A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 516 Return to Middle Earth

Chapter 516 Return to Middle Earth

Since Lin Yi left, many major events have happened in Middle-earth. First, the dwarves of Erebor got the news from Gandalf that the Balrog had been killed, and immediately organized an expeditionary force to Moria. He intends to recover this glorious land that once belonged to the dwarves.

And the dwarf who led this expedition was the old dwarf Balin who had participated in the mission to the Lonely Mountain.

Without the threat of the Balrog, the expeditionary force headed by Old Balin successfully recovered Moria, and the old dwarf Balin was also elected by the dwarves as the new king of Moria.

But the good times didn't last long. Not long after Balin and others recovered Moria, Sauron finally made his public appearance in Mordor for the first time, and led his Nazgul to recapture Dol Guldur, and then turned his spearhead by taking advantage of the victory. He aimed at Moria, which had just been recovered by the dwarves.

All of a sudden, the dwarves of Moria were in danger, and letters of help were scattered across the continent like pieces of paper.

The dwarf kingdoms from all over the world responded one after another, but the first one to arrive in Moria was not the other dwarf kingdoms that responded positively, but the gray-robed wizard Gandalf, who had become famous since the last summons.

Ever since the lord who killed the evil dragon Smaug spread the word to the whole continent, everyone knew that the gray-robed wizard had a powerful army of dark creatures under his command, and it was also a family army protected by the dragon slayer.

"Dark Legion..."

Gandalf sighed slightly, his old eyes swept over the giant black wolves that were like cars behind him, his heart was filled with bitterness and gratitude, so complex that it was hard to describe.

Gandalf had no choice but to leave the Holy White Council because of these legions of dependents who clearly belonged to dark creatures, and chose to fly alone. Even his old friend Galadriel didn't say anything to keep him.

But also because of this dark army, Gandalf's right to speak in Middle-earth has been raised by more than one level at once, and the importance that many human, elf, and dwarf countries attach to him has also changed significantly.

If Gandalf was just a well-known and wise wizard before, then now he is a local lord with great power, and those kingdoms that were close to him and intended to use him for their own use have now changed. Become respect and fear, but have to let it go.

There is no way, the army under Lin Yi's command is too strong.

Since Sauron's public appearance, Gandalf also had frictions with the small group of orcs in Mordor several times, and the results were all big victories without exception, and the battle-loss ratio even reached an astonishing 100 to 1.

Thinking of this, Gandalf couldn't help but sighed slightly, and stroked the black nightmare horse under his crotch.

"Alright, His Excellency Lin Yi once said that with great power comes great responsibility, so that I can better spread the light in Middle-earth..."

Although riding a dark creature to spread the light, no matter how you look at it, it's just weird!


The strong black nightmare horse let out a long hiss, and the city gate in front of it, which was obviously repaired in a hurry, was lifted up with a burst of noise, revealing Moria behind which had not yet fully recovered from the ruins.

Several dwarves were wearing full body armor, hiding behind the city gate and timidly looking at Gandalf, apparently frightened by the huge war wolves behind him.

At this time, there was a loud noise from behind the dwarves, and Gandalf had just dismounted when he heard an old and familiar hearty laugh.

"Your Excellency the gray-robed wizard, I made you laugh... Hurry up and get out of the way!"

Looking at the white-bearded dwarf who was surrounded by the crowd and yelling at the guards inside the city gate, Gandalf showed a sincere smile on his face. He flicked the hem of the gray robe pinned by the saddle, and greeted him with a smile.

"Don't come here without any problems, Your Excellency Bahrain... No, I'm the King of Bahrain now!"

"it's the same."

Balin greeted him with a smile, warmly hugged the tall gray-robed wizard in front of him, and then looked past Gandalf to the giant black wolves with big eyes staring outside the city gate.

Balin swallowed, and said in a low voice, "Is that your Excellency's family?"

The smile on Gandalf's face suddenly subsided: "Yes, but you don't have to worry, your majesty, they won't hurt people without the old man's permission."

"I can rest assured that."

Balin breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately smiled and led Gandalf into the city.

Gandalf gave an order to the war wolves behind him, left them all outside the city gate, and then followed Balin into Moria.

Entering the hall, Gandalf chatted and laughed with Balin while looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar hall in front of him.

It has to be said that the dwarves are indeed far superior to other races in terms of construction and forging. In just a few years, the hall that had been turned into ruins due to the aftermath of the battle between Balrog and Lord Butch stood up again.

Gandalf was amazed, and sat at the top of the hall under the leadership of the King of Balin.

Not long after, a few dwarves brought all kinds of big fish and meat and elf wine into the hall, and put them plate by plate on the table in front of everyone in the hall.

Obviously, the King of Bahrain intends to reward this old friend who first came to aid before the battle.

After drinking for three rounds, Gandalf began to exchange glasses with Balin, patting his chest and swearing.

"King of Bahrain, don't worry, with me...cough, with the army of your lord's family, even if Sauron comes with a large army, he will definitely not be able to break through the walls of Moria!"

"Hehe, with you and that Your Excellency's family members here, of course I can rest assured..."

The King of Bahrain was holding his wine glass with a smile. Suddenly, a dwarf with a panicked expression ran in from outside the hall. He was probably a guard guarding the city gate by his clothes.

"King... Your Majesty!"

The King of Balin frowned, and looked at the dwarf guard with a panicked look: "What's the matter, could it be that the orc army from Mordor arrived early?"

"No... not!"

The heavily armed dwarf guard shook his head quickly, and his eyes under the helmet looked at Gandalf who was sitting in the upper seat with some embarrassment: "It's His Excellency Gandalf's Dark Legion..."


Gandalf was choked immediately, put down his wine glass quickly, and said solemnly with a straight face: "It's the Dark Legion of your Excellency, the old man is just taking care of it temporarily!"


The King of Bahrain twitched his mouth when he heard the words, tacitly did not intend to delve into this topic, and instead asked seriously: "Tell me, what happened to the dark army under your lord's command?"

"They... ran away!" The dwarf guard choked out these few words.

"Run away?!" Gandalf and King Qiqi of Balin stared wide-eyed.

After looking at each other, the king of Bahrain suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and he woke up half of the drunkenness in an instant. He immediately slapped the table and asked loudly, "Run away, where are you going?!"

"No...don't know."

The dwarf guard's face turned red, and he faltered: "In the blink of an eye, dozens of wolves were lost, and we don't know where all those wolves went..."

"Can it disappear right under your nose? What do you guys eat?!"

The king of Bahrain was so angry that he was very angry, but Gandalf's eyes flashed thoughtfully.

"Your Majesty calm down, they may have gone for food by themselves..."

"Is that so?" King Balin's expression softened slightly.

"...but it could be otherwise."

"What's the situation?" The King of Balin raised his heart again.

Gandalf smiled slightly, and leaned over to speak a few words in King Balin's ear.

King Bahrain's expression brightened immediately, he didn't even care about the half-gnawed bones in front of him, grabbed the towel, wiped his hands, and strode towards the outside of the hall.

"Hurry up, take me out of the city and have a look!"

Ten minutes later, Gandalf and the King of Balin arrived at the city wall.

Looking at the giant black wolves squatting or lying down below, Gandalf couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

How can this look like wanting to forage!
"Sure enough, that Your Excellency should be here!"

Gandalf leaned on his staff and walked to the edge of the city wall, glanced complicatedly at the few black giant wolves outside the city gate, cleared his throat and said loudly:

"Your Excellency Lin Yi, since old friends are reunited, why don't you show up and see them?"

The voice fell and slowly echoed outside the city wall.

One second, ten seconds, twenty seconds...

A full 3 minutes passed, and there was no response from outside the city gate, only a few black giant wolves lying on their stomachs raised their heads and glanced at him, then lowered them again.


Gandalf's face suddenly became a little embarrassed. Just when he was about to shout a few more words, a huge wave of magic power came from below the city wall. All the lazy black giant wolves stood up in a jerk, wagging their tails and sticking out their tongues. Looking at the magic power incoming direction.

I saw a small silver dot appearing in mid-air, which suddenly turned into a silver vortex that continued to expand, and finally turned into a silver circular portal with a diameter of seven or eight meters.

"...the portal?"

Gandalf was slightly taken aback when he saw this, but suddenly realized.

No wonder Lin Yi didn't respond before. It turned out that he wasn't here at all. He thought this guy was trying to lose face on purpose. It's okay...

Gandalf breathed a sigh of relief, his old and wise eyes looked at the silver vortex, and he saw a lush forest full of vitality.


Gandalf was startled again. Before he could think about which forest the portal led to, a familiar laugh came from the silver vortex.

"Old friend, on behalf of these little guys, thank you for your care over the years!"


King Balin's eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at the familiar figure through the silver vortex.

He has black hair and black eyes, a handsome face with oriental characteristics, a strange style of white clothing, and a black kitten in his arms that seems harmless to humans and animals, but is actually destructive.

You can't go wrong!It is definitely that Your Excellency!
The King of Bahrain was full of joy, but Gandalf realized something was wrong, and immediately frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency Lin Yi, do you plan to take them away now?"

Lin Yi smiled slightly when he heard the words, and joked while standing on the other side of the portal.

"Why, you have feelings, can't you bear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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