Chapter 573 He Can Fly

"Dr. Lu."

"It's Bai Ze, it's just in time for you to come, I just wanted to ask you where the Nine-Tailed Fox Squad went..."

"It's very close. If there is no accident, we can arrive within 5 minutes."

"That's good."

Dr. Lu nodded in relief, and when he was about to turn his head to encourage the middle-aged general to hold on, he suddenly noticed something strange on Bai Ze's face.

Being old and mature, he immediately understood that Bai Ze had something to say, and immediately whispered a few words into the middle-aged general's ear calmly, then turned around and beckoned Bai Ze to the side.

"What happened?"

Dr. Lu asked in a low voice.

Bai Ze gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "I released D-099."


Dr. Lu frowned suddenly, and couldn't help but become serious: "What's going on?"

Bai Ze didn't dare to hide anything, so he briefly told Dr. Lu what happened in the base in a low voice, but ignored Ron's insistence on going his own way, and took the responsibility for releasing D-099 onto himself.

After listening to Bai Ze's words, Dr. Lu's expression changed several times, and finally he sighed faintly.

"The Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force is coming soon. I thought that the four-star containment breach was basically settled. I didn't expect that there would be a sudden change near the end. This is really..."

"it's all my fault!"

Bai Ze gritted his teeth, knelt down on one knee with a plop, and lowered his head.

"If I didn't cherish the lives of the team members too much, D-099 would never break through the containment. Please report to the foundation and say that I am willing to accept the punishment of the foundation!"

"Caring makes chaos!"

Dr. Lu smiled wryly, stretched out his hand to help Bai Ze up, and sighed: "Get up, don't say any more useless words about punishment or not punishment! Now that D-099 has breached containment, the most urgent task should be to solve the current predicament." yes!"


Bai Ze stood up silently.

Dr. Lu sighed slightly, and took out a small notebook from his pocket: "The threat of D-099 is far greater than that of the Iron Gnaw. With the assistance of the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force, I am more than 099% sure that I can We can deal with the Iron Gnaw, but we are not even [-]% sure about dealing with D-[-]."

"After all, we still know too little about him. This guy is the foundation's first humanoid containment with a mind. Based on what he has seen and heard in the foundation these days, he will definitely have a good understanding of the foundation and the foundation. With a [-]% vigilance for the contents he holds, trying to catch him is almost as difficult as going to heaven."

Bai Ze looked resolute, and he clenched his fist with his right hand and hammered his chest heavily: "Don't worry, I and the entire Bai Ze task force will use their lives to make up for the mistakes we made."

"Ambition, but your players obviously don't think so."

A faint voice came from above, and Dr. Lu and Bai Ze raised their heads suddenly, and suddenly saw a man in red-patterned silver armor floating above the destroyer, with his arms crossed, looking down on everyone.

"It's D-099!"

Bai Ze suddenly looked stunned. In order to report to Dr. Lu about Lin Yi's breach of containment, he didn't attach his perspective to Lin Yi, so he didn't know what Lin Yi did after he left.

But in Bai Ze's view, Lin Yi was in such a deep underground, and he and Dr. Lu boarded a destroyer several kilometers away, accompanied by many ships and even aircraft carriers, even if he could easily find the fleet's It will take at least 10 minutes to find them.

But he never expected that this guy could fly, and he could fly so fast!

'Oops, I haven't had time to tell Dr. Lu about the D-099 target! '

Bai Ze thought in his heart that something was wrong, he turned to Dr. Lu's side faintly, quietly stretched out his right hand, and pressed the button of the communicator out of Lin Yi's sight, and said in a low voice, "Shadow Ya, hurry—— "


Chi Chi's electric sparks emerged from the communicator, instantly scalding Bai Ze's right hand.

Bai Ze threw away the communicator in a hurry, raised his head angrily and looked at Lin Yi who was smiling but not smiling in the sky.

"Want to make small moves in front of me? You think too highly of yourself!"

Lin Yi sneered, and appeared in front of Dr. Lu and Bai Ze in a flash, grabbed Bai Ze's collar and threw it to the side.

In an instant, Bai Ze's body flew towards one side like a shell out of the chamber, knocking over a large number of weapon boxes and national flags along the way, and finally hit the fort on the edge of the destroyer. Turned unconscious.

The successive sounds alarmed the rest of the fleet.

A large number of soldiers in navy uniforms ran out of the hatch in a group.

The middle-aged general, who was watching the epic battle in the distance, suddenly turned his head and frowned when he saw the strange man in silver armor in front of Dr. Lu.

He is the powerful general of the navy, with the power to mobilize the navy fleet and even aircraft carriers, so he is naturally qualified enough to know the existence of the foundation.

But understanding is understanding, this is the first time he has really met with members of the foundation, and his understanding of the foundation is limited to Dr. For an instant, he thought it was another combat member of the Foundation.

So what's going on here?

Are these Foundation guys fighting among themselves?
The middle-aged general showed hesitation, waved his hand to stop the guarded soldiers, and strode towards Dr. Lu.

"Doctor Lu, what's going on?"

"Nothing, General."

Lin Yi looked at the middle-aged general calmly, and said seriously: "It's just that a very difficult containment object broke through the containment, and I want to lead Dr. Lu to evacuate here—"

"Wait, are you going to evacuate?"

"Not everyone, just me and Dr. Lu. The one who broke through the containment was a directional containment object. The target before being contained was Dr. Lu. I'm worried that he will come back to trouble Dr. Lu."


The middle-aged general frowned, turned his eyes, and looked at Bai Ze, who was lying unconscious on the ground more than ten meters away: "What's going on over there?"

"It's nothing, Bai Ze doesn't want me to take Dr. Walk, so..."

"So you attacked him?"

The middle-aged general had a sarcastic sneer on his face, secretly shocked by Lin Yi's terrifying power in his heart, but on the surface he still didn't want to lose his majesty.

Lin Yi spread his hands: "When you are angry, it is inevitable that you hit harder."

"……is that so?"

The middle-aged general turned his head and looked at Dr. Lu, as if he wanted to get confirmation from him.

Dr. Lu's face was gloomy, but under Lin Yi's smiling gaze, he could only bite the bullet and nod.

The middle-aged general frowned suddenly, his eyes wandered between the two vigilantly, and suddenly he waved his hand, and said firmly: "I don't care what kind of conflicts there are between you, and I don't care what the breakthrough is. Difficult containment, in short, none of you can leave until my fleet and I evacuate!"

The general's thinking is very cautious, but also very simple and rude.

No matter how difficult the breakthrough containment is, they will definitely not be able to evacuate in a short time. Instead of letting Dr. Lu and others go, it is better to leave them to deal with the danger with themselves.

The general thought, as long as he showed a tough attitude of 'you evacuate, I will evacuate', these members of the Foundation who put containment as their top priority would definitely stay helplessly.

But unfortunately, Lin Yi is not a real member of the foundation.

Looking at the general with a tough attitude, Lin Yi couldn't help saying quietly:
"Really can't?"

"of course."

"But what if I have to leave?"

The middle-aged general sneered, and turned his gaze to the surrounding naval soldiers.

All the naval soldiers raised their guns in unison, and there was a loud sound of loading on the deck.

"and many more!"

Dr. Lu turned pale with fright. Just as he was about to persuade the general not to use force, he heard Lin Yi beside him sigh, and said in a low tone: " should let me go."

As soon as the words fell, a bright silver light erupted from Lin Yi's body, and a strong repulsive force shot towards all directions with Lin Yi at the center, and all the stunned naval soldiers on the deck were bounced away in an instant.

Countless exclamations sounded one after another, and all the fired guns were controlled by an invisible force to float in the air before they hit the ground, and the muzzles of the guns were aimed at the middle-aged general.

The middle-aged general was stunned, and broke out in a cold sweat when he came back to his senses.

Dr. Lu sighed, glanced at the countless firearms floating around, and thought that this might be D-099's gravity control ability.

Lin Yi looked at the middle-aged general calmly, and gently shook his raised right hand.

All the firearms seemed to be attracted to the top of Lin Yi's head by an invisible powerful magnet, and immediately turned into a mass of black scrap iron amidst the sound of metal twisting.

" is this possible?!" The middle-aged general exclaimed.

"For the contained objects, nothing is impossible." Dr. Lu sighed faintly.

The middle-aged general suddenly looked horrified, and looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

"Is he a containment object?! There are still human-shaped containment objects in this world?"


Lin Yi frowned immediately, and with a light tap of his right hand, an irresistible force instantly sucked the middle-aged general into Lin Yi's palm.

"I'm not a containment object."

Lin Yi said these words seriously, and immediately threw the pale-faced middle-aged general into the sea like throwing garbage.

The naval soldiers who were disarmed suddenly went into an uproar. Most of the soldiers shivered and crouched down immediately, holding their heads. A few gritted their teeth and wanted to resist, but seeing the angry and resentful gazes from their comrades around them, they were still in a panic. His face squatted down in grief and indignation.

Dr. Lu couldn't bear it, but when he caught sight of Lin Yi beside him from the corner of his eye, he hardened his heart and fell silent.

Lin Yi glanced at him with a slight frown, and suddenly said: "Dr. Lu, you clearly know that I don't like people calling me a containment object, but you want to tell them the information...Why?"

Dr. Lu said calmly: "Because you are the containment object, there is no doubt about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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