A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 449 Long live the nine-headed snake

Chapter 449 Long Live the Hydra

The middle-aged man didn't want to answer Lin Yi at first, but Lin Yi's question really hit the point. If he couldn't answer it, with Lin Yi's decisiveness before, he might kill him without saying a word.

Didn't he die unjustly?
"Of course my current state of mind is normal! If I were in a chaotic state, all memories would be mixed together, and even some basic common sense might be mistaken, so how could I be as clear as I am now? What about negotiations?"

The middle-aged man tried to explain, but Lin Yi obviously wouldn't believe him so easily.

"Do not be silly!"

Lin Yi sneered, and glanced at him disdainfully with his dark eyes.

"How do I know that what you are saying now is not a special reaction mechanism set by the hypnotist? Please, we are all adults, you know I will not believe this, if you want to convince me to believe your words, then Just obediently come up with some strong evidence to prove your mental state, otherwise..."

Lin Yi lightly danced a sword flower, and the flaming sword tip made a golden-red phantom in the air.

The middle-aged man was shocked immediately, pondered for a while, and said resolutely: "I really can't prove it now, but I can reveal to you the location and identity of a member of the centipede organization, and you can capture him and trigger his secrecy mechanism , at that time, with your wisdom, you should be able to easily judge the difference between the chaotic state and the normal state..."

"No more."

Lin Yi suddenly smiled, and the golden-red lightsaber in his hand disappeared immediately.

The middle-aged man was overjoyed: "You believe me?"

"Of course!"

Lin Yi smiled slightly, and spit out eight somewhat strange syllables.

As the voice fell, the smile on the middle-aged man's face instantly subsided, and his eyes became calm, staring blankly at the void in front of him.


"Sunil Bakshi."




"Hydra agents..."

Every time Lin Yi asked a question, Bakshi answered blankly.

After asking several ordinary questions one after another, Lin nodded with satisfaction, and finally confirmed that Bakshi in this state does have all the memories in a normal state, and can also detect the mental state as he thought in his heart.

"Check your mental state."

"In the process of testing, the test is completed, and the mind is normal."

"Very well, is the Centipede organization the Hydra branch behind you?"


"Who is your boss?"

"Daniel Whitehall."

"It was him..."

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes thoughtfully: "Tell me, where is your headquarters?"

"Cybertech, Palo Alto, California."

"I mean Centipede, or Hydra's headquarters."

"Yes." Bakshi nodded mechanically.

Lin Yi raised his brows. This centipede organization is really bold. It actually dared to put its headquarters in the same place as the cover company.

"Is the information about the centipede serum also there?"


"How do I get it?"

"On the fourth floor, there is a reinforced safety door at the passage on the south side. The safety passage behind the door is connected to a dark room that does not exist on maps and architectural drawings. All the materials and knowledge of the centipede organization over the years are stored in it."

"Where's the already made centipede serum?"

"It's all stored in the company's secret laboratory 60 meters underground."

"Very well, tell me your access key!"

"No access key."


"Because all the data in the darkroom are paper documents, there is no host, and no secret key is required. All departments in the entire building are connected by wires. The identification method is manually monitored, and the security is also..."

Hard copy documents? !
Lin Yi was slightly stunned, but after thinking about it, it seemed to make sense. After all, who would believe that all the information in a company called Cyber ​​Technology is actually paper documents, even if it is Nick Fury and Tony Stark, It is also very likely that these important information will be missed during the investigation.

After all, they have become accustomed to the convenience of the information age. When investigating organizations suspected of remaining forces of Hydra, there is a high probability that they will only rely on hacking techniques to retrieve them.

'No wonder they've been able to stay under the watchful eye of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers for so long...'

Lin Yi shook his head, asked a few more pieces of information that he was very interested in, and then took a step back in satisfaction, switching the golden-red lightsaber in his right hand into a sharp sword. .

"Cough cough!"

Lin Yi cleared his throat, and said with a strange expression, "Long live Hydra!"

"Long live the Hydra."

Bakshi replied mechanically.

In the next second, Bakshi's eyes regained clarity, and immediately after, unspeakable fear and astonishment surged into his heart.

"You... how do you know that code word?!"

Lin Yi smiled slightly: "Of course you told me yourself."

Bakshi's pupils shrank suddenly: "Myself... eh?"

Bakshi opened his eyes wide in a daze, lowered his head in astonishment and puzzlement, and looked at the Xueliang Taidao that pierced his entire chest.

The force of flow contained on the blade erupted violently, smashing Bakshi's heart into pieces like thousands of sawtooths cutting at the same time.


Lin Yi pulled out the blade with a calm expression, and threw a line of blood on the flat ground.

Severe pain came from his chest, and Bakshi felt that all the strength in his body was continuously draining, and blood and internal organ fragments poured out from his throat crazily, and he fell to the ground with a deep sense of bewilderment and unwillingness.

Until his death, he didn't even think about when he leaked the information about the code word.

Lin Yi sighed, the sword in his hand disappeared suddenly, and took out a swallowing bag instead, and took all the three corpses on the roof into it, and then called out the golden-red [Scorching Sun Judgment] to wipe all the blood on the ground and The remains were burned.

After doing this, Lin Yi's feet slowly lifted off the ground, turning into a silver light and disappearing into the air.



the next day.

Seymour was sent to the martial arts gym by Lin Yi, Leah lived with Pepper in the presidential suite of the five-star hotel, and Lin Yi himself brought the little black cat to the rebuilt Avengers Building.

"Welcome, Avenger."

"Good morning, Jarvis."

Lin Yi greeted the camera with a smile, then walked into the elevator with the lazy little black cat in his arms, and clicked the button representing the combat preparation floor.

Ten seconds later, Lin Yi stepped out of the elevator.

"Jarvis, how many Avengers are still in the mansion?"

"Two, Mr. Hawkeye and Mr. Stark."

"What is Hawkeye doing?"

"He is practicing the Huaxia exercises you taught on the training floor."

"Oh?" Lin Yirao raised his eyebrows with interest, "How is his progress?"

"Sorry, sir, I don't have relevant information in my database, so I can't accurately judge Mr. Hawkeye's current progress."

"The improvement of physical fitness should be able to judge?"

"Yes, Mr. Hawkeye's physical fitness has improved by 103% compared to before practicing the exercises, and the speed of improvement is second only to Mr. Steve's 156% and Ms. Natasha's 121%..."

"...Is it all so fast?" Lin Yi was slightly speechless.

After the ether particle incident, Steve found that the incidents dealt with by the Avengers became more and more dangerous, but his own strength did not increase with the increase in danger. On the contrary, he became more and more powerless and could only rely on Lin Yi and Sol They solve tasks.

As the founding veteran of the Avengers team, Steve was naturally unwilling to do this, so after some contemplation, he decided to ask Lin Yi for a teacher to learn the kind of Chinese kung fu that can be cultivated and strengthened.

Lin Yi was naturally not optimistic about this request.

It's not because he is stingy and cherishes himself, but according to the current known information, the vast majority of Caucasians should not have the talent to practice qi.

Lin Yi originally thought that Steve would be no exception, but after he tested Steve's talent symbolically, he found that he was wrong, and it was very wrong. This guy's talent is amazing, even in a certain To a certain extent, it is no less than his junior brother Zheng Shangqi!

This is why Lin Yi took Captain America Steve as an example when rejecting Barbara.

The super soldier serum enhanced Steve's physique in an all-round way, and even enhanced the innate qi in his body very strangely. For this, Lin Yi has not been able to find the reason so far, but this does not prevent him from applying the suitable The exercises were taught to Steve.

After discovering Steve's talent, Lin Yi had a feeling, and immediately summoned the three Avengers, Bucky the Winter Soldier, Patton the Hawkeye, and Natasha the Black Widow, who were only at the peak of human physique, and tested their abilities one by one. Practicing qi aptitude, the result is naturally obvious——

These famous superheroes in the Marvel world, each of them has a good talent for practicing qi!

This is not something that can be explained by a simple talent for practicing qi. After thinking about it, Lin Yi can only use terms such as luck and the protagonist's halo to understand this strange situation.

A sheep is herding, and a flock of sheep is also herding.

Since these guys all have corresponding talents for practicing qi, Lin Yi will naturally not be stingy, and simply teach them in accordance with their aptitude, teaching them the corresponding exercises according to the characteristics of each Avenger.

(End of this chapter)

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