A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 485 Dragon Tooth Soldiers

Chapter 485 Dragon Tooth Soldiers

Paying money or something is just a joke.

After Lin Yi gave a thumbs up and praised Emiya Shirou's cooking skills, Sister Fuji proudly crossed her waist and laughed three times, with a look of 'I won't be sleepy when I talk about this'.

Then she blabla talked about how she trained Emiya Shiro's cooking skills to this point with just one mouth - no matter how you look at it, this is not something to be proud of, right?
And Archer, why can he even go along with this kind of topic!
What?Did you train your younger sister like this before? !

Sure enough, adults are such despicable creatures!

Looking at Lin Yi, Fujimura Taiga, Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Sakura, and Emiya Shiro, who suddenly changed from being eccentric and polite before to a unified concept after talking for a few sentences, I couldn't help but feel sorry for you, my lord. The world is really incomprehensible.

Rin Tohsaka sighed slightly, and swallowed all the remarks he had prepared before.

Anyway, Fujimura-sensei should be able to easily pass this level.

"By the way, Tohsaka-san!"

Fujimura, who was still talking to Lin Yi in the last sentence, suddenly turned his head, and looked at Rin Tohsaka curiously with a pair of beautiful big eyes: "Mr. Brad said, Sakura is actually your sister?"


Rin Tohsaka twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at the smiling Lin Yi from the corner of his eye, and forced a smile: "Sakura was originally a child adopted by the Matou family, but now something happened to the Matou family, I want Xiaoying to come back Live with me."

"and many more!"

Fujimura's eyes widened, and he said in surprise, "What happened to the Matou family? When did it happen?"

"This morning."

Lin Yi interjected: "If there are no accidents, there should be news soon."

"Ah, so serious?"

"Yeah, after all, it's been a century in Fuyuki City...cough, a huge mountain fire that is rare in ten years, the Matou family's mansion happened to be in the center of the wildfire, and the whole family had no one except Sakura who came to Emiya's house to visit." One escaped."

"Then Shinji-san also..."


Lin Yi nodded solemnly.

Fujimura's expression suddenly became heavy. In her eyes, disobedient students are also students, and it is a very regrettable thing to lose their life at a young age.

But compared to the dead who have no feeling, it should be the living who are more sad.

"I'm so sorry, Sakura, I really didn't know this happened."

Fujimura bowed deeply, and the apology expressed was obviously quite sincere.

Sakura helped Fujimura up in a panic, and said quickly.

"No...it's okay, Fujimura-sensei."

"How could it be okay?"

Fujimura looked at Sakura's small face worriedly, and grabbed her small hand: "Sakura, how is your mental state, do you need me to ask for leave for you, as many days as you want, and I can help you with academic matters." ..."

"Cough cough!"

Lin Yi coughed twice, and interjected helplessly: "Teacher Fujimura, as far as I know, the teaching building of Suiqunyuan Academy has collapsed, and there should be no way to go to school in a short time."

"Oh yes, do you need psychological counseling? Why don't you come to my house for a while..."

"Teacher Fujimura!"

Tohsaka Rin looked solemn, and said with an accent: "Sakura has returned to Tohsaka's house, and I will definitely take good care of her, so you can rest assured!"

"That's right, is there anything I can do?"

Looking at the extremely worried Fujimura in front of her, Tohsaka Sakura suddenly showed a bright smile on her face, her eyes flickered with crystal ripples, and said softly.

"You just need to allow me to come to the house like before..."

Fujimura patted his chest confidently when he heard the words: "Don't worry! The door of this house will always be open for you. If Shirou dares not welcome you, I will definitely let him feel the teaching of a guardian!"

"Hey, sister Fuji, what are you talking about, how could I not welcome Sakura?"

Emiya Shirou showed helplessness and raised his hands in surrender.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the dining table became lively and warm again, Lin Yi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

After dinner.

While Emiya Shirou and the refreshed Sakura were washing the dishes, Rin Tohsaka dragged Lin Yi out of the room, stood still on the ground that had been refurbished after the battle between Lin Yi and Lancer, raised his head and stared He glanced.

"What's the matter, Master?"

"I should be the one who asked you this sentence, why did you suddenly expose Sakura's scar?!"

"Of course it's for Sakura."


"You should be able to tell that Sakura likes Emiya boy, right?"

"...I'm not blind!"

"That's it!"

Lin Yi curled his lips: "You can't fail to see Fujimura's position in the heart of the young Emiya. If Sakura wants to enter this family in the future, how can she hide Fujimura about this... Anyway, sooner or later, I will talk about it." , why don't you let us clarify it first, you don't want Sakura to explain it yourself, do you?"


Rin Tohsaka nodded hesitantly, turned around and looked at the brightly lit house and sighed.

"What you said is also reasonable, but it's still too risky. Fortunately, the final result is good. When you first spoke, I was really worried that Sakura would suddenly lose her mind..."

"Don't worry, everything is under control!"

Lin Yi interrupted Rin Tosaka, and patted his chest confidently.

Rin Tohsaka twitched the corner of his mouth, and glanced at him sideways: "Again, I thought you only use your brain when you are fighting, so why do you still understand this?"

"Hehe, do you still remember that little girl named Dodo?"

"Remember, but isn't that the plot of the novel you saw on the Internet?"


Lin Yi smiled lightly: "When did you see me surfing the Internet?"

"Didn't you say to go to the surrounding nets at night while I was sleeping..."

In the middle of speaking, Rin Tohsaka's words stopped abruptly, turned around, frowned and looked at Lin Yi: "No, you don't seem to be the kind of person who would abandon Master's safety issues-so that's actually Your personal experience during your lifetime is just a modification of some details according to the modern background, right?"

Before finishing speaking, Tohsaka Rin shook his head again: "That's not right, how could you modify a story so perfectly in a short period of time, so it fits the modern background... I can't figure it out! What's going on, Yi, Can you explain—eh?"

Tohsaka Rin was slightly startled, only to realize that there was no one around him.

Looking up again, Lin Yi, who had disappeared beside him, had appeared on the courtyard wall, staring at the front with his clothes cornered.

"Hey! How did you get there? You haven't answered my question yet!"

Lin Yi turned his head, looked down at Tohsaka Rin, and appeared beside her in a flash. Before she could ask her own question, he reached out and grabbed her arm.

In the next second, the figures of the two jumped up lightly and landed on the courtyard wall silently.

Standing still, Tohsaka Rin just wanted to speak, when he suddenly felt a huge magic power appearing outside the courtyard wall, his expression froze, and he looked forward solemnly.

I saw dozens of monsters purely composed of skeletons appearing on the slope outside the courtyard wall of Wei Gong's house. They had a dragon-shaped skull, but their bodies looked like a wolf with only bones left. Judging from the fact that these monsters are ferocious and frightening, it is not difficult to guess from the weak magic power and huge number, this should be a cannon fodder.

"It's the Dragon Tooth Soldier."

Tohsaka Rin looked at them coldly: "A low-level monster summoned with dragon teeth as a sacrifice, the magic power on them is very weak, and it is absolutely impossible to be the source of the magic power I just noticed-Archer, the enemy should be there Hide around here and find him out!"

"What about you?"

"Don't worry, just relying on these dragon tooth soldiers, they are still not my opponent!" Rin Tohsaka asserted coldly.

"Then be careful yourself."

Lin Yi nodded, and disappeared in place like a ghost. When he reappeared, he was already standing on the highest roof of Wei Gong's house, and his silver-white vertical pupils swept around like sharp swords.


In the silent roar, the Dragon Tooth Soldiers who surrounded the courtyard opened their bloody mouths and rushed towards the gate one after another.

Rin Tohsaka snorted coldly, holding her left wrist with her right hand and pointing downwards, a maze-like mysterious and complicated magic circuit appeared on her white forearm, and a blue light immediately lit up.


Amidst the shouting, a black-red magic group that was as powerful as a bullet shot out from Tosaka Rin's fingertips, annihilating the magic power of the dragon tooth soldier in the front almost instantly.


The pale bones were torn apart under the impact of the black-red magic group, and finally turned into a large handful of bone dust and white stars and disappeared in the air.

The remaining dragon-toothed soldiers attacked even more frantically, Tohsaka Rin responded calmly, the black-red magic group on his fingertips kept lighting up, and smashed the incoming dragon-toothed soldiers one by one.

The white bone meal filled the air, and in a secret magical power, it formed a giant dragon tooth soldier as large as a house. It opened its ferocious mouth like a prehistoric giant crocodile, and let out a silent roar.


A larger group of black and red magic power broke through the dust and covered the face of the giant dragon tooth soldier, annihilated the magic power contained in the dragon head skeleton almost instantly, and shattered the entire head.

"A miscellaneous soldier is a miscellaneous soldier, and a bigger miscellaneous soldier is also a miscellaneous soldier!"

Rin Tohsaka sneered, and jumped off the courtyard wall lightly.

The contemptuous words seemed to anger the people behind the scenes, and all the bone fragments crushed by Rin Tohsaka began to float and gather, and finally formed three huge human-shaped phantoms holding swords and shields on the slope outside the courtyard wall.

Is this a trick?
A smile appeared on Tohsaka Rin's face. Before the Dragon Tooth Soldier could condense, his toes touched the ground, and his figure leaped lightly towards the courtyard like a flying swallow.

At the same time, he gave a clear drink on the way of violent retreat.


"found it!"

A silver light flashed in Lin Yi's eyes, and he pointed with his right hand. Nine flying swords covered with silver lights appeared behind him in an instant, shooting towards a seemingly empty ground 30 meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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