Chapter 532
If it was identified by others, everyone would be more or less skeptical, but this is the old Yoren who really walked with Master Yi back then!

No wonder he drank that mellow wine with old Yoren...

Everyone in the tavern couldn't help but be surprised.

The man behind the crowd was pale and sweating profusely.

They actually wanted to rob the legendary number one swordsman in Westeros? !
An incomparable absurdity flooded into his mind, the man licked his dry lips, tried his best to pretend as if nothing had happened, turned around, and quietly walked towards the door of the tavern.

'It doesn't matter, Master Yi probably doesn't know that I'm with them. '

'As long as I sneak out of Winterfell before those two guys confess, even Master Yi will...'

Before he finished speaking, a slender big hand stretched in from the gap in the door of the tavern, like a farmer grabbing a chick, grabbed his entire front chest, and then pulled it violently.


The door opened, and a terrified scream came from outside the tavern.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, a few brave ones pulled out their sword blades from their waists, opened the door solemnly, and walked out of the tavern together, and then...

Several people put away their sword blades without hesitation, turned and walked into the tavern.

"What's going on outside?"

"...Go out and see for yourself!"

Seeing the strange faces of those people, the others stopped talking and walked out of the gate of the tavern together.

I saw three comatose big men with thick chest hair stripped naked, and hung side by side on the wooden wall opposite the tavern. Their faces were pale, and there was a note with a dagger on top of their heads, which read a few lines of iron strokes. Silver hook-like text:

"Rooters, I suggest serving as a night watchman."



Westlands, Casterly Rock.

Looking at the girl sitting on the window sill with her knees crossed, staring blankly at the north, Robb couldn't help sighing, and winked at Roslin beside her.

Roslin nodded knowingly, handed the child in her arms to Robb, and then walked over with strides.

At the beginning, she was actually very afraid of her sister-in-law.

Because she saw Arya covered in blood more than once, but her face was calm.

But as she got to know Arya better, Roslin discovered that this sister-in-law who could beat up the strong men in the generals was actually just a teenage girl, and she not only had the troubles of adolescent girls , and the object of the girl Huaichun.

That's right, it was Master Yi who was talking about.

Although Arya has repeatedly emphasized that her feelings for her teacher are only respect and love, Roslin, who has read too many knight tales, still stubbornly believes that she is trapped by love.

Arya could explain at first, but she didn't bother to explain after a long time.

So the misunderstanding gradually deepened...

Until now, Roslin still thinks so.

Looking at Arya who looked dazed by the windowsill, Roslin coughed twice and opened her mouth.

"You don't need to persuade me, I will obediently stay in Casterly Rock City and wait for the teacher." Arya said abruptly.

Roslin's opened lips froze immediately, and then she smiled sarcastically.

"That's not what your brother and I are worried about."

"what is that?"


Roslin was speechless for a moment, blinked her eyes twice, and asked in a low voice: "Can I ask, how old is that Master Yi?"

"I don't know." Arya shook her head slightly, and said with nostalgia after thinking for a while, "In my impression, it's about twenty or so..."

Roslin's eyes widened immediately, and she opened her mouth in shock.

"So young?! I thought..."

"You thought at least about Jaime Lannister's age?"

Arya glanced sideways at her, and Roslin smiled coyly, but she could only nod her head, because she really thought so.

Then again, if that master Yi was 20 years old three years ago, he is only 23 years old now, and the difference with Arya is not more than ten years old, and he is not even considered an old couple in Westeros.

Hey, thinking about it this way, it's not impossible...

Roslin rubbed her chin thoughtfully.


Roslin suddenly felt something bump on her forehead, she quickly raised her hands to cover her forehead, her big brown eyes like a deer looked pitifully at Arya who was covered in black lines on the window sill.

"Why...why hit me?"

Roslin asked in a low voice. She originally planned to use her husband Robb's stern tone to question Arya, but Arya's aura was too strong, and Roslin couldn't help but weaken her tone.

"What do you say?"

Arya's head was full of black lines: "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, I told you a long time ago, I just want to follow the teacher to explore the avenue of swordsmanship, and I only have respect and love for the teacher, not love."


"Nothing but!"

Arya warned with black lines all over her head: "I warn you, it's okay to spread rumors about me everywhere. If you still dare to do this when the teacher comes, be careful..."

"... What are you?"

Roslin asked back, and then puffed out her bulging chest, a smug look appeared on her soft and pretty face, obviously convinced that Arya would not dare to do anything to her.

Yes, six months after Thord was born, she became pregnant again.

Arya obviously also thought of this incident, looked at Roslin who was grimacing, and was speechless for a moment, then snorted softly after a long time, and said in a low voice: "Don't be complacent, I'll clean you up after you recover."

Roslin shrank her neck subconsciously, and only after she came back to her senses did she realize that she was Arya's sister-in-law and elder, how could she be so humble in front of her sister-in-law.

Roslin swallowed, and just when she was about to show the majesty of the elder sister-in-law, a big hand stretched out from the side and grabbed Arya's ear.

"Have you ever talked to your sister-in-law like this?"

Robb looked at Arya with black lines all over his head.

Arya twitched the corner of her mouth, spit out the strength in her body, and used her fragile ears to shake Robb's fingers loose.

"Of course not." Arya looked out the window indifferently, "Because I was talking to a friend."

Just as Roslin knew her well, she also knew her elder sister-in-law very well.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Roslin's demeanor changed immediately. She grabbed her husband Robb's arm and whispered comfort in his ear.

Luo Boming knew that this was Arya's trick, but he couldn't refuse this kind woman who had conceived two children for him, so he had no choice but to turn the page.

After the episode, Robb coaxed away his wife with the child, and turned to look at Arya solemnly.

"What are you going to do when you meet Master Yi?"

"Of course I followed the teacher and left."

Arya said without hesitation.

Robb shook his head and said lightly, "What about Thord and Roslin?"

Arya frowned. Since what happened that year, Arya has changed from a swordsman following Robb to a bodyguard who mainly protects her sister-in-law and nephew.

If she really leaves before the matter is over, then their mother and son...

Arya thought for a while and said, "You can arrange a team of absolutely loyal guards for them."

"Roslin doesn't believe them."

"Then arrange a few people she trusts."

"She only trusts you."


Arya was slightly silent, and after a long time sighed softly: "What if I keep [Thunder Roar]?"

Robb's face suddenly changed, and after several changes, he suppressed the desire to agree with great perseverance, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Not to mention that only you can use that thing, even if you can teach it to others , Master Yi will be angry too..."

"Then you underestimate the teacher too much."

Arya shook her head, and said calmly: "Guns may be rare artifacts for Westeros, but for the teacher, they are just gifts given to me casually."


"It's the general term for [Thunder Roar], just like [Ice] is for a two-handed sword."

"So it is."

Robb was stunned, and immediately frowned tightly. This is the first time that Arya mentioned specific information about [Thunder Roar]. If the facts are not exaggerated, such a powerful artifact, for Master Yi Is it just a handy gift?


If this is the case, then his positioning of Master Yi will be raised to another level.

Thinking of this, Robb sighed softly: "You should think about it again, no matter what, Master Yi will take at least two or three months to reach Casterly Rock City..."

"Two or three months?"

There was a smile on Arya's face, and she shook her head under Robb's inexplicable gaze: "Do you know how long it took the teacher to take me from the hotel at the crossroads to Riverrun?"

Robb estimated the distance between the two, showing hesitation.

"Ten days?"

"……long time."

"how is this possible?!"

Robb frowned tightly: "Even the fastest horse can never have this speed!"

Arya smiled lightly and shook her head: "My brother, Your Majesty, it's not like you don't know that even my peak speed is much faster than a war horse. How can you use a war horse to measure the teacher?"

"But this speed is too exaggerated..."

Robb was still in disbelief.

Arya smiled and looked out of the window with nostalgia: "It's because I took me with me. If the teacher is traveling alone, even if it is from Castle Black to Casterly Rock, it should not take three days... "

"Then you underestimate me, Teacher!"

A voice with an inexplicable smile came from above, and the girl on the window sill was shocked all over, and turned over without hesitation, with her toes on the solid window sill, her figure floated up like a fallen leaf.

But before she floated out of the window sill, a gust of wind blew over her face, with gentle force, completely dispelling her floating forward momentum, and the whole person actually sat back on the window sill exactly according to the previous trajectory.

Arya looked stunned, and an uncontrollable excitement gradually emerged on her delicate little face.

correct!Only a teacher in Westeros can do this kind of ingenious power control!

... Teacher, he is really back! !
(End of this chapter)

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