A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 394 [Adventure Group]

Chapter 394 [Adventure Group]

On the plain, seven handsome black wolves ran majestically among the green grass.

Their bodies are all the size of horses, their fur is as smooth and shiny as black satin, shining with a dull luster in the sun, their thick limbs are bulging and powerful, every run contains great power .

In the front, a little black cat about [-] to [-] centimeters in length stepped on the head of the biggest wolf, its big ice-blue eyes staring at the horizon in front of it, with a feeling of looking down on the world.

Behind the seven wolves, two brown-red horses followed closely.

There is no way, these transformed black wolves are too big, plus their bodies are much rounder than horses, if they really want to ride for hundreds of kilometers, these two legs probably won't come back straight.

Unless you sit sideways on the back of the black wolf.

But neither Lin Yi nor Gandalf would choose this posture.

They are all famous people, saving the world is saving the world, face is still important.

The strong wind blew past his ears, Lin Yi held the rein in his hand, and looked at the little black cat in front of him with emotion.

If he had known that the little black cat had this transformation ability, he would have brought the little black cat out a long time ago!

The previously activated adventure group system is a system that combines dnf adventure groups and strategic legions. There are four panels in it: [basic information] [adventure group characteristics] [legion/minion] and [adventure group missions].

Among them, [Basic Information] shows the member section of the adventure group, the level of the adventure group and the experience required to upgrade. Currently, the members are only Lin Yi and the little black cat.

Seymour's name is on the invitation list, but the system shows that he is not eligible yet.

Lin Yi guessed that there were probably restrictions on level and strength.

[Adventure Group Features] Just like in the game, it provides members with buff bonuses based on the level of the adventure group. Currently, Lv1 adventure groups can only provide members with 10 points of four-dimensional bonus.

[Legion/Servant] is a board that is not in the game, but its appearance is very similar to a small game that Lin Yi played in dnf before, roughly recruiting members by establishing special bonds like master and servant, Become a vassal or servant of an adventuring party.

Similarly, these legions and servants can also be blessed by the attributes of the adventure group.

However, unlike the blessing of members of the adventure group, each legion and servant can only choose two attributes for blessing, but the value of the selected attribute can be increased by 50%.

Just like the seven wolves who were transformed by the little black cat before, they were automatically included in the legion camp after being transformed, and together formed the first legion under the command of Lin Yi and the little black cat - [Wolf Legion].

As a matter of course, Lin Yi chose two bonuses for strength and physique for them, so every member of [Warg Legion] can get 15 points of strength bonus and 15 points of physique bonus.

The attributes after blessing are as follows:
[Name: Warg 1]

[Race: Warg → War Wolf]

【Strength: 38】

【Intelligence: 5】

[Physical: 35]

【Spirit: 11】

This is the attribute of the largest black wolf. The other black wolves are basically a little lower than it, but not much lower. The error is between 1 and 3 points.

As for their names displayed in the system, Lin Yi roughly guessed that it should be the most commonly used name for them by other people in this world, because six of the seven black wolves are called [Warg], and only one of them has The scarred black wolf has the name "An Qige", presumably it should be what its previous owner called it.

It is worth mentioning that after the complete transformation of these black wolves, in addition to a lot of improvement in strength and physique, their race has also changed from [Warg] to [War Wolf].

Lin Yi thought it would be inappropriate to call them [Wolf Legion] again, so he changed their name in a very wicked way - [Wolf Warrior Legion]!
The final [Adventure Group Mission] is still not unlocked. The unlocking condition is that the members of the adventure group reach 10. Lin Yi thinks that it should not be unlocked in a short time.

Because the seven war wolves only occupy one role slot, the current adventure group members are still 3/50.

In other words, it is not these individuals who occupy the role positions, but the [Wolf Warriors Legion] they form together.

As for the name of the adventure group, Lin Yi thought for a long time.

At first he wanted to call it names with swords such as [Jiange] and [Yujianmen], but then he thought about it, this thing also has the characteristics of [Legion], and it would be too small to focus only on the sword.

So after thinking about it for a while, Lin Yi finally decided on the name of the adventure group - [Samsara Pavilion].

To be honest, Lin Yi wondered if he could recruit some people who had no relationship with him as master-servant or master-student. If possible, he even wanted to call the Traveler Alliance.

While Lin Yi was studying the [Adventure Group] system, the seven black wolves at the front suddenly stopped.

The two horses following stopped immediately, and Lin Yi was woken up by Xilulv's neighing.

"Is this the place?"


Gandalf rolled down from his horse with a dignified expression, staring deeply at the gloomy castle in front of him.

"Ahead is the lair of necromancers, the mountain of sorcery - Dol Guldur!"


Lin Yi jumped off the horse with great interest, and patted the horse's head.

The brown-red horse arched Lin Yi's shoulder affectionately, then let out a rhythmic cry, turned around with the other horse, and ran towards the plain behind.

This is a place where darkness hovers, not a place for them to stay.

Lin Yi turned around, and his dark eyes instantly turned into silver-white vertical pupils, looking at this eerie castle built on the mountain.

"As you expected, there are indeed some hidden spells floating in the air above here."

"I saw it too." Gandalf showed a smile on his face, "This shows that our great enemy is not ready to show up, and its strength has not yet fully recovered."

"Or maybe he's just trying to show weakness and confuse your sight."

"Perhaps!" Gandalf smiled, and complimented him sincerely, "But he must never have imagined that there is such a powerful help like you by my side!"

Lin Yi: "..."

Now that you've said that, it's embarrassing not to put in a little effort...

Lin Yi coughed twice, then turned to look at the little black cat squatting on the wolf's head.

"Take your younger brothers to wander around. If you have enough karma reserves, grab a few attractive younger brothers and transform them. If not, drive them all out. In short, make sure you don't let them get close to Dol Guldur! "

The little black cat was very happy with such a task, and immediately nodded happily, patted the head of the giant wolf with its front paw, and then pointed forward with air.

The black giant wolf growled immediately, and ran around Dol Guldur with the other six giant wolves.

The seven black figures gradually disappeared from sight, Gandalf looked away, and turned to look at Lin Yi, who was carrying his hands on his back, with a smile on his old face.

"Your Excellency Lin Yi, please!"



the other side.

Seymour and Legolas return to the Woodland Kingdom.

However, they came back a bit late. Thorin Oakenshield was brought by Tauriel to the Elf King Thranduil the first time he entered the Woodland Kingdom.

Thranduil, who is the king of elves, is far more mature than Legolas.

After knowing Sorin's identity, he immediately proposed cooperation.

But it is a pity that the young Sorin didn't know what his grandfather had done. He only felt that the woodland elves did not lend a helping hand when Smaug attacked, so he sneered at the elf king Thranduil and spoke harsh words at each other.

How arrogant Thranduil was, when he heard Thorin's ignorant and rude words, he didn't even mean to explain, so he directly ordered Tauriel to put these dwarves in prison in a cold tone.

The two broke up unhappy.

When Seymour and Legolas returned to the underground palace, Thorin and the others had already been imprisoned in the lowest prison.

Legolas walked into the palace, intending to report to his father what Lin Yi had said.

Seymour stopped Tao Ruier outside the hall, and asked in a low voice beside her.

"The dwarves are in prison. Where's the hobbit?"

"Of course he let go." Tao Ruier looked at Seymour a little strangely, and explained with a smile, "We saw his contract, he and those dwarves are only purely employed, and guess what the commission is ?”

"A fourteenth of the treasure in Erebor?" said Seymour, impassively.

"Haha, you must not have guessed that it was Erebor... Uh, how do you know? I know, you have seen the contract too, right? Fourteen people just want to take back Erebor from Smaug's hands , is really ridiculous!"

Tao Ruier sneered at first, and soon found that Seymour's expression was a little ugly.

So her voice gradually dropped.

"Are you all right, Seymour?" Tauriel looked at Seymour with some concern.

"Of course I'm fine." Seymour sighed depressingly, "But you really shouldn't let that hobbit go away. After you left, I contacted my teacher..."

Seymour simply repeated Lin Yi's words.

As she listened, Tao Ruier's complexion became strange, and she gradually realized that she might have let go of the most valuable person in the team.

(End of this chapter)

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