Chapter 616


Accompanied by deafening continuous bangs, the frozen castle that had stood on the lonely peak for more than four hundred years finally collapsed completely. Countless smoke and dust rose from the ruins, dyeing the entire sky yellow in just a few seconds.

Seymour swung his sword and summoned a 20-meter-long flame dragon, circling around himself and Arya, while searching the ground eagerly, trying to find the whereabouts of Van Helsing and others.

The hard work paid off, and after a search, Seymour finally found the traces of Van Helsing and others in a corner of the ruins.

But unlike what they were worried about before, Fan Helsing and the others couldn't help being unscathed, and even raised their heads leisurely to watch the battle between Barbelit and Lin Yi in shock.

All this is due to the golden shield covering them. After all the broken bricks hit the golden shield, they were either bounced off or slid down along the sides of the shield.

Seymour breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and secretly cried out in his heart.

...It really is that boss!

Arya grabbed Seymour's shoulders, flapped the purple wings behind her, and brought Seymour quickly to the side of the golden shield.

Anna was the first to spot the two who had fallen, and hurriedly waved at them vigorously.

"Come in, it's safer here!"


Arya frowned slightly, and while reaching out to touch the golden shield, she asked casually, "Where did this thing come from? Why haven't you guys used it before?"

"...Because I don't know it has this function."

Fan Helsing sighed slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then took out a platinum cross necklace, which was shining with golden light.

"Is this a magic weapon?"

"No, it's just an ordinary cross necklace."

Van Helsing shook his head, but seeing the golden light in his hand, he felt that his words were not convincing, so he added in embarrassment: "At least before today, it was just an ordinary necklace."


Arya frowned slightly, and wanted to ask something more, but Seymour quickly smoothed things over and changed the subject.

"Never mind that, where's Dracula?"

One word awakened the dreamer. Hearing this sentence, everyone including Viken and Anna was startled, and only then remembered the real goal of everyone coming to the Frozen Castle.

Viken said eagerly: "Yes, hurry up and chase Dracula. We finally found the Frozen Castle. If you let him escape, all your hard work these days will be in vain!"

"Don't panic."

Van Helsing calmly said: "The sky is the battlefield between Barberitt and... and Master Seymour. Dracula must not dare to fly up, so it is impossible for Dracula to escape from this snow-capped mountain before the battle is over."

"Makes sense."

Arya nodded approvingly.

Just when Seymour was about to nod, he suddenly noticed a faint black shadow flashing in the corner of his eyes.

"who is it?!"

Seymour turned his head suddenly, and immediately saw a large black shadow quickly condensing behind a dilapidated wall, a handsome man in a black aristocratic dress came out from behind the wall, with an elegant smile on the corner of his mouth, greedy and covetous eyes Looking at the crowd in the golden shield.

"It's Dracula!"

Everyone was shocked, and quickly turned to face Dracula.

Dracula smiled evilly, his eyes flicked across the faces of Seymour and Arya, and finally fell on Van Helsing's face: "Gabriel, I think you seem to have misunderstood something, how could I escape from here? "

"The ones who should escape... should be you!"



In the sky, Barberit has turned into a huge fallen angel with a height of more than ten meters. A pair of pitch-black wings are fully extended behind him, and many winding black silk threads spread out from the tips of the wings.

The pitch-black energy turned into a black halberd. At the root of the halberd blade, there are halberd branches extending to both sides like wings. The black mist flows and rises in the halberd, and when it is swung, it condenses a powerful force that can split mountains and ground.


The black halberd was slashed vigorously in the hands of the fallen angel, and the cyan-blue lightsaber that was completely incompatible with the body below collided with each other. Two forces of different nature exploded at the point of collision, and even the space was torn apart into a black hole. crack.

In the next second, the aftermath turned into countless energy hurricanes and swept around.

Lin Yi lightly split the eroded dark energy, and then swung a bluish-blue sword energy, cutting the eucalyptus into two pieces from the middle.

The black mist quickly covered the broken part of the halberd, and then glued the two parts of the halberd together again.

Barbelit's face was gloomy, and he swung a black halberd and cut out a large black flame to force Lin Yi back. At the same time, his wings fluttered behind his back, and he quickly retreated towards the back line of defense.

After a period of fighting and probing, Barberit has already discovered the tricky part of the other party.

Compared with him, most of the opponent's attacks are extremely solid, and many times he can use much weaker power than his own to break through the surface. Although his power is strong, the quality is obviously not enough. Facing Lin Yi's Offensive, like hitting a sharp dagger with a piece of tofu the size of a house.

This couldn't help but make Barberit extremely irritable.

The reason is also very simple, because the powerhouses in this world are basically of the same type as him, who are good at large-scale use of energy, but they don't pay much attention to the detailed control of energy.

As for an opponent like Lin Yi who has reached the pinnacle of detail, Barberit has never met a second one in his life.

Because of this, almost all terrain destruction in the battle was caused by Barberit's power.

All Lin Yi had to do was cut off the dark power swayed by Barberit.

How can this go on? !

Barberit thought for a while, and quickly shrunk in size during the violent retreat, turning into a fallen angel about three meters tall again, and the black halberd in his hand also shrunk as his size shrunk.


The cyan-blue sword light broke through the flames, and an unharmed figure walked out of the flames. With a wave of the sword light, all the black flames were scattered downward.

In an instant, a burst of fire rained down over the isolated peak, and the dilapidated castle ruins were immediately covered in flames, turning into a blazing black sea of ​​flames.

Lin Yi rose slowly from the clouds of fire and rain, and looked at Barberit, who had shrunk several hundred meters away.

Finally know how to get smaller!
Do you really think big is power?
Today, let you country bumpkins see what it means to be truly powerful!
Lin Yi sneered, his figure turned into a sword light and rushed forward.

After these few minutes of fighting, Lin Yi's self-confidence suddenly exploded.

In terms of energy alone, his avatar is naturally no match for Barberit, but as long as it has the characteristics of breaking magic and real damage, all of Barberit's attacks are like soft tofu to him, no matter what No matter how much it piles up, it can be easily cut in half.

Of course, the crushing of quality is only part of the reason for Lin Yi's self-confidence, and part of it is Barberit's past as a wise angel.

Not long ago, God himself told him that there are only five true supreme angels in this world, and if the necessary four, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Lucifer, are removed, the remaining angels are There is only one supreme angel who truly possesses a [brilliant cosmic soul].

And no matter how he thought about it, it was absolutely impossible for this person to be Barberit, who served as the chief priest of hell.

After all, God doesn't even have the seven heavens yet, so how could he be willing to send the fifth [brilliant cosmic soul] to hell.

"Sure enough, this guy should be just a substitute before the boss finds the Seven Archangels..."

Lin Yi muttered in his heart, his figure crossed a distance of several hundred meters in an instant, he swung his sword and slashed at the fallen angel who was caught off guard by holding a halberd, and then...

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback, and saw that the blue lightsaber in his hand cut off the black halberd shaft without hindrance, and then chopped Barberit's entire body in half with such force.

This... is this dead?
Of course not!
Lin Yi turned his head suddenly, and saw the sharp halberd blade soundlessly protruding from the void, swinging towards Lin Yi's neck like a guillotine falling suddenly.


The blue-blue blade collided with the halberd.

Lin Yi sneered, and stretched his empty left hand towards the halberd.


Like a balloon being pinched and burst, the five fingers with blue and blue sword lights caught the air, and the thick halberd suddenly dissipated into a dark mist, and the fallen angel who was cut in half behind him gradually dissipated like black mist.

It really is fake!
Lin Yi slowly put away the blade of the sword, standing upright in emptiness, his eyes swept around like sharp swords.

Obviously, this guy is too tough, and he started to change his mind and start a sneak attack!

In this case, don't blame me for killing people!

Lin Yi's heart moved, and he opened his mouth lightly while sweeping his eyes:

"Barberit, do you know why I said you are not a cherub?"

"Because you don't have the power that a cherub should have!"

Lin Yi scanned his surroundings with blazing eyes, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Why, don't you intend to refute it? Since you once served as an 'angel' in heaven, you should have noticed the gap between yourself and Michael, Gabriel and others!"

"That's right, you just have the title of 'cherub'. The real cherub is the same as the seraphim, with the existence of the seed of the power of the holy angel... Do you have it?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and he suddenly said: "Oh~ I understand, no wonder you didn't refute a word, if I guessed correctly, you should have discovered the truth about the power of the holy angel, That's why you followed Lucifer into hell, right?"

"No, it's impossible for you to make such a decision. Let me think about it... Maybe you are just a substitute for that cherub. After the real cherub returned to his place, you were kicked into the ground by God—"

"shut up!"

The furious roar resounded through the sky, and endless black flames emerged out of thin air, covering and engulfing the sky like an endless purgatory.

(End of this chapter)

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