Chapter 457

"Jugmaster? Now?"

Coulson was slightly taken aback, then frowned and said, "It should be back to the Avengers Building... Sir, are you suspicious of Mr. Lin?"

Nick Fury shook his head and denied, "No, I'm just asking."

Naturally, Coulson would not be fooled by Nick Fury so easily. He knew his boss well and knew that he could ask this sentence, so he had already begun to suspect that the man in the video was Lin Yi.

But Coulson didn't think so, he tried his best to explain to Lin Yi.

"As far as I know, when the man in the video broke into the building, Mr. Lin was a guest at the Xavier School for Gifted Youth. He was personally entertained by Professor X. Many students have seen it. There can be no fake!"

"Oh, what else is going on?"

Nick Fury was slightly surprised, and after thinking for a while, he called out the blue light screen, intending to confirm this information.

Soon, Nick Fury got confirmation from the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in charge that Lin Yi was indeed a guest at Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters at that time, and seemed to be discussing with Professor X about mutants joining the Avengers.

After confirming this point, Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief, and the slight doubt in his heart disappeared at this moment.

He didn't believe in Lin Yi, but in Professor X.

This old man who has experienced several wars knows that peace is hard-won, so he will definitely not make... Wait!
Nick Fury was startled suddenly, then turned his head suddenly, and looked at the screen with his brows furrowed.

"The ability to manipulate gravity, one of the four fundamental forces, and to change one's appearance... Coulson, don't you think these abilities sound familiar?"

"You mean Magneto and Mystique?"

Coulson replied subconsciously, and immediately widened his eyes as if realizing something: "Do you think this person is the remaining child of Magneto and Mystique?"

"It's just a possibility."

Nick Fury frowned tightly. He was very clear about the abilities of these two mutants who have been on the list of extremely dangerous people all year round. If they are really combined...


Coulson also recovered, looking thoughtfully at the video on the screen.

What's trickier than an aging Magneto?
Of course it is a Magneto who can change his appearance!

And if he really inherited Mystique's ability, his lifespan is likely to be extremely long.

Nick Fury sighed slightly, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at the figure of the strange man in the video who was bombarded and remained motionless after being shot by the laser, pondered for a while, and opened his mouth.

"Colson, file this matter for the time being and keep it top secret."

"I see."

"After all this is done, go and call the top psychologists in S.H.I.E.L.D. I want them to carefully analyze the behavioral psychology of the man in the video and establish a reasonable mental model as soon as possible."


Coulson straightened his face, and immediately asked, "What about the file code?"

Nick Fury narrowed his eyes slightly, his tone paused.

"Let's call it... King Wanli."



Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

in the principal's office.

Professor X was reading a book facing the sunlight from the window. Hearing the sound from behind, he slowly closed the pages of the book, controlled the wheelchair to turn around, and looked at Lorna who had just walked into the office.

"This is coming back?"

Professor X looked at Lorna with a smile on his face.

Lorna pursed her lips and sighed softly: "Don't you ask, where did Lin Yi and I go?"

"Isn't it your freedom to go wherever you want?"

Professor X smiled nonchalantly, and looked through the window to those youthful children: "Actually, you don't need to see me as soon as you come back, those people may have noticed your actions."

"those people……"

Lorna frowned slightly: "I don't understand, you can turn those people into idiots who only know how to giggle, or submit to your slaves with just one thought, why do you let them watch us?"

"Because this is what I and many high-level human beings want to see."

"Just for this, do we have to be monitored and have our freedom restricted?"

"No one restricts your freedom. You still have the right to pursue freedom, but the same goes for those people outside. Rules and order restrict not only the powerful us, but also them."

Professor X turned his head slightly, looked at Lorna and said lightly: "Lorna, in this world, freedom is limited, and unlimited freedom will only fall into extreme hell, and will eventually be completely destroyed by the freedom you pursue. Like my old friend, your father."

"I don't want to mention him."

Lorna turned her face slightly, clenched her right hand holding the USB flash drive slightly, but her gaze inadvertently passed the photo frame of the Avengers on the desktop.

"...Professor, do you really want mutants to join the Avengers?"

"Since the children don't believe that we can protect him, then I naturally want to find an asylum who can convince them-hehe, just kidding, this is just a proposal that has not yet been implemented, but I do have similar ideas."

Speaking of this, Professor X paused, and said with a half-smile: "Why, do you want to be the first to join the Avengers?"

"Forget it, I just fell in love with life here, and you want to drive me away?"

Lorna rolled her eyes, loosened her right hand, and controlled the USB flash drive in her palm to float towards Professor X.

"Take it."

Professor X was slightly taken aback, and reached out to take the USB drive.

"what is this?"

"This is what Lin Yi entrusted me to give you. There is a set of exercises called exercises in it, which seem to be able to temper the spirit and heart of human beings."

"Oh? This is Mr. Juggernaut's powerful secret, Huaxia's cultivation method?"

Professor X played with the USB flash drive in his hand with great interest.

"Interesting... As far as I know, Huaxia's exercises are divided into many types, and each has many specific names. Do you know what the name of this exercise is?"

"It seems to be... Chu Yangshen!"



At the same time, on the top of a tall building next to the Cyber ​​Technology Building, Lin Yi was wearing a black sweater and a wide hood, standing on the edge with his hands in his pockets, looking calmly at the agents in black who kept coming in and out below. .

It's strange to say that he was standing so close, and there were many black-painted helicopters passing by, but no one could notice Lin Yi's figure.

This is a new ability that Lin Yi obtained after absorbing gravitonium.

Or, it is a brand new application extended on the basis of the original ability.

As we all know, light travels along a straight line, but the space will be bent under the action of the gravitational field. At this time, although the light still travels along the shortest distance between any two points, it is no longer a straight line, but a curve.

After this major improvement, Lin Yi's gravitational control has been able to deflect light to the extent that he can become invisible in the optical sense.

However, the angle he can deflect is not too large. If he wants to cover his entire body, he can only use the principle of "a slight difference is a thousand miles away" to start distorting the light from a distance of more than ten meters.

Therefore, as long as someone can get close, they can still see the looming black figure.

But the new S.H.I.E.L.D. pays great attention to things like order and prohibition. Without the permission of the chief, they will definitely not park the helicopter on the roof of the residential building without authorization.

This is why Lin Yi dared to observe S.H.I.E.L.D. in such a close place.

"It should be fine."

Looking at the agents coming in and out below, Lin Yi thought about it carefully, and felt that there shouldn't be any big flaws left. Even in the first surveillance video in the elevator, he has been using his body to cover Lorna vaguely. face.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if it is really exposed, anyway, sooner or later all the gravitonium on the earth will be swallowed..."

Lin Yi clenched his fist slightly while thinking this way, feeling the surging power in his body and the gravitational field around him that could almost be sensed with his body.

"With my current strength and understanding of the gravitational field and the rules of space, I should be able to try to do that thing..."

"Forget it, let's wait until the Sky Armor is forged!"

Lin Yi shook his head, and decided to postpone that matter for now.

He turned around, jumped down from the edge of the roof, and greeted the direction of the parasol and the deck chair. The little black cat lying on the deck chair immediately meowed, its black wings trembled slightly, and it swooped. It fell on Lin Yi's shoulder.

"Let's go, the goal has been achieved, it's time to go home!"

(End of this chapter)

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