A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 424 What is the principle?

Chapter 424 What is the principle?
How can it be? !
A flash of shock flashed in Lin Yi's heart.

He remembered that in the movie universe, only soul gems should have autonomous consciousness!

In Avengers 3, Red Skull once said to Thanos that the soul gem occupies a very special position among the six infinite gems because it has a kind of wisdom, or it can be called the autonomous consciousness of the soul.

Therefore, if you want to get the soul gem, you must exchange the soul for the soul.

This is the specificity of the Soul Stone, in other words, something that other Infinity Stones don't have.

Of course, Lin Yi also knows that the space gem will tear apart the space on its own, exile a certain target, or allow itself to escape into a safe place. at a safe point in time.

But these autonomous responses are more like emergency measures when threatened or certain special conditions are met, a system program with a complex judgment mechanism.

Although this kind of system program looks like consciousness, it is not the intelligence of the gemstone itself after all. Just like the weak artificial intelligence in the world today, it only looks intelligent, but in fact it does not have real intelligence.

This is also the reason why Lin Yi can put the spiritual scepter into the inventory.

As for some infinite stones in the movie that occasionally seem to be consciously operated, after careful consideration, they all seem to be related to the soul stones that really have souls.

Take the Space Gem as an example. When the Red Skull is holding the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, it can completely exile the Red Skull to any place in the world, but why did he choose the location of the Soul Gem?

Not only that, but the soul gem just lacks a gatekeeper...

Is this a bit too coincidental?
Many people regard this as proof that the space gem has consciousness, but in Lin Yi's view, this just shows that the space gem does not have real autonomous consciousness, so it is so easily affected by the soul gem.

Especially after receiving the spiritual scepter, Lin Yi became more and more sure of his guess.

After all, even the Mind Stone has no self-awareness (or soul), and it is even more impossible to have other Infinity Stones—Lin Yi did think so at first, until the system prompt sounded in his ear.

Self-awareness fluctuates...how could this be? !

The astonishment and miscellaneous doubts in Lin Yi's heart were fleeting.

At the same time, the freeze-frame time of Raptor Dragon Slash is about to end because Lin Yi's fingers touched the ether particles. Lin Yi didn't have time to think more, and a swallowing sac appeared in the palm of his hand, killing the black and red in the air in front of him. Particles are all included in it.

The void is over, and the frozen time begins to flow again.

Pedestrians on the street with their heads up could only feel a silver light flash in the sky, and the familiar figure of the Avenger Sword Master appeared above their heads. in the ball.

"Avenger Juggernaut?!"

"So fast, is it teleportation?"

"What happened just now?"

There were bursts of exclamations from the crowd, some were in shock, worried that this place would soon become the battlefield of the Avengers, and wanted to find a way to escape, some were excited, and shouted the name of the sword master, trying to attract Lin Yi's attention.

Only Jane Foster frowned, flicked her high-heeled feet, turned around and ran wildly all the way.

If she read it correctly, the thing that galloped down just now should be ether particles...

Damn it, this thing still doesn't let her go!

Jane Foster gritted her teeth, and ran wildly with only her pantyhose on her feet.

Daisy Louise, who was beside her, looked surprised, and glanced strangely at Lin Yi floating in the sky, and then glanced at the running back of Jane Foster.

After pondering for a while, Daisy bent down decisively to pick up the high-heeled shoes on the ground, then lifted her own high-heeled shoes, and chased after Jane Foster.

"Hey! Wait for me!"


Lin Yi glanced at the ground from the corner of his eye, and a hint of approval for Jane Foster's decisiveness rose in his heart.

At this time, a flash of lightning jumped down from the air and shot toward the direction where Jane Foster was running.

Looking in the direction of the lightning, a portal composed of yellow sparks appeared on the top of a building, and it continued to grow in size amidst a surge of magic power.

Gu Yi, Tony and others walked out of the portal together.

Master Gu Yi had his hands behind his back, his face was calm, his eyes were restrained, and he couldn't see any emotion.

The people next to her obviously didn't have such profound Qi-nourishing skills as hers, and all of them were stunned and shocked.

Tony couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Jarvis, how fast is Lin Yi just now?"

"Scanning... Sorry, Mr. Lin's trajectory was not detected, and the speed is difficult to determine..."

"Even Jarvis can't detect the trajectory of movement...could it be teleportation?" Tony muttered to himself.

Master Gu Yi glanced at him lightly, but didn't speak.

At this time, another change occurred in midair.

The phagocytic capsule in Lin Yi's hand didn't hold on for even ten seconds, it began to tremble crazily, and cracks glowing with black light appeared from the black and white shell, and spread rapidly towards the outside.

The crack spread to Lin Yi's hand, and a scar was cut on his finger instantly.

Blood spilled everywhere and drifted with the wind.

Lin Yi frowned, and had to let go of the hand that was holding the sac, and instead let the gravitational field hold the sac.

After changing to the perception of the gravitational field, Lin Yi frowned and found that this black crack was not a real crack, but a spatial crack squeezed by ether particles from the inside of the phagocytic capsule. The outside of the sac is pitch black.

No wonder it broke through my defense so easily...

"It seems that this thing won't last long, so we have to hurry up and find a way."

Lin Yi only thought for a few seconds, and immediately took out all the phagocytic sacs in stock from the inventory, and put the phagocytic sacs containing ether particles into another phagocytic sac.

So repeated, nesting dolls layer by layer.

"Like jailbreak? Then I'll let you escape!"

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, and worked harder and harder, his hand was so fast that it even turned into an afterimage.

At this time, a yellow spark appeared in front of him, rapidly changing into a portal, and the slightly hurried voice of the ancient mage came out from the portal.

"Elder Lin, hurry up and stop! A simple space magic weapon cannot confine the Reality Gem, but it will easily cause the Reality Gem to run wild, and may even distort a black hole above the city!"

...twisted out of a black hole?

Lin Yi was startled suddenly, he seemed to be self-defeating, so he quickly stopped his behavior of nesting dolls, and then released the nested pouches one by one.

After all, even Gu Yi lost his composure, obviously this kind of situation is definitely not just a 'possibility' to happen.

"But if I don't do this, won't the ether particles escape again?"

While restoring the doll, Lin Yi frowned and asked quickly.

Master Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief first, then turned to look at Tony when he heard what Lin Yi said behind him.

"use this."

Tony threw the container in his hand into the portal.

Lin Yi reached out to take it, held the cylindrical syringe-like container in front of his eyes, and looked at it strangely.

"... Can this thing work?"

"Are you suspicious of me?!" Tony glanced at him unhappily.


Lin Yi silently clenched the storage container tightly, and looked at the phagocytic sac that was breaking apart in front of him.

Needless to say, he still believes in Tony's black technology.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of Lin Yi and everyone at the other end of the portal, the phagocytic sac filled with ether particles completely burst, and countless dark cracks spread around the phagocytic sac, and then quickly disappeared in the air.

The black-red particles that had regained their freedom suddenly aggregated.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lin Yi quickly intercepted it with his right hand holding the storage container, and at the same time pressed hard on the top of the storage container.

call out--

With a flash of blue light, the castration of black and red particles stopped immediately, and immediately poured back into the container as if unable to restrain themselves, and finally sank into it.

"Boom! Boom!"

The black and red particles collided back and forth in the tube wall, but they couldn't escape anyway.

The corners of Lin Yi's eyes twitched, and he stared at the black and red particles inside through the transparent glass.

He couldn't figure it out, even Ancient One and Ivirios couldn't stop it, Thor couldn't destroy it, and the etheric particles, which couldn't be imprisoned by space magic tools, were so easily contained by the fragile device created by Tony. !
Is this the power of the gemstone of wisdom...

Lin Yi complained in his heart, and couldn't help turning around and flying into the portal.

"Tony, what is the principle of this?"

Looking at Lin Yi who was full of doubts, Tony smiled calmly, took the container from his hand, and said calmly.

"It's very simple. The container is injected with the energy guided from the Rubik's Cube at the beginning, supplemented by the Rubik's Cube simulation signal from the outside, which can restore the power of the Rubik's Cube as much as possible, thereby blocking the infinity gems. The action of ether particles."

"In a nutshell - use gems for gems."

The Ancient One couldn't help but interjected, and looked at Tony Stark with admiration in his wise eyes: "Mr. Stark, your idea is very correct."

 In the movie universe, there are many opinions about whether the Infinity Stone has autonomous consciousness/soul. This book only takes the setting that the Soul Stone has a soul, and other gems do not.

(End of this chapter)

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