A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 60 Sword Soul Transfer (1)

Chapter 60 Sword Soul Transfer ([-])

"Do you want to finish it yourself?"

This is quite restored.

Lin Yi curled his lips, and didn't rush to click [Finish], but set his eyes on the corpse of the strange ghost in front of him.

Did the White Walkers actually have blood?

Lin Yi looked at the light blue blood flowing from the neck of the strange ghost with some surprise.

Although Lin Yi didn't know what the ghosts in the original novel were like, once they died, the ghosts in the play would shatter like ice sculptures without bleeding at all.

Maybe it's the White Walkers killed by the Wave Force, not the ones killed by dragonglass and Valyrian steel...

While Lin Yi was thinking this way, he stretched out his hand and stained it with light blue blood, which was very cool.

Lin Yi couldn't help but be slightly surprised, the temperature of the liquid that can make him feel cool is already very low.

After raising his hand, Lin Yi found that the light blue blood was hissing after touching the air.

Was the white mist originally caused by blood?
Lin Yi looked thoughtfully at the circling white mist.

As the blood flowed, the White Walker's cyan gradient reflective armor seemed to be melting gradually, flowing down the White Walker's body like dew, and finally penetrated into the snow layer.

The armor faded, and Lin Yi suddenly noticed something emitting light blue light on the chest of the Other Ghost.

"what is that?"

Lin Yi stretched out his right hand out of curiosity, a golden light flashed, Lin Yi's right hand pierced into the chest of the Foreign Ghost like a sharp sword, and took out the cold light blue object.

The moment Lin Yi took this thing out, the body of the strange ghost gradually melted and shrunk, and finally turned into a puddle of liquid, flowing down the milky crystal-like bone.

Lin Yi didn't pay attention to the body of the Other Ghost, he was holding the cold object in his hand, and looked at it carefully with interest.

This is a translucent light blue crystal, with a white chill, about the size of a human heart, and the position on the chest of the alien is similar to that of a human heart.

"So it's the White Walker's heart, or a power core or something?"

With thoughtful expression on Lin Yi's face, he subconsciously changed the light blue crystal from his frozen right hand to his left.

"and many more!"

Lin Yi suddenly came back to his senses with a jolt, and looked at his right hand in disbelief.

What a long-lost feeling...

His right hand was actually frozen!

How low is the temperature of this thing!

After moving the fingers of his right hand, Lin Yi's eyes once again set on the light blue crystal in front of him.

At this moment, Lin Yi found that the light blue crystal in his hand seemed to shrink a little.

That's not chill!
Lin Yi suddenly came to his senses, and then had an idea in his mind, and put the light blue crystal in his hand into the inventory.

The light blue crystal instantly disappeared from his hand.

Sure enough, it can be put in the inventory...

Lin Yi opened the inventory.

【White Walker's Frost Core】

[Quality: Purple Rare]

【Type: Material】

[Description: This is the authority of the other ghosts to control the ice and snow, and it is also the source of magic power of the other ghosts. 】

[Purpose: A rare material for making equipment. The equipment produced will have ice attribute and ice attribute resistance. This material can be upgraded to a more advanced material through "unknown means" (this item can be obtained by killing a different ghost)]

["When the dragon crystal dagger was inserted into the chest of the first ancestor, the cold, frosty fire and scorching blood produced a wonderful fusion. Strange creatures were born..."]

"Good stuff!"

Lin Yi's eyes lit up.

With such a thing, this trip was not in vain.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the job transfer task that was still on his mind, Lin Yi wished he could hunt a few more ghosts now.

Lin Yi reluctantly closed the item bar and opened the task bar.

But just when he set his eyes on the task panel, Lin Yi suddenly hesitated.

"When you click [Finish], you should leave, right?"

Thinking of leaving this world, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little bit reluctant.

Of course, it's not just because of the body of the other ghost.

And the roads I have traveled and the people I have met in the past few months...

Yoren, Tabor, Coss, Old Jack, Gendry, Hot Pie, Romy, Robb, Ancer...

One name after another emerged in his mind.

Of course, there is also the little apprentice Arya who makes him the most reluctant...

Without his help, would she still be able to pass those hurdles?

Lin Yi thought about it, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It must be possible, she can survive such a tragic fate in the original book, so what is the little suffering now?

She is Arya!

Lin Yi has been in this world long enough, he does not belong to this world after all.

In another world, there are people who he cares about so much.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi resolutely clicked [Complete].

"[Sword Soul] Exclusive job transfer task completed."

"Reward [Soul of Sword] for a job change."

The cold voice of the system echoed in Lin Yi's mind.

In an instant, countless knowledge flooded into Lin Yi's mind.

There seemed to be countless floating figures in front of Lin Yi's eyes, waving his sword blade on the snow in front of him.

A noble swordsman holding a dagger stood there. He had dazzling silver hair and gorgeous earrings. His sword skills were brilliant and gorgeous, and his temperament was arrogant and elegant.

"A true swordsman can cut through all obstacles with just one sword."

He looked directly at Lin Yi and said.

Looking at his figure wielding the dagger, Lin Yi seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart, and the memory of practicing swords in the past seemed to be integrated.

"You have learned a new skill [Dagger Mastery]"

The gorgeous phantom dissipated, replaced by a rough and wild body.

He is holding an exaggerated golden hammer and a thick totem on his back, and his every move seems to be full of indescribable confidence and boldness.

The berserk golden hammer was swaying recklessly, and the power of every gesture was enough to set off a monstrous snowstorm.

After the dance, the burly figure carrying the golden hammer stood in place, looking at Lin Yi solemnly.

"My name is Buwanga, before the holy wolf god, I admit that you have passed the ceremony of becoming a Bantu warrior."

"You have learned a new skill [Blunt Object Proficiency]"

The figure of the burly warrior gradually faded away, and a blue-haired swordsman appeared in front of him carrying a huge sword that could stand shoulder to shoulder with his body, silently looking at Lin Yi.

After a long time, the silent blue-haired swordsman spoke.

"Young swordsman, I don't have any experience to teach you. I just hope that you can always remember the feeling when you picked up the sword for the first time. Believe me, this will be very useful in the future..."

As soon as the words fell, the exaggerated giant sword danced.

"You have learned a new skill [Great Sword Mastery]"

Suddenly, a bamboo stick shattered the phantom in front of him, and casual words followed.

"Oh, it's good to be young, to be able to wield such a huge blade as you like."

A swordsman wielding a tachi with a wooden handle replaced the taciturn swordsman.

He has unruly brown short hair, wearing a plain black robe, a wooden handle sword on his waist, and a green and crystal bamboo stick in his hand.

Accompanied by the playful but serious words of the bamboo stick swordsman, the crystal bamboo stick instantly danced into green shadows all over the sky.

"But remember, swift... otherwise, you will lose your life~"

"You have learned a new skill [Tachi Mastery]"

One after another, phantoms appeared in front of Lin Yi, and he quickly absorbed the knowledge pouring into his mind.

Lin Yi gradually realized in his heart.

All these phantoms are pioneers who do not succumb to ghosts and gods, and practice their own swords as always.

Weak of heart and mutilated limbs, even if the arm holding the weapon was twisted, they did not surrender to fate.

There is a unified title for such people in the Arad Continent—【Sword Soul】

"The player [Sword Soul] has successfully transferred, and the remaining time in the mission world is 10 minutes."

"The prerequisites are met, [Three Slashes] [Moonlight Slash] [Earth Fissure Wave Sword] [Silver Falling Blade] [Leaping] promoted to Lv6, [Unyielding Will] promoted to Lv5..."

"You have learned new skills [Sword Soul Light Armor Specialization] [Shadow Hand] [Weapon Profound Art] [Lightsaber Mastery] [Awakening] [Attack Type Conversion]..."

"You can learn new skills [Auto Block] [Li·Ghost Sword Art] [Extremely Breaking Weapon] [Back Jump Slash] [Selfless Sword Qi]..."

(End of this chapter)

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