A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 402 Arriving at the Lonely Mountain

Chapter 402 Arriving at the Lonely Mountain
The sun rises and the sun sets, and the stars move.

As the ship moved, the sky quickly changed from day to night, and from night to day. ,

After repeating this twice, the boat of the Lonely Mountain Squad finally arrived at the north shore of Long Lake.

Seymour wanted to disembark here, but Bud refused to agree.

He felt that the short two-day boat trip was not worth the reward he received, so he ignored the objections of Seymour and Bilbo, and sent them along the narrow river at the north end of the Long Lake to the foot of the Lonely Mountain.

After getting off the boat, Seymour managed to persuade Bud to go back to the boat and cut off his idea of ​​going to the Lonely Mountain with him.

But even so, Bud still left all the supplies on the ship to them, leaving only some food and clean water for himself.

"I can catch fish, it's everywhere in the lake," Bud said.

"What do you use to catch?" Seymour looked helplessly at the pile of supplies piled up at his feet, "I mean, we don't really need these, even if you want to show off your ability to survive, you should at least leave a long A spear or a knife..."

Seeing that Seymour seemed to doubt himself, Bud immediately smiled at him, and reached out to take out his own bow and arrow from the cabin behind him.


Three arrows pierced into the water quickly, causing huge splashes of water. Streams of bright red blood spread from the water, and three large fish with arrows stuck in them surfaced in the bloody water.

Bard drew his bow and turned, smiling at the astonished Seymour and Bilbo.

Bilbo swallowed, and tugging at Seymour's sleeve, he whispered, "Maybe we can really take him."

Seymour came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head: "Okay, I admit that your archery skills are very good, but you should keep the supplies and so on, we really don't need them, as for the force - Bilbo, It looks like you don't have much confidence in me!"

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that it's always right to have one more person and more power."

"In the face of a dragon that has destroyed the entire kingdom of dwarves, there is no point in having a large number of people. Bard's archery skills are indeed excellent, but once we really have to face the dragon, your tiny arrows will not even hit it." Even the dragon scales can't break through."

"I admit this, but don't you do the same?"

This time, it was Bard who looked at Seymour suspiciously.

Seymour glanced at him, did not speak, but bent down, picked up a spear from the ground, weighed it in his hand twice, then raised his head and scanned the sky above.

call out--

Seymour threw the spear in his hand fiercely. The sharp tip of the spear pierced the air under the blessing of powerful kinetic energy, pierced through the body of a flying bird with a piercing scream, and then shot a little weakly. to the sky.

Asuka wailed and fell headlong into the long lake.

"Look." Seymour spread his hands.

"..." Bud twitched the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help but glance at Seymour's not-so-strong figure, "Strength can't...well, I admit that your force is very powerful, but this material..."

"We don't really need supplies."

Seymour shook his head again, took off a phagocytic sac and pointed it at the open space in front of him.

With a flash of light, a stack of quilts and tents wrapped in tarpaulins appeared in front of the three of them.

Bud and Bilbo had never seen such a grade of magic props before, and their eyes widened immediately when they saw this out-of-the-box scene.

Bilbo even suspected that he was hallucinating, so he couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

"This...this is..."

There was a hint of dryness and disbelief in Bud's tone.

Seymour smiled, and put the bed quilt and tent on the ground into the bag again.

"This is a magic item my teacher prepared for me. It contains various supplies and food. Although the quantity is not very large, if you save a little, it may last for a month or two."


Now Bud stopped talking completely, he smiled wryly, and shook his head.

"I was overthinking... I should have thought about it long ago. How could the brave man who can go to the Lonely Mountain without fear be an ordinary elf? Presumably this Master Baggins is not an ordinary hobbit either?"


As soon as Bilbo came to his senses, he heard Master Baggins' address, and immediately blushed a little ashamedly, and waved his hands at Bard in denial.

But Seymour on the side responded with a smile on his behalf: "Yes, this is the main force in sneaking into the Lonely Mountain. If you can see the dwarf army in Changhu Town in the future, then the first contribution must be this man." Master Baggins was right!"


Bilbo's face was flushed red, but facing Bud's dazed and amazed expression, Bilbo was not ashamed to say the words of explanation.

After seeing Seymour's force and supplies, Bud was finally relieved.

He put away his bow and arrows and most of the supplies, returned to his boat, then turned around, looking solemnly at the two on the shore.

"Take care, and... you must come back alive!"

"We will."

Seymour and Bilbo nodded, and immediately stood on the shore, watching Bud sail away into the distance.

After Bud left, Seymour heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the mountain that was close at hand, with a slightly excited smile on his handsome face.

"Lonely Mountain, the evil dragon... here I come!"

With a smile on his face, Seymour strode towards the Lonely Mountain.

Bilbo stood where he was for a while, and it took him a long time to come to his senses. A smile could not help showing on his face.

"Hey, Master Baggins..."

He took a stride happily, followed behind Seymour, shaking his head.

The location where they docked at the moment is the branch of the south side of the lonely mountain. It used to be a land full of vitality. Where the river flows, there are green grass or trees everywhere.

Thanks to the evil dragon, there is no vegetation here now, except for the scorched stones and land all over the ground, there are only burnt tree stumps, and a brand new name - Wuqiu.

At the top of the hill, there is a dilapidated watchtower, where Gandalf and the dwarves agreed to meet.

But now, the dwarves are still locked in the prison of the woodland elves, and only a hobbit and a mysterious elf boy came to the appointment.

Looking along the end of the river, you can see a huge dark cave.

There is the entrance to the main entrance of the city under the mountain 'Erebor', but Seymour and Bilbo have no intention of going through the main entrance. After all, they are here to steal things, not to be guests.

Seymour and Bilbo groped their way up the hill carefully, avoiding the crows circling the cave as much as possible, for Bilbo thought those black birds were the eyes and ears of the dragon.

Seymour didn't quite agree with this statement in his heart, but he did it honestly.

After all, this world is different from his world, maybe the giant dragon here may have some special abilities...

After quietly climbing up the ridge of the branch, they started from the edge of the southern branch and searched step by step for the secret door marked on Thorin's map, looking for any possible traces.

Time passed minute by minute.

For three full hours, Seymour and Bilbo did not find even a trace of the secret door.

In desperation, Seymour and Bilbo decided to find a place to rest.

So they came to a huge rock and sat down to drink some water.

But at this moment, Seymour suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a little reflection in the corner of his eyes, so he quickly stood up and walked around to the side of the huge rock, only to see one or two smooth square stone bricks, which seemed to have traces of artificial polishing.

"It's a ladder!"

Bilbo, who was summoned by Seymour, murmured excitedly.

Seymour also had a smile on his face, and the two of them stopped resting immediately, followed the road sometimes and intermittently, and walked up to the ridge with broken stone and brick stairs.

After a long journey, the two actually climbed to the top of the cliff at Taniguchi.

This is a strangely located and shaped depression. It is at the very top of the cliff, so it is completely invisible from below, and its shape seems to have been chiseled from the top of the mountain. You can only see a shadow, and only those who fly above or whose eyes can ignore optical illusions can find this place without going through stairs and roads.

After entering the mountain depression, the first thing you see is a mountain wall that is [-] degrees perpendicular to the ground. The mountain wall is very flat, and there is not much ups and downs at first glance. There are many artificial Grinding marks.

"Looks like we should have found the secret door!"

"But I didn't see any doorposts, doorknobs, or the outline of the door..."

"Don't worry, Bilbo."

Seymour took out the map with a smile and spread it on the stone wall in front of him.

"Stand by the gray rocks as the thrush hammers, and the setting sun will shine on the keyhole with the last light of Durin's day... We may not see the keyhole until the last ray of sunlight. "

"Or think about it in the way of the dwarves."

A slightly smiling voice came from Seymour's arms.

Bilbo was taken aback, but Seymour took out the silver card with a look of surprise.

"Master, you are online again!"

"..." The voice in Yinmang's card froze for a moment, and then replied helplessly, "Yes, I'm online again. I didn't expect you to come to Gushan so soon."

"I've been driving for several days... Where are you?"

This time, Seymour had a long memory and asked Lin Yi's location first.

Seeing that his apprentice has become a master, Lin Yi couldn't help but smiled in relief.

"We are going to Moria soon. I am contacting you now to say sorry to the dwarves on behalf of Gandalf. He may not be able to go to the Lonely Mountain for a while..."

Seymour said indifferently: "It's okay, I'm sure the dwarves won't mind!"

Bilbo: "..."

They can't mind at all!

After graciously forgiving Gandalf for the dwarves, Seymour hurriedly asked, "Master, what did you mean by that sentence?"

 Thanks to book friends Tina and Deledy for the 500 coin reward
(End of this chapter)

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