A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 416 Trial Mission Completed

Chapter 416 Trial Mission Completed
After a gluttonous feast, the two of them and the cat both lay contentedly on the stone slab by the river.

With a happy smile on Lin Yi's face, he could not help but feel the powerful force emerging from his body.

Dragon head, dragon tail, dragon wings, dragon claws, dragon front legs, dragon hind legs, dragon tongue...

Almost all parts that could be cut off were eaten by Lin Yi, in exchange for a full 78 points of strength, 78 points of constitution, 35 points of spirit, 35 points of intelligence, 95 points of fire attribute resistance and 50 points of fire resistance. The fire attribute of the point is strengthened.

After a whole dragon feast, Lin Yi's Siwei has risen to another level.

It is indeed an orange legendary ingredient!

It's a pity that no matter how big Lin Yiche's meat is, only the first 200 grams of dragon meat will be effective, and the rest of the meat, which is like a hill, can no longer increase his attributes.

If only leftover dragon meat would work too!
Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help feeling sorry.

While rubbing his belly, Gandalf looked at the guy next to him out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

Since Lin Yi appeared in Zhongzhou, the Balrog of Moria died, and the last giant dragon in the north, Smaug, also died. Even three Ringwraiths under Sauron died, and thousands of orcs died. quantity……

It's only been a few days!
Gandalf thought about it for a while, and found that it would only take more than a week to make all the calculations.

Not to mention the long-lived species such as Maya or elves, even for short-lived species such as humans and dwarves, it is just a blink of an eye.

Didn't they say that the creatures in Zhongzhou should solve the matter on their own? Even when the five wizards were sent here, most of their strength was weakened. Why did such a guy who disrupted the balance of the game suddenly appear?
Gandalf murmured in his heart, feeling that he was a little elusive about the idea of ​​the superior.

To be honest, that is, Lin Yi's sword heart doesn't work on Gandalf, otherwise, Lin Yi would have laughed three times before unceremoniously laughing at Gandalf's stupidity.

It's been so long, and this guy still treats him like a son of the sky!


The night was getting darker, and the high-hanging moon cast a cold brilliance.

Lin Yi sat in front of the crackling fire, seemingly looking at the bonfire in front of him in a trance, but in fact he was calculating what he had gained from coming to this world in his heart.

A pink artifact-level weapon, an orange legendary-level material, two orange legendary-level corpses, and a [True Knowledge Crystal] that is not yet sure what to do with it.

【Spar of True Knowledge】

[Level: Top Level]

[Quality: Pink Artifact]

[Type: Magic Stone (can be transformed into pet equipment)]

[Durability: 150/150]

[Attribute 1: Strength/Physique +50]

[Attribute 2: Intelligence/Spirit +100]

[Attribute 3: [No Self Sword Qi] Lv+2]

[Attribute 4: Passive skill [perception], increase perception by 50%. 】

[Attribute 5: Active skill [insight], increase 100% insight, see through the essence of things to a certain extent]

[Attribute 6: Active skill [photograph], which records the impact of the user's current viewing or perception, and stores it in the true knowledge spar, which can be called at any time. 】

[Spar of True Knowledge] is actually a magic stone, and it can be transformed into a magic stone for pet equipment!
This made Lin Yi a little bit troubled.

After all, the Sorcerer's Stone and pet equipment are not easy to get, especially the Sorcerer's Stone, which can actually add two levels of Selfless Sword Qi, which is really rare!
Missing this village, Lin Yi really doesn't know if there is such a store anymore.

After contemplating for a while facing the moonlight, Lin Yi finally made up his mind, unpacked the crystal of true knowledge and transformed it into a magic stone.

After choosing to wear it in the inventory, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly opened wide, and his figure turned into a silver light and soared into the sky.

A series of powerful forces continuously emerged from his body, rushing towards the limbs and bones.

Under the pouring moonlight, Lin Yi's pitch-black eyes instantly turned into silver-white vertical pupils, and endless silver sword lights flowed from his sword pupils, turning into two silver-white sword qi that shot out from his pupils It came out, pierced the sky with a howling sound, and shot towards the distance.

The sharp sword intent rose up immediately, flooding around Lin Yi's side for a long time.

Fortunately, Lin Yifei was high enough, otherwise such a movement would definitely alarm all creatures within a ten-mile radius.

It was not until nearly 10 minutes later that Lin Yi barely calmed down the surging sword energy in his body, and the silver-white vertical pupils degenerated into pitch-black pupils again, and his expression calmed down.


The little black cat jumped into Lin Yi's arms and twisted a little uncomfortable.

Lin Yi knew that this was because his basic attributes skyrocketed after eating dragon meat, which caused the little black cat's attributes to also skyrocket, so he was not suitable for the current power.

But it's easy to handle, Lin Yi and the little black cat have already figured out the simplest way to adapt to power.

I saw Lin Yi bent his knees and jumped onto a branch of a tall tree, sat on it, gently stroked the little black cat's head with his left hand, told him the correct power output, and pressed the little black cat's paw with his right hand Wrestle with it and correct its strength yourself.

After Lin Yi jumped onto the tree, Gandalf, who was reclining on the slate, opened his eyes silently, turned around and looked up at the sky.

I saw two straight and clear traces appearing in the clouds at an unknown height above his head, as if something had passed through them and completely tore the clouds.

... I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse!

Gandalf sighed quietly, and closed his eyes again.



The next day, the team got up and set out again.

After a night of adaptation, both Lin Yi and the little black cat got used to their soaring power.

Especially Lin Yi, he roughly calculated that his current attributes should be:

[Strength: 340 (naked outfit) 492 (pet plus equipment) 505 (cold light sword) 522 (Hundred Refined Fire Cloud Hammer)]

[Intelligence: 265 (naked) 467 (pet plus equipment) 477 (cold light sword) 497 (fang)]

[Physique: 358 (naked) 413 (armor) 615 (pet plus equipment)]

[Spirit: 355 (naked) 435 (armor) 637 (pet plus equipment)]

[Fire attribute resistance: 255]

[Other attribute resistance: 130]

[Abnormal status resistance: 30]

[Fire attribute enhancement: 88 (pet plus equipment) 108 (pet plus equipment) 130 (fire cloud hammer)]

[Other attribute enhancement: 20 (pet plus equipment)]

Lin Yi couldn't help feeling emotional when he saw the difference in attributes between naked clothes and wearing equipment.

Sure enough, the further you go to the back, the greater the proportion of the equipment attribute bonus!
Even now, the addition of mental and physical equipment is almost the same as that of naked equipment.

Just as Lin Yi was thinking, a system prompt sounded suddenly.

[It is detected that the space-time trial task has been completed, reward [Master's tea] x1, [Master's practice sword] x1, [Time-space pass (apprentice)] x1, [Time-space pass (master)] x1, [Elf king's orb ]x1, [Master's Dignity]x1...]

[It is detected that apprentice Seymour has used the master's assistance once, and the score has passed, and there is no additional special reward. 】

[The mission world process is coming to an end, players and apprentices will return in 5 minutes, countdown 299, 298...]

Found the white diamond necklace so quickly? !

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, surprised at the efficiency of Seymour and the woodland elves.

It's only one day!

Lin Yi felt a headache at the thought of having to reason with the hall that had been destroyed by Sword Qi and Smaug.

"Shouldn't Thranduil use the power of the whole country to clear the roads and dig out the white diamond necklace?"It shouldn't be so, how much labor he had to use to clean up that hall in one day! '

Thinking of this, Lin Yi sighed and had to give in.

There is no way, the matter has come to this point, and I don't want to leave.

Lin Yi reined in his horse and stopped immediately, and the whole team stopped immediately, and the nightmare horse under Gandalf was no exception.

Gandalf looked over suspiciously: "Your Excellency Lin Yi, is there any question?"

Lin Yi sighed, "Gandalf, I'm leaving."

Gandalf was slightly taken aback: "What?"

Lin Yi emphasized again: "I'm leaving Middle-earth."

Gandalf's eyes widened immediately: "You mean, you're leaving Middle Continent?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi sighed, Jun's face showed a little reluctance, "I really can't bear to part with this beautiful world, obviously there are so many delicious things I haven't eaten..."

"Finally...cough..." Gandalf coughed and straightened his face, "We will arrive at Rivendell at noon. Why are you leaving now? Could it be that person who did it to you..."

"No, it has nothing to do with that person, it's my own fault."

Lin Yi shook his head, and said seriously: "The time I can stay in this world is limited. Killing the Balrog and Smaug cut down my time again. In addition to last night's power riot, I can stay in this world." The world is running out of time..."

"That's really a princess...it's a pity, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

So that you can be happy sooner, right?
Lin Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, looking at Gandalf with a hint of disdain.

Of course, the two are half-baked, it can only be said that they are each other.

"That's because I'm really reluctant to tell you the bad news." Lin Yi sighed, and said with a moving expression, "Our journey is really too short."


No, it's long enough!
Gandalf thought of all kinds of dark creatures that died along the way, especially the Balrog who belonged to Maya like him, and couldn't help feeling a bit of sadness in his heart.

It's not that he sympathizes with the Balrog, but he just doesn't understand the details of Lin Yi and the little black cat's combination of light and darkness.

In Gandalf's heart, the two of them are like a third party caught between light and darkness, neither can be said to be completely in the camp of light, nor can they be said to be in the camp of darkness.

Coupled with the way Lin Yi and the little black cat ate dragon meat before, Gandalf had every reason to suspect that after killing all the dark creatures, these two guys might turn their attention to the light camp!

(End of this chapter)

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