A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 419 You Didn't Ask

Chapter 419 You Didn't Ask

"Work hard!"

Lin Yi patted Seymour on the shoulder with a smile, and walked towards Leah with the milk.

The little black cat doesn't drink milk, because it thinks that milk is a gift from a female creature, and the proud Qiongqi naturally disdains to accept gifts, let alone gifts from lowly creatures like cows.

Therefore, the little black cat always only eats meat and does not touch milk.

"Thank you."

Liya took the milk with a smile, and was very clever not to ask what Lin Yi and Seymour had just done.

She knew that the master and apprentice had always had many little secrets between master and apprentice, but she didn't want to know what these secrets were, just like she had never inquired about the details of the Avengers.

See less, listen less, talk more and do more.

This was what the Elf Queen told her before she left, and Leah always kept it in her heart, and took it very seriously.

Suddenly, Lin Yi frowned, and turned to look in the direction outside the door.

The doorbell rang in due time.

Lin Yi curled his lips and waved his right hand lightly.

The handle turned immediately, and the door opened silently, revealing the old face of Evelios.

"Remember to close the door." Lin Yi said without looking back.

"Of course."

Ivirios stepped in with a smile, and the staff in his hand turned into an umbrella, which was hung on the wall at the entrance. The fingers of the other hand moved slightly, and the green glow lightly closed the door.

After closing the door, Ivirios walked over with a smile.

"Your Excellency the Juggernaut, why didn't you take Seymour to practice swords today? Could it be a day off? That's not okay, young people are so lazy, they need to practice more..."

It was an old torture from the very beginning!

With a dark face, Seymour glared at Evelios.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and heard some other meanings from Ivirios' words.

"Looking at your appearance, could it be that the Supreme Master agreed to your request?"

"Hehe, I knew I couldn't hide it from you. That's right, the Supreme Mage has indeed agreed."

Ivirios proudly stroked his phantom beard.

Lin Yi twitched the corner of his mouth and rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

You can't hide it from me... You look so happy that you almost have the word 'happy' written on your face, but anyone with normal intelligence can guess it!
"The supreme mage really agreed?"

Leah stood up with a look of surprise.

Ivirios nodded with a smile: "Of course, my old face is still a bit thin..."

Lin Yi: "..."

No, you are too modest, with just this face, you can't compete with thin noodles!
Lin Yi rolled his eyes, thinking of the gray-robed wizard Gandalf he saw in Middle-earth, he couldn't help but find sadly that all the famous old mages seemed to have such shameless appearances.

Looking at Evelios who was enjoying Leah's admiring gaze, Lin Yi felt uneasy for a while, reached out and hugged the little black cat with a confused face on the window sill, and asked while stroking its fur.

"Where is the location, Karma Taj, or the Avengers base?"

"That's exactly what I want to discuss with you."

Ivirios straightened his face, looked at Lin Yi and said seriously: "The Eye of Agamotto is of great importance. It is something that every supreme mage swore to protect with his life when he took office, so..."

"So we have to do it at Karma Taj's base camp, right?" Lin Yi curled his lips unsurprisingly, "I knew it..."

Ivirios was not embarrassed at all, and said with a smile: "That's right, but the Supreme Mage also said that if we are worried, we can stay by Leah's side the whole time."

Lin Yi looked clear: "Do you want us to go with you?"


Ivirios admitted it with a smile.

In the shadow of the famous tree of people, the name of the supreme mage Gu Yi is extremely resounding even in Yalfheim.

After all, Alfheim is weak on the earth, and Ivelios really has no idea if he wants to take Leah, who is carrying the infinite gem, to the base camp of the supreme mage alone.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of himself and Leah, he must rely on the power of the Avengers.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and after thinking for a while, he still agreed.

It is impossible for him not to agree. The ether particles are very important and must be under the protection of the Avengers, under Lin Yi's nose.

Whether it is Gu Yi, the supreme mage, or Ti Wan, the collector, Lin Yi is not at ease.

Gu Yi has a long-term vision and has too many thoughts, so it is easy to make some actions that sacrifice current interests for the sake of long-term goals. Collector Tiwan is absolutely neutral and maintains a relatively friendly relationship with any force. It seems that he has no favoritism or inclination, but in fact It belongs to the grass that falls with the wind, and will definitely not fight to the end when its own safety is threatened.

It's like when Thanos came to snatch the ether particles in the movie.



The matter of ether particles is more important. Lin Yi can only let Seymour go to the martial arts field to practice swords first, and he takes Leah and Evelios to the seaside villa.

"The supreme mage agrees?"

Tony frowned, seemingly surprised.

Lin Yi nodded: "She may have seen some future possibilities, who knows... No matter what, it is always a good thing that the supreme mage is willing to help."

"You're right, I'm going to summon the Avengers, as you said, ether particles cannot be lost."

Tony showed his approval, turned around and walked into the meeting room exclusive to the Avengers, and dialed the holographic images of all the Avengers.

Lin Yi turned around, looked at Liya who was worried and Ivirios who was smiling, and said, "Wait a while, don't worry, the worst case is just finding the wrong corresponding gem. Trust me, your life will not be in danger."

"……I believe you."

Leah folded her arms and gave a forced smile.

In fact, she was not worried about whether her life was in danger, but she was worried that the hope she saw this time would be shattered again like last time, so she was very disturbed.

Ivirios pulled Leah to comfort her, and unlike Leah, he was really not worried at all, and Gu Yi's attitude had faintly revealed the feasibility of the plan.

Obviously, Gu Yi should also know this characteristic of infinite gems.

Soon, Tony walked out of the conference room.

"The summoning order has been issued. Except for Natasha who is still in Russia, everyone else can arrive in New York within half an hour. We will gather in front of the New York Temple."

"Very good." Lin Yi nodded, "Then let's go."

"Don't worry." There was a smile on Tony's face, "We have a special channel."

One minute later, Lin Yi opened his eyes wide, looking at the circle of sparks teleportation array in front of him with a question mark on his face, and the bald man with obvious yellow features.


"Meet you again, Elder Lin."

The king bowed his hands quite respectfully.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at the smiling Tony: "What's going on?"

Seeing Lin Yi's puzzled expression, Tony laughed contentedly.

He walked over with a smile, and patted Wang on the shoulder: "It's very simple. During the time you were away, the Avengers and Kama Taj cooperated sincerely to wipe out the dark forces that crossed the border, and thus formed an alliance." Forged a deep friendship, so I had a detailed discussion with the supreme mage, and we agreed that both parties should unite more, so with my efforts, the Avengers and Kama Taj successfully reached a strategic alliance agreement, and Mr. Wang is Liaison officer between us."


Lin Yi and Ivirios looked at each other.

"You're talking about such an important thing now?" Lin Yi looked at Tony with an uneasy expression.

"You didn't even ask!"

Smiling, Tony raised his hand and stretched it back. The gold-red armor components placed on the armor stand turned on their propellers, whizzing towards them with light red fireworks, and they were attached to Tony's body one by one.

After a dazzling combination of transformations, the fully dressed Iron Man appeared in the room, waved with his back to everyone, and walked into the spark portal first.

"Let's go, let's meet the Supreme Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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