manpower.

Mormont sent three companies of the Night's Watch, each carrying a living wight to King's Landing, Riverrun, and Dragonstone, to bring Tommen, Robb, and Stannis.

These three are the only three remaining kings in Westeros.

Having been warned, Robb promptly dispatched Little Jon with two hundred cavalry northward to strangle the small group of stragglers from the Iron Islands.

Winterfell also ambushed Theon under Anser's reminder, and put the traitor who grew up in Winterfell into prison.

At the same time, under Arya's obstruction, Robb failed to have the opportunity to meet his "deadly" confidante, and finally married the beautiful daughter of the Frey family, consolidating the alliance between the North and the Riverlands.

After freeing his hand, Robb led his army to wipe out all the tentacles protruding from the Iron Islands, and severely extinguished Balon's ambition to become king on his own.

On the other hand, Loras, the Knight of Flowers, has always believed that Stannis and Catelyn murdered his king Renly, and Tyrell of Highgarden completely fell to King's Landing.

Stannis, on the other hand, was the same as in the original book. He was defeated in front of the wildfire on the Blackwater River and had no choice but to retreat to Dragonstone Island.

In this way, Westeros formed a three-legged stalemate, maintaining a short and false peace.

On the Great Wall of the North, Commander Mormont also fulfilled his promise. He found a night watchman who was originally a bard and asked him to write Lin Yi's story into poetry.

But it wasn't until Mormont tried to spread the poem that he discovered that Master Yi's fame had spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

King's Landing is still offering a reward for the red-handed demon, and the legend of the "Wandering Blue Phantom" is quietly spreading along the banks of the Trident River.

At the same time, a brand-new church began to rise in Hejian, and they worshiped a ghost named Kazan.

According to legend, this ghost always appears after wars, wandering in the battlefield full of blood and fire, devouring those sinful souls...

(End of this chapter)

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