A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 544 The Demon God Is By My Side

Chapter 544 The Demon God Is By My Side

"That's exactly what I want to tell you, let's talk in another place."

Lin Yi smiled and stroked Dodo's head, and led her and Danas out of the Ravenclaw common room, and came to the top of the Ravenclaw tower with Dumbledore's acquiescence.

Coming to the top of the open field of vision, Lin Yi waved his hand lightly, and the silver-white light covered the surroundings like flowing water, isolating all influences and prying eyes from the outside world.

Danas showed surprise on his face, secretly thinking that the strength of the senior has indeed become stronger again.

Dodo didn't care at all, because in her eyes, Master has always been the strongest one.

Hanging down his arms, Lin Yi looked at Dodo earnestly: "I have found a way to travel between the two worlds. If you want, I can take you away now, but..."

"Then what are you waiting for, Master, take me away!" Dodo said without hesitation.

"Listen to me before making a judgment!"

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, and told Dodo about the sword realm and the portal in the simplest way, and asked her to choose between going back with him or continuing to study at Hogwarts.

Duoduo opened her eyes slightly, looking at Lin Yi brightly.

"Master, do you mean that I can go to Hogwarts and go home during the holidays like Zhang Qiu and Danas?"

"How about it, would you like it?"

"Of course I would!"

Duo Duo nodded like a chicken pecking rice, her delicate face was full of joy.

In just one year, she has made too many good friends in this castle. Although Master's priority is obviously much higher than these good friends, if she really leaves like this, she will still Very sad.

Now that she can kill two birds with one stone, Dodo will naturally not give up.

But before making a final decision, she still needs to make sure...

"Master, will you really come back to pick me up every holiday?"

"Of course."

"I don't believe it, you promise!"

Lin Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Alright, I promise to come to Hogwarts to pick you up every holiday."

"What if you can't take it?"

"That will get someone else to pick you up, too."

"……other people?"

Dodo was startled for a moment.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, and told her the situation of Arya and Seymour in the gentlest way possible. He thought that Dodo would be disappointed because he was not the only apprentice of the master, but unexpectedly, Dodo revealed With a happy smile on his face, he looked extremely happy and excited.

"Great, so I have brothers and sisters too!"

Looking at Duoduo who was jumping happily on the top of the tower, Danas twitched the corners of his mouth, and explained in a low voice to meet Lin Yi's gaze: "The number of pure-blood wizards is rare, and the Ministry of Magic has always encouraged Birth, so families formed by wizards generally have more than two children..."

Lin Yi nodded suddenly.

Dodo should see that her roommates and classmates have brothers and sisters, but only herself does not, so she feels that she is not gregarious enough, or she is a little envious of them.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt sad again.

"Duoduo, if you want, I can take you back to have a look right now."



Lin Yi smiled and nodded, waiting patiently for Dodo's answer.

Dodo bit her lip and hesitated for a while, finally glanced at Danas next to her, and nodded as if she had made some difficult decision: "Okay, but, Master, let's take Danas with us!"

"Take him?"

"Take me?"

Lin Yi and Danas were startled, and then looked at each other.

"It's not impossible."

Lin Yi stroked his chin, and looked at Danas thoughtfully, until he felt uncomfortable all over his body, and then said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, "How is it, Danas?"

"...Let me choose?"

Danas was slightly taken aback, obviously he didn't expect that he still had the right to choose in front of this senior.

"Of course you choose!" Lin Yi said angrily.

Danas blinked his eyes twice, and felt the hint of intimacy hidden in Lin Yi's seemingly impatient expression, and a sense of joy and sudden surprise rose in his heart.

It should be because I did my best to take care of Dodo for a year without knowing whether Lin Yi would be able to return, so this powerful senior finally began to regard him as one of his own, right?

Great, I finally hugged the thick thighs of this pioneer senior!

Danas suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and nodded after serious consideration.

"Well, I've never seen another different world in my life!"

"Hey, master, how do we go?"

Duoduo's little face showed eagerness to try.

Danas couldn't help being a little excited and looking forward to it. Although he was originally a visitor from another world, as a normal man with a thirst for knowledge and exploration, Danas still couldn't stop the charm of the unknown world.

"How to go?"

Lin Yi smiled slightly, and a faint silver glow appeared on the silver-patterned white clothes.

"Of course I'm going this way!"

"Extreme Holy Sword Art, Sword Realm Domain, open!"

After the voice fell, the silver-white breath quickly spread to the surroundings, covering the entire space on the top of the tower like a hood, and all the scenery and colors where it passed were smeared and modified.

In just a few breaths, the surrounding environment has changed from the ancient tower to a barren khaki continent. The sky that was originally covered with dark clouds has also become clear at this moment

Danas looked around in a daze, his heart full of shock.

How is this going? !
Is it a hallucination?

Danas subconsciously squatted down, picked up a khaki clod from the ground, squeezed it lightly with his right hand, and felt the rough texture of the loess.

"... Isn't this too real?" Danas couldn't help muttering.

"Because this is true." Lin Yi said with a slightly smiling voice, "Duoduo, Danas, welcome to my world."

"……your world?"

Danas suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Yi in shock.


Lin Yi smiled, and gently spread the palm of his right hand, a ball of earthy yellow color quickly condensed in his palm, turning into a fist-sized clod, and then quickly turned into gold, stone, running water, wood, flames, and finally more and more In the blazing burning, it gradually returned to nothingness.

Danas stared dumbfounded at Lin Yi's dazzling operation.

In just a few breaths, the clod in Lin Yi's hand switched rapidly between the five elements, and finally returned to nothingness as if it had been burned out. Although this kind of operation requires a terrifyingly powerful and precise control, it is not the most exciting. Where Danas was shocked.

What really shocked him was that when the clod of soil appeared out of thin air just now, he didn't even notice the slightest trace of casting spells and fluctuations in magic power!

It's okay to say that there is no magic power fluctuation, but it only means that the caster is much stronger than him.

But it’s too much to have no traces of casting spells. No matter how powerful a person is, they will leave certain traces of casting spells after using similar magic, exercises, and superpowers. This trace may be due to the insignificant concentration of vitality and magic power around them. The decline of the investigation may also be a change in the state of vitality and magic power.

But if there is no trace of casting spells at all, then there is only one explanation left...

"... Void Creation?"

Danas spit out this word with some difficulty.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, and waved his right hand lightly. Countless silver-white breaths instantly engulfed the shocked Danas and the curious Dodo, and then with a flash of silver light, they teleported to the place where the highest mountain was located. peak.

"Reincarnation... back to the Pavilion?"

Danas read out the plaque on this magnificent palace, and immediately looked at Lin Yi in horror.

"Don't worry, this is just an empty shell. I made it up to bluff people when I was idle and bored. It has nothing to do with the big light ball of the main god you think!"

As he spoke, Lin Yi paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"However, in the future, maybe we can do it!"


Danas twitched the corner of his mouth, suppressed the horror in his heart and swallowed, and said in a harsh voice, "Senior, can I ask you what strength you have now?"

"Good to say."

Lin Yi looked at Danas with a smile, and said lightly: "According to your understanding, I should be regarded as the dimensional demon god of this small world. As long as I am in this world, no one will be my opponent."

"Wei... Dimension Demon God?!"

Danas looked at Lin Yi in shock, and titles such as "Senior Traveler Is the Dimensional Demon God" and "The Demon God is By My Side" popped up in his mind.

Dodo didn't know the concept of the Dimensional Demon God, but she could at least understand the latter sentence, so she also opened her small mouth in surprise.

"Master, is it already this strong?"

"Yes." Lin Yi smiled and pinched her little face, "If anyone dares to bully you in the future, Master will destroy him and the whole world."

"Well... Forget it, if the world is destroyed, then Danas and the others will die too."

"He shouldn't, I will take him away before destroying the world."

...Then I can really thank you!
Danas was covered in cold sweat when he heard it, and looked at the master and apprentice who seemed to be seriously discussing whether to destroy the world in front of him. He wanted to stop this dangerous topic, but he didn't dare to interrupt it.

After several hesitation, he could only freeze there and tremble.

Weak, pitiful, wanting to run away!

(End of this chapter)

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