A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 455 Absorbing Gravitonium Again

Chapter 455 Absorbing Gravitonium Again


The sound of friction between metal and cables continued to sound, and the derailed elevator suddenly fell rapidly.

Lin Yi pulled out a slender and bright sword from the void, and listened to the sirens constantly ringing in his ears, looking calmly at the floor displayed on the elevator screen.
5th floor, -6th floor, -7th floor... -10th floor, here we come!

Lin Yi swung his knife forward without hesitation, and the flowing force carried by the blade crazily cut through the elevator door in front, breaking a big hole in it in an instant.

The Hydra guard guarding outside hastily pulled the trigger.


Countless metal bullets rained over the entire elevator door.

But Lin Yi didn't pause at all. The figure who rushed out of the elevator quickly spun in mid-air with the blade, and the huge flowing force instantly diffused towards the surroundings, interweaving into a dense network of blades towards the front.

With a flash of black light, countless bullets were crushed into metal dust by the force of flow.

Lin Yi's figure also rushed from the elevator entrance to the end of the corridor as fast as lightning, and in the process of sprinting, he slashed seven knives, cutting the throats of the seven Hydra guards in the corridor.


A strong bloody smell permeated the air, and the guards in the corridor knelt down on the ground clutching their necks. The strength in their bodies began to flow away, and their vision gradually blurred in their terrified eyes.

Lin Yi flicked the blade calmly, turned and walked towards the passage on the right, leaving only a scarlet blood line on the wall at the corner.

When dealing with these guards, he didn't use the flowing power attached to the Taidao style, but directly killed them with the simplest sharp blade. After all, Loki had seen him use the flowing power before. There should also be a video of that time in the shield.

To be on the safe side, Lin Yi only planned to use some more common abilities.

For example, the powerful knife technique that is as fast as lightning and smashes bullets!

The blade hummed softly, and the bullets in mid-air were neatly split in half with the whistling airflow.

Lin Yi's feet kicked immediately, and his figure shot forward like a catapult, passing the Hydra guards in front of him.


With a flash of the knife, the rifle in the guard's hand was cut in the middle, and a shallow bloodstain appeared on that horrified face, and then the bloodstain continued to expand.

The corpse behind him fell to the ground, and the blood permeated his body and gathered into a stream.

Lin Yi's movements did not stop at all, his black suit was not stained with a trace of blood, and his figure shuttled back and forth in the corridor on the 10th floor like electricity, slaughtering Hydra guards who dared to stop them one after another.

If Otto's memory is correct, the gravitonium stored by the centipede organization should be in the central laboratory on the negative 10th floor.

According to the normal process, he should go through two layers of identity verification, three layers of manual review, and finally check his own DNA before arriving at the laboratory where Gravium is located.

but now……

Lin Yi pulled out the long knife from the Hydra corpse in front of him, and looked at the octagonal metal passage in front of him.

He arrived at a very fast speed, but the metal gates in the passage were still closed layer by layer, and the red lights of the warning lights continued to light up in the passage

'This is the disadvantage of hiding clumsiness! '

Lin Yi sighed inwardly, casually cut a knife in his right hand, and walked towards the laser net in front of him.

No way, since the normal process requires DNA testing, he has to make a move in advance no matter what!
Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, kicked hard with his right foot in black leather shoes, and leaped forward amidst a tooth-piercing sound of metal twisting, the long knife in his hand suddenly slashed from bottom to top.


The light of the knife surged, and the force of flow mixed with a little force of fluctuations struck forward, instantly cutting the metal gate in front of it into a huge gap that was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.

Lin Yi turned around slightly, walked sideways through the gap, then rolled on the ground, and continued to rush forward without stopping.

"Shua! Shua! Shua—"

The metal gates were cut open by the light of the knife, and the black figure quickly shuttled forward on the map, and soon approached the center of the laboratory on the map.

"He's too fast! Our people can't stop him!"

"It's not just people, even metal gates can't stop it!"

"No, he can cut through metal. It should be related to the knife in his hand...Damn it, this guy's goal is gravitonium! We must not let him approach any further, and turn on the laser internet cafe!"

"But the company's reserve energy is running out..."

"If you tell you to drive it, you can drive it. The R&D department has already started to wake up the centipede fighters. We will get support soon, as long as we can survive this period of time!"


The scientific researcher in the white coat in the laboratory gritted his teeth and pressed the red button.

Dozens of fiery lasers shot out from the wall immediately, interweaving into a layered laser network, blocking Lin Yi's way forward.

"Laser Network... Didn't they see the surveillance in the elevator?"

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart, but his figure didn't stop at all, he tapped his toes lightly on the ground, and the sharp long knife drew an arc and hit the wall in front of him.


The strong wave force exploded, penetrating through the solid metal on the surface, and shattered the laser-projecting instrument behind the wall into powder.

The fiery laser net disappeared immediately, and Lin Yi stepped on his feet and walked through the passage in front very easily.

Regardless of whether he has any traps or not, in the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are useless!
Looking at the fast-moving red dot on the screen, there was an uproar in the laboratory.

"No! The laser net can't stop him!"

"Then what should we do? Are you going to catch him without a fight?"

"No, he's already arrived!"


There was a loud noise, and the metal door of the laboratory suddenly deformed and protruded.

All the scientific researchers closed their mouths together, held their breath, and turned their heads to look at the metal gate that could determine their life and death.

The next second, there was an even louder bang, and the twisted metal gate fell to the ground with huge kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy like a shell fired from its chamber.

The ground trembled slightly, and the nearby scientific researchers came back to their senses, and immediately collapsed on the ground, rubbing their chests with palpitations, as if congratulating themselves for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

The man in the black suit behind the door put his feet down, walked into the laboratory with a long knife in his hand, slightly raised his black eyes like night, and looked at the transparent storage device in the center of the laboratory that was bigger than Quinn International.

"This is gravitonium!"

Lin Yi murmured, obviously not a loud voice, but it just rightly transmitted the vibration of the vocal cords to the ears of all the scientific researchers.

Sure enough, there were more than Quinn had!
Looking at the mass of silver-white discrete fluid the size of a car in the front glass, Lin Yi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked away to the researchers in the laboratory.

"I'm in a good mood today, so I won't kill anyone, just get out of here!"

Hearing these words, the white coats in the laboratory suddenly felt amnesty, and the white crowd rushed towards the broken gate, fearing that they would walk too slowly and be split in half by Lin Yi who suddenly changed his mind .

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at Gravity in front again.

He didn't intend to kill these researchers. Although their intelligence is definitely not as good as Tony's, after all, they have studied gravitonium for so long, so it would be a pity to kill them like this.

Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. might need them.

Lin Yi thought about this while walking towards the transparent storage device in front of him.

The special glass here is at least one meter thick. If it is replaced by other intruders, they may not be able to open these glass for a while, but Lin Yi is different - he doesn't need to open it at all!

Lin Yi raised his hand thoughtfully, covering the thick glass in front of him.


Invisible fluctuations diffused, and the silver-white fluid that was continuously aggregated and dispersed in the glass trembled suddenly, and immediately vibrated crazily. Countless gravitational fields were constructed by gravitonium particles, and then disintegrated, rebuilt, and disintegrated again...

Sure enough, things like gravitational onium have a certain degree of attraction for humans who have absorbed it, and they don’t feel much when they are far away, but once they are close, this feeling like blood resonance can’t be felt at all. hide.

Sensing the longing signal of the gravitational particles in his body, Lin Yi no longer hesitated, his right hand shook violently, amplifying the invisible and strange fluctuations with gravitational waves.

In the next second, the gravitational ion in the glass seemed to find a new outlet, and frantically slammed into the glass that Lin Yi's right hand was touching.

The one-meter-thick special glass has no resistance in the face of this strange and powerful substance. It is like sea water separated by sword energy, rippling and surging, layer upon layer, rushing toward the two sides of the breach.

The silver-white gravitonium particles broke through layers of barriers almost instantly, and touched Lin Yi's palm.

"Orange quality consumable [Gravity Onium Compound] detected, whether to use it."


"Orange quality consumable [Gravity Onium Compound] has been used."

"Your spirit is permanently increased by 250, constitution is permanently increased by 200, intelligence is permanently increased by 150, strength is permanently increased by 150, and abnormal state resistance is permanently increased by 100..."

"Your skill [Gravity Mastery] has been greatly improved!"

"Your skill [Gravity Control] has been greatly improved!"

【Gravity Mastery】

[Skill Level: Cannot be upgraded]

[Skill description: Mastery of gravitational particles (gravitonium). 】

[Skill effect: The weight of an object can be changed to a certain extent through the mastery of gravity particles (the control range is 500 meters, and the change range is ±500%). 20 tons equivalent of TNT), forming a protective force field around the body, etc.]

[Note: This skill cannot be upgraded independently, it can only be upgraded by absorbing gravity]

【Gravity Control】

[Skill Level: Cannot be upgraded]

[Skill Description: Manipulate the gravitational field of itself and other objects. 】

[Skill effect: You can control your own gravitational field to fly freely, create a gravitational field to attract unrelated objects to each other (the control range is 500 meters, and the increase rate is ±500%)]

[Note: This skill cannot be upgraded independently, it can only be upgraded by absorbing gravity]

(End of this chapter)

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