Chapter 556
What does it mean to be less powerful!

The maximum power output mode of this thing can easily penetrate a heavy tank, okay? !

Princess Su Rui's eyes widened, and she quickly pushed away her brother T'Challa's hand, and asked with both hands on the console, "Are you really alright?"

"Of course!"

Lin Yi casually hung the vibrating gold spear on the wall, and then checked the durability of the armor a little.

Well, three points of durability were lost, which was similar to what he thought. After the gravitational field and the double-drawing protection of sword qi, there were very few attacks that fell on the armor, so it was naturally impossible to destroy too much durability.

"Is there anything more powerful?"

"Of course there are more powerful ones, but there is no way to show them here. Do you dare to follow me to the ground?" Su Rui raised his chin provocatively.

"Why don't you dare?"

Lin Yi smiled, turned around and planned to leave the room.

T'Challa's cold sweat flowed down in a flash, and he quickly glared at his sister, grabbed the microphone on the console and said seriously: "Mr. Lin, don't be serious, Su Rui is just joking with you, she is a scientific researcher. How can the personnel have the authority to mobilize more powerful weapons, let's forget it!"

No, it must be forgotten!
The weapons that are more powerful than this are basically Wakanda's strategic level weapons. How could they be exposed to Lin Yi so easily? Moreover, things at this level have always been deterrent, and it would be double-sided if they really wanted to take them out. please.

If it is too powerful and hurts Lin Yi, the Avengers will definitely not be happy.

But if Lin Yi can't be hurt... then T'Challa will only be more depressed!

There is no good end to the left and right, and T'Challa will naturally not let his sister mess around.

Princess Su Rui pouted sullenly.

"Well, it seems that something more powerful is out of play..."

"Forget it." Lin Yi didn't care, stopped and looked at the transparent glass, "Let's go to the next test directly, just right, I also want to see my current strength."

"no problem!"

Su Rui cheered up again, and manipulated the console in front of him with excitement.

Soon, the walls of Zhenjin's room lit up with patterns of energy, gradually changing from blue to purple, and finally returning to icy silver.

"Okay, I have adjusted the room to test mode, now you can punch directly at the wall in front of you, ps, as long as you are not afraid of pain~"

"very good."

Lin Yi nodded, clenched his fist without any nonsense, the silver-white sword qi spiraled around the fist like a silk thread, and then blasted out with all his strength——


Deafening loud noises reverberated in this vibrating gold room known as 'sound-absorbing steel', and the ground Lin Yi stepped on and even the entire wall in front of him turned brilliant purple.

Outside the room, Su Rui Attack, who was monitoring the console, couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

As the chief designer of this vibrating gold room, she deeply knew what the deafening loud noise just now meant. It meant that the room was filled with such a huge amount of energy that even the vibrating gold walls had no time to fully absorb it!

"My God, Leopard, is he really human?"

Su Rui couldn't help muttering to himself.

But this was obviously just the beginning. Lin Yi in the room turned sideways without stopping, and hit the wall hard with a swinging fist that contained terrifying power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Jabs, hooks, swings, kicks, every move was full of terrifying power, just for a moment, the original silver vibrating gold appeared piece after piece of purple awn.

There was also a piercing siren from the console outside the room.

Princess Su Rui suddenly woke up like a dream, staring at the console in front of her with wide eyes.

"Yes, the energy has entered the dangerous line? How is it possible! How long has it been?!"

" the energy going to be full?"

T'Challa realized something was wrong, and immediately frowned: "How about it, can you still hold it?"

"I can't hold it any longer, hurry up! Stop Mr. Lin quickly!"


T'Challa immediately reached out to Mike Crazy, but before he touched Mike Crazy, he was slapped away by his sister Su Rui, and then shouted anxiously:

"Go to the front door! The communication system has been blocked by the raging energy in Zhenjin!"

"Why don't you open the door now?"

"I'm--no, it's too late! The room is going to explode!"




On the other side, everyone in the hall was still discussing things like sharing technology and information resources, when suddenly the whole hall shook together, and a faint loud noise came from the ground.

A tribal elder holding a water cup looked surprised, and a few water splashes bounced from the cup and landed on the back of his wrinkled old hand.

The queen immediately stood up from the throne, with a dignified look on her face.

"What happened?"


None of the tribal elders in the temple could answer, they all looked at each other and whispered.

Of course, the queen didn't expect them to answer, she asked casually and quickly raised her wrist, activated the Chimoyu beads on her wrist, trying to get in touch with T'Challa and Princess Su Rui.

Tony on the blue-ray screen closed his mouth immediately, frowned and looked at the bewildered elders opposite him, knowing in his heart that something sudden must have happened in Wakanda.

Not long after, the Qimoyouzhu on the queen's wrist suddenly vibrated.

Judging from the communication request, it was obviously Okoye, the captain of the Royal Guard.

The queen didn't dare to delay, and quickly connected to the communication, only to see a ray of light projected from the gap on the surface of the Qimoyou bead, turning into an extremely realistic bust suspended in the air.

"Your Majesty the Queen! Elders!"

"Okoye, without further ado, tell us what happened?"

Okoye looked weird when he heard the words, hesitated for a while and then whispered: "Princess and the others... blew up the laboratory!"


In the room, the queen and the tribal elders immediately looked at each other.



5 minutes ago, just after the explosion, the captain of the Royal Guard, Okoye, who was guarding the underground entrance with a group of female guards, immediately discovered the underground explosion, and quickly sent someone to notify the surrounding patrols to let them Bring some minecarts or miners to assist in the rescue.

He took other female guards and tried to clear a passable passage.

But when she was cleaning up the gravel at the entrance, she suddenly noticed that the small stones and dust on the ground began to tremble, and she immediately shrank her pupils and shouted:
"Attention, there is a situation—"


Before the words were finished, streaks of silver light leaked out from the cracks in the gravel, exploding like extremely compressed energy, blasting out smoke and dust all over the sky.

Countless gravels fell like rain.

The royal female guards in front of the passage raised the cloth strips hanging from their waists one after another, turning them into a blue energy shield and supporting them above their heads, blocking the stones carrying huge kinetic energy.

Okoye was the fastest of them all.

After she was sure that the rubble above her head was no longer dangerous, she quickly turned her head to look at the place where the rubble exploded, and saw a figure in white walking slowly from between the ruins and rubble, with two expressions behind her. The numb figures were T'Challa and Su Rui who were buried underground by the previous explosion.

Okoye immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly walked up to meet him.

"Prince, princess, Mr. Juggernaut, it's great to see that you are all right!"

Okoye's tone was sincere and grateful, but the two people in front of him had different reactions.

T'Challa smiled wryly, and shook his head inexplicably in Okoye's gaze, while Princess Su Rui next to him was even more unbearable, staring straight ahead blankly, murmuring incessantly.

"My laboratory, it's over, it's all over!"

"Isn't it just a laboratory, at worst I'll pay you another one."

"That's Zhenjin Laboratory, you should pay me to see it!" Su Rui gave Lin Yi an angry look, and then shook his head a little discouraged, "Forget it, let me rebuild another one..."

"it does not matter!"

T'Challa patted his sister on the shoulder reassuringly: "It just so happens that the laboratory also needs to replace a batch of new instruments and equipment. I will ask the Ministry of Science and Technology to give you the greatest support."


Princess Su Rui nodded and regained her composure.

"By the way, my Black Panther suit also needs to be redesigned."

"Okay, what do you plan to improve?"

"Portability..." T'Challa glanced at Lin Yi with complicated eyes, and said in a low tone, "It would be best if the helmet can also be combined."

Su Rui obviously didn't notice his brother's complex expression, and after thinking for a while, he said casually: "Simple, I just happen to be researching the integration of nanotechnology and vibration metal recently, and I should be able to do it when I succeed, but if this is the case, the Black Panther battle The defensive performance of the clothes will drop a lot.”


T'Challa looked complicated, and sighed again: "It doesn't matter, it's all the same."

Anyway, I can't prevent it!
"Do you need me to help test it then?"

"There's no need for that."

T'Challa quickly and politely rejected Lin Yi.

In just a few hours, he has deeply realized the meaning of Lin Yi's previous words, and he has seen what a real monster is.

This guy in front of him not only has extraordinary strength, speed, endurance and spirit, but can even control that kind of silver-white energy that can be released outside. It can be said that he is still a human being except for his appearance, and he has completely become a god inside. Compared with him, black Leopard is nothing more than a stronger human being.

Recalling the tragic scene where the purple light energy filled the room and had nowhere to vent, and finally exploded, T'Challa felt a lingering fear.

Lin Yi looked at the two brothers and sisters speechlessly.

But to be honest, he didn't expect that he could blow up a room composed entirely of Zhenjin.

In fact, according to Lin Yi's calculations, the energy converted from the kinetic energy of the three punches and two feet before is not enough to fill the entire Zhenjin room, but the sword energy wrapped around his body can directly penetrate into the Zhenjin's interior, Destroying the structure of vibrating gold from the molecular level reduces the upper limit of energy carrying capacity of vibrating gold.

This caused Zhenjin, one of the most powerful metals in Marvel, to be so vulnerable in front of Lin Yi.

"It seems that there are still many places worth digging in 'Wuwu Sword Qi'..."

Lin Yi looked at the silver light flashing between his fingers, thinking thoughtfully.

On the other side, Okoye had put away the projection of Chimoyuzhu on his wrist, turned his head and bowed to T'Challa and Princess Su Rui, and said respectfully: "Prince, princess, I have reported the truth to the queen .”

"What did the queen mother say?"

"The queen said... she wants to see you."


Su Rui shrank his neck subconsciously.

Lin Yi smiled, and took the initiative to say: "I'll go with you, and if the queen is held accountable, just put the blame on me!"

"What do you mean by pushing it on you? You were the one who bombed the lab..."

Princess Su Rui whispered, T'Challa showed helplessness, and cast an apologetic look at Lin Yi, and then dragged the reluctant Princess Su Rui to walk towards the main hall.

Before taking two steps, Lin Yi who was at the side suddenly spoke.

"By the way, T'Challa, before I leave, I have something to ask you."

"what's up?"

"Do you want to join the Avengers?"


T'Challa was slightly taken aback, and looked at Lin Yi in surprise after recovering, with a heartfelt smile on his dark face, he shook his head and said:

"Thank you for your invitation, but forget about joining the Avengers. I am the prince of Wakanda, the next king. When the earth is in turmoil, my country and people will only need me more than ever. Besides, Wakanda has already formed an alliance with China, whether you join or not will not affect you and me fighting side by side..."

"It really doesn't matter."

Lin Yi chuckled lightly, half a smile but not a smile, and whispered pointedly: "But, don't you want to know why I am so powerful?"


T'Challa was stunned for a moment, and then moved slightly.



The next day, Lin Yi left Africa in a Wakanda fighter plane.

He also left with three sacs filled with vibrating gold ore, and the prince of Wakanda, the current Black Panther T'Challa.

That's right, when Lin Yi threw out the cheats for practicing Qi, T'Challa still failed to resist the temptation to become stronger. After obtaining the acquiescence of the king and queen, he followed Lin Yi and joined the Avengers.

However, due to the particularity of his identity, this guy, like Thor, will become a rare superhero with some political factors in the Avengers.

As for why Lin Yi Mingming himself is so strong, he still insists on helping Tony run back and forth, and tie Wakanda and Black Panther to the Avengers chariot...

The reason is also very simple, because he has already planned to leave this world again and go to other worlds to explore, but unlike before, this time he will no longer rely on the system, but rely on himself and the power of the sword realm to open the channel. The gate to the unknown world.

Because the world he went to this time is completely unknown, even Lin Yi can't guarantee whether he will have a bad chess game due to problems such as time flow differences.

So before leaving completely, he wants to solve the security problems of the Marvel world first.

At least it must be guaranteed to have the power to fight back when Thanos arrives.

 Please leave, this chapter may be for today.

(End of this chapter)

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