A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 479 Matou Dirty Inkstone

Chapter 479 Matou Dirty Inkstone
Private Hokuhara Academy.

The aftermath personnel arranged by the church have arrived at the school and pulled up the guardrail outside the school gate. Several roaring excavators drove into the campus and are constantly digging in front of the ruins of the teaching building.

Outside the guardrail, students wearing the school uniform of Suiqunyuan College crowded there densely, scrambling to look at the notice board posted in front of the school, and discussing enthusiastically about the sudden collapse of the teaching building.

Rin Tohsaka turned the corner with his schoolbag in his hand, and frowned at the crowd at the door.

"It's so crowded, how should I observe?"

"As usual, just leave the observation to me."

Words that only the Master can hear came into his ears, Rin Tosaka nodded, and said in a low voice: "The teaching building has been destroyed, and the enchantment established in the teaching building can no longer take effect. The master behind the scenes may walk Go into the school to check the situation, and pay more attention to students with related abnormal behaviors."


Lin Yi responded and mixed into the crowd like a ghost.

Like students all over the world, after seeing the collapse of their school's teaching building, the vast majority of students seemed a little gloating, and there was unresolved joy hidden in their dignified expressions. Only a small number of them put precious The student with the object showed annoyance, deeply hoping that his things would not be smashed.

All the students are discussing why the school suddenly collapsed. Even the guys who usually talk less will mix in a few words. On the contrary, Matou Shinji, who was originally the most enthusiastic about this kind of thing, is clenching his fists tightly at this moment. Standing by the side of the road, gritted his teeth with a look of anger.

...This is too obvious, isn't it even acting?
Lin Yi stood speechless, less than five meters in front of Matou Shinji.



"Have you seen the guy in front of me? If I'm not mistaken, he should be the master behind the barrier."

'Find it so quickly? ! '

Rin Tohsaka was overjoyed, turned his head calmly, first locked the location of his heroic spirit, and then followed his gaze to the blue wavy-haired figure on the opposite side.

"... Matou Shinji?"

Rin Tohsaka was startled slightly, and then frowned tightly: "No, although the Matou family is also a well-known magic family, but Matou Shinji himself has no magic talent, and it is impossible to become a master!"

"But he admitted it himself."


Seeing the question mark on Tohsaka Rin's face, Lin Yi didn't talk nonsense, and decisively condensed his voice to convey Matou Shinji's angry whispers to Tohsaka Rin's ear.

"Damn it! The teaching building has collapsed! What should I do with my barrier? Without the sacrifice in the barrier, how can I replenish mana for Rider? Damn it! Who the hell fought in the school last night? Don't be caught by me, otherwise I must..."

Before the words finished, Lin Yi decisively cut off the communication.


The corner of Tohsaka Rin's mouth twitched: "How can there be such a stupid guy."

"Yeah, he's even more stupid than Emiya boy—what, do you want me to kill him directly?"

"Wait first!" Tohsaka Rin frowned, "As far as I know, Matou Shinji should not have a magic circuit. How could he become the master of this Holy Grail War?"

"Should it be taken from you?" Lin Yi said seemingly unintentionally.

"how is this possible!"

Rin Tohsaka laughed and shook his head: "Master authority can only be withdrawn due to defeat, how can it be transferred... wait, it seems to be really possible!"

Tohsaka Rin's face suddenly changed.

She remembered that when she was a child, her father seemed to have mentioned a method of using a third medium to transfer the Master... If even her father knew how to bypass the rules of the Holy Grail War and transfer the Master's authority, there would be no magic family like the Matou family. Reason is not clear.

So it is possible that Shinji Matou's master authority was stolen!

...then where did it come from?

After thinking about it for a while, Rin Tohsaka was startled suddenly, and there was an uproar in his heart.

Matou Shinji naturally has no magic talent, otherwise his father would not have adopted Sakura to the Matou family, but thinking about it this way, the only child in the Matou family generation with magic talent is Sakura... …

So, is Rider's real master actually Sakura?
possible!With this child's character, he might give up the chance to participate in the Holy Grail War, and instead hand over his Command Spell and Master status to his nominal brother Shinji Matou.

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Rin's face became uncertain.

"How about it, have you considered it? This guy has no defenses now, and there is no Rider within a radius of ten meters. If I make a move, I can kill him with [-]% certainty."

"No, don't shoot yet."

"Are you sure? Then he is leaving?"

"Let him go!"

Rin Tohsaka said coldly: "Let's follow."


Lin Yi responded softly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.



On the way home, Matou Shinji became more and more angry.

He thought that after obtaining the Master status from Matou Sakura through the "Book of False Ministers", his life would usher in a reversal, but what he didn't expect was that in just a few days, all the things he planned None of the lies can be successfully completed!

No, it should be said that none of them can be completed!
Whether it was setting up the Soul Eater Barrier, or finding the hidden master in the school, all plans ended in failure, and even the desire to bully Matou Sakura on a whim couldn't be done.

Thinking of the thorny magic film on Matou Sakura's body, Matou Shinji couldn't help itching his teeth with hatred.

"If you want to show off your talent in magic, just say it, and you can't control what you say, bah... When I get the Holy Grail, I will definitely get rid of all the people who look down on me in this world—"


A faint voice came from the front, and an old man with a cane appeared in front of the door of Matou's mansion. His hair had already fallen out due to old age, his short body was slightly hunchbacked, his limbs were as thin as a mummy, and his deep-set eye sockets Show hale and hearty spirit.

The old man was wearing a kimono of ultramarine blue and dark gray, holding a wooden cane in his hand, and there was an unpleasant smell of corruption around his body, his appearance and behavior were indescribably weird.

But Matou Shinji didn't dare to show the slightest disrespect, and hurriedly bowed deeply while sweating profusely.

"Grandfather... Grandfather, why are you out now?"

"Why, can't I appear under the sun?"

"Ah no, no!"

Matou Shinji broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly wanted to explain.

But the withered old man obviously knew his descendant very well, and he didn't intend to listen to his explanation at all, his old eyes lightly swept behind Matou Shinji.

"Shenji, since you participated in the Holy Grail War, you'd better have the awareness to participate in the Holy Grail War, don't always be so rough and lure your enemies back to Matou's house, really..."

"Enemy? Where are the enemies?!"

Seeing the frightened look on Matou Shen'er's face, the haggard old man frowned, and lightly landed on the ground with his crutches. The powerful action made Matou Shen'er subconsciously shudder, and quickly closed his mouth.

The withered old man snorted coldly, and turned his gaze to a tree.

"Little girl over there, did you come out by yourself, or did the old man ask you to come out?"


In the silence, a figure in red and black dress appeared from behind the tree.

Tohsaka Rin's face was gloomy, and his blue eyes were fixed on the withered old man.

"You are the head of the Matou family, Matou Zouken, tell me, where is Sakura?"

"...It turned out to be a little girl from the Tohsaka family."

Matou Zouken smiled faintly: "Why, you also participated in this Holy Grail War?"

"Of course!" Tohsaka Rin said with a gloomy face, "Winning the Holy Grail War is the long-cherished wish of several generations of the Tohsaka family. As the current head of the Tohsaka family, how can I evade my responsibility!"

"That's right, but it's a pity...you are destined to die like your father."

"Just you?"

"Hehe, logically speaking, as Sakura's blood sister, I was supposed to invite you into the mansion and have lunch with the Matou family, but who told you to become the master?"

Matou Zouken sighed, raised his head while leaning on a cane, and said lightly, "Rider, is this how you protect your master?"

After the words fell, Tohsaka Rin was slightly taken aback, and suddenly sensed a deep sense of crisis coming from behind, and quickly activated the magic circuit on his legs, stomping on the ground and leaping back.


The invisible weapon hit the ground, smashing a fist-sized hole in the ground.

Tohsaka Rin quickly landed on the flat ground five meters away, and then rolled back quickly, and dense whistling sounds came one after another, as if something was connected to the weapon and kept waving, step by step at Tohsaka Rin force.

"Don't you call out your Servant?"

Zouken Jiantong looked at Rin Tosaka who was dodging in a panic over there, shook his head after waiting for two seconds, turned around on crutches, and walked towards the mansion of Jiantong's family.

"Then you're going to die, little Tohsaka family—"


The sound of the sharp blade piercing the flesh sounded, Matou Zouken's unspoken words stopped abruptly, and he lowered his head flickeringly, looking at the fiery red sharp blade protruding from his chest.

"Damn it to you, stinking old bug."


A bright red flame rose up with the words, instantly turning his entire body into a torch.

(End of this chapter)

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