A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 341 The Sacrifice of Heroic Spirits

Chapter 341 The Sacrifice of Heroic Spirits
Asgard, outside the hall.

Lin Yi was wearing silver armor, holding the hilt of the Kingslayer's great sword upside down with both hands, and put the tip of the sword on the ground. His heroic face was full of dignified and solemn expressions.

On his shoulder, the little black cat that ran wildly for a day finally found it by itself.

It lay on Lin Yi's shoulder armor, raised its little paws and yawned, then lay down lazily again, its ice blue eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the front in boredom.

There, there is a river extending to the horizon.

There are arks with pointed ends floating on the river, and countless flowers float along with the river, and float to the sky with these boats along the flow of the river.

On both sides of the river bank, bonfires were lit along the river bank. All the subjects of Asgard came here, holding silver light balls symbolizing the fallen heroes, looking silently at the sleeping warriors in the boat .

On the metal pier extending from the main hall, a group of Nordic gods stood there.

The one at the front is of course Odin holding a golden spear. He put on the golden helmet that he never touched when defending against the enemy, and solemnly took a golden longbow from the golden armored warrior beside him, and drew it Arrows went into the campfire.


The golden flames rose up, reflecting Odin's face into a piece of gold.

Under the watchful eyes of all Asgard's people and warriors, Odin drew the golden longbow in his hand into a full moon, aimed at the sky, and then let go of the bowstring.


The flaming arrow drew a golden arc, and landed precisely on the boat at the front of the river. The raging golden flame almost instantly ignited the entire boat.

At the same time, all the warriors behind Odin seemed to have received the order, they ignited their arrows in unison, and shot them high.

Countless fire arrows were like a gorgeous golden meteor shower, falling precisely and neatly on the river, igniting every boat floating along the water into golden sparks.

The flames bloomed on the river like gorgeous flowers, and gradually spread from the gorgeous boat to the well-dressed and solemn warriors on the boat.

The golden flames became more and more vigorous, but the boat carrying the warriors and the flames had already drifted to the end of the river. There was a deep waterfall with a drop of [-] meters. The water rushed down like a galloping horse, and fell into A bottomless abyss.

The golden spear held in Odin's hand paused slightly, and the golden flame suddenly became more and more turbulent.

In just a few seconds, all the boats that drifted to the end of the waterfall were burned by the flames, and streams of golden flames rose up, turning into silver spots in mid-air, slowly drifting towards the horizon.

In an instant, the entire sky was covered by those floating silver light spots.

It was as if the Milky Way in the sky suddenly turned a corner and fell towards the ground.

Everyone was watching this scene with proud and sad expressions.

They let go of their hands silently, and the silver light spheres that symbolized the fallen heroes floated up, following the silvery white light spots all over the sky, they floated to the sky, hoping that the dead would turn into stars, watch and bless the living.

Lin Yi raised his head slightly, distracted by the shocking scene where the souls of the war dead turned into stars and seas.

On the shoulder, the little black cat looked up at the silver light spots all over the sky, and then turned to look at Lin Yi who was stunned. He really didn't understand why Lin Yi felt sad for these humans he had never seen before. .

"It's touching, not sad."

Lin Yi looked at the little black cat with a smile, and at the same time narrowed Jian Xin's range of perception, no longer perceiving the free mental and emotional condensate gathering above the river.

The little black cat tilted its head slightly when he heard the words, his eyes were a little puzzled.

Lin Yi smiled again, and said in a condensed voice: "Sadness, touch, sympathy... I know, you can understand these emotions, you just can't feel them, but it doesn't matter, I will teach you, you also have the perception of happiness The ability to be happy and happy is just being put in the wrong place."

"I believe that these things have always been hidden in the depths of your heart. When you really encounter them, you will feel that countless hands stretch out from the depths of your heart and embrace them deeply. .”

"This may be against the nature of your species, but believe me, compared with what you got back then, what you lost is just a hair on Jiuniu's body, a grass in the depths of Wanlin..."

Lin Yi raised his hand and stroked the little black cat's head.

The little black cat narrowed its eyes half-understanding, enjoying the owner's touch.

In front of him, Sol pursed his lips tightly, his sea blue eyes looked at the stars floating in the sky, and holding Jane Foster by his side with a pair of big hands, the thought in his heart became more firm.


After this heroic sacrifice, a victory banquet was held in the banquet hall.

Asgardian warriors are not afraid of death, and their attitude towards death is particularly open-minded. This banquet is not only a carnival for the living, but also has the meaning of entertaining the dead returning heroes.

Knowing that the banquet would not offend the deceased, Lin Yi also participated in the banquet.

At the banquet, Sol introduced all his friends to Lin Yi, including Heimdall, the patron saint of the Rainbow Bridge, Sif, a heroic female warrior, and Vostagg, who is also the three warriors of Asgard, Hogan and Fandral.

They were all full of interest in Lin Yi's powerful strength. Fan Daer and Verstagg even challenged Lin Yi under the instigation of everyone around him. The former was a swordsmanship competition, and the latter was a pure strength competition.

It turned out that Lin Yi's strength, speed and skill were much stronger than these Asgardian fighters.

Although his naked strength is only 240, but after a series of blessings such as pets, jade pendants, equipment, pet equipment, etc., he can have a strength value close to 400.

This attribute is already very scary.

Lin Yi had tested his strength before. Excluding the 10-12 halo of the protagonist, the value of Captain America Steve's power conversion system is about [-]-[-] points.

In other words, Lin Yi's strength alone is more than thirty times that of the US team.

Most of these Asgardian fighters only have two or three US teams, and the stronger ones are definitely no more than ten US teams, and they are not even comparable to the little black cat who has absorbed so much war karma.

"【Pet panel】

【Name: Lin Mo】

[Quality: Golden Epic]

[Level: Lv5 (103/1200)]

[Saturation: 100/100]

【Loyalty: 100/100】

【Power: 174*】

【Intelligence: 153*】

[Physique: 192*]

[Spirit: 205*]

[Physical Attack: 1700]

[Magic Attack: 1700]


The sudden increase in level caused the little black cat's various attributes to skyrocket, and the mental value of the naked state directly broke through the 200 mark. Counting the blessing of the wind and fire cattail fan, it has reached as much as 255 points.

However, the attribute belongs to the attribute, and the real combat power has to be calculated separately.

For example, these Asgardian fighters whose strength exceeds that of the US team, they like straight-forward battles so much that everyone’s weapon is either an epee or a giant axe. Not an opponent of Captain America Steve who is focused on himself.

Therefore, Lin Yi defeated several Asgardian fighters who came to challenge him, and then released the little black cat directly, letting him teach those drunks who were overconfident.

Obviously, the little black cat liked Lin Yi's decision very much.

It directly transformed into the appearance of a little black tiger with wings, wrestling with a crowd of drunks in the banquet hall.

And these drunks were obviously slapped one by one in front of the little black cat, but they just didn't believe in evil and refused to admit defeat. They were knocked down by the little black cat one by one, and then came up to them with beards and glaring eyes. Lin Yi almost advised Odin to assign more psychiatrists to Asgard's army. He suspected that these people had a tendency to be masochistic.

Closer to home, after sending these flies to the little black cat, Lin Yi turned to find those plot characters that he was very interested in, such as Heimdall, who has always been Sol's good friend, and Sol's best friend. He is a gay friend, but he just wants to fuck his Sif.

Then, Lin Yi learned a somewhat horrifying news.

Heimdall is actually Sif's brother!

Sitting on the table in the banquet hall, Lin Yi glanced at the dark-skinned golden armored warrior opposite, then at the fair and beautiful heroic girl next to him, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

"I guess, I'm not the first one to think that you guys don't look like brother and sister?"

"Everyone thinks so, so we rarely explain."

Heimdall took a sip from his wine glass, and looked at Lin Yi lightly with his golden eyes.

He has long wanted to take a closer look at this Midgard sword master... There are nine countries, the sky is full of stars, and there are very few people who can block his sight. Lin Yi is one of the special ones.

It's not that he can't see Lin Yi clearly, on the contrary, he sees it too clearly.

It was so clear that once he stared at Lin Yi for more than a second, Heimdall's eyes would subconsciously shed tears due to the stinging pain, and even temporarily went blank, as if he had been hit by an excessive amount of flash bombs.

As time passed, Heimdall didn't dare to spy on Lin Yi anymore.

After all, he is the patron saint of the Rainbow Bridge, and he cannot let his curiosity affect his duty as the guardian of the Nine Realms.

But now Lin Yi has come in front of him, he doesn't need to use the peeping ability of the guards of the nine worlds, he can observe this "old friend" who has caused him a lot of suffering with his naked eyes, Heimdall will not let him go take this opportunity.

Lin Yi noticed Heimdall's vague gaze, smiled and didn't care.

When he was on Earth, he never had a strange gaze of being peeped at, so he thought that either Heimdall's peeping ability surpassed his own, or he, like the ancient one, was blocked by the power of the system.

Compared with the former, Lin Yi felt that the possibility of being blocked was a little higher.

"But why are you here, don't you need to guard the Rainbow Bridge?"

Lin Yi asked casually while filling Heimdall with craft ale.

Heimdall thanked him, and then said in a deep voice, "King Odin ordered the Rainbow Bridge to be closed. No one can enter, and no one can exit... I'm sorry, but you probably won't be able to go back until the blockade is lifted."

"Really? That's fine, just treat it as a trip."

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, but he didn't care.

What's the use of blocking the Rainbow Bridge? The celestial body convergence is about to happen. At that time, the nine countries will be connected together, and there will be passages connecting the nine worlds everywhere. There is no need to worry about how to go back.

Raising the wine glass in his hand and touching it with Heimdall, Lin Yi casually glanced around, suddenly his eyes were fixed, and he asked casually:
"By the way, what about Sol?"

(End of this chapter)

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